• Published 11th Jul 2013
  • 1,854 Views, 57 Comments

Unearth - Undermine

A travel diary recounts Pinkie Pie's struggle for survival 10 meters down a hole without any food or company. Narrative told in both 1st-person and 3rd-person.

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Day 0 (Prologue)

Day 0

My papa is celebrating his birthday! I CAN'T WAIT! I've got my saddlebag all packed and ready to go! I've got a LONG hike ahead of me! Twily was confused why I wanted to go alone and by hoof. That silly little pony! I told her that 1.) My family's house isn't big enough!..and my sis is very, very shy around new ponies (like Fluttershy!) and 2.) I know that trail like it's the left side of my cutie mark! Twilight should have nothing to worry about!

"And you're sure about this, Pinkie?" says Twilight.

"Absolutely! I've got my map, steamers, balloons, funny glasses, party cannon, water, and trail mix!"

"Ok, and you're sure you know how to get there?"

"Mhm! I take this path, go straight for a super long time, then take a right, go up the mini-mountain, go down the twisty rocky trail, and arrive at my old house!"

"And when will you get back?"

"Tomorrow morning! If I'm not back by noon then I've probably fallen down a huge, scary hole!"

Twilight chuckles. "Whatever you say, Pinkie. Now be careful, it's been very rainy recently, and I don't want you to slip on anything and hurt yourself."

"Pfft. No biggie! I got my twitcha-twitch to get me ready for any nasty rain!" The Ponyville clock tower strikes four times. "Time to go! Bye-bye, Twily!" Pinkie Pie gives Twilight a big hug and turns toward the path.

Righting herself up after the hug, Twilight calls out to Pinkie, "Wait! Who else have you told about this?"

Pinkie stops briefly before replying, "I've told you. I trust that you'll let anypony where I am when they ask!"

"Alright then. Have fun!"

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie Pie turns and bounds her way down the trail. Twilight heads back into the library, finally able to get back to sleep.

I've been walking for a super-duper long time, but I've finally made it to the base of the mini-mountain! I'd forgotten that the path forks both ways! With no spoons! (I laughed out loud at that one)
I'm in a conundrum, though. I know the route to the right, up the mini-mountain, is shorter but up-hilly and the rocky twisty path down is not very fun, but the path on the left is flater but longer.
I'll have to use my brainy skills to sort out this confuzzling problem
I just remembered! Going up the mini-mountain will get me an amazingly amazing view of the rock farm! It is decided. Up the mini-mountain I go!

Twilight walks out of the library to retrive her mail. Ever since Pinkie Pie left, the town has been seemingly quieter than usual.

"Obviously it's because we don't have our energetic pink pony to accompany me as I get the mail", Twilight thinks to herself.

She is about to walk back inside when Rainbow Dash calls out to her from the top balcony of the library, startling her and causing all of her mail to spray out in every direction and flutter to the ground.

"Thanks a lot, Rainbow," she says, grumbling, as she levitates all of the scattered letters and parcels back into a neat stack.

Rainbow Dash, still giggling, responds: "Aw man, you have to admit that I got you good!"

"Yes, well, you did get me good, 'man'. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to-"

"Now waitaminute! I actually wanted to ask you somthing!"


"Where's Pinkie Pie?"

Twilight sighs, then proceeds to tell what she's told the thirteen other ponies who had asked the same question:

"She's hiking out to her family's rock farm to celebrate her father's birthday, and she's going out alone, and she'll be back by tomorrow morning."

"...that's it?"


"Why alone?"

"I'm not entirely sure. She said something around the lines of their house not being big enough, and that her sisters were very shy...that's all I was able to get out of her."

"Wait wait wait, how come I, or anypony else, wasn't told of this?"

"She came to me early in the morning and said-"

"How early? Because I get up very early, and I'm pretty sure-"

"Owlowiscious was still awake."


"Anyway, she came to me, bursting through the door, and said something around the lines of 'TWILIGHT I ALMOST FORGOT IT'S MY PAPA'S BIRTHDAY TOMORROW ACTUALLY TODAY NOW AND JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW THAT I'M GOING TO LEAVE OK?!'"

"Wow. That was a pretty good impression of her."

"I've been practicing."

"Sooooo, should we be worried about her, like, at all?"

"I don't think we should. She was very confident in herself. She knew where to go, she had everything she needed all packed up, and she even told me that if she wasn't back by noon tomorrow she'd be stuck in a 'huge, scary hole'. Not that I'm concerned that that would ever happen. This is Pinkie Pie we are talking about. She'd probably just bounce right out."

"Ha! Yeah! Or, like, the worst case scenario would be, like, if the hole was filled with chocolate milk, and she'd try to drink it all until she couldn't stand up anymore! Imagine Pinkie trying to hike back with a stomach full of chocolate!"

"Hey, maybe that might be a good thing! Maybe she'll have such a sugar rush that she just flies out of the forest and land right in the middle of Ponyville!"


The two ponies share a laugh before finally bidding each other farewells. Twilight enters her library and closes the door, and Rainbow Dash hops off the balcony and flies to the nearest cloud for her nap.

Oh my GOODNESS! Today was absolutely, super-terrifically AWESOME!

I got see the whole family, even grandma Pie! Limestone and Marble look so grown up and strong now, it brought a tear to my eye! And my parents look just as healthy and old as they did last year!

We did so many fun things today! I got to play some of my favorite games, like Find the Jade in the Slate Stack, Sedimentary Charades, Mylonite Mayhem, A Load of Schist, and Basalt Blasting! My sis Marble actually beat me twice at Mylonite Mayhem, but she was a good sport as always. She is, after all, a gneiss pony! (ZING!)

And at the end of the day, Grama Pie unraveled the cake; a red velvet masterpiece that was shaped and colored like of the inside of raw ruby gemstone. IT WAS DELICIOUS!!!!

Now everypony's tuckered out and asleep, but I decided to write in this journal again. It's a shame that I'm only going to use for a couple more times. I like reading back what I said! I write funny!

I'm pretty sleepy-weepy, actually. I have to wake up early again tomorrow morning if I want to make it back to Ponyville before noon, like I Pinkie promised. Apparently, according to my sis Limestone, there's a hidden shortcut that cuts through the longer, flater path back home. It's unmarked, though, and I have to find a blueberry bush that looks like a round brilliant cut diamond. Pfft! That won't be hard to find at all!

It's weird being in my old room, in my old bed, in my old house. Makes me wonder why I left.

Wait, did I Pinkie promise? I'll do it now. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye; I'll be back in Ponyville before noon!

Nighty night, journal!