• Published 14th Jul 2013
  • 549 Views, 10 Comments

The Toymaker - AtomicMuffin

A new shopkeeper arrives in Ponyville, but he wields a dangerous secret...

  • ...

Things Get (More) Serious

"Baron Touch?! Darling, you failed to mention that you were nobility. Unless I misheard, Princess Celestia also mentioned that you are the holder of a sizable estate. I would very much love to see it, at your nearest convenience of course."

As soon as the Princesses had vanished though the portal, Rarity turned to Finn with a predatory glint in her eye. She gracefully slunk towards the recently revealed noble and batted her half lidded eyes a few times. Her voice progressively grew deeper and more sensual. Finn thought to himself, So 'noble' is her trigger word. Definitely a socialite. Very pretty, but that look she's giving me belongs on a hungry tigress. Better play it safe for now.

"Of course you are all invited to join us at the villa once this mess is resolved, but I fear we must focus on our main problem at the moment. Having the Princesses will be a great boon for our quest, but the enemy has a head start and unknown resources at their disposal."

Twilight asked, "Tell me Finn, do you know anything about what we are up against? Did that Zero guy give you any details?"

"Not much I'm afraid. He did mention that he was part of an organization called the Apocalypse Corps. Have you ever heard of them?"

Twilight wrinkled her brow in concentration. The name sounded familiar, but she couldn't place where she had heard it before. "I'm not sure. I'll have to do some research before the princesses return." Her stomach rumbled loudly. She sheepishly rubbed the offending organ with a free hoof and stated, "Although, I believe that can wait until after breakfast. Pinkie has been in there for a while now so it shouldn't be long."

At that moment a loud ding was heard from the kitchen followed by a scream as a smoking object shot through the doorway. It crashed into the opposite wall with a muffled thud, shaking the books in the shelves. Everypony looked to see a baby dragon covered in black soot.

"Can't a guy get any sleep around here? A dragon can't even sleep in his own oven without being part of some shenanigans." He brushed himself off and used his claws to put out a small flame on the tip of his tail.

Pinkie poked her head out of the doorway and said, "You just looked so cute that I didn't want to wake you up. So I just left you alone."

Twilight rounded on her, "Pinkie, why would you turn on the oven if Spike was inside?!"

"How else was I supposed to bake the muffins, silly?" At the mention of muffins Derpy's ears twitched excitedly, but her expression remained somber. Pinkie continued, "Besides, dragons are fireproof."

"Yeah, but my pillow wasn't," Spike grumbled.

"Annnnnyway, breakfast is ready everypony!"

Everypony started filing into the kitchen, but Finn called out, "Princess, I think I will go back to my shop to retrieve some supplies instead. That way I will be ready whenever Princesses Celestia and Luna return." Twilight considered his statement. She was still not too sure about his part in this, but she nodded nonetheless. "I think that would be a good idea, Finn."

As he turned to walk out the front door, Derpy trotted up next to him and called over her shoulder, "I'm going with him." Someone, probably Rainbow Dash, called back, "We aren't saving you any food!"

Derpy looked horrified for a second, but Finn patted her gently, "I'm pretty sure she's joking, but you really don't have to come with me."

"Yes, I do. We still have some things to talk about."

Finn nodded his understanding and the pair walked out into Ponyville just as its residents were beginning to awaken. They made the entire trip in an awkward silence. This is weird,Finn thought. I have never had an awkward moment in my life. Especially not with one of my closest friends. They soon made it to his shop and let themselves into Finn's private quarters in the back. Derpy set herself on the couch and Finn walked over to the fireplace. Finally having enough of the silence, Finn heaved a tired sigh.

"I know I can't say it enough, Derpy, but I really am sorry. I let you both down when you needed me most. If it wasn't for my stupid family and this stupid curse, you would both be home right now. Maybe it would have been better if she had never met-" Derpy smacked him right in the face. Shock registered on his face at the wrath that radiated from her. He didn't even notice her get off the couch.

"Don't you EVER say that! She adores you, Finn!" Tears sprung to her eyes for what felt like the thousandth time that morning. Her voice softened. "You were the first real friend that she has had in a long time.You made her feel special, and that is more anypony has ever done for her." She threw her hooves around his neck and held him tightly. "That's why I know that you will get her back. Since she never got to know her father, you were the closest thing that she ever had. I know you feel the same way about her that I do."

Both of them clung together for a while. Neither wanted to let the other go from the comforting embrace. Eventually, Finn cleared his throat and said, "Now I want to show you something, Derpy."

Gently nudging her aside, he lit his horn and cleaned all the soot and ash from the fireplace with a brief flash, leaving only the bare stones of the hearth. Horn still aglow, he touched the tip to the stones which rippled then vanished. In the place where they stood was an indention deep in the floor which housed a large wooden chest. With another magical tug, he lifted the chest free from the hidden compartment and deposited it in front of him. With a creak, Finn opened the box to reveal the treasure within.

"Derpy, these are the most powerful tools that I have ever constructed. With them I am three times more powerful than I was when I last faced Zero. Nothing will stop me this time." Her eyes were wide as he lifted each item in turn. The first was a vest made of deep purple velvet. He donned the vest and gave an impromptu bow. Next he removed a top hat that was the same color as the vest. This one was a bit bigger than the one that she was used to seeing him wear. This one fit loosely on his head, but it held in place due to the holes where his ears and horn fit through. He placed it on his head and moved to the last item in the box. Reaching in, he reverently raised a smaller box about the size of a serving tray and placed it on top of the lid of the larger chest.

"Time to wake up, my old friends."

He removed the lid, revealing three objects wrapped in cloth. Finn gently unwrapped each to reveal a miniature silver crow, a coiled copper snake, and a turtle cut from a large emerald. Finn leaned closer to the figures. Derpy waited for something spectacular to happen. She watched closely, eyes (well one at least) riveted on the scene.

Finn took a deep breath and yelled, "GOOD MORNING!" Derpy jumped in surprise but was rewarded as the figures began to twitch. The crow hopped up and ruffled his metallic feathers, catching glints of sunlight on its shiny wings. The serpent uncoiled and stretched to its full height. The turtle didn't really do anything though.

Finn beamed, "Good morning gang! Let me introduce you to a good friend of mine. Derpy, this is Falco," The crow inclined his head, "and this is Freida," the snake nodded, "and lastly Siegfried," the turtle retracted its limbs back into its crystalline shell. "Don't worry about him, he is a bit shy. Alright everyone, we have a mission. An unknown foe is after the Alicorn Amulet and a little filly was foalnapped by said foe. I for one will not stand for it, and so I have called upon you to help me fight this injustice! Will you stand with me on the field of battle once more? What say you?"

"Until the bitter end, Master!" came an enthusiastic caw.

Derpy jumped right to the ceiling and had to flutter her wings to avoid landing on her rump. "Did-did-did that crow just TALK?!"

"Indeed I did, milady. How else would we shatter our enemies spirits if not for a formidable battle cry?"

Freida shook her head and let out a sigh, "You are incorrigible. Master, it appearsss that we are missssing Klausss." Finn paled visibly and abruptly facehoofed. "I knew I was forgetting something."

A deep, elderly voice echoed from Siegfried's shell, "You could always use the hat."

"Brilliant idea Siegfried!" Finn whipped the hat off of his head and reached in with a free hoof. His leg reached in much further than should have been physically possible, but with a swift tug he pulled it back and somehow Klaus was dangling from his hoof. He leaped onto the upturned brim, crossed his arms, and started tapping his foot impatiently.

"I'm sorry, Klaus," Finn apologized sheepishly, "I didn't have much choice in the matter. I was unconscious after all." The primate softened and jumped onto his friend. He wrapped his whole body around Finn's muzzle in a quick hug. With a grin, Finn returned the hat to his head and said, "Climb aboard old friend." Klaus grabbed hold of Finn's mane and swung himself onto the brim of the hat before tucking himself into the band. "That goes for the rest of you too."

Finn reached out and grabbed Frieda by the tail. She bit down on Siegfried in response. With a flash, they fused together to become an emerald pocket-watch with a copper chain. Finn tucked the watch into his vest pocket and latched the chain onto the vest's buttons. with a flourish, Falco fluttered to the base of his neck and shifted into a dazzling silver bow tie.

When all of the transformations were complete, Finn gave Derpy one of his most alluring smiles and quipped, "Do I look good, or what?"

Derpy responded by rolling on the floor, laughing uncontrollably.


"It really isn't that funny."

Derpy continued to laugh as they made their way back to the library. Every time she calmed down, she would simply glance at Finn and the fit would begin anew. Finn glared at his friend as she managed to choke out, "You just look so goofy!" As they walked through the streets of Ponyville, several snickers seemed to confirm her opinion. He simply huffed indignantly.

Suddenly, they heard a shout from one of the stalls in the market. A beige pony operating a flower stand pointed off in the distance, and the pair turned to follow her gaze. The only thing they noticed was Canterlot in the distance. Normally it would just be a part of the scenery, but today there was a green glow above the city. Tendrils of green branched from the apex and crept down, fully encasing the town in a glowing green cage. Finn and Derpy gaped at the sight. Neither knew what to make of the display before them. A sickly gold light oozed from between the tendrils, sealing the city inside. A loud boom echoed from the city, and it vanished from sight.



"Tell me that didn't happen."

"I don't even know what happened."

"We're screwed."

"Uh huh."



Derpy crashed through the window, showering glass all over the library floor. Fortunately, she landed on one of the soft reading couches. Soon after, Finn flung the door open roughly, panting as he trudged into the glass littered library. Twilight sat at her desk, levitating seven books in a lavender colored corona of magic. Surprisingly, she was still unaware of the duo's entrance into her home.

Wow, nothing breaks her focus.

Finn walked over to the purple alicorn, picked up a book resting on the desk and loudly snapped it shut. Twilight jumped and glanced blearily at him. Derpy flew right into her face and cried, "Twilight! Canterlot gone. POOF! No princesses! BIG TROUBLE!"

Twilight blinked several times in confusion. "Derpy, what did you even say?" Derpy looked desperately at Finn, silently pleading to help convey her message. Finn gently placed a hoof on Twilight's withers and said, "Princess, I think you should see this." Instead of leading her outside, he marched upstairs and led her out to the balcony.

"Finn, what exactly am I supposed to be seeing?"

He pointed a hoof toward the now empty mountain and calmly asked, "Anything off about this picture?"

Twilight's eyes widened in shock and she clasped a hoof over her mouth to muffle a scream. With a brief flash she teleported back inside screaming, "SPIKE! SPIIIIKE!" Finn and Derpy rushed inside to find her furiously writing on a piece of parchment. Spike slid into the room still clutching a broom and wearing a pink apron.

"Letter! Celestia! NOW!"

Without a second though he snatched up the letter and breathed out a small tongue of fire. The flame consumed the parchment, but the ashes simply fell to the floor.

"No no no no no! This is very bad! I can't reach her!"

Derpy grabbed her by the shoulders and started shaking her. "Get a hold of yourself! You are supposed to be the one in control here. This is no time to freak out!"

Apparently the violent shaking was exactly what Twilight needed, but her eyes still rolled dizzily in her head as a result. She took a deep breath, placed her hoof to her chest, and slowly exhaled as she extended her hoof outward. This seemed to calm her down considerably.

All progress was lost as a crash of thunder echoed from the sky. All three of them rushed back onto the balcony to see a giant thundercloud looming over Ponyville. Red lightening crackled across its bottom, but no rain fell from it. It just loomed menacingly above them. Suddenly, the cloud started swirling until it reformed into a familiar face and spoke with a now familiar voice.

"My my Finishing Touch, it appears that you do have friends in high places. Not one, but three princesses willing to crusade for your cause! Pardon me for evening the odds a bit. Can't have a pair of immortals interfering in our game."

Finn snarled, "Zero, is that all this is to you? Are the lives of countless ponies just pawns in your so called game?"

"Not quite, Finishing Touch. You are the only pawn on this board. Remember, if a pawn makes it across the board, then it can become whatever piece it wants. The board is set for you, and time waits for nopony." He paused as if in thought. "Oh, by the way, my superiors wish to make some demands of you. Procure the Alicorn Amulet and return it to Ponyville by the night of the full moon and we will release Canterlot and return your precious filly. Fail, and Ponyville will suffer the same fate that has befallen Canterlot."

Derpy gulped audibly, "What, exactly, happened to Canterlot?"

"Eh? Who's the mare, Finishing Touch? She's cute, but the eyes are a little too crazy even for me."

"Answer her question!"

"Geez, touchy!" He smirked at his pun, then his voice took on a tone of absolute boredom, "my associates have locked the city away in a pocket dimension that is untraceable and unapproachable from our own. Fortunately, there is enough of a connection for the princesses to manipulate the celestial bodies as usual. Blah, blah, blah, magic. Anyway, you have our demands. Tick tock, Finishing Touch! One last thing. Little Dinky is just a doll! We have become such fast friends, but it looks like she certainly misses you. If screaming your name constantly is any indication." His face scrunched into a serpentine sneer. "Her tears are delicious."

Finn's face burned red with rage. He cried at the apparition, "Burn in Tartarus you sadistic psychopath!" He shot a blast of magic into the cloud with a sound like a cannon. Zero's laughter echoed as the cloud broke apart and dispersed on the wind. After a few seconds, silence reclaimed the town. Except for the weeping of a gray pegasus.