• Published 6th Jul 2013
  • 713 Views, 4 Comments

Sunlit Shadows - Inucroft1

The Lunar Rebellion has tipped Equestria into Civil War. Families are split, cities burn all because of Nightmare moon. Celestia is still stunned by the horrific destrution of the Twin Crown Captial, she has become withdrawn and still refuses to use

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Chapter 2- The Long Road

Chapter 2- The Long Road

Star Watch felt like he was like he was being paraded before the castle occupants. The milling crowd nearby had stopped in their activities. All eyes were upon him, some indifferent, but many hostile. They stood still in total silence. With only the noise of activity from elsewhere within the castle being audible.

The keep soon loomed before him. While it was still under construction, it was still an imposing building spanning over a hundred feet into the air. His passing had at first caused silence, now he heard hostile mutterings crown the crowd that were directed at him. He felt exposed and vulnerable before the hostile crowd. Star was glad as he passed through the small fortified entrance of the keep. While not knowing what fate laid in wait for him, it was likely to be better than to be lynched by an angry mob he mused.

Inside, he travelled through a myriad of passageways. Twice Star was heading up spiral staircases. Heads turned and made comments at his passing. After a couple of minuites of walking, Star was directed round another corner. Before him stood a pair of large foreboding oaken doors re-enforced by steel bars. It was most likely designed for the room beyond to be the last stand should the castle, and keep be captured, he thought. Standing in front of the door was a trio of lightly armoured earth ponies in conversation. Noticing him and his escort, the trio moved towards them.

“I’ve brought him as ordered, I’m heading to the training grounds,” gruffly stated by the elaborately armoured escort.
With a grunt, he left and was followed by the other escort. Watching them both leave, the second escourt looked back at him. Rather than seeing rage or contempt he saw concern in those soft eyes. Feeling a hoof on his back, he looked over his shoulder to see a smirking guard.


“Come on, save that kind of stuff when you’re not a prisoner of war,” chuckled the pale yellow guard.

While the guard leading him appeared friendly, the other two seemed less impressed. Ushering Star on, the guards entered with him into what seemed like a large meeting hall with a map unrolled across a large table. Being led across the near empty room, he saw that the map had a number of markers pinned to it. The map most likely marking the locations of the Celestial Legions, loyalist towns and rebel held towns. As he approached where he assumed where he was being taken to, he recognised the aquamarine coloured Unicorn. As he drew nearer, the unicorn noticed his approached and smiled. Once the guards had deposited him in the corner, Star gave the Unicorn a brisk salute.

“Come now Star Watch, no need for that”.

“Yes commander… how have you been? I haven’t seen you since we were captured,” concern plainly audible in Star Watch’s tone.

“Overall ok, better than some of the others that were with us. Also, what did I say?”

“Yes…… Lieutenant Red Bolt”.

“Hmmm, that’ll have to do,” sighed Red Bolt continued, “seems like something is up. Out of those we came here with, us two are the highest ranked. Remember?”

Star brought his hoof to his face as realisation dawned upon him for his reason being summoned here. Something important is going to happen, he though, but what? Sitting there thinking, he stared ahead oblivious to his superior’s questions. Realising that Star Watch was in a world of his own, Fire Bolt went quiet.

His mind at first though that they were probably going to be moved to a more secure location. Making sure that they cannot aid their traitorous brethren in the civil war. After a few minutes he started to think about other things. As his thoughts strayed, he recalled what Cloud had said about mares. This moved to him remebering those soft eyes of that guard from earlier. Shaking his head, he returned to reality as a shrill shout reverberated in the room.

“WHAT are these filthy traitorous scum doing in the beating heart of this command centre!?” shrieked a pure white Earth pony, the voice ear splittingly painful. He stood in the door way with his left hoof pointing accusingly at the pair on the other side of the room.

The three guards turned to look at the new arrival in shock. The shrieking Unicorn was wearing Golden Plate armour. It symbolised his position within the elite of the Celestia Legion; a member of the Royal Guard Battalion. Star was amazed that a royal guard has survived the flattening of the capital.

Without waiting for an answer, the white stallion charged the bewildered Lunar Guardsmen. The three guard ponies, while caught flat footed in shock, moved to intervene standing in the way of the charging pony. Checking his charge he confronted them.

“You dare stand in my way? These traitors have caused you to turn against Celestia!”

Without giving any of the three guards a chance to counter the accusation, the stallion smashed two of their heads together with his hoofs, knocking them senseless. Their padded armour prevented them from receiving a more serious injury. Snapping out of the confusion caused by the irrational zealot’s arrival, the third took a step back narrowly avoiding a head-butt.
Turning around in preparation to buck, the guard saw the bewildered Star Watch and Fire Bolt watching on stunned as the events unfolded. Lapsing in concentration, the guard’s buck went too high. Using this opportunity to his advantage, the royal guard ducked under and flipped the poor stallion into the air. Landing on his back the last thing the Earth Pony saw before blacking out, was a pair of armoured hoofs en-route to trample his face.

Star Watch saw the events unfold as if in slow motion. Even with this perceived slow motion he was unable to take in what he saw. The loud white stallion had smashed two of the lightly armoured guards head together with the third narrowly avoiding a follow up attack. As the pony turned to buck, he made eye contact with him. Star saw the familiar emotion in his eyes, confusion and fear. Those were all too familiar to him, the look of one not understanding why his fellow pony had turned on him. Looking past him he saw the white stallion duck low to avoid the attack, swiftly followed by flipping him over and stomping on his face.

Snorting, the golden armoured pony advanced towards Star Watch and Fire Bolt. Picking up pace, he was in full gallop when he reached the pair. When the stallion crashed into them did Star finally snapped out of the daze that had took hold of them. Thrown a few feet by the charge, Star landed heavily and painfully on the cold, hard floor. Looking up, he saw Fire Bolt crash head first into the wall with a loud crack echoing around the room.

Star Watcher was a patient pony, one who lives up to his name, watching the stars one has to be. This had made him a perfect candidate serving in the Royal Division of the Lunar Guardsmen, on those long nights on guard duty. Yet, seeing his commander, one of the few ponies he knew personally before the rebellion, crack his head against the wall sent him into a fury. With a roar and ignoring the searing pain in his chest, Star Watch lifted himself up on to his hoofs. On his hoof, he charged towards the stallion in blind rage.

The royal guard laughed. He believed that the injured and unarmoured Star Watch was already good as beaten. Side stepping the charge, he started to turn to give the final blow. Yet an unexpected searing pain rippled through the stallion’s shoulder. While he didn’t sense any blood, the royal guard took a few steps away from Star Watch. Reappraising his foe, he stole a quick glance at the shoulder struck. The armour on the joint had always been a major weakness in the design, now that joint was slightly dented.

“Lucky blow,” he Snorted, looking back at his foe.

Star Watch did not reply. While rage had taken a hold of him, Star did not allow it to control him. Channelling the anger, he felt his movements and perception improve while his strength seemed to have a force of a sledge hammer. His opponent seemed to allow his rage control him allowing his judgment and combat performance to be clouded. Thus decrease his effectiveness. Star knew how to use his to his advantage.

Each incoming blow, Star Watch dodged or parried. Not all of them he could parry fully, but the blows that landed were significantly weakened. As time passed on the royal guard’s blows became more frantic, becoming more like a brawler than a solider. Sensing an opening, Star Watch struck again on the same shoulder he had earlier. While the pain of hitting the armour was unbearable, he just gritted his teeth. The effect on the other pony was telling with him roaring in rage marking that the blow had done what it had intended to do. The stallion's armour was now restricting his movements due to the shoulder joint jamming.

Something distracted the other stallion, Star did not notice what as he was being too focused on defeating the pony that had injured one of the few ponies he would consider a friend. His opponent turned away, so using this chance Star Watch slammed both of his forelegs into the back of the foe's head. The blow knocked the golden armoured pony out, looking up Star Watch noticed what had distracted his opponent.

In the doorway was an aged grey unicorn, and from the way he held himself was likely to be an officer. Either side of this unicorn was members of the garrison charging into the room, clearly filled with bloodlust seeing their fallen comrades. Realising that these guards would likely see him as the instigator. Star Watch threw himself at the mercy of the grey unicorn realising it was proberbly of the only way of getting out of this alive.

“Sergeant Star Watch, Sir! Of the Lunar Guardsmen, Royal Guard Division, Second Company, Forth Platoon, Second Section. Sir!” barked Star Watch, saluting as he did so.

“No the best first impression Sergeant, I think you have some explaining to do” commented the grey unicorn as he acknowledge Star’s salute.

“Yes Sir! This Royal Guard entered, accused the three guards of being traitors and then attacked them, sir!”

“Strange behaviour for a Royal Guard, Sergeant, don’t you think?” inclining his head, the grey unicorn continued.

“Unless the stress of whatever he has been under got to him. Sir”.

The unicorn gestured to the guards entering the room. The guards lowered their weapons and started to move their comrades out of the room.

“Yes, Sergeant, that is a possibility. That or you and your commander tried to escape and he arrived just in time to prevent your escape. We shall see if your story is true when the guards come round, though somebody like you is unlikely to lie to a superior. Don’t look like that, I know more about you than you think. I am Field Marshal Iron Flank, and you Sergeant are one lucky pony”.

Turning to leave, Iron Flank leaned over to a pair of guards and said wispered something in their ears. The guards grabbed Star Watch towards the door, indicating that he was to follow the Field Marshal. The trio followed Iron Flank back outside the keep and headed towards what seemed to be a medical centre. Once again, those outside watched him. This time however, there was a lot more fear in their eyes.

The nurses and the few doctors in the building paid no heed to the four ponies that had entered, they were focusing on their job. Iron Flank went over to a nurse and had a short conversation. Star Watch was unable to hear their convocation over noise, but he assumed that he was asking for the location of the injured from the incident in the room. A few minutes later, Iron Flank returned.

“Your friend and the royal guard have been put in a secure ward rooms. The guards have been placed in a normal one. Who should we see first?”

Realising that this question had been addressed to him, cleared his throat.

“I would recommend your guards, so you can get filled in by men who you can trust. Sir”.

“Good answer,” chuckling he continued, “but would it not be better for you to see a doctor first sergeant? You have a number of nasty injuries and by the looks of it a broken rib or two as well”.

Sheepishly, Star Watch looked down. He found this old unicorn much more welcoming than most of the Celestial Legionaries he had encounter so far in this castle. His clam and seeming all knowing appearance seemed to oose a feeling that no matter what; you can trust him. Iron Flank requested the escort to wait at the hospital entrance. Leading him down a corridor to the left, Star saw the efficiently in the building set up, with all the emergency facilities just by the entrance and the non-emergency further into the building.

After walking for a few minutes, Iron Flank knocked politely on a door. Few moments later a grumpy looking Pegasus doctor opened the door.

“What?! You nurses have already been told that-“

“White Hoof, it’s me” interrupted Iron Flank, seemingly use to the doctor’s reaction.

“Oh, good afternoon Sir. This is unexpected visit, how may I help you?” exclaimed the pale green Pegasus.

“My friend here,” Iron Flank waved a hoof in Star Watch’s direction, “needs some attention. Been in a bit of a scrap the old boy has”.

“Has he now?” White hoof trotted over to inspect Star Watch, “Some basic injuries, not too bad excluding that damaged rib cage. We’ll need to have a look at that black eye, are you eating enough? No, of course not soldiers never do. Huh, I haven’t seen you before, ah yes, your one of the Lunar Guardsmen, aren’t you?”

“Doctor Hoof!” exclaimed Iron Flank, “enough prattle and just patch him up. Yes, he is one of the Lunar Guardsmen. No, I don’t require a guard with him. No, I don’t need a check-up. Just get on and patch him up, I’m in a hurry”.

Star Watch stood there observing the Pegasus in morbid curiosity. This doctor seemed just to talk whatever was on his mind, and by the way Iron Flank talked to him, it seemed that he knew him well enough to answer his questions before he even asked them. The doctor ushered him into his office moving him out of the corridor. In the room was a bed, a couple of cupboards and desk with a chair behind it. Gently pushed onto the bed, White Hoof grabbed a few things and got to work. It took a few minutes for him to tend to the external wounds, stitching the nastier ones close.Giving the ocasional riermand to Star Watch whenever he moved to got comfy.

“Ok, now I’m going to deal with the rib. This will hurt”, calmly spoke the doctor.

Bracing himself, Star watch grunted as the doctor tended to his broken ribs. The pain was bad, but not as painful as the pain he still felt hanging in his heart. It took a while before the doctor was satisfied by his work. Content, he wrapped Star Watch’s chest in bandages to make sure that the ribs would stay set in place.

“Ok, now no getting in fights while this heals. Yet, knowing you military types that is unlikely. Get out of here, rust is probably getting impatient”.

“Rust?” inquired Star Watch.

“My personal nick name for the old unicorn. Iron rusts when it gets old and without proper care, so Rust! You get it right?”

Giving the odd Doctor a concern look, Star left the room and re-joined Iron Flank in the hall way. Nodding, he took Star back the way they came.

“Little enteric, our head doctor White Hoofs, though he makes it up in his medical and administrative skills. We would be hard pressed if it wasn’t for ponies like White Hoofs being put in key roles" stated Iron Flanks. Having noticed Star Watch’s concern over the doctor’s personality.

“Sir, if you don’t mind me asking but, why are you being so nice to me? I mean, nearly eveypony here is trying to rip me apart. Well, apart from the medical staff here…”

“Why? I’m just that sort of person, plus one should lead by example. Just because you might have been a member of the Lunar Guardsmen does not mean that you are part of the rebellion. If we descend and partake in our hate, we would surely fall as Princess Luna did into Nightmare moon. Don’t look so shocked, I read all fifty statements along with infomation from interrogations.Plus somebody of my rank is privy to all but the highest secrets. I guess I’m one of the few ponies bar the high command and Celestia, within the Celestial Legions, that knows what happened.... Anyway, we’re here”.

Here was a room with a single guard standing outside. Saluting, the guard unlocked and then opened the door to allow Iron Flank and Star Watch inside. In the room was a single bed, with Red Bolt resting. He stirred at the sound of the pair entering he looked over.

“Ah; Field Marshal, Star Watch. Hello. Forgive me if I don’t get up, I’ve been ordered to stay in bed by the doctor”.

Rushing over, Star Watch started to fuss over him. He set about asking numerous questions without giving the injured unicorn a chance to answer.

“Oi, stop it now! You’re acting like an old mare fussing over her foal who just tripped,” laughed Red Bolt.

“Yes, settle down Sergeant. Now, while this is not the circumstances I wished to put this proposal forward but I shall. The reason I had summoned you both to the keep which led to this unfortunate situation is as follows”, clearing his throat, iron Flank adopted a serious demeanour. “I have deemed that you and your men are truly loyal to the Twin Crowns of Equestria. If I had my way I would put such skilled fighters as your company at the heart of the action. However, due to the violent nature of the opening attacks of the civil war has darkened the hearts of many, creating an aura of fear and hate towards any associated with the Lunar Guardsmen. As such, I cannot have you walking about openly. While you may be loyal, others think not. Your reputation is ruined, and a hope of a normal life for you has ended.”

Iron Flank paused, making sure the information sunk in.

“Nethertheless, I wish that we can use you in your capacity as fighters. Until your reputation improves this will not occur. Thus, I have decided to intervene and this is where you come into this Sergeant Star Watch. You and what remains of your section to be exact sergeant. The section will carry out menial task within the castle under supervision. As people get used to seeing your Lunar Guardsmen, I can have more of the company out and about doing work. This frees up my men to do more important jobs while improving your reputation. No matter what though, there will be a stigma on your heads, a reputation take years to build and moments to destroy. In time I may be able to put you to good use in this war. There is a long road ahead of you before that stigma has left your heads”.

Looking over the pair in the room, Iron Flank noted the smug realisation on the lieutenant’s features and a blank look on Star watch’s.

“Sergeant, the remains of your squad will be the flagship of this project. No matter how small, avoid causing any confrontation when working. In time, I hope you use you as freely as the birds in the sky. Until that day, work hard and it will arrive. Do your Princess Lunar Proud, help us fight Nightmare Moon and find a way to return her back to the kind hearted pony she was”.

Knocking on the door, Iron Flank looked back to the pair. Hoping that had realise what he was trying to say. The guard opened the door and he went to go through it but turned back to add something;

“I will give you a few minutes together to discuss my proposal. I have a few things I need to sort out. Let the guard know when you have come to a decision. Good day gentlecolts”.

With this he left the room and the door slammed shut, leaving the pair alone.

Author's Note:

Well.... this chapter went a thousand words more than i had predicted. So yea.... ALL THE TALKING!

Urg, when ever i write "Iron Flank" i keep trying to type "ironside" instead.

Edit: improved grammar and some spelling mistakes.
Edit 2: Improved grammar and punchuation