• Published 6th Jul 2013
  • 713 Views, 4 Comments

Sunlit Shadows - Inucroft1

The Lunar Rebellion has tipped Equestria into Civil War. Families are split, cities burn all because of Nightmare moon. Celestia is still stunned by the horrific destrution of the Twin Crown Captial, she has become withdrawn and still refuses to use

  • ...

Chapter 4- The Empy Grove

Chapter 4- The Long Road

The wind wiped through the trees, rustling the dead leaves. Ever since the opening battle of the rebellion, the royal wood was irreversibly changed. The trees of this particular clearing were dying back, with wilder plants overgrowing the decaying trunks. There was neither singing of the birds nor the movement of any woodland creatures, the silence punctuated only by that of the wind.

“Come on, why were we posted ‘ere. We’re in the middle of nowhere Corp”.

“Cause we were told to Dawning, just keep your eyes peeled for any of those rebels”.

Dawning didn’t like his new corporal, she was not very talkative at all he felt. Dawning Saddle looked forward to the other side of the clearing. An overgrown path through the wood, on the opposite side behind Dawning was another trail. What appeared to be an overgrown clearing was actually an old staging post, with the rotten remains of the old building just visible in the long grass. It was located roughly half way between the Twin Crown City and Canterlot on one of the many trails between the two. The clearing was a few miles into the forest and was being used as an advanced position for the Celestial Legion.

“Corp, it ain’t ‘alf creepy ‘ere. What ‘appened to all the animals?”

“Shut up. If any Lunar is within a few leagues they would hear you”.

Dawning eyed up his new NCO. She was wearing maille that covered majority of her cream coloured torso. Though unlike the richer or higher ranked members of the Legion it didn’t cover her legs, nor was she wearing a maille coif. Lucky mare, thought Dawning, as he looked over his own padded armour. It covered his ginger fur and it was the only protection he could afford when called up.

The wind changed from a light breeze to a harsh gust. Tearing the dead leaves off the trees and picking up some dirt, the gust blew the debris past the pair. Like how it arrived, the gust disappeared in an instant.

“Cor, that didn’t ‘elp with atmosphere. Eh corp?”.

With her lack of response and the oppressive atmosphere, Dawning quickly trotted over to look the mare over. She seemed ok, he thought, she’s just ignoring me now. Still unsure, Dawning lightly pushed Sweet Snaps on the shoulder. With this, her body collapsed into a pile of dust contained within her armour. Her helmet landing with a metallic thud, as it landed on her maille.

“By Celestia! No no no no no no! This can’t be happening. She was just there, I mean, she was just standing there! I, I’ve got to get out of here!”

With that, he turned towards the overgrown trail leading towards Canterlot. Not risking a glance of his shoulder he fled the clearing. His panicked cries and his rush through the trail were audible for minutes. Silence returned to the clearing, leaving the only all too natural sounds dominate. From the opposing clearing emerged a pair of ponies, one Pegasus and the other a Unicorn.

“Marm, why did you let the other one go?” spoke an unarmoured Pegasus, his grey fur easily blending in with the woodland.

“Why, my dear Jungle? Morale plays an important part of the war, disappearing comrades will damage that. Yet consider this; the stories this one will tell in the mess hall. That, is a more effective method than letting them live in the hope that those who disappeared are still alive. Weaker the morale, the more likely they are to break in battle. I will prove to the other eight that my method is just as effective as their own” calmly spoke the taller, fully armoured Unicorn, her pate armour glinting in the sunset glow.

“I can understand, thank you. I can see why Nightmare Moon granted you her boon and that Midnight Blue plate. Surely though, this will take a long time to take the desired affect?”

“Yes, it will take time. Longer we do this, the more powerful the rumours will be, thus more effective! Come Jungle, we must leave and deal with our next objective. This time there will be no survivors”.

With this, Jungle stood next to the armoured Unicorn. Her magenta horn glowed with a spell being readied. A bright flash and they were gone. They left only a heap of maille with dust from within being blown away on the evening breeze, the only evidence that anypony was there in the first place.


Star Watch, Typhoon Chaser and Brawny Boulder were escorted out of their cell, and marched towards a small administrative building by a pair of guards. The day was nearly done and the eclipsed sun was setting. It had been a few days since Iron Flank had summoned him to the keep. So, Star Watch thought, the gears that started to turn are now tacking affect. Star noticed that the ponies still reacted in the same manner as last time; cold and hateful.


“Sussh, not now Chaser” whispered Star Watch, keeping a wary eye on the escorts.

Their escort stoically marched them into a small empty office in the left wing of building, on the ground floor. There was a bench just large enough for four ponies to sit on, with a large desk facing it. Everything else in the room was bare. No books on the book shelf, open draws filled with nothing. Even the name plaque had nothing in it. To put it simply, it was a disused office.

“Wait here, the two others will be joining you shortly” spoke one of the escorts.

“There are two other Lunar Guardsmen joining us?” enquired Star Watch

“Ba. No, a pair of proper ponies not some Lunar trash”.

Typhoon opened her mouth to make a quick retort, yet seeing Boulder’s expression however, she decided otherwise. Minutes of silence passed, however the elusive pair had not arrived. Through the small window behind the desk, the trio observed the eclipsed sun pass below the castle wall. With the oncoming darkness, the guards pulled out a number of candles from their personage and set about lighting them. The candles lit the room, seemingly more bright than the sun had managed.

The candles had burnt down by a third before the door opened. First walked in a pale yellow Earth Pony, quickly followed by Nyanja coloured Unicorn behind; with their entrance the two guards saluted. The Unicorn retuned their salute, he looked around the office and then sat down on the chair behind the desk.

“Good evening Luna Guardsmen, I shall make this quick. I, am Major Warding Maille and I have been given the task of handling all matter that relate to you and your comrades residing in this castle. While you may wish to be here, I do not. I shall follow my orders, you shall follow MINE. Is that clear?” he looked at the three sitting on the small bench, without any objections he continued, “As of now, this office is now the administrative and command centre of all the Lunar Guardsmen in this castle. Therefore, you shall report here for any mission briefings or debriefings unless told otherwise. The other pony here with me is Corporal Amber Defiance, as of this moment she is promoted to the rank of sergeant and she will be in charge of your section. Sergeant Defiance, if you would be so kind?”

“Yes Sir. I am charged with the task of ensuring that you conduct yourselves correctly during missions. Over time, as Field Marshal Flank hopes, it will get the garrison and population of Canterlot use to your presence. Questions?”

Typhoon Chaser looked passed Brawny Boulder to Star Watch. Seeing her expression, he rolled his eyes and nodded. With this, Typhoon raised a hoof.

“Yes Private.... Chaser?”

“Why is your head mostly covered in bandages? Sergeant” she asked, adding Amber’s rank in as a second thought.
“Tha... that is none of your concern Private! Any questions relevant to the situation at hoof?”

Deciding best to interject before Typhoon asked again, mainly for the sake of the seemingly embarrassed mare. Star Watch cleared his throat.

“Yes, when is our first mission and what shall it entail?” calmly spoke Star Watch, carefully observing her.

“Seems like somepony has sense” piped up Warding Maille, “Your first mission starts at 0900 tomorrow. Sergeant Defiance will collect you at that time and will brief you en-route. If that is all, you all are dismissed. Amber, please escort the Lunar Guardsmen back to their barracks, you won’t be needed the aid of their current escort. Though please be careful as it’s rather dark even with the candles”.

“Yes Sir”, with this Amber Defiance saluted and turned towards the trio on the bench, “Come on, time we got going”.

Ushering the three Lunar Guardsmen, Amber stole a quick glance over her shoulder. Behind she saw a momentarily lapse in Major Maille’s composure. From his stoic stance, she briefly saw before the door shut, a weary pony out of his depth rather than the well composed major. Much like us all, she thought.


“Do you need anything Iron, before I take my leave?”

“No Vine thank you. Actually, thinking about it, yes there is something. Pass me those reports so I can have a read of them in bed” waved Iron Flank towards a folder on a small cabinet.

Vine Skipper walked over, picking up the folder and assaying the contents as he passed them to Iron Flank.

“Casualty reports, sir”.

“Yes Vine, and more of these strange deaths. Look at this one; possessions found, no remains, presumed dead. While uncommon, these seem to be occurring more frequently. Losses while fighting is expected, these, well it’s different isn’t it?”

“What should we do then to deal with these issues, sir?”

“Blast if I know Vine. Find a magical performer? There is not much we can do Vine. That will be all for tonight, thank you”

“Good night sir”

Giving a quick nod, Vine Skipper left his superiors quarters. The quarters were larger and more significantly lavish than the other rooms in the castle, but more Spartan than his peers. The walls were mostly bare but for a number of banners. Iron Flank was reclining on his four poster bed, with the reports scattered around him. Only a single candle located on a bedside table illuminated the room, and more importantly to Iron Flank, the dozen of reports scattered across his bed.

This is the life, he thought, sat alone in the dark reading over casualty reports. It’s time like this that I really miss you Cinnamon Nectar. Damn, half of these reports are just injuries during training, no fatalities luckily. Seems like 3rd Battalion had a minor skirmish... and that report from earlier. What is causing it!

Looking out of his small window, Iron Flank saw the moon rise slowly towards its zenith in the sky. Realising that no answer was coming anytime soon, Iron Flank decided it would be wise to get some rest. He was aware that he would have to be well rested and in the best state of mind, to deal with what tomorrow would surely bring.


The inner bailey of the castle was only relatively dark. Numerous braziers and touches burnt to cast light upon the area. While still dark, it would have been difficult to conceal one’s own presence. All of this, Star Watch noticed with a glance upon leaving the administrative building. He was in the lead of the group, with Amber taking up the rear. Good position to take, when escorting alone he thought.

“Tell me Amber, now that we’re away from your new commander. Why were you chosen for this task?”

“Sergeant Defiance, to you, Sergeant Watch. The reason, I was hoof picked by Iron Flank. I’m not entirely sure, most likely since I’m not going to make everything you do fail or try to backstab you. I don’t like you Lunar Guardsmen, but I refuse to judge a book by its cover. One day at a time”.

“That’s a good stance to take, but many have very good reasons not to. After the massacre and following casualties in the war...”

“We’ve all lost somebody. I’m living according to my mother’s creed” Amber stopped walking, then spoke again in a subdued voice, “it was the last thing she said to me when we saw each other last”.

“I’m sorry. I shou-”

“Why!” she snapped, “Death comes to us all and we part for the eternal herd. You had nothing to do with her untimely passing. Why she died is also none of your business, so don’t even ask how she died”.

“I didn’t mean t-“

“It doesn’t matter what you meant, I need no sympathy from you. All I need from you is to follow your orders, not to be some back alley quack. We’re here, I’m sure that you won’t be killed en-route to your room. May Celestia protect you, I’m sure most in this castle won’t”.

With that, Amber stormed off towards one of the other barracks within the compound. She left a stunned Star Watch, with his two colleagues, at the entrance to the Lunar Guardsmen barracks.

“I don’t know about you Sarge, but I think you’ve gotten into her bad books already” sniggered Brawny Boulder.

“I wouldn’t want to be in your hoofs tomorrow Star. Tartarus hath no fury like a mare scorned” chimed up Typhoon Chaser.

“I didn’t see either of you step in to help, nor did either of you say anything earlier. What gives?”

“I can’t speak for stone face, but why should I step in to stop a lovers spat?” Typhoon instantly regretted saying this as she narrowly dodged a kick from Star Watch, “whoa joke, joke! Ok, that was in bad taste. But she was placed in charge of you, not us. As such, we answer to you not her”.

“Great argument, come on let’s get inside. Chaser, you’re an idiot” snorted Star Watch.

“Takes one to know one” chuckled Typhoon, quickly darting inside before Star could try to kick her again.

“Sarge, I know she drives you up the wall. Yet she means well, she was only trying to cheer you up”.

“I know Boulder. However her methods are lacking. Come on, best get to our rooms before she decides to lock us out of our room. I don’t want to find a guard and explain that we got locked out”.

With this, Star Watch trotted inside with Boulder shortly following him. Sounds of an argument broke out minutes later, quickly followed by a chorus of the other residents yelling for the trio to shut up. Typhoon Chaser’s cackling laughter echoed across the night’s sky.

Author's Note:

Right new Chapter, and i actualy proof read it this time~

Yea, now the introductory chapters are drawing to a close, lets dig deep for the new (first?) story arch.

Also a thankyou to Eywind and cloudZephry for proof reading the opening section to this chapter.

Edit: derp- renamed it since an earlier chapter had the name of "The Long Road"
Edit 2: Grammar and punchuation improvements