• Published 11th Jul 2013
  • 1,854 Views, 57 Comments

Unearth - Undermine

A travel diary recounts Pinkie Pie's struggle for survival 10 meters down a hole without any food or company. Narrative told in both 1st-person and 3rd-person.

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Spike's Letter to Princess Celestia

Dear Princess Celestia,

As you may or may not have known, my friends and I lost Pinkie Pie five days ago. She had been walking in the woods on an unmarked trail and fell down an abandon mining hole. I am happy to report that she has been found, and she is recovering well at the Ponyville hospital.

I am not happy, still, because of you and your sister.

This is not a friendship report, your highness. Rather the contrary, I've learned quite a few harsh realities about my friends, Twilight Sparkle included. Not through their actions against this situation, but through their reactions. I've have seen the true nature of these ponies. I have seen their weaknesses, faults, and ugliness in terms of personality and substance. My opinions on them have been contorted.

But I don't hold them at fault. Their true characters would eventually show, I know, and it only took a matter of time. Who knew that it would only take a pink pony to fall down a hole to show that.

But I don't hold any of them responsible, either. That blame I am putting on you, your highness.

Did you realize what we were up against? What was at stake? Pinkie Pie's fate wasn't judged by the rugged terrain or the bond between the six friends. It was all judged by time. She was down that hole for five days, she had no food and no company, and she ran out of water on the second to last day. Everyone I have talked to said that Pinkie Pie, in her condition, should be dead right now. Our timing with finding her was impeccable.

But we could've found her sooner had you and/or sister intervened.

This wasn't a normal "adventure", your highness. We were juggling between life and death. Yes, death. I know that's not a word you like to hear, your highness, but death was very well present in this situation.

Can you imagine what would happen if Pinkie Pie had died? Can you imagine the grief of the Ponyville community, knowing that their main outlet of happiness and laughter was gone? Can you imagine the struggles her friends would have to go through, with endless amounts of guilt, shame, and depression that would go through each and every one of them? Can you imagine trying to find a replacement for the Element of Laughter?

Apparently not, because you and your sister did nothing, your highness. You let in unfold like it was another fucking fairy tale.

I do not expect you to react to this in good form, but I do not want you to take this letter in jest. That is what happened last time, your highness, and look at what has happened.

Let me make several things clear: when I write to you and ask for your assistance on a life or death situation, I am not going to be exaggerating myself; do not write me off as just another baby dragon. I've seen just as much as the rest of the six, and I have great amounts of knowledge that even Twilight doesn't know about; and do not look at the world from only your perspective.

I hope you receive this letter in good time, your highness.

Te non esse sapientem.

