• Published 17th Jul 2013
  • 3,006 Views, 73 Comments

Betrothed and Betrayed - Nightwings81

When the kingdom of Saddellia threatens Equestria, Princess Celestia sends the Elements of Harmony to deal with the brutish king. On the way, they save the life of the crown prince, who will help them, but only if Rainbow Dash becomes his princess.

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Chapter 6

Their arrival in Saddellia was met with much surprise and excitement from the earth ponies working in the fields and villages. They all recognized the prince, running to the roads and bowing respectfully at the prince as he passed, then gaping at the visiting mares. Rainbow Dash, who insisted on flying low beside them the rest of the way, grinned at the attention.

One young colt dropped the basket he had been carrying and raced ahead to announce the prince’s return. By the time they trotted up the cobblestoned road to the enormous structure, a procession of armored guards had emerged from the castle to fall in around them, and their path was lined with regal ponies in fabulous finery. The whispering and stares continued.

“Whoa, did anypony stay in the castle?” Twilight asked. “You sure are popular around here, Prince Linden.” She caught sight of a cluster of young mares the same ages as she and her friends. They were dressed beautifully, with flowing capes and tall conical hats. Their styled manes and expertly applied makeup made her suddenly and painfully aware of how much road grime dusted her lavender coat and how the heat of the day had made her mane cling damply to her neck and forehead. She glanced quickly at Rarity and saw that the white unicorn was obviously feeling the same, though she steadfastly walked with her head up.

“That runner probably told everypony that I had guests with me,” Linden replied. “They’re used to me coming and going at all hours so they usually don’t turn out in swarms like this, but I’m sure they’re curious of you six.” Linden was looking up at Rainbow Dash as he spoke and walked past the group of courtly ladies without a glance. One pretty mauve pony was shocked by this and looked confusedly at her friends, who immediately started whispering amongst themselves. Catching Twilight watching them, they cast unanimous glares at the unicorn before turning on their heels and prancing across the grounds to what appeared to be the gardens.

“Don’t look so surprised,” Nightfire leaned down to whisper in her ear. “I’m sure you have snobs back in Ponyville too, and at least here you have magic over them.”

“Oh! Oh, no…I’m sure it’s not…I was staring at them and I shouldn’t and…” Nightfire’s eyebrow arched at her sardonically and she giggled. “Okay…they did seem a little, uh, snooty.”

“That was Lady Trillium and her friends. She’s had her eye on Linden for years.” He looked forward to the prince, who was trotting beside Rainbow Dash and laughing at something she had just said. “But she’s going to have a hard time competing against a flashy, flying pony who saved Linden’s life.”

“If Rainbow Dash even realizes she’s in the game at all.”

“I think that’s exactly what Linden likes about her…oh!” The orange pony stared straight ahead, his eyes going wide. “Lord Gold Hoof is here. That’s, uh, odd…he usually doesn’t leave his tower even for Linden’s returns. He must have heard about you and your friends.”

A dark, slate grey pony was standing in the large courtyard just inside the castle gates. His mane and tail were both a darker shade of grey, but sliced through with thick lines of blazing white. All four of his hooves were a bright, goldenrod yellow, explaining his strange name. His eyes were the same brilliant color and regarded them all curiously as Linden led them through the gates and into the courtyard.

Stepping forward, he dropped into a low, respectful bow before Linden, then lifted his head with a toss of his salt and pepper mane, revealing a slate grey horn. He grinned toothily at the small gathering.

“Prince Linden! Welcome back, your Highness! I trust you had a fine trip…and you have brought us guests!” His golden eyes flickered from face to face, taking in Rarity and Twilight’s horns and the wings of the two pegasi. “From Equestria, I see! You ladies are a long way from home.”

“They have come as an official delegation from their princess to meet with Father,” Linden explained. “I met them in the Saddlebacks and promised them a chance to speak before the court. They will need a suite of apartments prepared for them.”

Aster trotted forward. “My prince…I will go right now and see that a suite in the guest quarters is made up—”

“The Emerald Rooms will suffice.”

The steward and Gold Hoof both started, looking surprised.
“The Emerald Rooms…but, your Highness,” Gold Hoof said, “the Gem Rooms are only meant for visiting nobility and…”

“Yes, I know that.” Linden turned to where Rainbow Dash now hovered beside her friends and asked her to join him. Looking curious, she flew to his side and landed, glancing at Gold Hoof, who nodded to her.

“This is Rainbow Dash, originally of Cloudsdale and now a resident of Ponyville. Two days ago, she risked herself and took a grievous injury when she faced a pack of hyleenas to save my life, even though I was a complete stranger to her. As a show of my gratitude, I hereby name her Lady Rainbow Dash, grant her a land allowance, and elevate her into the upper ranks of Saddellian nobility.”

“What!” Rainbow Dash yelped, jumping backwards, her wings flaring out and lifting her into the air. Gold Hoof, Aster, and the three colts also gasped, looking shocked. Unperturbed, Linden pointed to each of them in turn, continuing in a loud and formal voice that rang through the courtyard and drew all eyes their way.

“My friends, I call upon all of you to witness this decree. Lady Rainbow Dash is to be afforded all the privileges of her new rank, including the use of the Emerald Rooms.”
“Witnessed!” Fletcher was the first to overcome his shock, and his eyes twinkled as he stamped his fore hooves against the cobblestones. Smiling enormously, he dipped a low, courtly bow before the new lady. “Good for you,” he whispered, winking at her.

“Yes, witnessed,” Tiny rumbled in his deep voice, following his friend’s lead. There was a pause as they all waited, then he turned his massive head to Nightfire and nudged the dumbstruck orange pony, who almost fell over under the force of the tap. Windmilling his hooves frantically, Nightfire managed to stay upright and nervously laughed, pushing his red mane out of his eyes.

“Uh, yes, witnessed. Congratulations, Lady Dash.”

“Yes, congratulations,” Aster murmured, casting a sidelong glance at Gold Hoof. The unicorn’s eyes were impassive, but a tiny smile quirked the corner of his mouth as he regarded the prince.
Satisfied, Linden bestowed a charming smile and bow to the wide-eyed pegasus. “My dear lady, though I hate to part with you so soon, I must speak with my parents and inform them of my safe return. I will arrange an official meeting with my father for you as soon as I can. In the meantime, I must leave you in the capable hooves of Aster and Gold Hoof. When your wound has been properly treated and you have all had time to rest and refresh yourselves, I will make good on my promise to show you around the castle and grounds.”

“I…uh…” Rainbow Dash had been momentarily struck speechless. All she could manage to do was land and nod awkwardly.

Followed closely by Tiny, Nightfire, and Fletcher, Linden galloped across the courtyard, pausing to look briefly back before disappearing through one of the many doorways. A stunned silence fell over the group until Applejack sidled up to her winged friend and draped a hoof over her shoulders.

“You gonna be okay there, Sugarcube?” She grinned slyly. “Or is that Lady Sugarcube now?”

“What just happened?” Rainbow’s eyes were wide with a mixture of mingled shock and horror. “Did he…am I…why would he…and then they all…huh?”

Applejack laughed and hugged the pegasus. “Ah guess that pretty much sums it up.”

“Oh my gosh! This is so totally awesome! Don’t you think this is awesome? I think it is awesome!” Pinkie Pie bounced in a circle around Rainbow and Applejack, her legs fluttering and dancing spastically as she sang, “Dashie is a lady, a lady, a lady, Dashie is a lady, so let’s all shout hooray!”

“Yes, hooray,” Gold Hoof said coolly. He bent a knee briefly to Rainbow Dash. “My lady, let me give you my heartfelt thanks and congratulations. Now, I am sure the prince meant no insult in hurrying away before proper introductions could be made. Perhaps you would oblige me?”

“Wha—oh, names, yeah…um, these are my friends, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. And they,” she indicated the two unicorns, “are Twilight Sparkle and Rarity. And hiding behind Twilight are Fluttershy and Gumdrop.”

Gold Hoof’s eyes flickered in confusion to be given six names for five ponies until he spotted the tiny mouse waving at him from Fluttershy’s mane. Taking this oddity in stride, he dipped his head to each pony in turn, though not with the deference he had shown to Rainbow Dash.

“I am extremely pleased to meet you…all of you. In fact, allow me the honor of showing you to your suite. Aster.” The steward immediately straightened and looked towards the dark unicorn attentively. “I am sure the young ladies are famished and exhausted…be good enough to arrange for baths and a meal to be brought to the Emerald Rooms. I will escort them from here.”

“You, Lord Gold Hoof? Oh, uh, I mean, of course, sir!” Aster bowed his head respectfully. “And I shall send the royal physician up as well.”

“Physician? For what?”

Aster pointed his nose awkwardly at Rainbow Dash, who turned to present her bandaged flank.

“Oh my…how did that happen? No, my lady, forgive me…let us get you to your rooms first so you can rest. Hurry, Aster! Shame on you for keeping the lady waiting so long!”

With a distressed whinny, the steward spun around and fled, galloping loudly across the courtyard.

“My apologies, Lady Rainbow Dash…here you are, injured and surely in pain, and I have delayed you for introductions.”

“It’s okay…really.” Rainbow gave Gold Hoof a nervous smile. “It doesn’t even hurt that much anymore—Aster treated it a couple of days ago and did a great job.”

“How did you come by it, if I may ask? Please, follow me this way, my lady. We can talk on the way to your chambers. It has been some time since I’ve laid eyes on another unicorn and I don’t believe there has ever been a pegasus in Saddellia.”

“We were surprised to hear there would be a unicorn here as well,” Twilight Sparkle piped up. Gold Hoof turned to lead them from the courtyard and she trotted up beside him. “Prince Linden told us you were an advisor and magician to the king. Are you from Equestria? How long have you been here in Saddellia?”

“I have been advisor to his Majesty for ten years now, since Prince Linden was just a little colt.” Gold Hoof turned down a wide main corridor, his hoofbeats deadened by plush, dark green carpet that ran from wall to wall. He led them past huge wooden doors and even larger wall hangings depicting epic scenes from Saddellia history. After the first bit of information, he steered the conversation back to Twilight and her friends, asking how they had met Prince Linden and how Rainbow Dash had been injured. Like all other ponies who had heard the story, he was horrified to discover that hyleenas had made their way into Saddellia and incredulous that Rainbow Dash had fought a pack of them on her own. His golden eyes narrowed slightly at the blue pony flying just overhead and unabashedly examining the tapestries and elaborate stonework.

The Emerald Rooms were on the fourth level of the castle. Gold Hoof led them up a winding, spiraling stone stair. On the third level, they met a small, silvery blue pony coming down with a large basket of linens. The mare gasped and backed up against the wall, immediately lowering her head and dropping her eyes to the floor.

“Fool!” Gold Hoof snapped when they were forced to edge past her. “This is not the servants’ stair! And next time you retreat to the landing and allow the better ponies to pass first!”

“I’m sorry, m’lord!” the mare squeaked. She trembled and let out a small whimper as Gold Hoof’s left hind caught her basket and sent it tumbling down the stairs in a spill of blankets and sheets.

“Oh, the poor thing!” Fluttershy exclaimed softly. She turned to head back down the stairs. “We should help her.”

“Leave her.” Gold Hoof demanded in a harsh voice that brought the timid pegasus up short. “She’s just a servant and it is her job, not yours.”

“But it weren’t her fault she got in the way,” Applejack protested, looking over her shoulder, her expression troubled. She was at the back of the small procession so she couldn’t be sure, but she thought Gold Hoof had knocked over the mare’s basket on purpose. She glanced up at Rainbow Dash and saw she was frowning as well. The pegasus turned back to assist the servant mare, but Applejack shook her head quickly. She wanted to help too, but Gold Hoof had already moved on, and disobeying the king’s personal advisor so soon after arriving would not help their cause.

“Here we are, my lady,” the unicorn announced a few moments later. He had taken them down another hallway, this one with a polished wooden floor lined with bright green and gold rugs. He stopped before a set of oaken doors carved with a detailed design of an enormous tree standing alone on a hill. Pushing the doors open, he stepped aside and gestured for Rainbow Dash to enter. “I hope you will find these to your liking.”

The pegasus pony swooped low through the door and they all heard her exclamation of, “Awesome!”

Wondering what could have amazed a pony who lived in a mansion made of clouds, the others excitedly pranced through the door and into a decadent world of glowing green.

The Emerald Rooms consisted of three spacious chambers connected by arched, wooden doorways. The walls were stone, but softened by floor to ceiling hangings of shiny brocade the color of the gems Rarity regularly sewed into her creations.

The room they entered first was a receiving chamber, with green carpets, an enormous fireplace against the far wall with an assortment of cushions chairs, couches, and divans arranged in a half circle before it, and numerous shelves and delicate tables containing knickknacks in every shade of green imaginable.

The bedchamber was through an archway to the right, tastefully hidden behind a shimmery silk curtain. It contained the largest bed any of the ponies had ever seen—a huge, curtained four poster with a sweeping green canopy, a mountain of pillows, and an embroidered comforter so plump it could only be filled with feathers. A delicate washstand stood next to the bed, holding a bowl and pitcher carved from blocks of jade.

Across the chamber, before another massive fireplace, was a low, velvet divan with chartreuse tassels and pillows embroidered with oak leaves. The divan faced two of the four windows that graced the room and filled it with bright, natural light. Each window had its own carved shelf seat set with more cushion so a pony could relax while gazing upon the grounds. According to Gold Hoof, the view from the Emerald Rooms was famed for its beauty and rivaled only by the royal suites themselves. Rainbow Dash lit on one of the window seats and stared out, entranced by the flower-filled gardens and glistening lake below.

“Would you look at this place!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “This is so super amazing!” She cantered towards the bed and leapt into the air, landing in the dead center of the comforter and disappearing from sight as she instantly sank into the dense folds. Only her delighted giggles emerged.

“I trust you will be comfortable here, my lady,” Gold Hoof said genially. “A bath has been ordered and a meal will be sent up shortly. Now, if your friends will follow me, I will show them where they can sleep.”

“Huh?” Rainbow turned away from the window and gave the unicorn a confused look. “They can’t stay here with me?”

“Here? But, my lady, these are your chambers.”

“There’s plenty of room…and we’d rather stay together, right guys?”

Her friends all nodded emphatically, except for Pinkie Pie, who was having difficulty freeing herself from the confines of the bed. At the moment, only her rump was visible, but she waggled her tail up and down to let them know she also agreed.

Gold Hoof looked uncertain, but he nodded sagely to Rainbow Dash and bowed. “As you wish, my lady. If you will allow, I will take my leave now. I hope we will have time to talk at greater length once you are suitably rested from your long journey. I would dearly love to hear about Equestria.”

“Yeah, sure, of course.”

The grey unicorn bowed his way out of the room, shutting the door after him. As soon as he was gone, Rarity gave a distinctly unladylike squeal and threw herself at Rainbow Dash.

“Oh, darling, how exciting! You are so lucky! I simply can’t believe it! A lady! A noble title! Oh, Rainbow Dash, I am so jealous!”

“I can’t really believe it myself,” Rainbow said, folding her legs beneath her and shaking her head in bewilderment. “I mean, I honestly thought he was just fooling around until Fletcher and Tiny and Nightfire all responded the way they did.”

“I think it’s wonderful, Rainbow! Having a social standing here can only make it easier to convince the king to release the slaves he’s taken.” Twilight Sparkle wriggled out of her saddlebags and set them down carefully by the wall before hopping onto the divan and lying down. “Oh, it feels so nice to lie down on something that doesn’t have a rock under it.” She dangled her front hooves off the edge and smiled. “And having Prince Linden as your friend is even better!”

“Yeah…about that—”

“Oh, Rainbow Dash, thank you for asking us all to stay here,” Fluttershy interrupted, flapping gently up to the bed. “I’m sure the rooms he had in mind for us would have been nice, but this is simply wonderful. I’ve never slept in such a beautiful place before.”

Applejack hopped up beside Twilight and sat on her haunches, gazing around appreciatively. Suddenly, her stomach gave a loud growl. “Whoops, guess that’s what you get when you skip lunch. Ah wonder how long it’ll take ‘em to bring somethin’ up?”

“Personally, I’d prefer to take a bath first,” Rarity said. She had trotted to a tall, swiveling mirror in a corner of the bedchamber and was staring mournfully at her disheveled mane and dusty to coat. “Then I could relax and enjoy my meal.”

As if on cue, there was a sudden, gentle knock on the door and a pale orange pony with a lavender and blue mane let herself into the room. She was short and plump, wearing a ruffled apron with many pockets. Her mane had been twisted back in a severe bun, but several strands had fallen free to soften her stern appearance. Her gentle smile furthered this effect and put the six ponies at ease as she dipped into a courtesy.

“Good afternoon…I am Lilac Breeze.” Her dark green eyes flickered from face to face, coming to rest on Rainbow Dash, and she nodded. “You must be Lady Rainbow Dash, yes?” Without waiting for confirmation, she trotted further into the room and straightened as high as her diminutive frame would allow. “I will the matron of your suites and in charge of the other maids. I will also be available for anything you require during your stay, my lady. I was told that you and your ladies have come all the way from Equestria and that you were traveling in the rough the entire way.” She paused long enough to cluck her tongue. “And it shows on your coats, you poor dears. But no matter, I will have you looking fit and proper in no time. A long, soothing bath is what you need, yes…would you prefer chamomile or rose?”

Her rapid fire speech and somewhat brusque manner had taken them all by surprise, so this sudden question left Rainbow Dash at a loss. Normally she just flew through a waterfall a few times with a bar of whatever soap had been cheapest at the market. She had no idea what scent a lady was expected to want. Turning to Rarity, she raised her eyebrows pleadingly and the unicorn happily took over.

“The lady would actually prefer something light and airy—do you have sweetpea or maybe lavender? And bubbles, not bath oil. Oil will just clog her feathers.”

Lilac Breeze looked askance of Rainbow Dash, who nodded. “Yeah, what she said. But, um, why don’t you take Fluttershy and Rarity first?”

“Us?” Rarity queried.

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Your manes takes more time to style and dry, so you should go first.” She smiled at Applejack, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie. “We can wait a little longer, right guys?”


“No problem.”

“Oki doki loki!”

Fluttershy thanked them all and passed Gumdrop to Pinkie Pie before following a delighted Rarity into the third room of the suite, which was designated for dressing and grooming.

“Well, that was awfully kind of you, Rainbow,” Applejack said with a grin. “Good to know the nobility ain’t goin’ to your head.”

“Yeah, well, I sorta wanted Fluttershy out of the room and I couldn’t use that drying the mane excuse without sending Rarity too.”

“Why would you want Fluttershy out of the room?” Twilight asked, perplexed.

“Because she’d be upset when I did this!” Rainbow launched herself at Twilight Sparkle, knocking the unicorn off the divan and pinning her down with her hooves. “Now what gives?”

“Ouch! Rainbow—wh-what are you doing?” Twilight tried to push the pegasus off her, but Rainbow Dash had gravity on her side. She simply flapped her wings to rise into the air, and tipped forward to hold Twilight down.

“You, Rarity and AJ…you’re up to something—I know you are!”

“Whoa there…what makes you think that, Sugarcube?” Applejack edged closer to the pair in case she needed to intervene on Twilight’s behalf, but Rainbow Dash released the unicorn at that moment, backing up to cross her forelegs over her chest. She rolled her eyes at the earth pony.

“’We love watching you fly…tell him the story of the dragon…our Rainbow was so anxious to help Ponyville…” she repeated in a sing-song, mocking tone. “What a load of horseapples!”

“Horseapples? We weren’t sayin’ nothin’ you don’t constantly say yourself, Rainbow,” Applejack pointed out.

“Yeah, but that’s me! Since when do you guys talk about me like that? It’s…” She raised a hoof to rub her mane. “It’s weird…especially with the way the prince keeps looking at me and…” She broke off, catching an exchange of glances between Twilight and Applejack. Her friends looked entirely too smug. “What?”

“Well,” Twilight began, “we were hoping you’d…”

“We just thought a little nudge in the right direction would…”

“Would what?”

“Would get Prince Linden to fall absolutely, totally, head over heels in love with you!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, jumping in front of them. They all stared at her and she shrugged, flinging up her hooves in exasperation. “Don’t look so surprised. It’s not like you guys were exactly subtle.”

“You want the prince to…you’re trying…what!” Rainbow Dash backwinged in shock, bumping into the thick bedpost. When it stopped her from retreating any further, she shot upwards instead, turning a graceful loop and landing on the taut green fabric of the canopy. There she huddled, lying down so all they could see was her indistinct shadow through the cloth. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” her voice drifted down from above. “Are you guys crazy!”

“No…we were just trying to help!” Twilight put her hooves on the bed and spoke up to the shadow. “Come on, Rainbow! He really seems taken with you and, well, don’t tell me you don’t think he’s cute too!”

There was a long pause from the canopy. Twilight glanced at Applejack and Pinkie Pie, raising her eyebrows. “Rainbow?” she queried.

“That’s not the point,” Rainbow eventually answered.

“Ah ha!” Applejack jumped onto the bed, her green eyes shining. “You admit it! You think he’s cute! C’mon, Rainbow! Say it! Say it!”

The shadow moved and Rainbow peered over the side of the canopy, her magenta eyes troubled. “Well duh! He’s gorgeous! Anypony can see that! It’s just…just…” She groaned and crept backwards, hiding again behind the canopy.

“Just what, Rainbow?” Twilight asked, concerned by the doubt and nervousness she was hearing in the voice of her normally self-assured friend. “I think it’s wonderful! Even without us helping, the prince could hardly take his eyes off you the entire trip here—and now he’s decreed that you’re to be considered nobility—”

“Because I saved him from being eaten by ugly monsters.”

“Ah don’t think it’s just that, Sugarcube.”

“Probably is. Now that we’re here and he’s safe and comfortable he’ll start staring at Rarity or that snooty pink thing we passed at the gates.”

“Huh? Rainbow, what in the hay are you talkin’ about?”

Another long moment passed and the three ponies on the floor started to believe that Rainbow Dash wouldn’t answer. Then they heard a sigh before a small voice replied, “Colts don’t notice me like that.”

Applejack snorted and sat down in her surprise. Twilight’s mouth dropped open and she stared upward, but couldn’t think of anything to say. It was Pinkie Pie who filled the gaping, awkward silence that followed Dash’s announcement. The pink earth pony put her hoof on one of the bedposts and stood up on her hind legs, staring at the unmoving shadow with sad, blue eyes.

“Aww, Dashie, you don’t really think that, do you? You’re one of the best, most awesomest ponies around! Everypony notices you!”

There was the unmistakable sound of a snort from on high, “Sure! They notice me cuz of the flying and the Sonic Rainboom and the kicking the dragon thing…but not like they notice Rarity…or even Fluttershy for that matter.”

“Oh.” Twilight Sparkle frowned thoughtfully. She never would have guessed Rainbow felt this way—she was always so brash and confident and show-offey. “Well…I guess they notice Rarity because she, uh, how can I put this nicely…she flirts so much. She tries to get noticed like that. But I’m sure they notice you too, Rainbow. Is there somepony you like back home? That brown pegasus colt from Cloudsdale, maybe?”

Rainbow Dash let out a loud yip and scrambled to the edge to glare down at them again, her eyes full of outrage. “Hoops? Did you just ask me if I liked Hoops? That brainless muscle-head who did nothing but tease me all the way through Flight Camp? Ugg, Twilight! Don’t be ridiculous!”

“Well, we don’t know, Rainbow! It’s not like we’ve ever seen you makin’ eyes at anypony before. You’re so determined to make the Wonderbolts, we just figger’d you were too busy to bother with the boys.”

“I am!” Rainbow Dash sighed and let her head hang down over them, covering her eyes with her hooves. “Oh, I don’t know! This is so weird! The way he keeps staring at me, and calling me ‘my lady’…and…and beautiful! I’ve heard plenty of ponies call Rarity beautiful before…but nopony’s ever said it about me!”

“But Prince Linden means it, Dashie!” Pinkie Pie said vehemently. “He doesn’t look at Rarity and go all drooly, googly-eyed, lovey dovey, melty like he does you.”


“Yeah! And he didn’t tell everypony that he was making Rarity into a super special, rich, important lady. Those colts back in Ponyville and Cloudsdale are dumb anyway. They don’t deserve a pony who can break the ball-bouncing record and win the Iron Pony competition—”

Applejack snorted, but Twilight nudged her to be silent and Pinkie continued without pause, “—or change the weather or do a Sonic Rainboom or fight big, stinky, scary, ugly hyleenas!”

Rainbow lifted her head and smiled. “You know what, you’re right! I am pretty awesome!”

“Okay, Ah’ll admit it,” Applejack said, rolling her eyes. She sat on her haunches and pointed a hoof severely at her friend. “But don’t you go thinkin’ bein’ a lady now means you can boss us all around.”

“Yeah! Even if you get a huge castle like this one and lots of servants and diamonds and all kinds of pretty clothes and have to go to royal balls and parties.” Pinkie Pie beamed up at her friend. “You’ll always be our Dashie!”

Rainbow Dash smiled, blinking rapidly as her vision blurred, and launched herself off the canopy to land between her friends, hugging them tightly. “And that’s the best thing ever!” she proclaimed.


Rarity and Fluttershy both finished their baths soon after, and Lilac Breeze insisted on taking Rainbow Dash next, claiming a lady should not have to wait.

The dressing chamber of the Emerald Rooms was as luxurious as the sitting and sleeping rooms. The silk brocade shimmered and swayed on the walls, reflecting the sunlight of the windows in a way that made the cloth seem to continuously change color. A large vanity table with mirror dominated one wall, its surface strewn with bottles and jars of every imaginable shape, size, and color. Another wall was covered by two even larger wardrobes of carved wood that had been polished to a dark shine so perfect the pegasus could see her reflection in the door.

“I hope all of your clothing will fit in them, my lady,” Lilac Breeze said when she saw Rainbow inspecting the wardrobes. “Sometimes the ladies travel with so many things that we’re hard pressed to find a way to store them all during their visit.”

“I don’t have any clothes with me,” Rainbow Dash told her, turning slightly and pulling off the bandage to see her wounded flank in the polished surface. “All my stuff is in my saddlebags in the other room. We travelled light.”

“You—you mean…you brought no clothing with you, my lady?” Lilac Breeze was flabbergasted by the thought.

Rainbow turned around and shrugged at the matron pony. “It’s no big deal—I don’t even have anything at home that a lady would wear anyway. Definitely nothing like those ones in the courtyard had.”

“That’s not true, Dashie!” Pinkie Pie spoke up. She was sitting on the embroidered cushion of the vanity bench, systematically opening each and every bottle and jar to inspect the contents. As she spoke, she carefully lifted a beautiful blown glass perfume bottle with graceful green and blue swirls. “You still have that really pretty, fancy dress Rarity made you for the Grand Galloping Gala.” She squeezed the bulb and sneezed as a blast of extremely strong scent sprayed her.

“Yeah, I guess. But she hasn’t had a chance to fix all the tears and stuff—besides, it’s all the way back in Ponyville.”

“Oh, my lady…that is not going to do. You must have finery.” Lilac Breeze was shaking her head, looking horrified. “There are dinners, and parties, and meetings. You…you might be invited to dine with other noble families and they will, undoubtedly, be dressed their best.” She climbed a short, curved flight of stairs that led to a delicate, raised platform hugged up against the polished copper tub that dominated the center of the room. It was large enough for two or three ponies to lay inside and deep enough for the water to cover them to their chins. The tub was raised off the floor so it could be drained into buckets through a hole in the bottom. Servant ponies had already taken away the water from Rarity and Fluttershy’s baths, hauling it through a smaller, discreetly hidden servant’s entrance at the back of the room.

“Dine? Other nobles?” Rainbow looked at Pinkie Pie, suddenly nervous again. Nopony had mentioned that to her.

“Of course, my lady.” Lilac Breeze was now bustling around the rim of the tub, carefully watching as it was filled and adding soaps and herbs to the steaming water. “The families here at court love hosting one another for feasts and parties, even for private dinners. I’m sure they will be curious of you and you will no doubt receive plenty of invitations.” She smiled warmly at Rainbow Dash, her eyes filled with fondness. “With your wings and coloring and being from Equestria, you will almost certainly be very popular.”

While Rainbow Dash began to wonder once again what Prince Linden had gotten her into, Lilac Breeze finished preparing the tub. “Here you are, my lady. Lavender, like you wanted. Step up here, please, and—”

She broke off as Rainbow simply flapped her wings to lift herself over the edge of the tub and lowered herself into the warm, scented water.

“O-or you could do that, I guess. My, those are useful, aren’t they?” She gasped and ducked when Pinkie Pie suddenly hurtled up the stairs and launched herself into the air, curling her legs up close to her body.

“Cannonball!” she bellowed, landing in the tub with a large splash. Rainbow Dash flung herself against the side as water washed over her in a wave, soaking her to the skin. When Pinkie emerged, sopping wet and grinning goofily, Rainbow raised an eyebrow and scowled, then jumped at her friend, laughing as she dunked her back under.

It felt nice, after so many days on the road, to get a bath—even if the warm water stung the gash in her leg—and Rainbow Dash would have liked a simple, relaxing soak, but Lilac Breeze soon taught her that ladies didn’t really have to do anything on their own, including washing up. The maid attacked her with scrub brush, comb, soap, and washcloth, cleaning all the road grime, sweat, and dirt from her coat, mane, and tail. By the time the bath was over, Rainbow felt slightly raw, but refreshed, and was further buoyed by the fact that a tray of fruits, cheeses, and little pumpkin filled tarts had been delivered in her absence.

The royal physician, a stallion named Willow Bark, knocked on the door a few minutes later. He was an older pony, with a coat of pale wheat yellow and a sienna brown mane that smelled of the herbs he used in his trade. His cutie mark was a slender willow tree with two twining ribbons of red wrapping the trunk.
With great kindness and care, he examined and treated Rainbow’s leg, curiously asking how she had managed to get such a wound, and was suitably amazed to learn just how they had met the prince.

“Now you will certainly be popular, my lady,” Lilac Breeze bubbled once Willow Bark had bandaged her leg anew and left with his supplies. “Once this story starts to get arou—”

There was a quiet knock on the door, which Rarity opened to reveal a gangly young colt a few years older than her little sister Sweetie Belle. He wore a neat little tunic with the royal oak leaf on the breast and a peaked cap over his dark brown mane.

“Hello there,” Rarity said sweetly. “What can we do for you?”

The colt’s large eyes widened at the pristine unicorn who stood before him and he gaped openly for a moment before remembering his duties. Standing stiff and tall, he passed her a rolled slip of paper and announced, “His Royal Highness, King Oak Bough, has issued a dinner invitation for Lady Rainbow Dash of Equestria. She is to dine with the royal family and they await her presence at the next bell.”

“What!” the six friends all gasped in unison.

“Me? By myself?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, her voice squeaking and her wings flaring out in distress.

“Whoa!” the colt breathed, leaning around Rarity to stare at the pegasus. “Can she fly?” he asked the unicorn, forgetting himself again in his amazement.

“Oh yes,” Rarity told him. “I just hope she doesn’t try to fly away now.”

Indeed, Rainbow Dash appeared on the verge of fleeing, her wings fluttering and her hooves clicking on the floor as she pranced nervously in place.

“What’s the matter, Sugarcube?” Applejack asked her. She put a hoof around Rainbow’s shoulders, forcing her to hold still. “It’s just dinner…”

“With a king and a queen!”

“Yeah? It’s not like you’ve never met royalty before—why, you’ve even had donuts with Princess Celestia. And if I remember correctly, earlier you were talkin’ about how ‘awesome’ you are.”

“Yeah…but that’s flying and…and doing tricks and stunts and fighting things like hyleenas. This is gonna be,” she gulped, “just talking and being a lady and…” She began to prance again, looking as nervous as she had before the Best Young Flyer competition.

“Oh darling, I’m sure you’ll be just fine!” Rarity assured her. “The prince will be there too and you have no trouble talking to him. They probably just want to thank you.”

“Why can’t we come?” Pinkie Pie wanted to know. “We like Linden and want to meet his mom and dad. If we all go, then Rainbow Dash won’t have to be all alone and will stop freaking out.”

Rainbow Dash snorted and stopped prancing, looking indignantly at her friend. “I’m not freaking out,” she protested. “I just don’t want to, you know, make a bad impression. This is really important and the princess is counting on us.”

“My lady,” Lilac Breeze spoke up. “If you are worried, it would not be frowned upon for you to take one of your friends with you. Noble ladies always travel with some part of their retinue along.”

“Really?” Rainbow Dash looked at the matron gratefully and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Yes, my lady.” Her eyes scanned the little pony and her lip twitched. “But you cannot go before the king and queen without proper attire.”

“But I told you I don’t have anything like that. All I have is a blanket, a book about the Wonderbolts, and a falcon feather.”

“I think I can help with that!” Rarity announced. Tossing her mane, she trotted to her saddlebags and began rummaging through its contents until she found a shimmering gossamer cape studded with tiny gems and a simple headband with small clusters of pearly flowers. With a flourish, she swept the cape over Rainbow’s back, fastening it around her throat with a sapphire clasp, then arranged the headband in her mane. She stepped back to survey her work, nodding with approval. “There!”

Rainbow peered over her shoulder and walked in a circle, admiring the way the light played off the sheer, pale green fabric and the gems.

“Wow, Rarity. That’s beautiful!” Twilight exclaimed. “She looks perfect.”

“Well, I could have done more if I had all my fabrics and equipment, but I think this will serve nicely for tonight.” Rarity turned back to her bags. “Now to find something for you, Twilight.”

The unicorn started, surprised. “Me?”

“Oh yes. If you’re going to accompany Rainbow, then you’ll need appropriate attire as well. Now, let’s see…nope, no…oh, not that…maybe this…heavens no, not with your coloring.” As she spoke, Rarity tossed articles of clothing over her shoulder, flinging scarves and skirts and accessories at random. Applejack was hit in the face with a belt and Pinkie Pie jumped in the air to catch a shoe before it could knock over a small vase. Fluttershy, who was standing closest to Rarity, ended up with a dress draped over her mane and a necklace hanging from her nose.

“Wait, Rarity, when did we decide this—”

“Sweet Celestia, girl…how much did you bring with you?” Applejack waded through the growing piles of clothing surrounding the unicorn. “And how the hay did you fit it all in them itty bitty bags?”

“I have my ways,” Rarity told her, emerging from her saddlebags with a light pink dress for Twilight Sparkle. “A girl must always be prepared. Here, Twilight…I think this will do.”

“It’s lovely, Rarity…but, what’s all this about me going to dinner? I mean, I would love to go, but shouldn’t we take a vote or something?”

“But, Twilight, don’t you see that you’re the best choice? You’re Celestia’s personal student, so you have the most experience in dealing with royalty. Like Rainbow said, we really need to make a good impression and this dinner may be a wondeful chance.”

“She’s right, Twilight,” Fluttershy spoke up. “You should go.” The yellow pegasus ducked her head, hiding behind her abundant mane. “I’d be too nervous to say anything useful.”

“I agree, Twi. We’ll all get our chance to meet the king if the prince keeps his promise—you can go this time and keep Rainbow in line.” Applejack winked at the pegasus to show she was joking. “And while you two are off at your fancy schmancy dinner, I plan on takin’ myself a good, long nap on that comfy lookin’ bed.”

“Well, if you’re all sure,” Twilight murmured. She looked around at her friends, who all nodded their agreement, until she reached Pinkie Pie.

The earth pony was frowning, her lower lip quivering dangerously.

“But I wanted to go,” she said mournfully. “It sounds like so much fun and if the prince is there then Tiny’ll probably be there too and I have this joke I wanted to tell him earlier but I couldn’t remember the punchline even though it is way, super funny and I told him I would tell him later and it’s later and I remembered it and I know he’s gonna love it and maybe the king will too!”

She finally paused to take a breath, and in the ensuing brief silence, they all heard the colt whisper, “Whoa!” again.

Lilac Breeze shushed him sternly while Rarity told Pinkie Pie that she needed her to stay behind to help her make up more outfits from the items she had packed, in case they were all called to meet the king. Pinkie, knowing that Rarity was perfectly capable of designing stunning outfits on her own, was not convinced until Rainbow Dash promised to sneak her a bit of whatever dessert they were served.

The young page led them from the Emerald Rooms and past a pair of guards stationed at the bottom of another set of spiraling stone stairs. As they walked, Twilight cleared her throat nervously.

“Uh, Rainbow?” she said after a moment of silence.


“I, uh, I hate to bring this up, but, um, I think it goes without saying that, um, we need to be on our best behavior during this dinner.” Rainbow Dash looked at her blankly, so she pressed on. “You know what I mean, no showing off or…well…”

Understanding dawned in Rainbow’s eyes and she chuckled. “Sure, Twilight. I won’t do anything to embarrass you or Equestria.”

“I…that’s not what I meant! I was just…” She trailed off as Dash winked playfully at her and sighed. “You’re impossible sometimes. You know that?”

“And awesome all the time!”

At that moment, they came out onto the landing and Hawkeye paused briefly to allow them a chance to look around. “Oh my gosh!” Rainbow breathed. They had all been impressed by the grandeur of the Emerald Rooms, but even those chambers were nothing compared to the floor inhabited by the royal family. Gold and jewels encrusted almost everything, from the carved floor to ceiling columns, to the framed portraits of past royals, to the almost carelessly arranged trinkets scattered about.

“The prince and the queen both have their chambers on this floor,” the page, who had given his name as Hawkeye, told them. “The queen’s rooms are on the south side of the castle and Prince Linden has the West Tower and all the rooms around it. The king’s rooms are one floor higher and Lord Gold Hoof also has a chamber there, in the North Tower.”

Rainbow looked ahead, noting a tall set of double doors with two muscular, armored guards standing at attention before them. “That must be the dining room,” she said, assuming that, like the princesses back home, the royals of Saddellia were always well guarded even within their own castle.

“Yes, my lady.” Hawkeye led them up to the double doors and halted before the guards, who rolled their eyes down to glare at the youngster and subtly moved together to block the doors.

Leaning closer to Twilight, her magenta eyes sparkling with mischief, Rainbow Dash whispered, “Look at the faces on those two. I wonder if I could get them to laugh.” She giggled when Twilight turned to her, horrified. “Just kidding, Twi. Lighten up.”

“Lady Rainbow Dash and Miss Twilight Sparkle,” Hawkeye announced to the guards. “The king and queen are expecting them.”

The guards turned their stern glare to the two mares, their faces remaining hard and impassive. Twilight gulped nervously, but Rainbow Dash wasn’t so easily cowed and returned the stare. After a moment, the guards both bowed to her, one stepping aside while the other opened the doors for them, revealing a long, spacious room set with an oval table easily as long and wide as the Ponyville balloon. Tall, straight-backed chairs with deep crimson cushions surrounded the table on each side. At the moment, only two were occupied, one by Prince Linden and the other by a comely, aquamarine mare in a flowing, teal gown with a golden tiara arranged on her long lavender and cream mane. The two were deep in conversation and, as Hawkeye led them down the carpeted floor, Rainbow and Twilight heard snatches of Linden’s words.

“—til you meet her! She’s the most fabulous pony I’ve ever met—flashy and beautiful, but so graceful and—”

Hawkeye cleared his throat loudly, drawing their attention.

“May I present Lady Rainbow Dash,” he announced.

Linden leapt to his hooves so quickly he almost knocked over his chair, and trotted around the table to Rainbow’s side. As he passed Hawkeye, he rubbed a hoof into the colt’s mane, muttering something about giving a colt some warning. The colt grinned at him cheekily, bowed, and pranced back the way they had come.

“My lady,” Linden said, bowing low before her. “Thank you for coming.” He lifted his head, smiling at her brightly. “You look…amazing!”

Rainbow Dash blushed. “Th-thanks. It was all Rarity’s doing. And thanks for inviting me to dinner.”

“The pleasure is all mine…though I apologize for the incredibly short notice. I had wanted to give you some time to rest from your journey but my father insisted on meeting you tonight.”

“Oh, it’s okay. I feel fine. I hope you don’t mind that I brought Twilight along—Lilac Breeze said a lady was expected to keep her, uh, retinue, near her.” She dipped her head so her mane fell in front of her eyes. “And to tell you the truth, I was a little nervous about meeting the king and queen by myself…”

“Of course you were!” a beautifully sweet voice suddenly spoke up. The mare had risen gracefully from her seat and turned to face them, smiling warmly. “You’re young and in a new place with lots of new faces. It’s only natural to want one of your friends with you.”

Linden sidestepped until he stood beside the pegasus and led her closer to the table. “Mother, allow me to introduce the pony who saved my life, Lady Rainbow Dash of Equestria. My lady, this is my mother, Queen Bright Song.”

Rainbow Dash bent one foreleg, extending the other before her in the sort of bow she and her friends reserved for the princesses Celestia and Luna. “It’s an honor to meet you, your highness.”

She didn’t know what she had expected from the queen, but it certainly wasn’t for her to leave her chair and fling her hooves around Rainbow’s neck in a tight hug.

“No, my dear! The honor is all mine. From what my son tells me, my husband and I and our entire kingdom are all deeply in your debt.” She released the startled pegasus and stepped back to look at her closely. “Linden has been telling me all about you and I must say that you are just as beautiful as he described.”

“Mother!” Linden exclaimed, flushing darkly. He clamped a hoof over his face and groaned.

Queen Bright Song winked cheerfully at Rainbow Dash. “What kind of mother would I be if I didn’t know how to mortify my only son? Now, please introduce me to your friend who has been waiting so patiently.” She looked over Rainbow’s shoulder to Twilight, who had held back. “A unicorn, I see.”

“This is Twilight Sparkle, one of my best friends.”

“I’m so pleased to meet you, your highness.” Twilight trotted forward with a smile and bowed. “And thank you for your hospitality. Your castle is amazing. It’s so beautiful.”

“Thank you, my dear. I will have to arrange a tour for you and the rest of your friends—you will love the gardens…I’ve helped design them myself.”

“Twilight would probably like the libraries more, mother,” Linden said. “She’s quite the scholar and even lives in the library in Ponyville.”

“Really? Then you must visit our libraries, my dear. We have everything from astronomy to zoology and all the old tales and histories.”

“That sounds wonderful, your highness!” Twilight gushed, almost wriggling in her delight and excitement.

A tall midnight blue pony in a servant’s uniform appeared and announced, “His royal majesty, King Oak Bough.”

Linden and Bright Song both lowered their heads, but Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle each dropped to their knees as a large, hefty stallion clopped into the room. He wore a silk lined, scarlet cape over his cream coat and his messy green mane was topped with heavy crown of gold studded with enormous gems. He strode across the floor, his hoofbeats echoing even on the thick carpet, and slumped into the largest chair at the head of the table.

“Come, my lady, you can sit beside me and Twilight can have the seat beside Mother.” Linden touched Rainbow’s shoulder to urge her to stand again and led her to the left side of the table. As they walked, Rainbow couldn’t help noticing the glances the prince cast to the head of the table, and the slumped set of his shoulders. It was as though all the cheerfulness had suddenly drained from the colt.

“Dinner!” Oak Bough bellowed once they were all seated. He slammed a hoof against the table, rattling it violently. “Now!”`

A flurry of servants suddenly scurried into action. In an instant, the table was perfectly laid out with four place settings of silver and fine china, with crystal, silver-stemmed goblets and napkins of embroidered silk. Then tray after tray of food was carried to the table. Plates of leafy salads, baskets of fresh breads, trays of sliced cheeses, bowls of seasoned roasted vegetables and platters of pastries stuffed with fruits or vegetables and baked to a golden brown. There were stalks of golden hay and savory oatcakes and fruits that had escaped the summer heat in the coolness of the castle cellars. To drink, there was a chilled, spiced pumpkin wine.

The king was served first, the others forced to wait while his plate was filled with the most delectable of the dishes. He dove in greedily, filling his mouth with hay and salad and chomping noisily.

Once the king had taken his first bite, the servants moved on to the queen and prince, then the two guests, filling plates with a bit of everything and topping the goblets with cool drink.

Several minutes passed, but the king didn’t speak, more concerned with emptying his plate. Linden toyed awkwardly with his own meal, then glanced sheepishly at Rainbow Dash. She grinned at him which seemed to give him heart. Clearing his throat, he turned to the king.

“Father, let me introduce you to Rainbow Dash—”

“Who? Oh yes, the girl who saved your life.” Oak Bough swallowed and wiped his muzzle on his cloak, ignoring the napkin by his plate. Then he turned to rake his green eyes over Rainbow Dash. “What did he call you?”

“Rainbow Dash. I’m, uh, honored to, um…meet you?” she stammered, the stare making her uncomfortable.
Oak Bough’s lip turned up in a sneer and he took a loud gulp of pumpkin wine before saying, “Awfully small, isn’t she? And you say she fought off five hyleenas all by herself?”

“Yes, sire, I did. She risked her life—”

“While you cowered up on a cliff, shaking in your hooves.”

Linden fell silent, lowering his head to his plate while Dash and Twilight gaped at each other. Queen Bright Song kept her turquoise eyes cast down and nibbled daintily at a pastry. She said nothing as her husband continued.

“So, that is my big, strong son…off on one of his jaunts where he gets himself into trouble and needs to be rescued by a pretty frip of a mare.” The king snorted, stuffed his mouth with an entire pastry, and chewed messily so crumbs fell from his lips. “They probably weren’t even hyleenas. Hyleenas haven’t been seen in Saddellia in over ten years.”

“They were hyleenas, father. It was a whole pack, right within our borders. They were a day and a half beyond the Canyon of the Crescent Moon.”
“You were probably chased by a squirrel—”

“They were not squirrels!” Rainbow Dash spoke up indignantly.
Twilight squeaked and waved a hoof at her frantically, but the pegasus ignored her, magenta eyes locked on the monarch. When Oak Bough looked at her again, she pushed back her chair, and flipped Rarity’s cloak over her shoulder, showing the king the bandage on her leg. “I’ve never seen a squirrel that could do this! They were big, smelly, disgusting monsters and they nearly got me too.”

Oak Bough regarded her with new interest, but his eyes only flickered briefly to the bandage before fastening on the wing folded neatly against her back.

“So it is true. You’re a pegasus. You really do have wings.”

“I told you she did, father,” Linden muttered. “She and her friend, Fluttershy, are both pegasi.”

“So, you can fly then?” Oak Bough asked, staring directly at Rainbow Dash and ignoring his son.

“Of course. Since I was a tiny filly.”

“Show me.”

Rainbow took a step back in surprise. “Wh-what? Now? Here?”

“Yes.” Oak Bough quaffed more of his wine. “Show me. I want to see a pony fly.”

“B-but, dear,” Bright Song spoke up quietly. “We’re eating dinner and…she’s our guest. Shouldn’t we…?”

“Be quiet!” Oak Bough snapped at her. Pointing a hoof at the winged mare, he bellowed, “You! Fly! Show me how you fought off five hyleenas.”

Rainbow glanced quickly at Twilight Sparkle, who shrugged helplessly, perplexed by the king’s behavior.

“Father,” Linden protested, but Rainbow was already undoing the clasp of her cloak, draping it over her chair and flaring out her wings.

“Alright,” she said, her voice short and clipped. “I’ll show you.” Leaping into the air, she swiftly soared the length of the table, then spun a circle and shot up to touch the ceiling before jackknifing down to weave between the backs of the empty chairs, her rainbow colored contrail following behind. When she reached her own seat again, she turned three rapid somersaults and landed gracefully on the cushion, bowing again and flourishing her wings one last time before folding them.

“That was…that was wonderful!” Bright Song proclaimed, eyes shining.

Rainbow Dash smiled at her and fastened the cloak about her throat again. “Thank you, your highness.” She looked to the king, whose mouth had dropped open. “I could have done better with more space, sire, but…”

“Then we will have to get you more space,” Oak Bough interrupted. “Enough space to show off everything you can do.”


Oak Bough held up a hoof, silencing his son. “Not now. This needs to be something grander. Something for the whole kingdom to witness.”

“Uh, what?” Rainbow sat down, confused.

“A faire!” Oak Bough announced. “With a joust. My son has already raised you to the ranks of nobility, so the crown will show its thanks to you with a faire in your honor. And you will show the ponies of Saddellia what a pony with wings can do.”

“I…think that’s a wonderful idea,” Bright Song said after a brief hesitation. “It’s a wonderful way to thank Lady Rainbow Dash for what she has done, and to welcome the envoy from Equestria to our land.”

“In three days!” the king demanded. He smacked a hoof on the table to summon one of the servant ponies, shaking the dishes and sloshing pumpkin wine about. “See to it!”

“Yes sire!” The pony galloped away to carry out the order.

“And you.” The king turned his attention to Twilight Sparkle for the first time since arriving. “Unicorn. I have a unicorn in my emply who can work magic tricks—do you know any that could entertain my subjects?”

“I…uh…yes, your highness,” Twilight squeaked. “I know lots of spells.”

Oak Bough nodded and let out a ringing belch, before fixating on his meal again. The rest of the dinner passed awkwardly, with Bright Song carrying all the conversation with the two guests while Linden quietly pushed the food about on his plate without taking a single bite. As the hours stretched on and on, the two young mares exchanged many glances, both eager for the strange event to be over so they could go back to their quarters and tell their friends what had transpired. Now that they had met the king, there was one thing they both knew—this visit, and the task before them, was going to be more interesting than any of them had imagined.