• Published 11th Jul 2013
  • 1,854 Views, 57 Comments

Unearth - Undermine

A travel diary recounts Pinkie Pie's struggle for survival 10 meters down a hole without any food or company. Narrative told in both 1st-person and 3rd-person.

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The Last Journal Entry

as of now, my chances for survival are at a new low. the only chance i have left is if i were to be miraculously rescued by tomorrow. but as it seem, that will not happen.

i am very weak, and will soon faint from exhaustion and dehydration, but i must write.

this is my last journal entry.

i did not ask to die. i want to live longer. i want to grow up with my friends. i want to fall in love, have children, and support a family. i love my life.

but i am not going to fight death anymore. it will come to me soon and i have accepted that.

i look back on my life, short as it may have seem. i remember a whole bunch of mistakes i have made, stupid impulses, and annoying behaviors.

but as i lay here on my literal deathbed i realize that i remember so many more happy memories.

i remember the smiles on ponies' faces when i walk up to them; the joy in that special somepony on their birthday; and the delicious sweets the cakes and i would whip up. as i remember more and more happy memories, i find myself thinking that maybe my life has been more than what i thought of it to be. maybe i have done everything i could to make other ponies happy.

it sure made me happy. that thought alone is enough to put my tired head to rest.

but if anypony finds this, please inform the following ponies accordingly.

to the cake family:

it has been such an honor to work with you guys. my experience at sugarcube corner has been more than fulfilling. i loved every cake, cookie, and pastry cooked, and i loved the parties you allowed me to have. it all made me live up to my cutie mark, and i say again thank you. i love all of you.

when looking for a replacement worker, please find somepony with as much energy as me. i don't want you guys to mope about me forever. business must continue at sugarcube corner.

to my family:

you guys have always had my back. i made the choice in my life to be different from you, and you all supported me. i would never have been where i was without you.

mommy, daddy, i know that deep in your guts you thought that i would forget my heritage, but i lived it everyday of my life.

and my sisters, marble and limestone, you are the strongest girls i have ever known. don't let anypony else tell you otherwise.

mom, dad, i love you. marble, limestone, i love you. tell the whole rest of the pie family. i love each and every one of you. you are all crazy, funny, and lovable ponies. i love you.

all of my savings from sugarcube corner will be transferred to the pie family rock farm.

to my friends:

i have no words to describe the life i shared with the five of you. the amount of joy and happiness i have collected from the time i have been with you is uncountable.

rarity, you are the most elegant pony on the face of the planet. your beauty will always captivate everyone that sees you. but within that beauty lies an undeniably charming, nice, and generous personality.

i love you.

applejack, your tenacity and strength has been a wonder to me, but you have shown a great love and appreciation not only to me but to everypony. your heart is strong.

i love you.

rainbow dash, you are the coolest pony out there. you always have been and you always will be. but you are also filled with courage, loyalty, and a carefree nature that has been inspiring to me from the first day i met you.

i love you.

fluttershy, nopony is as kind as you are. nopony is as naturally gorgeous as you are. nopony is as sweet and cute as you are. you are an incredible pony, and an incredible friend.

i love you.

twilight sparkle, through everything that we have been through, whether it be through steep mountain, chaos-ridden landscapes, and changeling infested cities, i am more than grateful that you were there to lead me through it all. your leadership is unrivaled as is your devotion to your friends.

i love you.

all i ask from you is to live out my legacy. to make other ponies happy. to make them smile and dance. to bring joy out of the most mundane of days. that is what i strived to make out of my life, and i hope you will do the same.

and please, all of you, hear me out. whatever you may think, because of what happened to me, do not blame yourselves for my death. please, please, please do not do that. it will only end in sadness and that is not what my legacy should bring. i would never blame any of you for this. you all need to keep on living happy lives. you all deserve it more than i do. you are all amazing ponies and deserve amazing lives.

i love you

rarity i lov e you

app lejack i love you

rai nbow d ash i love yo u

flutt er s hy i lo ve you

t wi lig ht sp ark le i l ov e y o u

i h ave li v ed a hap py lif e


l o v e

y o u