• Published 17th Jul 2013
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Betrothed and Betrayed - Nightwings81

When the kingdom of Saddellia threatens Equestria, Princess Celestia sends the Elements of Harmony to deal with the brutish king. On the way, they save the life of the crown prince, who will help them, but only if Rainbow Dash becomes his princess.

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Chapter 11

“…I don’t know if he was trying to make so much noise or not, but that’s when I flew off and came back here.” Rainbow paused and tilted her head -to her friends to see what they thought of her story. They were all on their way to the queen’s quarters for tea and the pegasus had taken advantage of being free of her two maids to tell the others what had happened to her during the night.

“So that’s what they’re doin’ with all the stolen ponies,” Applejack said in a low voice. “Ah wonder what they’re s’posed to be diggin’ for?”

“Gems maybe?” Twilight suggested. “For the royal treasury? They have to pay for things like tournaments and faires somehow.”

“I don’t think that’s it,” Rainbow mused. “They were finding some gems, but I got the idea that they weren’t what the ponies were searching for.”

“I guess they’ll know when they find it,” Pinkie Pie said, unusually serious. “You know, I had a funny feeling about that place back when Linden showed it to us from the mountain.”

“Me too.” As they passed another pair of guards and started up the stairs to the royal quarters, Rainbow suddenly groaned and hung her head. “I really don’t want to do this. I feel ridiculous.”

“I wouldn’t go that far, Darling.” Rarity trotted up beside her polychromatic friend and eyed her tea dress approvingly. “While I certainly wouldn’t have gone with the braided trim, at least she took my advice and used the gossamer silk. And that shade is very becoming on you.”

Though Foxtail had refused to back down as Rainbow’s official seamstress, she and Rarity had reached an uneasy truce regarding her outfit for the morning’s activities. Rainbow was now dressed in a breezy, short-sleeved gown in a rose silk that nearly matched her eyes. A seafoam green braid lined the skirt and scooped neckline, and decorated the holes left for her wings. Strands of her mane had been braided and looped around her ears, held in place by sequined clips shaped like aster flowers.

“It’s true, Rainbow,” Fluttershy said softly. She and the others had donned outfits borrowed from Rarity since Foxtail had been unable to supply them all with appropriate clothing in time and Rainbow had outright refused to go without any of her entourage. “You look lovely. I’m glad Rarity and Foxtail were able to agree on something for you.”

“Thanks, but I didn’t mean the clothes. I meant heading off for tea with a pony who had a hoof in tricking me, when we really should be finding out what’s going on at that quarry. That’s the reason we came here in the first place.”

“Ah’m with you a hundred percent, Rainbow, but Ah really don’t see any way ‘round it. You’re kinda a public figure here now, whether you like it or not. Flyin’ off in a snit last night was one thing, but you cain’t really blow off an invitation from the queen, now can you? Not without drawin’ some suspicion.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Rainbow sighed in annoyance. “Still seems like a huge waste of time.”

Twilight paused abruptly. “You’re right!”

“Huh?” Her five friends stared at her, dumbfounded.

“You get a bump on your head like Rainbow, Sugarcube?” Applejack queried.

“No, I’m fine. But I just realized that there might be a way to fix Rainbow’s dilemma. They said that the rules of the betrothal are written in the Saddellian laws…well, maybe there’s a loophole in those laws that we can use to our advantage.”

“Something that says Rainbow Dash doesn’t have to marry Linden if she doesn’t want to?” Fluttershy asked.

“Exactly!” Twilight grinned broadly. “We just have to find it!”

“And how are we going to do that during tea, and council meetings, and garden parties?” Rainbow said sarcastically.

“Easy. You don’t need your entire entourage for tea and garden parties. You go to them and keep the Saddellians happy, and I’ll do what I do best!”

Her friends all exchanged confused looks. “Lecture them?” they said in unison.

Twilight huffed. “No! Study! Linden said we’re still allowed to come and go as we please, so I’ll see what I can find in the palace library. Maybe I can even uncover some clues about the quarry.”

“That’s a great idea, Twilight!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Nopony knows how to study better than you!”

“Yeah!” Rainbow brightened considerably. “If anyone can figure out a way to get me out of this, it’s you.”

“Right! So you girls go have tea. I’ll meet you back in the rooms later.” Almost giddy at the prospect of having a study assignment, Twilight whirled around and cantered back down the stairs.

The remaining five continued down the plush, lavishly decorated hall, passing tapestries and statues and huge vases stuffed with fresh flowers. Beveled glass covers on the lanterns cast tiny rainbows on the thick carpet that muffled their hoofsteps, and each servant they encountered bowed or curtseyed to the prince’s betrothed. By the time they reached the doors to the queen’s solarium, Rarity was in raptures at the sheer elegance.

A russet-colored colt in a royal tabard opened the doors to admit them to a large, corner chamber lit by enormous windows. Bright Song was already inside, seated at a round table with several of her own hoofmaids. She was talking to a plump, canary yellow mare when they arrived, but broke off in mid-sentence to prance across the room and give Rainbow Dash an affectionate nuzzle.

“Good morning, my dear! I’m so glad to see you back, safe and sound. You had us all so worried last night! But here you are—and looking so lovely. I see Foxtail has been working her magic and…” She faltered to a stop, a wave of hurt crossing her face when Rainbow pulled away from her. “Oh, you’re still angry with me, aren’t you?”

Rainbow stared at her with wounded eyes, clearly remembering how Bright Song had manipulated her, singing the praises of the Blue Hills when she had really been trying to trap her.

“How could you?” she accused. “You never said anything to me.”

“And would you have acted any different if I had?” Bright Song countered. “My dear, we never meant to hurt you. I thought you would be surprised, maybe shocked, but in the end you would realize the benefits of such an arrangement.” She gestured to the table and her own waiting ladies, but Rainbow held her ground, scowling. The queen sighed. “Rainbow, please, I know it is upsetting, but we only have the best intentions towards you and my son. Now, I have had a wonderful repast prepared for us and somepony I would love you to meet—let us sit and talk, alright?”

Rainbow hesitated, but Rarity gave her a tiny nudge and cleared her throat demurely. Relenting, the pegasus trotted across the room and took a seat at the table. The canary yellow mare nodded at her, smiling sweetly.

“This is Duchess Buttercream,” Bright Song told her as a pretty, but gawky young filly with a navy coat scrambled to pour tea into their cups. “She and her husband, Duke Eagleclaw, are good friends of the crown. She greatly wanted to meet you today.”

Buttercream giggled like a filly and pressed a hoof to her cheek. “It’s my pleasure!” she chortled in a shrill, yet breathy voice. “I saw your performance at the tourney yesterday and couldn’t believe my eyes! It was like you walked on the air!” She paused long enough to take a quick breath and instructed the filly to add plenty of cream and four sugars to her tea, then continued to gush, “And those tricks! When you dived the audience, and then made the lightning! I jumped so high! So exciting!”

Rainbow smiled in spite of herself. She loved hearing ponies praise her flying prowess and the stunts she worked so hard to perfect.

“Thanks! It took me a month to get that one down.” She sat back to let the filly add a small amount of cream to her tea, but shook her head after the first lump of sugar. “I kept braking a little too late—good thing I was practicing over a lake.”

Buttercream burst into a braying peal of laughter that made them all jump. “A lake. Oh dear, that is so precious!” Shaking with mirth, she helped herself to several little pumpkin tarts and plopped another on Rainbow’s plate. “Here, my dear. Try one of these. You’re so slim—though I suppose that’s from all the flying about that you do.” She tsked and ate an entire tart in a single bite, her deep blue eyes raking over the young pegasus. “And such a pretty little thing with all those bright colors. Linden is one lucky colt, and you are one lucky filly to have caught his eye.”

Rainbow had just dipped her muzzle into her cup of tea, but the mare’s words made her snort and the hot beverage went up her nose. While she was sputtering and coughing, Applejack took advantage of the moment to change the subject and addressed the smiling queen.

“Your Majesty, Ah hate to have to tell you this, but mah friends and I had some trouble when we got back to our rooms last night. Seems somepony broke in while we were all busy at the banquet and stole some pretty valuable things from Twilight’s saddlebags.”

The queen went very still for a moment, her smile falling away. “Stole?” she repeated slowly. “I…I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

Applejack glanced at her friends confusedly. “Well, ma’am, Twilight has this really valuable set of necklaces. She brought ‘em with her for us to wear when we all met with the king, but they were taken last night.”

“You’re saying someone in the castle stole your things?” Buttercream queried. “My my!”

“Yes, and since we were all locked in our rooms,” Rarity added, “we couldn’t alert anypony to what had happened.”

“Yeah!” Rainbow wiped the tea off her nose with a napkin. “What’s with that? Why were they locked in? Why did they try to lock me in when I got back? If I hadn’t flown out a window and found Linden, we’d probably still be locked in.”

“Ahh, found Linden, did you?” Buttercream winked conspiratorially and draped a dramatic hoof across her chest. “Went straight to the waiting hooves of her prince for solace and aid. How romantic!”

Rainbow blushed deeply. “No! That’s not what happened at all. He was just the first pony I bumped into—literally! I mean, he wanted to help, but I didn’t go looking for him in particular. I was actually looking for Goldhoof, because he’s the one who ordered us locked in.”

Now Bright Song seemed to flinch. She turned her head, suddenly very busy with her cup of tea. After a long silence, she murmured, “Well, that is certainly very odd. I will speak to my husband. I’m sure he will want the staff questioned regarding the whereabouts of your belongings.”

“Linden and Tiny are already on it. Tiny said he was going to talk to his father.”

The queen brightened. “Oh, wonderful! They will have this little mystery solved in no time, I’m sure.”

“Oh yes. No time at all!” Buttercream agreed readily. “Now, let’s move on to more pleasurable topics.” She leaned closer to Rainbow Dash, smiling meaningfully. “Like your wedding! You must be so excited! There is so much to plan! Have you considered your colors yet? What about your flowers? You’ve got your friends here, but you must have some of the Saddellian girls in your party. And have you met my youngest son yet, Hawkeye? He’s a page here in the castle and I know Linden adores him. He would be the cutest little ring colt for you!”

Rainbow managed to stifle a groan and busied herself with eating several pumpkin tarts in a row, so all she had to do was nod in what seemed the appropriate places. As the duchess prattled on and on about the details of what would surely be the “grandest celebration in memory”, Rainbow wondered how Twilight was doing down in the library and surprised herself by wishing she could be with her. Who would have guessed that she would want to become an egghead, just so she could avoid becoming a princess?


Twilight Sparkle paused at the doorway to the palace library and briefly closed her eyes, letting the familiar scent of dusty, old books wash over her. She smiled and sighed contentedly, then trotted into the vast room, gazing up at the tapestries that hung on the walls between the floor to ceiling windows. Each one was an elaborate scene from the legends of the Savvy Stallion, showing the titular character in his many clever exploits. She had already spent several hours studying them, but still found the intricate work fascinating and beautiful. And there was something inspiring about them as well—if anypony could trick his way out of this mess, it was the Savvy Stallion.

And if anypony could find a loophole hidden within the thousands of books available, it was her.

She trotted first to what she knew was the history section. It was an E shaped series of shelves in the back right corner of the room, close to a tapestry depicting a scene of the Savvy Stallion being menaced by a massive, green dragon. It reminded her a little of the time she and her friends had faced down a dragon, though Fluttershy hadn’t looked anywhere near as smug and self-satisfied as the stallion.

“Well, it you can beat a dragon with just a…” She paused, glancing closer at the tapestry, “…butter churn and an accordion, I’m sure we can keep Rainbow Dash from walking down the aisle. Let’s get started.”

She pulled a wide set of rolling stairs close and started perusing the volumes. She immediately discarded such titles as Salt, a History, and The Practical Pony’s Guide to Pumpkins, which had obviously been misplaced. She set that aside to move to the gardening section, then began pulling out books that showed promise. Soon, she was groaning under the weight of a teetering pile that seemed determined to tumble free of the tenuous grip of her magic and she hurried to the tables on the center of the room before she dropped them. Stacking them neatly in order of author, age, and potential, she pulled up a cushioned bench and started to read.

Two hours later she slammed the fifth book closed with a frustrated grunt and sat up to stretch, only to yip in shock to find a flame-colored colt sitting beside her.


“And I thought I was serious when it came to studying,” Nightfire said.

“H-how long have you been there, uh, here?” Twilight stammered.

“About ten minutes. Maybe fifteen.” He shrugged. “Long enough to see that you wrinkle your nose and stick out your tongue when you find something interesting.”

Twilight blushed. “Oh, w-well, I was just concentrating.”

“So I noticed. You’re not spending the day at court with Lady Dash? I would have thought you’d be fascinated by something like that.”
“Well, yes, seeing the king preside over a session at court did sound interesting, but the others are helping her with that today. I’ve been tasked with, uh, a little project.”
Nightfire’s eyes scanned the titles of the pile nearest to him. “History?” he queried, suddenly sounding a little anxious. “You’re reading about Saddellian history?” With an awkward little laugh, he reached for the top book. “Mind if I see what could possibly have you so enthralled, because I might have to check it out if it’s really good?” The book was a massive tome with a worn blue cover. Nightfire squinted at the faded title. “Genealogy of the Family Buckthorn.” Frowning, he opened the book to a random page and started to read aloud, “Moonshadow, female, daughter of Saffron and Stormswatch; born fifth day of Spring, Year of Drought; blue coat, green and white mane, chartreuse eyes. Sweet Brook, female, daughter of Moonshadow and Feldspar; born twenty-third day of Autumn, Year of High Wheat; pale blue coat, lavender mane, gray eyes.” He closed the book with a snort. “Actually, I think I’m going to pass on this. Maybe when I finish that great documentary on watching grass grow.”

Twilight laughed and tugged the book out of his grasp with her magic. “Nopony asked you to read it!”

“True. But why are you reading it? Lady Rainbow Dash is interested in obscure Saddellian genealogy?”

“Not really, but I’m not really sure where to start, so I got a bit of everything for research.”

Nightfire perked up. “Research, huh? Well, now we’re talking my language. Maybe I could help get you started. I know this library like the back of my hooves. What are you trying to find out?”

“Oh, um, well, I’m sort of looking for some information on the…the marriage laws of Saddellia.” She ducked her head guiltily as realization dawned on the colt’s face.

“Oh! I mean, uh…I get it. You’re trying to see if you can find a way to get Rainbow Dash out of marrying Linden.”
“Yes,” Twilight said softly, then continued in a rush, “I’m sorry, Nightfire, I know he’s your friend and he’s a great pony, but she’s my friend and what’s happening here isn’t fair and…” She broke off for a second, closing her eyes as she imagined not only failing in the task set for them by Princess Celestia, but also going back to Equestria without Rainbow Dash. The thought made her stomach hurt.
“Linden told me what happened when you all left the banquet after the announcement. I guess saying Rainbow was upset is a bit of an understatement.”

“In the same way that calling a dragon a lizard is an understatement.”

“Right. And Linden seems to have caught the dragon by the tail.”
Twilight’s purple eyes suddenly narrowed. “Wait, Linden is your friend. Did you know what was going on? Did you know that the king and queen were planning to trap Rainbow by giving her the Blue Hills?”
Nightfire jerked back, his own eyes widening in surprise. Hurriedly, he shook his head. “Twilight, on my honor, I didn’t know until you and your friends did. I don’t even think Fletcher and Tiny knew.” His brow furrowed and he nickered thoughtfully. “In fact, I’m not even sure Linden himself knew until that meeting with his father.”
“But surely he knew about the laws! He must have suspected that Rainbow Dash wouldn’t be happy to marry against her will.”
“Actually, I honestly don’t think he did. He seemed completely baffled by it all when I spoke to him.”
Twilight frowned and tapped her hoof on the table. “I find that very hard to believe. He’s the prince! He has to know about the laws and rules of his own country, doesn’t he? I would have thought such things would be part of his schooling.”
“Well, that’s the thing about Linden. He’d rather be out in the mountains and forests, exploring the land, than cooped up at a table with his nose in a book. His teachers had a hard enough time getting him to sit still for the basics, let alone the obscure history and laws.”
“He and Rainbow really are perfect for each other,” Twilight said with a sigh, then blushed guiltily. “Don’t tell her I said that.”
Nightfire smiled, then suddenly hopped off his bench. “Well, let’s get to work.”
“Work? You’re going to help me?”
“Of course. Like I said, I know this library. Between the two of us, we should find something to help Rainbow, if it indeed exists.”

“I…what about Linden? He’s one of your best friends. Won’t he be upset if he finds out you helped me?”

“Frankly, Twilight, I’m doing him a favor, and Linden’s smart enough to realize that eventually. Rainbow is a great mare and I really like her, but I have a feeling that she could make my friend truly miserable if she’s kept here against her will. If he wants her, he’s going to have to convince her to stay of her own accord.”

The purple unicorn hung her head. “I feel sorry for him…Rainbow’s had her heart set on joining the Wonderbolts since she was a filly. She’ll never give up on that dream, even for the chance to be a princess.”

“You never know.” Nightfire shrugged. “She loves flying, that’s true, but I’ve seen the way she looks at Linden. The heart works in mysterious ways.” Leaving Twilight to ponder that revelation, he turned and trotted off into the rows of shelves.


“Well, that was certainly, uh, interesting.” Rarity glanced sideways as the blue pegasus walking beside her snorted. “I mean, it dragged on a little.” Rainbow grumbled under her breath. “And there were a few times when they seemed to be contradicting each other just for the sake of obstinacy.” Her friend started to grind her teeth together and Rarity swallowed nervously. “Still, it gave a lot of insight into the workings of the Saddellian government and—”

“It was a complete waste of time!” Rainbow suddenly blurted, her wings flaring so forcefully that she rose several inches off the ground. “What a load of horseapples! I could have been helping Twilight in the library—or even better, napping!”

Rainbow was in a sour mood. She was still exhausted from her long flight and lack of sleep, her stomach was growling, and her ankles hurt. They had just left the royal council session, which had been as dull and useless as she’d expected it to be. Like the session at court that had preceded it, she hadn’t even been allowed to speak, but had been expected to sit quietly like a statue while the council members went about their business. She’d found it so hard to keep her eyes open as the stuffy, nobles droned on and on about taxes and levies and the expenses of feeding and housing the royal guard, that Applejack and Rarity had taken turns kicking her awake.

“At least it’s over now and we get to spend some time outside,” Fluttershy whispered, giving Rainbow a gentle nuzzle to soothe her frazzled nerves. “It’s such a beautiful day and the gardens should be nice and shady.” She raised her head and breathed in deep. “Mmm! You can smell the flowers already.”

Rainbow found herself smiling and lifting her own muzzle to sniff the aroma of blossoms. “Fluttershy, you could find the good side of a tornado.”

The yellow pony tilted her head thoughtfully. “Well, sometimes you need to move big things, like trees and houses, only really quickly.”

Her four friends burst into laughter as they stepped into the garden, past a pair of attendant ponies who bowed low to Rainbow Dash and welcomed her to high tea. Immediately, a white mare in a blue dress trotted over and dipped a curtsey.

“Good afternoon, Princess Rainbow!” she said with a welcoming smile. “The ladies have gathered under the golden willow for now. Please, follow me.”

“Sure, but, uh, I’m not a princess,” Rainbow said as she fell in beside the mare.

“Oh, but it has been announced, my lady—you’re as good as now.” She glanced sideways at Rainbow Dash. “I am Moon Shimmer, of Willow Brook. Lady Tiger Lily is my retainer.”

Rainbow nodded, though she had no idea what a retainer was. “Nice to meet you.”

“Oh look! It’s so pretty!” Fluttershy exclaimed in her delicate voice.

A huge, golden willow tree stood in the center of the garden, trailing slender branches clear to the ground and forming a dense, leafy cave large enough to shelter two laden tables and a dozen well dressed ponies. They all turned as the girls approached and another attendant pushed aside the branches to let them enter.

“Princess! How lovely to see you again so soon!” Buttercream broke away from the refreshment table and pranced to Rainbow’s side. “I know how busy you have been today, so here is your chance to relax a little. Come—I will introduce you to the ladies of the court.”

Rainbow gave the mare a sickly smile while rolling her eyes in panic towards her friends. As Buttercream gently but persistently nudged her towards the first group of ladies, she desperately reached out and hooked her hoof around Rarity’s leg, forcing the unicorn to follow her.

Left to their own devices for the time being, Applejack drifted towards the refreshment table while Pinkie unabashedly bounced away to introduce herself and suggest some party games. Alone, Fluttershy nervously pawed the ground, wondering if she should follow Applejack or take her place at Rainbow’s side as her lady-in-waiting. She ducked behind her hair, peeking from side to side, until she spotted a familiar periwinkle blue mare with a round ball of silvery grey fur curled in the crook of her hoof. A squee escaped her and she hurriedly trotted to the mare’s side.

“Is it a kitten?” she asked, eagerly. “May I see it, please?”

Wild Rose looked at Fluttershy in surprise for a moment and glanced quickly towards the refreshment table, then reluctantly turned her hoof so the pegasus could look more closely at the animal. It was definitely not a kitten, and unlike anything Fluttershy had ever seen. At first, she thought it was a squirrel, but it was more plump and had a thinner tail. The face was very similar to a mouse, complete with oildrop bright eyes and rounded ears, but it was the size of a small rabbit. The fur was thick and glossy, with a distinct silvery sheen.

“It’s so cute!” she exclaimed. “Is it a…what is it? A squirrel-mouse?”

“It’s called a chinchilla,” Wild Rose told her. Emboldened by Fluttershy’s genuine interest, she held the little animal out further, inviting the pegasus to pet it. The little animal leaned forward, nose and whiskers twitching curiously as Fluttershy stroked its head. She gasped, delighted.

“It’s so wonderful! What’s his name?”

Wild Rose smiled shyly, her face glowing with happy pride as she hugged the little creature close. “Thank you. Her name is Shadow.”

“I’ve never seen anything like her before. I’ve never even heard of a chinchilla.” Fluttershy couldn’t resist stroking Shadow again. “So soft! My bunnies aren’t even that soft.”

“You have bunnies?”

“I have all kinds of animals. Bunnies and pussy cats and goats and ducks and squirrels.” She turned slightly so the other pony could see the three butterflies emblazoned on her flank. “It’s how I got my cutie mark. I love all the little critters and help take care of them back home.” She gestured to the chinchilla. “I would love to get something like her. My other animals would love her so much—where did you find her?”

Wild Rose’s smile faded away so quickly Fluttershy feared that she had insulted the pony.

“Oh, I’m sorry! It’s a secret, isn’t it? Th-that’s okay. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

“It’s alright” Wild Rose admitted, drawn in by Fluttershy’s genuine admiration of her pet. She nuzzled the chinchilla affectionately. “They only live in the really high places in the mountains—up in the rocky meadows where it’s cold, which is why they have such thick fur.”

“Wow! You went up in the mountains and found her? You must be like Prince Linden and really like exploring.”

The periwinkle pony giggled and shook her head vehemently. “Not me! I’ve never even been away from the capital city. My parents would never allow it. I found her during a faire last year. It was raining and the merchant had her locked in a little cage out in the open. She was all wet and the cage was dirty—I couldn’t leave her there.”

“Of course you couldn’t!” Fluttershy stared at the chinchilla sitting contentedly on Wild Rose’s leg, horrified to picture her cold and hungry, with bedraggled fur and dull eyes. “She was lucky you found her—now she’s safe and happy.”

“Mm hmm.” Wild Rose’s eyes flickered over Fluttershy’s head, her smile stilling momentarily. Curious, Fluttershy glanced around and saw the pony’s twin staring at them. Her gaze was so cold that Fluttershy’s ears drooped and she ducked her head with a tiny squeak.

“I guess you’re not supposed to be talking to me,” she whispered. “Your sister and friend don’t seem to like us much.” She then noticed that the mauve-coated mare standing beside Petal Soft was not Star Trillium, but an older pony with a stern set to her shoulders and a frown wrinkle on an otherwise elegant face. At the moment, that frown was directed towards the large trunk of the willow tree, where Rainbow Dash sat surrounded by the other courtly ladies. Star Trillium, she realized, was nowhere to be seen.

Wild Rose watched her sister subtly beckon her for a moment, then gave a small sigh. “Trillium has been in line to marry Prince Linden since she was a foal. Her parents are two of the most influential ponies in the country with some of the most prosperous land holdings. Her mother is a duchess whose noble line can be traced back for more than a hundred years. So can you blame Trillium for being upset when your flashy, flying friend shows up and steals the prince from right under her nose?”

Fluttershy gaped at her. “Is that what you think happened? Because Rainbow Dash never wanted any of this.”

Wild Rose scoffed. “Oh, I’m sure!” she said sarcastically. “Because no mare would actually want to marry the most eligible bachelor in the country, who just happens to be one of the most handsome colts also. And never mind that such a marriage would make such a mare instant royalty, with all that entails. But your friend just wants to fly away from all that, huh?”

“Actually, yes,” Fluttershy replied, her soft, gentle tone adding validity to her statement. Wild Rose blinked twice and glanced uncertainly towards Rainbow Dash.


“I won’t deny that Rainbow likes Linden a lot,” Fluttershy admitted, “but there is this elite flying group back in Equestria called the Wonderbolts, and she has dreamed of joining them since she was a little filly. If she stayed here, she would never get her chance to prove herself to them.”

“Oh, I didn’t know.” The Saddellian mare bit her lip, then lowered her head and whispered conspiratorially, “Truth to tell, Trillium was supposed to be here with her mother, but she hasn’t left her room since the banquet last night. Her mother…” she glanced quickly at the mare near her sister and her voice lowered even further. Fluttershy had to lean forward to hear her properly. “Calla Lily has always felt that Trillium should be the princess, and then the queen when Linden takes the throne. Trillium has all the proper bloodlines and breeding and the family has given their support to the crown for years so they would be held in especial favor. She wasn’t pleased with Lady Rainbow Dash’s performance at the tourney and she was positively livid after the banquet. She thinks Trillium didn’t try hard enough to curry Linden’s favor, so he passed her by.”

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy murmured. “I didn’t know. Poor Trillium.” She suddenly saw the mauve mare in a new light. Seeing Linden with Rainbow Dash must have been a terrible blow to her, especially with her mother pushing her so hard.

Wild Rose cocked her head, eyeing Fluttershy skeptically, then shrugged as she decided that this fellow animal lover could be trusted. “If you want my personal opinion, I think she only chased Linden because of her mother. I’ve seen the way she looks at High Stepper and it’s with a lot more interest than Linden.”

“Really? Uh, who is High Stepper, if it’s not too much trouble? I don’t think I’ve met him.”

“Probably not. He’s a soldier in the Castle Guard—has some prospects to become one of the King’s Guard. He’s not from any real family and has no land holdings or money that he stands to inherit. Her parents would never allow such a paring.”

“But, if she loves him and he loves her…” Fluttershy protested.

Wild Rose raised her eyes and smiled dreamily. “Marry for love? That would be wonderful, wouldn’t it? Like something out of a minstrel’s ballad.”

As if called by her words, the minstrel Lightfoot and his partner appeared to play for the ladies. Wild Rose’s eyes brightened joyfully and she gave Fluttershy a friendly nudge. “Time for the music! I hope he plays The Legend of Diamond Eyes and the Tailor. It’s my favorite. Come on, let’s get something to eat and you can hold Shadow while we listen.”

“That would be nice,” Fluttershy agreed, and followed the mare to the refreshment table.


When the music started and all attention turned to the players, Rarity breathed a small sigh of relief and helped herself to a cup of pumpkin punch. For the last half hour she had stayed by Rainbow’s side, helping the pegasus deal with the unfamiliar attention of courtly, sophisticated ponies. Rainbow had no trouble regaling the ladies with tales of her sonic rainboom and other flying achievements, but questions about her bloodlines and economic plans for her new land holdings made her eyes glaze over. That was when Rarity had delicately assumed control of the conversation, using all the lessons she had learned when dealing with the ponies of Canterlot. The Saddellian ladies were not very different than those of Equestria’s capital city and delighted in tales of fashion, style, and wealth, and they had been very eager to speak to the white unicorn, once Rainbow Dash chimed in and informed them that she trusted Rarity with all her fashion designs back home.

Still, it was a relief to finally sit on a tufted cushion in the shade of the willow and relax to the music. Sometimes, not often, but sometimes, she preferred the casual, laid-back attitude of Ponyville. It was wearying to keep up such dignified appearances all the time.

She recognized the musician from the faire and smiled when he started to play. His voice was wonderful, deep and mellow and full of emotion as he wove tales of love and longing and loss with his music. His pale green partner sat slightly behind him, eyes downcast as she accompanied sweetly on a wooden flute.

A gentle lull fell over the garden, all conversation hushed to enjoy the music. The day was hot, but the shade made it bearable, and the drinks mingling with the food on the laden table were refreshingly cool. She sipped her punch and lost herself in an epic sonnet of a displaced prince struggling through all manner of travails to return to his beloved, only to find a cruel sorcerer had assumed his likeness in his absence and was on the brink of marrying the mare.

It was terribly romantic, especially when the wronged prince called for a duel between himself and the imposter for the right of the mare’s hoof. The gaggle of females in the garden all sighed and swooned, though Rarity noticed both Applejack and Rainbow Dash rolling their eyes.

As the song came to a bittersweet close, Pinkie Pie sidled up to Lightfoot and whispered in his ear. The stallion grinned at her and tapped the belly of his mandolin, picking up the tempo. Seconds later, a perky, playful melody filled the air and Pinkie Pie called for the ladies to join her in a dance. Most looked startled and confused, a few scandalized—one dark pink mare standing near the twin named Petal Soft was scowling darkly, though her eyes were fixed on Rainbow rather than Pinkie.

As the pink pony made the usual spectacle of herself and tried to get more to join her, Rarity trotted over to the pale green musician and gave her a gentle smile.

“Your music is just lovely,” she said. “I’ve never heard that song before—so sweet and sad at the same time. You sang the mare’s part beautifully.”

“Thank you, Miss,” the musician murmured.

“I found it a little odd, though, about the villain. The song didn’t say he was a unicorn, but he was obviously using powerful magic to trick an entire kingdom. Were there unicorns in Saddellia before?”

“Unicorns?” The earth pony glanced at Rarity’s horn, then looked away with a small shrug. “I wouldn’t know, Miss.”

“Well, I thought Saddellia was founded wholly by earth ponies. Lord Goldhoof is something of an anomaly here, isn’t he? But I suppose it could be possible that Saddellia had unicorns in the past.”

“I guess…but as I said, Miss, I wouldn’t know. I don’t really know that much history.”

There was something odd, yet strangely familiar about her speaking voice, an accent Rarity couldn’t quite place. She glanced surreptitiously at the mare’s flank, hoping her cutie mark might give her some clue, but the two entwined thistles didn’t spark any memories she could recall.

“Oh, that’s alright. I just found it curious and I thought you might know,” Rarity said smoothly, though she found it odd that a minstrel didn’t know even a little of the history behind the songs she sang.

She was just about to ask the mare her name and what part of Saddellia she came from, when a flustered Lilac Breeze appeared in the garden. After apologizing to the ladies for interrupting their music and enjoyment, she pointedly told Rainbow Dash that she had to return to the castle if she was to get ready for her date with Linden.

The ladies like Buttercream all smiled and tittered, winking knowingly at Rainbow Dash, but Rarity noted that the mauve mare wrinkled her nose and turned abruptly, sauntering out of the garden without a word.

They had barely stepped through the doors to the Emerald Rooms when Rainbow caught Rarity and, ignoring the duel entreaties of Foxtail and Lilac Breeze, frantically pushed her into the bedchamber.

“What in the world! Rainbow Dash! What—you’re mussing my mane—let me go!”

Rainbow released her and backed away, trotting a nervous circle around the spacious room and shaking her head. After a moment, she sat on her haunches and took a deep breath, but instead of speaking, she began to chew on her lip.

“Darling, what is it?” Rarity hurried to her side and gave her a gentle nuzzle. “What’s the matter? Is it this marriage to Linden? Because, Darling, you don’t have to worry—we are going to find a way to get you out of—”

“I…uh…I need some advice,” Rainbow interrupted. She raised a hoof and ran it over her mane, scowling when it tangled on the elaborate ornaments Foxtail had woven into the multicolored strands. Freeing herself, she lowered her voice and added, “And I swear, Rarity, you can’t tell anypony this…not Twilight or Pinkie, and especially not Applejack.”

Rarity blinked and almost chuckled, but Rainbow looked so agitated that she swallowed the impulse and nodded gravely.

“Of course, Rainbow Dash. You have my promise that I will keep the strictest of confidences. Now, whatever is the matter?”

“Well, um…” Rainbow tapped her hoof on the floor and smiled nervously. “I need you to tell me how to go on a date.”