• Published 14th Jul 2013
  • 549 Views, 10 Comments

The Toymaker - AtomicMuffin

A new shopkeeper arrives in Ponyville, but he wields a dangerous secret...

  • ...

The Journey Begins

"What are we going to do?! What are we going to do?!"

Twilight paced frantically on the balcony, but her fluttering wings kept her hovering a few inches off the floor. In her panic she didn't even notice. Her eyes flitted around crazily and her mane suddenly looked like birds had taken up residence.

"Princess, is Derpy going to have to shake you again?"

She touched back down and took a few deep breaths, gesturing with her hoof as she had done before. "No, I don't think that will be necessary."

A voice rang up from the ground, "Hey guys, what the heck was that all about?" Rainbow Dash and her friends had all gathered in front of the library with their saddlebags fully packed for the journey. Twilight and Derpy both glided down to explain their new situation. Finn opted to take the stairs.

Once on the ground, Twilight had already explained the situation. The group argued about what step to take next. A shrill whistle shot out from the group and all eyes turned to Applejack.

"Now Ah don't rightly understand what's goin' on, but Ah think we should listen to Finn and Twilight. They both know a mite more about magic than the rest of us." She turned to face Finn. "Alright, sugarcube, ya seem'ta know the most about them varmints. What do ya think we should do?"

Finn was slightly taken aback by the apple farmer's trust. "These ponies have already taken one city. Like you rightly said, Twilight is the only one who is skilled enough with magic to fix what has happened to Canterlot. If that fails, she is also the only one powerful enough to prevent Ponyville from being captured. How long do we have until the next full moon?"

"Eight days," Twilight responded, "but what are you planning?"

Finn looked soulfully at Twilight, channeling every iota of charisma that he possibly possessed. "I think that the Elements of Harmony should stay and defend Ponyville. I will go ahead with Zecora to get the Amulet. That way-"

"Over my dead body!" shrieked Derpy. She stared him dead in the eye, so close that their faces were touching. "After what that monster just said, you expect me to let you go alone while Dinky suffers? No chance! I'm going with you, and don't even think about stopping me!"

Everypony was flabbergasted, because nopony had ever heard Derpy speak like that. All Finn could do was plead, "Please stay, Derpy. Both Zecora and I are very skilled magicians, but we might not be able to defend you from everything."

Derpy glared at him, and in a level, menacing voice she said, "Are you saying that I can't take care of myself, Finishing Touch?"

Finn knew he was in trouble. She hadn't used his full name since they first met. Bringing up her disability would only grant him a one way ticket to the undertaker. Besides, having a pegasus around could be very useful. He mentally debated every manner of tact and approach that he could possibly conceive of, but ultimately he came to a depressing conclusion. He would have to be honest.

"Derpy, I know that you can take care of yourself out here, but I have no idea where we are going or what we are going to be up against. Quite frankly, I'm terrified. If something were to happen to you, I don't know what I would do or what I would tell Dinky. Please, please, please don't make me have to go through losing somepony else."

He spoke the last sentence in a whisper, and Derpy's gaze softened slightly. Apparently not enough.

"Listen good, Baron Touch! I am not letting you out of my sight! All I know for sure is that my little filly is scared to death and waiting for us. I don't care if I have to crawl my way through the darkest pits of the Underworld. I will find a way to get her back, with or without you! So would you rather have me along, or would you rather me go off by myself?"

He knew she would do it too, so he hung his head in defeat. "Alright, Derpy. You can come with us."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Rainbow protested, "What makes you think that we are going to stay here either?"

"Do what he says, Rainbow." Five pairs of eyes shot towards Twilight.

"What are you saying, Twilight? These goons are threatening our town! Not to mention taking Dinky and the entire city of Canterlot! Why would we sit on our hooves and do nothing?"

Twilight stood resolutely and explained slowly, "Look girls, I want to help as much as anypony, but Finn is right. The Elements should remain in Ponyville just in case. If those creeps try to move in early or if Canterlot reappears, then somepony needs to be here to help." She cringed slightly and added, "Besides, as a princess, it is my duty to maintain order at all cost. I only hope that I do everything right."

As much as the others wanted to protest, they accepted Twilight's logic. They gathered around her to reassure her that she would do a wonderful job. Twilight then turned her attention back to Finn and Derpy.

"Zecora went back into the Everfree Forest to gather some supplies for the journey. I hate to put a burden like this on your shoulders, but I want you to know that Equestria is counting on you."

"So no pressure, right?" Finn quipped.

She remained deadly serious. "Is there anything at all that we can do for you? Anything that you need?"

Finn considered her offer. Rarely does one get the chance to make a request of royalty. He considered asking for something ridiculous like an inflatable igloo or a flea-sized piano, but the serious atmosphere made him reconsider. There was always next time after all.

"I don't need anything except what I have on." Rarity flinched at his mention of his gaudy apparel.

"How about you Derpy?"

"Just a toothbrush and a comb." Then she pawed at the ground sheepishly. "Maybe a few muffins for the road."

"Say no more," cried Pinkie Pie. She pulled out a tan saddlebag and placed it on Derpy's back.

Derpy thanked her and Twilight continued, "Zecora said she would meet us on the path that leads to the ruins of the abandoned castle. Derpy knows where it is, so you should have no problem getting there. Even I don't know where Zecora hid the Amulet, so listen to her. She is very wise, and she knows the forest better than anypony."

"Thank you, Princess. We won't let you down," Finn said. Derpy then leaped forward and pulled everyone into a group hug. They broke apart and the pair started walking off down the path to the Everfree Forest.

As soon as they were out of sight, Fluttershy asked, "Do you think they are going to be alright?"

Rarity responded, "Have faith, dear Fluttershy. They can take care of themselves. Though I do feel like the Baron should probably not be allowed to dress himself. Silver should never be used as an accent for that shade of purple. It was so gaudy I almost tore it off on the spot."

"Don't get yer tail in a twist. Them two look like they got it together."

Rainbow still looked nervously at each of her friends. "Guys, you do realize this is Derpy we are talking about? She means well, but she's kind of a hazard. Do you think Finn can handle her?"

Twilight placed a reassuring hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. "I think she will be just fine. In fact, I'm willing to bet that Finn will be glad that he brought her along."


"Finn! A little help please!"

Finn sighed. They had finally made it to the edge of the forest and Derpy had gotten herself stuck on a tree branch...again. He lit his horn and slid the saddlebag off of the offending branch so that Derpy could leap off. Finn held his face in his hoof and moaned, "Derpy, why do you insist on flying into the trees if you keep getting stuck?"

Derpy blushed slightly, "I just want to help. I want to keep an eye out for Zecora or anything that might cause us trouble."

"Well don't do it in the forest. I don't want us to get separated once we get in there."

He trotted onto the path, but Derpy pulled him back. "Hold on. Shouldn't we wait for Zecora. Twilight said that she would meet us on the path."

"There is no need to wait. My timing is just that great." Zecora stepped out from the shade of a nearby tree and walked over to the pair. She had acquired a satchel thrown over her shoulders and a small pouch hung around her neck. Strapped across her back was a strange staff with unusual markings running down the entire length of the rod. The wood looked smooth, but it was pitted with grooves that looked like termites had burrowed through it. Something about it made Finn uneasy.

"That wasn't very poetic, Zecora," Finn smirked, trying to cover up his discomfort.

"While pretty verse is nice, simple rhyme will suffice. It appears our party is missing somepony. Where are the Elements of Harmony?"

"They stayed behind to defend the town. The enemy has captured Canterlot and has marked Ponyville as the next target. "

If the news surprised Zecora, she didn't show it. "This news you bring is very dire. How do we fix this quagmire?"

"It's up to us to get the Alicorn Amulet by the night of the next full moon. So if you would kindly guide us to it, then we will claim the amulet and return in time to form a plan. I don't want to fork over such a powerful artifact to those nutjobs, but right now they have a lot of leverage."

Zecora shook her head and led them deeper into the forest. As the three of us walked along the path, she said, "The path we travel is filled with danger, of which you definitely are no stranger. Where the weak may fall in fright, only the strong can make things right. For Canterlot to see the day, a terrible price we must pay."

Finn chuckled despite the words and continued to banter, "Now that's more like it! The rhyming is spot on, the verses are rhythmic, and you even inverted the syntax a few times. Pure poetry. I, Baron Finishing Archimedes Touch, swear this very day that I will make you slip up, Zecora! One day you will miss one of your little rhymes, and I will be there to throw it in your face." His expression brightened and he gained a little bounce in his step. "Tell me how you feel about oranges."

Zecora chuckled at his antics, and a mirthful glint appeared in her eye. "I accept the challenge of this game, but your first attempt is pretty lame."

The two continued to banter in that same manner as they trotted down the path. Finn tried to get her to work in words like purple, month, and rhythm. Derpy was just happy that he was starting to return to his usual self. He was happy and goofy, as if nothing was wrong and the fate of Equestria didn't rest in their hooves. But she knew better. The Finn that she knew was a persona that he created to blend in in Ponyville. He became a complete stranger once again, but his love for Dinky hadn't changed. Maybe this could be a chance to get to know him all over again.

"So where are we going anyway?" Finn asked, finally giving up his game of stump-the-zebra...for now.

"At the end of this tedious stroll, the castle ruin is our goal. I suggest you steel yourselves, friends. That is where our journey truly begins."

The trio continued in silence. The forest had grown dark despite the fact that it was the middle of the day. The trees creaked in a breeze that nopony felt. To Derpy, it sounded like the forest was breathing. The creatures scurrying in the underbrush scratched and thumped audibly, but they were never seen. To Finn, they were the beating of an enormous heart. The forest was alive, and fear crept its way into their hearts.

Derpy suddenly jumped into the air and clung to a branch high above the path. She was shaking and her teeth chattered uncontrollably.

"What has gotten you so scared? As if a monster its teeth had bared?"

Derpy hugged the branch for dear life, but with a crack the branch snapped and plummeted back to the ground. The branch impaled itself into the path, but the pegasus still clung to it upside down. She shook her head and refused to budge. Zecora walked up to her and plucked a loose feather from Derpy's wing. Using the feather she began savagely tickling the terrified pegasus. She started laughing, but Zecora wouldn't let up. Tears started streaming down Derpy's face and she soon came to her breaking point. She let go of the branch and held her aching chest. Unfortunately, she fell the short distance to the ground and landed on her head. She sat up, spots swimming before her eyes.

"Are you ready to tell us what that was all about, Derpy?" Finn asked.

"I heard a sound. It sounded a little like laughing, but it was cut short."

All three paused, pivoting their ears around to catch the mysterious laughter. Once again, Derpy was the first to hear it. This time she leaped onto Finn, wrapping her hooves around his neck and shivering on his back. She really wasn't as heavy as he expected. Must be a pegasus thing.

"There it was again. That way!"

Finn and Zecora followed her pointing hoof and cautiously walked in the indicated direction. Whether she wanted to or not, Derpy was along for the ride. The trio followed the path into a dark grove and heard the laughter. It sounded familiar, but with a loud scratching sound it was silenced.They edged closer into the grove to investigate this strange sound. Finn had his horn lit, ready for action. Zecora, however, seemed completely at ease. The trees loomed monstrously on the outside of the grove, as if they were reaching in to snatch up whoever walked too close. Strangely, sunlight was seeping through a small gap in the trees and landed on something that surprised the travelers more than any monster.

Zecora trotted up to the small gramophone and watched as the record continued to spin and skip. She gently placed the needle on the record and listened to a familiar voice:

"Oh, girls, don't you see? When I was a little filly and the sun was going dowwwwnnnnn..."


Finn was the first to react once the song had finished playing. "So how in the heck did this get here?"

Derpy and Zecora just shrugged. Thankfully, Derpy was once again standing on her own four hooves. She said, "I don't know, but I think from now on I am going to face my fears instead of hiding from them."

"I'm proud of you, Derpy. It still feels like this was some kind of lame plot device created by a lazy author to teach a relevant lesson. Feels a little out of place, doesn't it, Zecora?"

The zebra nodded sagely. "Now that this farce is through, shall we our quest continue?"

In response they all continued down the path, on their way to the abandoned castle.


After what felt like an eternity of uneventful walking, the trio arrived at the ruins of the castle. The sun had set long ago and the moon shed its light upon the shattered stone structure. All that remained of the once grand structure was a crumbling wall, a single leaning tower, and about half of the main keep. All the rest had succumbed to the ravages of time.

With full confidence, Zecora led them to the standing tower. Despite the slight tilt and the ivy growing up it's side, the tower seemed no worse for wear. Opening the door, she paused and said to her companions, "Down these stairs we must go, but take steps calm and slow. At the bottom a portal lies, long unseen by pony eyes. Beware the guardian of gleaming stone, who is of a race unknown. It is a creature of pride and greed, who guards the treasure that we need."

Derpy gulped audibly and Finn grinned like a mad-stallion. Was he seriously excited about meeting a dangerous monster deep underground? Probably.

They followed Zecora into the tower and discovered a set of stairs spiraling around the inside. In single file they headed down into utter darkness. None of them could see the other right in front of their snouts. With a sharp crack, the passage was lit with a sickly green light. Zecora stood in the lead with a large green stone glowing in her mouth. With visibility restored, they continued down the passage. After what felt like an hour of walking, the passage opened up to reveal an enormous cavern. It was so massive that the sickly light from Zecora's stone could not reach the end. Stalagmites and stalactites were scattered throughout the cavern like a set of broken teeth in a giant mouth.

Zecora stopped and gestured the others forward with a hoof. She held the hoof to her lips, motioning for silence. Derpy and Finn nodded their understanding, and they followed her once again. As she walked through the cavern, they listened intently. Water dripped from stalactites, drumming a steady beat across the cavern floor. A soft screeching suggested the presence of bats. Nothing suggested that this was anything more than a normal cavern hollowed out of the very bowels of the earth. Zecora led them through a maze of stalagmites until they came to a small path crossing over a giant chasm.

It was really just a small strip of rock that bridged the gap, but they filed along one at a time. Everything was going smoothly until Derpy started wobbling. She flared her wings to maintain her balance, but it wasn't working. She tilted to the side and her hind leg slipped off the path, sending a shower of rocks clattering down into the abyss. She would have followed them if it weren't for Finn holding her in his telekinetic grip. He marched to the other side of the chasm, still levitating Derpy in front of him, while Zecora glared at them from the other end. When they were all safely across, Derpy apologized in a squeaky whisper.

Finn replied, "Quite alright. Apparently this guardian thing didn't wake up, so no harm done. Just try to warn us whenever that vertigo kicks in. I still remember what it did to my wall."

Feeling relieved, Derpy ran a forehoof across her forehead and flicked off a few drops of sweat. Her hoof connected with a stalagmite and she cried out with a sharp, "Ouch!" The cry echoed throughout the cavern, followed by a rumbling that shook the whole structure.

"Our goal is almost in our sights, it rests beyond those stalactites!" Zecora yelled over the roaring of the cave. All three bolted in the direction she indicated, rushing through an arch formed by two giant stalactites. The cavern stopped shaking and everything went quiet. Not wishing to push their luck, the trio walked steadily into a vast rotunda with a simple pool resting in the center. The water was clear and undisturbed, and strangely the pool formed a perfect circle. Not a chance that it was natural.

Torches flared to life on the walls, bathing the room in the glow of their flames. Zecora quickly stuffed her stone away in her satchel. A loud voice echoed through the room, "I'm back, baby!"

The ground shook as a giant rose out of the cavern floor. It was a bipedal creature standing on two massive legs. Its body gleamed in the torchlight, reflecting the light off of countless amethysts lodged in its obsidian skin. Two yellow, bulging eyes stared out at the ponies. The massive creature reached up and ripped a stalactite straight from the ceiling. He then proceeded to puff on it like a cigar. Surprisingly, the end glowed and he blew out a cloud of noxious smoke.

"So anyway, what the hell are you ponies doing here?"

Derpy was the first to reply, "Um, I'm sorry sir, but who are you?"

The massive stone being pointed a thumb to his chest saying, "Name's Golem. I'm a golem."

Finn was intrigued by the creature standing in front of them. Golems were supposed to be the pinnacle of the enchanter's art. He could learn so much from such a masterpiece.

"So seriously, what are you meatbags doing in this cave?"

Now it was Zecora's turn to take charge. "A dangerous enemy pursues, so that portal we seek to use. I implore you do not be crass. Please just simply let us pass."

Golem stared at Zecora uncomprehendingly. He looked over at Derpy, "Can I get that in Equestrian?"

Derpy begged, "Please, we need to use that portal. Some bad ponies took my daughter and we need to use it to help her."

The massive figure wiped away a tear. "Awww, that's so sad. You can pass."


"No! Hehehehe!"

Finn jumped defensively in front of Derpy, horn glowing in rage. "That wasn't very funny! You should apologize to her!"

Golem stopped laughing and glared down at Finn, "Oh yeah, chump? No way! Bite my shiny crystalline ass!" And he presented said crystalline ass for good measure.

Finn was furious. He prepared his magic for an assault, but Zecora placed a hoof on his shoulder and shook her head in warning. He calmed down to assess their situation. Right now, the golem didn't seem to want to hurt them. He seemed to have more fun bullying them. Suddenly he remembered the warning that Zecora gave at the entrance. He is vain and greedy! Finn devised a plan.

"I guess those dragons were right, wouldn't you say, Zecora? They weren't joking about how shiny and beautiful this golem is."

With a knowing smile, Zecora nodded her agreement.

Golem paused, "Hmmm, I don't know any dragons. Then again, I am great. What else did these dragons say about me?"

"That was mostly it, but I thought they said something about you being an idiot who wasn't even fit to be part of their horde."

His good mood left instantly. "WHAT! Those jerks! I'll show them!" Then he rubbed his hands together greedily, "Wait a minute, dragons have tons of valuable crap just laying around. Hehehehehe. Yo, meatbag, where are these dragons anyway? I need to have a word with them."

"They're on the surface, about twenty kilometers from the entrance to this cavern."

Golem pulled an enormous burlap sack out of nowhere and threw it over his shoulders. Whistling a tune he turned to leave the rotunda. The trio sighed in relief, but Golem poked his head back in and said, "Oh yeah, don't use that portal or anything. If you move, I'll have to kill you or something. Kill all ponies." Then he left again.

Derpy grabbed Finn in a tight hug and Zecora nodded approvingly. She said, "I am very proud of you Finn. You do not always need brawn to win."

Finn basked in the praise for a bit, enjoying the mares' attention. "Oh, go on! By all means flatter me some more. But seriously, let's get through this thing before that golem comes back. Do you know how to work this thing Zecora?"

"It is very simple, Finn. All you must do is jump in."

"Good enough for me. Ladies, if you would do me the honor?" With his usual cocky smile, he threw a leg around Derpy and the other around Zecora. They both chuckled lightly and all three of them walked to the edge of the pool. With an uncharacteristic smirk, Zecora spun quickly and kicked Finn into the water. He flailed his legs wildly, but could only manage a look of mock betrayal before sinking into the pool without even making a splash. Derpy laughed with the zebra for a few seconds before they both jumped in after their friend.

Author's Note:

Once again, I'm not too happy with this chapter, but at least we are finally moving into the action-y part. Meaning the part that I actually like to write.

Anyway, don't forget to like, favorite, and comment. Feedback is always appreciated, even if you just want to hate on the story.