• Published 14th Jul 2013
  • 550 Views, 10 Comments

The Toymaker - AtomicMuffin

A new shopkeeper arrives in Ponyville, but he wields a dangerous secret...

  • ...

A Story Told

*This chapter will be told from Finn's perspective*

He was gone, and Dinky was gone with him. What was that fog? It wasn't any magic I've ever seen. A harsh shudder runs down my spine and bile rises in my throat. I don't even want to think about the horrors that whack-job would do to a poor defenseless filly.

Without warning, my vision starts to blur. Everything starts spinning in a crazy collage of earth and fire. Just as easily as it started, everything goes dark and my head gets intimately acquainted with the ground.


Whispers crowded around like a flock of bats. To be honest, these were the loudest whispers I've ever heard.

"We need'ta do somethin'! That crazy lookin' varmint took that poor filly!"

"AJ's right! That lame dragon-pony-thing needs to learn some manners!"

"But we don't know anything about him, or even what he wants. All we know is that when we got there, the forest was destroyed, Zecora was unconscious, and this stallion collapsed. I don't even know who this guy is!"

"Um, girls? I think he's waking up." At least that voice was softer. My head feels like the practice floor for a River dance troupe. Regardless, I guess this is my cue to figure out where I am.

I open my eyes to see the beginning rays of sunlight streaming in through some high windows. Everything was made of wood. The floor, walls, heck even the ceiling are seamlessly carved from one large block. The place has a very organic feel to it. What else? There are books everywhere, on shelves, on tables, on the floor. Factoring in the six ponies standing around me can only mean one thing...

"How did I get to the library?"

Relief washes over them as they realize I don't seem to have any brain damage (Show's what they know. I'm already a little nuts). Somehow they managed to get me onto a low couch. A dry crust covers my burns indicating an application of some kind of ointment. Bandages wrap a good percentage of my body to stop the bleeding from an assortment of cuts and scrapes. I try to move my head to look around, but (surprise) my body wasn't responding.

A purple alicorn stepped forward and addresses me with an uncertain smile, "Hey... Are you okay?" I resist the urge to make a snarky comment. Charm always works better for me anyway. At least my mouth still works.

"Ah, so you must be Princess Twilight Sparkle. Forgive me if I don't bow, I fear I may not be able to get back up. And I see the other Elements of Harmony are here as well. It figures that in such prestigious company I would look a complete mess."

A few of the Elements had been customers in my shop, but I had only ever been properly introduced to Pinkie Pie. At my offhoofed flippancy the princess only looked more uncomfortable. As for her friends. A butter yellow mare shied away from my instinctive charming smile. A lovely white unicorn batted her eyes playfully (Hey, I'm a good looking guy!). Pinkie was climbing up a wall using suction pads on her hooves (largely ignored by the others). Lastly, an orange earth pony with a beaten hat and a cyan pegasus with prismatic mane just looked blankly unimpressed. I guess I need to keep going to put them at ease.

"In all seriousness, thank you for taking care of me once I collapsed. Magical exhaustion is very debilitating and I may not have survived otherwise. I am sure you have your share of questions for me. Suffice to say that my name is Finishing Touch, though you can call me Finn. I own a toy store on a side alley off Mane Street. I have lived in Ponyville for six months and last night I fought a creature who will live on in my nightmares until such time as I can manage to receive proper therapy. My hobbies include carpentry and long walks in the moonlight. I love chocolate and mint-"

"Who doesn't?" Pinkie Pie calls down from the rafters. Undeterred I continue, "-yet I despise pears (Pinkie got a chuckle out of that one) and straitjackets. I am sure that answers a number of your questions, but before we continue I have one of my own."

I have trained myself to hold my smile under any circumstance, but it slips as I ask, "Is Zecora going to be alright?"

Twilight answers, "She's doing just fine. She's resting upstairs in my bed."

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and slap the smile back on. "Well that's dandy! Quiz time. Ask away."

She takes in a breath to begin, but a dull thump and a muffled "Ow!" caught her attention. The cyan pegasus flies up a high window, reaches out, and pulls in Derpy Hooves. Tears stream down her face and a nasty bump is growing on her head. As soon as she was inside she lands and sobs, "Twilight, you have to help me! When I woke up this morning, Dinky wasn't in bed. I don't know where she could have gone! Do you have some kind of tracking spell or something? Any way at all that I can find her?"

Twilight looks heartbroken, and she turns so that Derpy could see me laid out on the couch. Her eyes widen as she tentatively walks over. "Finn? What happened to you? I flew by your store, but everything was locked up."

I can't stand to see the tears in her eyes, and my calm facade shatters. The pain of the entire night's events comes crashing down and tears spring to my eyes as well. I can't bring myself to tell her the truth, but I have to. She has the right to know.

"Derpy... a stranger attacked last night in the Everfree Forest. I fought him off, but he got away. And... and he took Dinky."

Her face pales. All the life seems to drain out of her, but just as quickly fire leaps into her eyes as she jumps on me and starts pounding at me with hooves fueled by all the rage that only a desperate mother could conjure.


As the cyan mare and the cowpony pull her off she quickly runs out of steam and goes limp in their hooves. She looks betrayed and mumbles, "She trusted you, and so did I."

I felt my heart shatter at that very moment. Imagine if someone froze your still beating heart and smashed it with a hammer. Then the only sensation you felt were the chilling shrapnel falling through the rest of your body and fracturing still further as they hit the floor. She is completely right. It was my fault. My actions led to this.

"Derpy, you are right. This whole thing is my fault. I know that nothing I can say will make this better, but I promise on my very soul that I will get her back."

Still restrained she replies, "She is my whole world, Finn."

"I know." I let loose a sigh and say, "Gather around girls, I am through playing games. It's time for you to get the full picture. Settle in for a story, this one is kind of long."


About 800 years ago, during Princess Luna's banishment, Celestia took on her sister's responsibility by raising both the sun and the moon. On top of that she was solely responsible for ruling Equestria. Among her courtiers was a small council of the most powerful unicorn mages. Through diligent study and practical application they had all achieved the rank of 'Archmagus.'

After 200 years of ruling alone, coupled with the grief of her sister's banishment, the Princess was fatigued. She would often go weeks without sleep or food of any kind. Though a goddess, having a corporeal form added the necessity of taking care of her immortal body. At one point she collapsed under the strain of her own abuse and was relegated to medical treatment for an extended period. Nopony could tell exactly how long because the sun and the moon refused to move. They were each trapped on a different horizon and the world was trapped in a twilit haze, and nopony could distinguish between day and night.

The council met in secret to discuss how to deal with their sovereign's illness. The Council of Thirteen, as they were called, decided that the power vacuum needed to be filled. As many powerful magicians are, there were several on the council who were ambitious. They decided that one of the council members should be granted the title of 'Lord Regent' until such time as Princess was ready to return to her royal duties.

One stallion rose above the rest. He was a powerful battlemage who had never known defeat in combat. His name was Archmagus Star Burst. Rumor stated that he was so strong that he could pull a star out of the heavens to strike down his foes; however, his cruelty was just as well known as his strength. The remaining members of the council refused to bestow the regency to him for fear that he would mold it into a military state. Instead the council selected a master of the healing arts to take the position.

Archmagus Healing Hooves was a compassionate and wise old stallion whom the council believed would lead Equestria into an era of peace and prominence; however, his reign as regent would only last for an estimated ten days. He was found dead in his chambers, with a snake bite prominently visible on his neck (at that time healers would often use diluted snake venom as a last resort purgative). Nopony yet suspected foul play.

The council reconvened to establish the next regent. This time, they selected a mage by the name of Foxglove. She was a kindly mare who specialized in botany and biological magic. Her temperament closely resembled Healing Hooves and the motion was carried unanimously. Except for Star Burst abstaining.

Despite her new position, Foxglove still desired to spend her time in the surrounding Everfree Forest to investigate the wildlife thriving in the strange forest so in tune with nature's magic. One day she went into the forest with a small escort, but none of them returned. A search party returned with a blood stained cloak that Lady Foxglove had worn when she left. Officially the search was called off and her death was attributed to a large animal. Once again the country was without a leader, and the council, now eleven strong, convened to determine a successor.

This time, Star Burst stood up in front of the council and made his speech.

"Each of the regents this council has chosen has not lasted more than a month due to their own negligence or weakness. Additionally, the death of Archmagus Foxglove has proven that there are dangers outside of this fortress that need to be dealt with. This council can no longer risk the lives of the ponies under our charge to a weak ruler. This country needs strength and resilience. We don't need a doctor or a scholar! We need a soldier!"

The council calmly allowed him his tirade. The chamber echoed with silence until the oldest member of the council let out a soft chuckle. Grand-magus Grimoire continued to laugh until it echoed throughout the entire chamber. With tears in his eyes he glanced at Star Burst with eyes barely visible under his thick white eyebrows.

"Son, it seems to me that you are implying that you are the one best suited for the task. Am I right?"

His words were clearly a challenge, but Star Burst responded, "I believe that I am the one who will be best to ensure the safety of the ponies under my sovereignty. Nothing more."

"And that is exactly why you will never have the regency as long as I draw breath. A true leader does not crave power. A true leader makes the best of it when power is thrust upon him." His voice then lost all joviality and became sharp. "I feel that you are not suited for this position. In fact, I believe that you are not fit to even serve on this council. My friends, I motion for adjourning this meeting and reconvening in three days time (by now they had constructed a water clock in order to keep track of the time) to select the next regent."

With that the council filed out of the chamber, leaving only Star Burst standing dumbfounded at the table.

After leaving the chamber, the Grand-magus hobbled over to the youngest member of the council and requested that he follow him. The pair walked to the castle gardens and sat upon a bench in a grove of various fruit trees. With a small pulse from his horn, the garden grew silent.

"Now my boy, tell me what you think of Star's little rant. Don't worry, my spell will keep anyone from eavesdropping on us."

The young Archmagus was a prodigy. He was a master of enchantment and alchemy who was renown for his elegant craftsmanship and brilliant designs. Even though the Grand-magus was treating him like a kindly grandfather, he was still thoroughly intimidated by the power the old man still possessed.

"Well Grand-magus, I don't like it. He sounds like he wants to go to war. I fear that he won't back down once the Princess has recovered. I've seen him training the guards. He is ruthless and cruel to them. I understand that their job is difficult and they need discipline, but I could see in his eyes that he enjoyed being cruel. He will do anything to hold on to that power."

The old pony nodded sagely at the insightful remarks. "I fear the same thing. That is why I am turning to you for help. I am sorry, Midas, but you may be the only one who can save us all. I am an old stallion, and that warmongering villain is regrettably intelligent. He will not suspect you, nor will he fear you. Your branch of magic relies on physical objects to manifest fully. He is blinded by his own power and can only see the merit of the internal magic that he utilized. So I ask you, please find a way to restore balance to Equestria."

The young pony, barely even an adult by their standards, trembled at the heavy burden that was being thrust upon him. He had no idea how he was going to manage this colossal challenge. With a large gulp he stared at his superior and said, "I will do all that I can."

With a kind smile the older stallion rose from the bench and said warmly, "I am sure that it will be more than enough."

Three days later, the council reconvened. This time, only five members were still present. The other six were all the victims of assassination, including Grand-magus Grimoire. Star Burst proudly trotted into the room. There was no doubt that he was the culprit, but there was no evidence to convict him and no higher authority to judge him. He smiled wickedly at the few remaining council members and boldly sat in the former Grand-magus' gilded chair. He propped his hind legs on the table and remarked conversationally, "In the matter of the position of Lord Regent, I nominate myself. Any objections?" He glanced viciously around the table and heard not a word of opposition. With a wide grin he stated, "That settles that, you are all dismissed."

The young enchanter remembered the words from his meeting with the Grand-magus. He was deathly afraid of the new Lord Regent, but he needed a way to remove him from his throne. If Celestia were at full strength she could do it, but she was already being tended by the best physicians in Equestria and he couldn't do anything more than heal a cut or a bruise. There was no higher authority than the goddess. Without her, the Regent's word was absolute.

For the next few days he wracked his brain, trying to think of some way to end his sadistic reign. Star Burst had already mandated a mandatory draft of all stallions of fighting capability to prepare for an extermination of deadly creatures in the Everfree Forest. The light of combat was in his eyes and nothing but bloodshed was going to sate his lust.

Midas was so afraid that he rarely slept. His young wife feared for his health. Even though she was tired and heavy with foal, she dragged him into bed and sang to him:

"Alone on the ground,
She stares at the moon,
She waits for the one who hid her away.

Her tears are the seas,
Her sighs are the clouds,
But she yearns for the one who hid her away.

The stars hear her cry,
They give her new wings,
To find the one who hid her away."

It was a beautiful song, and her beautiful voice was one of the features that drew them together in the first place. He soon dozed off in the hooves of his wife, grinning as unconsciousness took him. She had given him the answer, and he would need his rest for the work ahead.

He spent the next week in his workshop. He employed every skill that his craft had taught him and eventually he would bask in the fruit of his labor. Before him, polished to a bright sparkle, was an elaborately decorated necklace. It was solid gold with a golden clasp. A bright pure sapphire was housed in a golden frame. Out of the top rose the golden head of a unicorn, and spreading on either side were golden wings with tips of purest white gold. It was a beautiful piece of jewelry, but the enchantments that he had embedded into it were beyond some of the wildest dreams of his peers. But who was fit to receive it?

For the next few days, he wandered the castle and the surrounding towns looking for a suitable candidate. The spell required a unicorn to trigger it, but there seemed to be a plethora of those in the royal court. The next stipulation was a bit more difficult to find.

One day, while continuing his search, he was approached by a pair of royal guards. They stated that the Lord Regent requested his presence immediately. The pair escorted him into the throne room where Star Burst was seated calmly in the Princess' throne, leaving the regent's chair empty.

"Midas Touch! I am quite surprised at you. Almost two months into my reign and you have yet to come to me. All of the other council members came to me immediately. Mostly to beg for their lives and that of their families. I was in a good mood, so I was generous...mostly. You on the other hand are trying my patience. I expected a weakling like you to grovel at my hooves immediately."

Sensing a trap, Midas said, "Your Excellency has yet to convene the council. My contribution was minor and I was the least experienced member. I had simply assumed that you had no use of me."

Star Burst grinned wickedly, "Or maybe you were working on a way to usurp me. Perchance to see how you fared when you must bring balance to Equestria." Midas blanched as he emphasized the last four words. Star Burst continued, "Oh yes, I know all about your little conversation with the former Grand-magus. What I don't know, is what you have been scheming about in the workshop these last few weeks."

He nodded to one of the guards who ripped Midas' saddlebag off and tossed it to their commander. He riffled through the bags until he found something that piqued his interest. Pulling the necklace out, he cheered, "Now what is this?! Such a shiny piece of art!"

He paused as he studied the trinket carefully, then returned his malicious grin to Midas. "I sense great power in this amulet, but I can't distinguish the enchantment. What tricks are you up to, Midas? If you created something that boosts power, then you would have used it yourself."

"It is a gift for the Princess. Nothing more."

"I'm not calling you a liar, I'm just saying that I don't believe you. Something tells me that you need a bit more motivation."

He gave a sharp whistle and another guard emerged from a side passage, dragging a struggling earth pony mare. She was clearly scared... and noticeable pregnant. Midas cried out as he recognized his wife. He ran over to free his wife from the stallion guarding her, but Star Burst flicked his horn casually and Midas' hooves sank into the floor as if it was made of molasses. Crying in rage and struggling with all his might, Midas was still unable to free himself from the snare. Star Burst walked leisurely toward the mare gloating, "Once again you disappoint me. You are an Archmagus! And yet you are still so weak. I'm sure you have heard the rumors of my favorite spell." He closed his eyes and channeled an enormous amount of energy to his horn. "You have two minutes before I crush your precious wife under a burning star. Now talk!"

Midas held no doubts that Star Burst would do as he promised. He rapidly explained the nature of his creation. "It is intended to give the wearer the power of a god. Whoever wears it will gain untold magical power. I have been searching to find one who was worthy to wield its power. I wanted to find someone who was already powerful, but who was kind and compassionate. Someone who would rule by Celestia's side and bring peace and harmony to this land."

Clearly satisfied with the answer, Star Burst ended the spell and stared at the amulet once again. "Well I guess you can't always have what you want. It will have to settle for me." He unlatched the clasp and put on the amulet. Immediately, he was caught up in a dazzling white light and slowly levitated off the floor.

"I can feel it! I can feel the power surging through me! This is what a god feels! I AM AAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!"

He doubled over in pain and glared crazily at the stallion still stuck in the floor. "What did you do?! IT HURTS!"

Midas smirked, "The amulet must choose its master. You are not pure of heart, thus it rejects you. It can feel your cruelty, and so you are being punished."

Star Burst started laughing insanely. "You think this is over? I still have one more surprise!" He pulled out a small pouch from his breastplate. He poured out a fine midnight blue powder onto the amulet, and the powder clung to the metal. The gold turned to black. The white to red. And with a great flash, the sapphire became a blood red ruby. The gem pulsed with light and Star Burst gently alighted on the ground.

"The dust ground from a feather of Nightmare Moon herself. Your secret weapon has failed you. Now you will pay for crossing me. Any last words?" His voice rumbled as if it was coming from the very depths or Tartarus.

He had nearly doubled in size and his horn ended in a long, sharp point. Despite the intimidating figure, Midas maintained his smirk.

"Did you notice how bright it is in here?"

Glancing behind him, Star Burst saw the sun proudly blazing high in the sky. A shower of flames arched down from the heavens, blasting through the large window behind the throne. The flames wrapped around him, but he didn't scream. Instead he glared at Midas. "This amulet will be a curse upon your family. As long as it lives, then so will I. My soul will rest until one of great power shall wield it. When that time comes, I will live again."

Two black tendrils leaped from his mouth. One drove itself right into Midas' forehead, and the other flew straight into his wife's pregnant belly. There was no pain, but Star Burst still wore his crazy smile as his body burned to ash and the amulet fell to the floor with a dull "clang."


"If you haven't guessed yet, Midas Touch was my distant ancestor. Star Burst's curse has ensured that a male would be born to continue the bloodline until he could find a suitable host. Celestia returned just in time and locked up the amulet for good. Sadly nothing lasts forever. It was stolen several times and eventually the trail went cold. My family has been charged with protecting the amulet until such time as it could be destroyed. I had established myself as a toymaker in Ponyville because my informants said this was the last place it was seen. When I heard that Zecora was the last one to possess it, I made my way to her home in order to procure it... by any means necessary."

Six ponies stare at me with gaping mouths and wide eyes. Pinkie was the only one unaffected because she got bored halfway through the story and went into the kitchen to make breakfast. Twilight was the first one to snap out of her stupor.

"Wait a minute. There is no such thing as curses. We've already been through this before." I raise an eyebrow at her and say, "Oh, curses are very much real, Princess Sparkle. Would it help if I provided some evidence to support my claim?"

She hesitates then nods.

"Very well," I turn to Derpy and close my eyes, "Derpy, of all the ponies in this room, you've known me the longest. Tell me, what color are my eyes?"

Derpy pauses for a moment, thinking. "You know something? I honestly have no idea."

"Then take a look." I slowly open my eyes. She screams and jumps back in shock.

"What in Equestria are you?!"

"This is the sign of my curse." Ever since I was born, my irises never stayed one color. All the colors of the rainbow merged and shifted in a dancing kaleidoscope. Part of the reason I enchanted the ceiling of the shop was so that nopony would notice if my primary defense failed. "My hat is enchanted to prevent ponies from noticing. It also hides my cutie mark. Amazing how nopony ever asked me about my cutie mark?" As I spoke they all look to my flank and see a white shield with three interlocking circles within it. It is the mark of an enchanter. The red ring symbolizes the object uses for an enchantment. The blue for the magic needed to sustain it. The gold symbolizes the skill and spirit of the magician who crafts it.

Twilight remained unimpressed. "But hiding that stuff is just magic. It isn't a curse. I'll admit that your eyes are a little... unnatural, but that doesn't mean that you are somehow mystically bonded to an ancient artifact by the will of a malevolent spirit."

"There's more."


"My family is linked to the amulet. The spirit of Star Burst draws power by infecting the wearer with his corruption. Every time it's used, his power grows. That same corruption is passed down through my bloodline, and it grows as well. Three years ago, when Trixie used it against you, I felt it. The darkness grew inside me. It was quite painful, but the pain is nothing compared to the madness. I can still hear his voice. I still remember what he said. 'Fermos kommerach.'"

"'The end cometh.' That's High Middle Equestrian! It hasn't been spoken in-"

"Six hundred years. I know."

She ponders my words, but says nothing. Obviously she wants to argue but is having a hard time crafting an argument. I continued, "That explains what I was doing in the forest last night. Now that we have the 'why' out of the way, I believe that we should move on to the 'what now' question. That monster took Dinky and we need to find her. If we can get to the amulet first, then he will be forced to come to us."

"Then I shall follow at your side, for you will certainly need a guide."

All eyes flash to the stairs as Zecora easily walks down from Twilight's bedroom. Her wounds had completely healed and she seems to be at peak health. Zebras are pretty tough I guess. Everypony smiles as Zecora joins with the Elements of Harmony.The only one who doesn't seem relieved is Derpy. She had been quiet throughout the story and remained silent except for the whole "kaleidoscope eyes" incident. As the others crowd around Zecora, I manage to get off the couch and sit down next to her (I guess I must be getting over the magical exhaustion).

"I'm sorry, Derpy. I never thought she would chase after me. In fact, I don't know how she knew where I was going to be." Derpy continues to stare at the floor, saying nothing.

"But I swear to you, here and now, by Celestia's sweet supple flank, that I will find her and bring her home." I gently lifted her head so she could look me in the eyes. I gave her what I hoped was a look of unbreakable determination. "All the demons in Tartarus couldn't keep me from reuniting your family."

Derpy puts on a weak smile. Her eyes start to water slightly. "I know you will. Do you know why I'm so sure? Because... she's your family too." Her words strike me like a blow from a hammer. I had never thought of Dinky as a daughter or niece or sister. But the more I thought about it, the more her words rang true. Dinky and Derpy have always treated me like family.

"I don't appreciate such a flippant reference to my posterior, Baron Touch, but I will allow it for the sake of conveying your serious intentions."

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna emerge from a large paining of Canterlot which covers the only bare wall space in the library. I bow deeply, as did all of the other ponies except for Twilight (I guess she is finally learning how to play the princess game). Celestia gestures for all of us to gather together and continues, "I can verify the Baron's story. When I was ill, there was a very bloody struggle to gain power in my absence. When my strength had fully recovered, I rushed to aid the young Midas and destroyed Star Burst. I deemed the Alicorn Amulet to be tainted and unfit for it's intended purpose, but I respected the gesture and the faith of the Touch family. Sadly, there was nothing I could do about the curse -yes Twilight, it really is a curse- so I did the next best thing. I gave the family land and title, with all the resources to protect and research the amulet until such time as it could be destroyed or reformed. Even as I wielded the Elements of Harmony, the Amulet couldn't be purified. The project was eventually abandoned."

I cough, then say sheepishly, "Um, Princess? That isn't exactly true."

"Oh? What do you mean by that Baron Touch?"

"The Touch family has continued to research the Amulet throughout the generations. I have discovered how the Amulet can be destroyed, but it was lost when my great-grandfather was head of the family. I am sure the spell I have devised will work, but without the actual Amulet to study, it is strictly theoretical."

Princess Luna spoke up for the first time since she arrived, "There is no time to waste. Thou needst destroy this accursed talisman with all haste!"

"My sister is right. As this is a matter of national security, we shall both accompany you to retrieve it."

I can't believe they are offering to come in person, but having two immortal goddesses around wouldn't hurt. I nod my acceptance and put on my usual cheerful smile. Things were starting to come together. FOR ONCE!

"We shall return to Canterlot and alert the guards and stewards of our absence. No need to scare them by thinking we were foalnapped or abandoned them."

"Please, Tia? Can we not do it just this once? It would please me to see Lieutenants Blitzkrieg and Stalwart get their tails in a bow!"

Applejack deadpanned, "Don'tcha mean 'get their tails inna knot'?"

Luna claps her hooves gleefully, "That sounds even less pleasant! Please, sister!?"

Celestia lets loose a mighty sigh, "No, sister. We will not cause nationwide panic and civil unrest over a silly little prank."

"That's not what you said when you bribed Discord to-"

She was interrupted as Celestia threw her bodily into the portal before following. With the two of them on our quest, I know there is no possible way that we can fail! Nothing will possibly go wrong!... yeah, right...

Author's Note:

This chapter is a bit long and a bit heavy for my usual style. It was necessary because the story had to be told. Soon we will be getting back to my more lighthearted style. Shout out to Templar22, the person who seems to like my work the most.