• Published 6th Jul 2013
  • 713 Views, 4 Comments

Sunlit Shadows - Inucroft1

The Lunar Rebellion has tipped Equestria into Civil War. Families are split, cities burn all because of Nightmare moon. Celestia is still stunned by the horrific destrution of the Twin Crown Captial, she has become withdrawn and still refuses to use

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Chapter 5- Names

Chapter 5 - Names

The small convoy made slow progress along the road heading away from Canterlot. It had only progressed a few miles since it had broken camp earlier. Much to the irritation of Zeal Ranger. His job as a messenger required speed so important communiques would be delivered on time. Yet here he was, slowly slogging across the countryside ensuring a collection of old waggons arrived safely to their destination.

“When I get back to high command. Oh, that old stallion wished he didn’t mess with me, oh no. First shall be the formal report, then the formal complaint…”

“Errr… Captain Ranger? You’re talking to yourself again, sir”.

“What?! Ne-never mind that. Tell me again lieutenant Blaze, how long will it take us to reach Buckingham?”

With this the russet coloured Pegasus paused and turned to look at the column. Scratching his chin, he stood there for a few minutes observing the convoy slowly pass.

“Weeelllll, if we maintain this rate… I’d say around four days?”

“Damnation. I could make three return trips in that time on my own”.

“Yes, but could you do it without risk? Even a mighty Celestial Guardsman can be killed by a single bolt” snidely replied Blaze.

The now sour faced captain decided to cut his losses and walked towards the front of the convoy, ignoring the lieutenant. The convoy commander had earned himself the wroth bubbling up within the captain. However, after the punishment meted out upon him from the field marshal. Ranger knew to lose his temper now would make his situation worse than it already was.

A gentle breeze picked up, helping reduce the sticky humidity plaguing the convoy. Zeal Ranger stole an opportunity to close his eyes, allowing a moment of peace to overcome him. Even with the noise from the convoy, Ranger could hear the breeze rustle the leaves of the nearby plants. A quiet bird song chirped its pleasant tune, helping him to calm down. Nirvana is where you make it, thought Ranger. Yet his reprieve was interrupted with sounds of panicked shouting and the sound snapping wood.

Snapping to, he rushed over towards the sound of the commotion at the centre of the convoy. Rather than seeing the expected Lunar raiding party, all Ranger saw was an overturned waggon with its cargo of ore spilled across the road. In front of the waggon was lieutenant Blaze and a small collection of other ponies. Looking through the crowd Ranger spotted a white Pegasus, which he assumed, was having a severe panic attack.

“Come on Hazel, breath. You know those stories are baloney. You even said so yourself the other week!” spoke a teal coloured unicorn in the crowd. With his pleading tones, the young Pegasus looked up to him, tears still streaming down her face.

“Y-you s-s-say t-tha-t n-now… you w-w-weren’t there when-“, with this, she began to cry again.

The small crowd dispersed with many clearing the damaged waggon and its spilt cargo off the road to allow the rest of the convoy past. Her friend, assumed Ranger, took the distressed mare to one side and appeared to be having a quite word.

“Damn it, everybody is on edge. This was bound to happen sooner or later” growled Blaze, “Those blasted rumours combined with the disappearances… this war hasn’t even started to reach full swing”.

“Hang on, what rumours?” enquired Ranger.

“Well, it’s to be expected that you weren’t privy to them captain. Being locked up and all. It all started a few weeks back, ponies just disappeared from their positions in the Royal Wood. We blamed enemy action, of course. One day, a stallion returned to Canterlot half crazed ranting about how a gust of wind turned his NCO to dust before his very eyes. We just thought he was delirious from stress. Naturally, we put his raving behind us… but more cases like this kept occurring... It has put everybody on edge,” with this Lieutenant Blaze waved a hoof at the sobbing mare, “some more than others. Whether it’s enemy action or not, that forest is a killer”.


“Tell us again how this is supposed to regain our credibility?”

Placing his shovel down, Star Watch looked over to the complaining Pegasus. She was hitched to a large waggon, filled to the top with earth.

“Because Chaser, we’re doing something to help them. Be grateful we’re not working on the dung waggon emptying the cesspools, then you’ll have something to moan about”.

Glaring back, Typhoon Chaser stuck her tongue out at him.

“Enough Typhoon, the waggon is full enough. Get moving before someone from the garrison yells at you again” yelled Brawny Boulder from down in the moat.

With a tut, Typhoon Chaser moved slowly off down the slope from the town towards another work gang. From his pervious rota on the waggon a few days earlier, Star Watch had learned that the spoil was being used to build a palisade at the small mining village further down the mountain. Not that’ll help much he sombrely thought. Looking down into the moat, Star Watch saw that Brawny Boulder had paused in his work and was looking up at him.

“Need a hoof down sergeant?”

“No need, I can manage on my own”.

Picking up his shovel, Star Watch jumped down into the moat with a thud. Looking back to where he was standing, Star Watch estimated that it was around eight feet deep now and had reached bedrock. They had both been busy deepening the shallow moat surrounding the castle in shifts along with the castle garrison. Whereas Typhoon Chaser had been tasked for today with carrying the spoil down to the mining town. For the past few weeks they had spent doing this, moving earth from one place to another. All in all, the Star Watch found it a drain but he carried on as he always had.

“We’re nearly finished what we can do with the tools they’ve given us… you know I’m a strong one, but even I need tools Star to deal with bed rock”.

“I know, just... they still don’t trust us enough. Still, at least the other teams have started to warm up to us. It’s not much but at least it’s something”.


“I don’t get you Boulder, you’re such an anti-social bugger. Fine, let’s get back to work” sighed Star Watch.
Having gone as deep as possible, the pair set about to widen the moat. Through the course of the afternoon, they had managed to fill Typhoon Chaser’s waggon twice. As the eclipsed sun started to set, the trio kept working- much to Typhoon’s annoyance.

“Sergeant Star Watch?” a high pitched male voice cried out above the trio.

Turning to look up at the voice, Star Watch appraised the pony standing on the lip of the moat. In the diminishing light he was able to distinguish that the pony was wearing maille but was unable to see within the helmet.
“I’m Star Watch”.

“Field Marshal Iron Flank wishes to see you… so get out of that hole you’ve been digging”.

“And my two platoon members?” inquired Star Watch.

“They stay here. Move it, or I’ll find a way to make you move faster!”

Quickly glancing back at Typhoon and Brawny, Star Watch shrugged and climbed out of the moat. Upon reaching the top he was able to get a closer look at the messenger. The stallion was a foot shorter than Star Watch, and from what little he could see, his coat appeared to be Catawba in colour.

“Sorry for the harsh tones Sargent. My name is Snowflake Weld. We need to get moving. Don’t, want, to keep the old man waiting!”

Star realised what had been bothering him. Having been able to see the stallion up close, allowed an idea that stirring in the back of his mind to come to fruition. He’s too damn young not even an adult, thought Star Watch, then again- so was I….


“Mother, mother look!”

“It’s really sweet that thou calls me mother, but do not say that” replied a tender, abet sorrowful mare’s voice. Pushing the young colt gingerly off her.

“Sorry mother”.

The ashen coloured colt, was practicing against a mannequin with his bearded Hoof-Axe. Its head matched the shape of his cutie mark. Each swing was elegant and every blow upon the training dummy looked like an art form within itself. The mare admired her ward’s skill, such a skilful child yet such an unfortunate start to his life
“Now, today is a very special day. As you know, today thou will be getting your new mother-“

“NOOO you’re my mother!” the young colt wailed.
“Please don’t, thou knoweth that this day would come sooner or later. I have cared for thee since thou were barely out of your crib. Now… I hast found thee, a, a good home” as each word left her mouth, she could feel the lump in her throat grow ever larger.

“Bu- but I don’t want a, new mother! I just want to stay with you” tears were visibly pouring down his face.

“I, I know this won’t be easy for thee, or myself. Nevertheless, she is a good pony, I know her well”.

“Yo-you do?”

“Yes, she serves in the guard. In fact little one, she’s a captain! Isn’t that a fine thing?”

“I guess so” he sniffed.

“Now, go and clean thy self. She is due any minute, thou don’t want to look like a wet blanket now, do thee?”

“No, mother… whats her name?”

“Her name? I haven’t told thou? Oh dear, her name is Nocturnal Lance, rather befitting for her job”.

“It’s a nice name…”

“That it is. Now, off you go. No buts, go!”

“Yes, mother… also, can I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“Could I have my name changed to the first thing we did together?”

“I suppose so, but I’ll have to talk with Nocturnal Lance when she arrives” at this point, she levitated a handkerchief and wiped his face, “now then, that’s made a start. Get going!”

The young colt left the room. With his departure, the room grew colder. Silence reigned in the circular room, only the gentle breathing of the mare broke the silence. Looking around the circular room, she could see remnants of his earlier years behind his training weapons. Small toys and bears strewn into the corners, now these items have a layer of dust.

“I have failed as a mother…” she cried aloud.

A loud knocking reverberated through the building, forcing her to stop her trail of thought. Leaving the room she proceeded through a number of corridors, heading towards the knocking. She arrived at the building’s entrance hall, overly extravagant in her opinion, and proceeded to the entrance. Her magic reached out to open the door, allowing the admittance of a magenta coloured unicorn. Upon crossing the threshold the unicorn saluted.

“Marm, I’ve come to collect my ward- son”.

“Thank thee Captain… I’m, sorry to see him go but….. thou understand?”

“Yes marm. I’m... sorry you have to do this. I haven’t seen you happy until you took him in…”

“Your sympathies are noted, captain”.

“So where is the little one?”

“Washing his face, he should be here soon. He made a little request of me you know? He wants to be officially renamed”.

“Really now? I hope it isn’t something melodramatic or macho is it? I hate it when people change their names for such petty reasons, just to they can have a cool name”.

The pair pause their talk when they heard a door slam and shouting further in the house.

“Why don’t thou ask him thyself captain? I’M DOWN HERE DEAR”.

The little colt quickly trotted down to the pair by the entrance, pausing at the bottom of the stairs upon seeing the magenta unicorn.

“Hi, errrr-“ he stammered.

“Nocturnal Lance, that is my name. What is your name little one?”

“Frolicking Promenade, madam… so you’re my new mother?”

“Yes dear,” pausing to look at the other mare, Nocturnal Lance saw her nod she continued, “I’ve been told you wish to change your name. Tell me, Promenade, what is it you wish to be called?”

“I wished to be named after what I first did when I first arrived here” he replied.

“And what is that pray?” the magenta unicorn enquired

“We went onto the roof and watched the stars until I fell asleep…. So I want a name to help me remember that”.

“Well, that is quite different than I was expecting. Promenade, since it’s your name, what would you feel would be best to help you remember?”

The young colt sat, raising his hoof to his chin while pondering. After a few minutes, he looked up into Nocturnal Lance’s eyes.

“Star Watch”.

Author's Note:

le gasp, an actual update?!

Yea... this took waaaayyyyy to long to write- you can blame work for that.

So yea.... things are starting to pick up

Edit: punchuation improvements.