• Published 18th Feb 2012
  • 1,601 Views, 26 Comments

The farmgirl's prince - Charzoid

Its been 1months since the gala and Celestia decides to help her nephew change his attitude

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Kings, treats,and demon bunnies WTF

Sweet apple acres was no larger than any other orchard in equestria but for anypony no matter how experienced they were, the job of plowing a field here could be a very tiring job. For a prince with very little experience with this particular type of task, it was even more tedious. Not that Prince Blueblood was completely alone. Applejack was nice enough to have one of her other part-time workers attempt to show Blueblood how to plow. Now the problem wasn't Blueblood himself but the helper he was stuck with, by the name of Caramel.

"Now I think for today we're suppose to comb the corn field.Then again I might of done this one already so maybe it was the field over by the crab apples,but again I could be thinking of the golden delicious apple's field."said Caramel

Blueblood found Caramel's mane style terribly ugly but he was at least nice some form nice company what with Green Gust not there. Like his name suggested, he had a caramel colored coat and a toffee brown mullet with a split front. He had 3 blue horseshoes as a cutie mark. Only bad thing about him was that he seemed to either forget or lose track of things that you'd think he'd remember.
They had been walking around for ten minutes now just trying to find extra plows. Luckily, his twin brother Cherry Coke helped them find both find the blows and some things called horse collars but now they were stuck at where to even begin.

"I know I'm new to all this but don't most things like this have a duty list?" Blueblood asked

Cheery Coke suddenly ran up to them.

"You left your schedule in the barn Caramel, here you go. "said Cherry Coke.

"Thank you very much cherry coke."replied Caramel as he checked the list.

"Do I really have to do all these dirty fields myself?" the prince asked.

"I'm tired of just standing around this messy farm. Sure it's trees are nice to look at but the muddy smell here is no doubt going to stick to my fur. Maybe its just a little reflex from my Beauty colt pageant coach's scolding when it comes to being near so much filth but this is uncomfortable. Green Gust said: "look at the bright side". The only good thing I can think about this is it'll be over in a few hours."Blueblood thought.

He want to voice some complaints but didn't want any bad news of his behavior to reach his aunts.He knew somepony would tattle and exaggerate what he did. After the gala many rumors where made that he actually bucked the mare he was with into the cake rather then just duck.Same might not happen here but he wouldn't take the chance.

"Of course you won't be doing all of this work yourself with me here! According to this you'll just be doing 2 fields to plow since your new, until you get used to this though you'll have a few to do a few errands to run for Applejack afterwards. "said Caramel

"Faaaantastic."said the prince sarcastically

"Ok, the schedule says: Plow the center field near the golden delicious trees, in a horizontal pattern."said Caramel

They only began for about 10 mins on the fields when blueblood's back started to complaining from the unfamiliar work pressure.

"This plow is kind of feeling heavy; these things don't come any lighter do they? "Blueblood asked.

"Is your back hurting already? Don't worry, this kind of thing hurts everypony on the first few days but eventually your mussels will grow use to it. Think of it as a free work out plan where you don't have to go to one of those scamming yoga/gym places spending 60 bits just to use the equipment."Caramel replied

Even though green gust nor any other pony dared utter it in front of him, Blueblood knew that he'd somewhat let himself go in the last month. Not like the size of a Ursa major big but Celestia's guest room bed was a little more bent then when he first started using it. How couldn't he be to mad about something getting him back to top princely shape and for free to top it off.

"I didn't think about it that way but I guess that'll kinda make getting a bit dirty worth it. "the prince agreed

"It definitely will be pal "said Caramel

"Pal? I guess working together with Caramel kind of makes him another "friend "of sorts I've made here in just ponies here seem pretty quick to want to be friendly, minus that dragon. As nice as that is I hope all my friend making is over for today."Blueblood thought.

It took them 30 minutes and a few redoes but the fields were looking pretty good by farm standards. Now it was time for a snack break. Applejack had a salad with apple slices for blueblood and a slice of apple pie for Caramel.

"Eat up boys, y'all did a good job today out do say?" said Applejack

"Thanks Applejack "said Caramel

Blueblood just stared at the food for a moment not sure if the apples in his salad would hurt his diet. Despite being able to exercise it off he was unsure. He always had a thing about avoiding things that were to sweet out of habit from being in so many pageants.That and the last apple he'd ever eaten as little colt had such a nasty waxy taste to it.

"Something wrong there sugar cube?" Applejack asked

"Yes, can I have a salad with less apples? My modeling dietitian says apples are to fattening a fruit for me." blueblood said.

Applejack didn't know what to say to such an odd comment though she'd guessed this guy didn't know much about how farms worked to begin with. Kind of made sense that he would not know a lot about the type of foods regular ponies commonly.Her uncle and aunt orange's rich friends didn't even know what a rooster was after all.It was still insulting non the less. She kept her temper but sent him a slight glare as she spoke.

"Is that why you spat out my apple fritters at the Gala? I don't know what kinda fancy doc you've been talking to but I can tell you for a fact apples are the least fattening fruit you'll ever eat.Our apples are grown the right way unlike those weird farms that try and play Celestia by creating quicker growing fruits.Here at sweet apple acres, we keep our fruit clean and healthy the natural way.Plus unless you tried to eat your own weight in it,you won't get sick from anything here."she explained

Prince blueblood wanted to say something for the sake of arguing but he knew there was nothing to say. She was the farm pony here after all,so he had to trust that she must know what she was talking about.

"Since when did farms make weird quick growing fruits?If I ever become a ruler king of someplace I'll have somepony look into that"he thought

Wordlessly, he used his magic to lift a bit of the apple slice wrapped in cabbage leaf to his mouth and took a little nibble with eyes closed. To his surprise, it had a slight honey sweet taste to it and crispy crunch. The leaf was also quite nice and like Applejack said, he could taste this was healthy. Before he even realized it he'd eaten the entire dish but still had a bad taste in mouth for his comment to Applejack.

"That was very tasty and I want to say sorry for what I said before Ms.Applejack." Blueblood apologized

"No need to be so formal or apologize sugar cube, just call me applejack or AJ if you wanna."Applejack smiled proud as she said this.

"What kinds of apples were in that salad? "asked the unicorn

"Oh, those are called Honey Crisp. Here we have almost an A to Z of apples. Though my brother Big Macintosh takes most account on what they are, along with they other crops and the financial stuff. That reminds me, I need somepony to get the watermelon seeds from my friend fluttershy and give her some carrot seeds.Could you go get them for me Blueblood?" AJ said still smiling

Blueblood wasn't sure why but the way her freckles moves close to her eyes when she smiled was kinda cute.Shaking off the random thought,he answered her calmly.

"I guess I could do that for you since its part of my magic gifts to track and I haven't done that in a while now." Blueblood said

"Oh, can I come with you? "asked Caramel

"Sure, why not?" agreed the prince unicorn

Somewhere near fluttershy's place

It took a few minutes since he was pretty rusty at it but he was able to get the location path for fluttershy using his magic. They were half way there when Blueblood heard a familiar yell from above.

"GET BACK HERE WITH MY TAIL COWARDLY COLT!"screamed a very mad and sure enough a tailless Rainbow Dash seemed to be chasing some pony through the near by forest.

Looking closer they saw she was chasing a dark slate blue unicorn stallion with a wavy baby blue and white mane. He was using a teleporting spelling to get out the way just before she could get close enough.

"Fly, fly as fast as you can, none can catch the prank king Pokey pierce! Hahahahaha!"The self-titled prank king cackled as he dropped her tail hair and teleported somewhere into the distance.Rainbow hugged her now very dirty cut tail hair with frustration with rage clear on her face.

"That pranking dweeb is going to really get a flank kicking from me one of these days."complained rainbow dash before flying off.

"What was that all about?" Blueblood questioned Caramel

"That's one of Ponyville's top prankers next to Pinkie pie and Rainbow dash. He loves playing pranks on whomever he can every few weeks. They can be particularly mean sometimes though and lately he's been aiming at Rainbow Dash with some pretty awful stuff. I don't know why, but its like he just likes getting her the most angry lately. "Caramel explained with a shrug

After that little episode, they kept walking for a few minutes before making it to a comfy looking little cottage with animals all over and corralled in spacious fences.They could hear a soft singing voice with in the building as they got closer.

"In the forest, the quiet forest the baby raccoon sleeps snug and tight.

"In the for forest, the quite forest the baby raccoon sleeps alright.

"Laaaaaa, La La La La,

"Oh, it rests it cares away.

"Laaaaa,La La La La

"Oh,it naps most of the day.

It was a very beautiful voice.

"Fluttershy must be home now" Caramel told the prince with a goofy look on the earth pony's face.

The look made Prince Blueblood think of himself when he use to sneak mom's chocolate cookies and then eat to many."Is he sick or something?"thought Blueblood. He then knocked on the door and a few seconds later, the owner of the pretty singing voice appeared slowly peeking her head through the door.

She was a pegasus like Rainbow dash, with a yellow coat, strong cyan colored eyes, and a light pink long mane that almost touched her front legs.It seemed kind of like she was using the door to hide herself for some reason.

"Wh-Who are you? "she asked in a quite voice while looking at blueblood with an unsure look on her face and a slight shiver in her stance. She seemed almost frightened of his presence and that's not usually most fillies reaction to meeting him.

"Why is she shaking? Do I look scary suddenly or something?"Blueblood wondered.

Seeing the confused look on his face, Caramel whispered in his ear."She tends to be really shy around ponies she doesn't really know well. "he told the prince. Caramel then stepped in front of Blueblood a bit so Fluttershy could see him.

"Hi there Fluttershy, its me Caramel. This is Applejack's new worker Prince Blueblood. I came with him to get those pumpkin seeds. "Caramel said.

"Don't you mean watermelon seeds?" Blueblood corrected

The shy pony in the door suddenly gave a surprise-greeting hug to Caramel. "Hi Caramel,I haven't seen you since when you pulled me and friends back from Canterlot." Fluttershy said now with a small smile on her face.

"Great another pony with mood swings like rarity. I wonder how many ponies here have split personalities like this? At least this one seems to have positive ones and seems pretty friendly too. "the prince thought. Not one to like being ignored too long, he decided to speak up now that the shy pony seemed less shy.

"We came here to pick up some watermelon seeds not pumpkin, and deliver you some carrot seeds in return." blueblood explained.

"Oh, ok then I've got them somewhere in the back. Can you two wait here for a second if that ok with you?" Fluttershy asked

With a yes nod from both, the yellow pegasus flew back inside. The prince noticed that Caramel seemed grinning wide for some reason and starring at the Fluttershy's door as like lost puppy.

"Caramel are you ok? Equestria to Caramel do you read me?" blueblood asked while waving his hoof in the light brown pony's face. There was no response for a moment till a little white ball of fuzz hopped between his front legs and bit him on the wrist.

"AHH! What the hay kind of hello is that Angel! "Caramel now out of his trance, questioned the bad white bunny.

"Eww, that's a nasty little creat-ouch! "Blueblood wasn't able to finish his comment when the little rodent seized his own royal shin with it's little nasty teeth.

"Oh my goodness stop that right now! Bad Angel bunny, you know better then to bite guests like that.Let go of them right now little mister."A now present Fluttershy scolded it. It didn't seem to want to obey until she gave it a surprisingly intimidating gaze. This made it back down and rush into the bushes from whence it came.

"I'm really sorry about Angel; he's been acting strangely more aggressive to ponies lately. "she apologized.

"I won't get an infection from that things bite, will I"? Blueblood asked.

"No, you don't have to worry about that. I make sure no animals here that I look after carry viruses or something nasty contagious.That's part of my job as an animal caretaker here. Here are your seeds, I'm sorry again about Angel." Fluttershy said with a sad face.

"As long as I'm not getting sick, I'm fine so its quite alright fluttershy."said the white unicorn.

After dropping off the seeds to Applejack and finishing the plowing with Caramel,Blueblood felt too exhausted to do much else then nap for the next 8 hours.

Back at Twilight's place

"How was your first day of work Prince Blueblood? "Twilight asked, as he came through the door.

"Yeah, I'm gonna need a report on your first day to fly to Princess Celestia"said Green Gust from above the guest room door.

"It was tiring and I got bit by a little demon rabbit but you were right about it not being as nasty as I imagined in my head. I even like apples now a bit better then before. The company of some of the ponies here is kind of entertaining. "Blueblood said while thinking of how Rainbow dash chased around that nutty prank king pony.

"Ok, I'll have that all written down as soon as I'm done with my own report."Twilght said.

With his first day over the only real worry he found himself thinking, was if he'd wake up in the morning with his mane.He didn't want to be this pokey pierce prankster's next victim.

Author's Note:

Wow,even with out these author boxes this is still the most I've ever written in a chapter. I think I have a habit of writing more then necessary in some chapters. Along with waiting to long to write updates on the time I say I will. Sorry for the long wait and the OOCness if there was any and if blueblood's character changes seemed rushed.I'll try to work on that next chapter.
Also at some point I want to add some type of villain or something.Any and all ideas,criticisms,or just comments would be useful.

To those who didn't know the song Fluttershy sang was a Parody of: The lion sleeps Tonight by The Tokens.