• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 5,875 Views, 164 Comments

Only The Force - Darth Atrox

After being forced to stay in Equestria for his own safety, can Jedi Master Lucas Darkmatter grow accustomed to living with ponies? Better yet, can the ponies learn to live with Him?

  • ...

The Force

This is a work of total fiction, made entirely for entertainment purposes. No money is gained from the production of this prose.

9 Ponies. 2 Alicorns. 2 Pegasi. 3 unicorns. 2 Earth Ponies.

1 Human.

There was a sense of deja vu as the ponies surrounded the human's bedside. They watched him sleep calmly, a significant change from the violent fits he was having before.

Gently using her hoof, Lyra gently brushed a long lock of hair off his face. He was a complete enigma to her. He was somehow more than what she expected.

Her actions did not go unnoticed by everypony else in the room. They knew that this had to be a significant event in Lyra's life. Fore years, Lyra talked about humans only to be laughed at. Not that one fell into their laps, so to speak, she must have felt vindicated. Nopony believed her, but she never gave up.

And her faith was rewarded.

"Lyra." Called Twilight. She had to know what was going throught the aquamarine colored pony's head.


"How...how does it feel?" She asked. "To be vindicated?"

"Not like you'd think." She answered without looking away from Lucas. "I'm happy, sure." She agreed. "But seeing him, looking at a living breathing human before my very eyes everything suddenly became...real."

"I knew that he wouldn't be able to help me. All this time, I wasn't just out to find humans, but I wanted to know why they came to this planet. Why did they choose to teach ponies? Why did they leave?" She took a deep breath. "You heard what he said about human colonies and planets. There's a very good chance that he won't know why those ancient humans came here. He won't know why they educated ponies, or why the left in the first place. So yes, I'm happy to have been right about humans. But the bigger question, not if humans exist, but the why's of why they came here will likely never be answered."

Quiet reigned in the hospital room. Everypony continued to watch the human.

"He's beautiful, isn't he?" Asked Lyra. The other ponies gave her a look of incredulity. "You read the legends and study the ancient artwork, you start to develop a picture in your head about what the humans will look like." She explained. "But looking at him now...It's like a beautiful piece of artwork coming to life." She sighed dramatically.

Luna raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"And this perception you have of Lucas, it is not due to the fact his penis was waving in your face not 2 hours ago?" She said. Her voice was level, but the look in her eyes was full of nothing but mischief.

Lyra's face lit up like a bulb in embarrassment. So did Twilight and Fluttershy's. Pinkie, Rainbow and Applejack were laughing their tails off. Rarity tried to look aloof, but the corners of her mouth kept twitching in barely contained laughter. Celestia kept trying to glare at her sister with dissapproval, but even she could not keep a grin from splitting her face.

"What did I miss, exactly?" Came a familiar, confused voice. Everypony looked at the bed, where Lucas was sitting up looking at them all.

For the second time that day, Lucas's sight was filled with pink.


"Pinkie!" Lucas interrupted. She stopped talking immediately, and Lucas gave her a thankful smile. "I'm fine." He looked at everypony in the room. "Really, I am."

"What happened to you?" Asked Lyra.

"I received a vision. The Force showed me what was happening in the galaxy." He said somberly.

"And what exactly is happening?" Demanded Princess Celestia.

"We failed, that's what happened." He said firmly. "The Sith have won. The shroud of Dark Side has fallen across the galaxy. And the Jedi...the Jedi have been destroyed."

"Okay, I'm gonna stop you right there. You've used weird magic, you talk about this 'Jedi Order' and you keep mentioning this 'Force.' Why don't you pony up, and tell us exactly what is going on!?" Demanded Rainbow Dash. Everypony shushed her and chastised her rudeness, but Lucas stopped them.

"It's okay, everyone. Rainbow Dash is right. I'll tell you everything." He sighed. "It all starts with the Force."

"The Force is an energy field that surrounds and penetrates us. It binds the universe together. No one knows if the Force created the universe, or if the existence of the universe brought about the Force. We do know that it is omnipresent and omniscient. In all organic life, tiny micro-organisms call Midi-Chlorians live in symbiosis. We do not know if Midi-Chlorians are a specific creation by the Force for life to exist, or if the are simply creatures who are intrinsically connected to it. Without them, however, life as we know it could not exist. Some living creatures will have a significantly higher amount of Midi-Chlorians per cell than others. Those with high amount are known as Force sensitive."

"Being Force sensitive means that we can communicate with the Force. We can feel it around us. We are also endowed with three specific abilities: Physcokinesis, Telepathy and Clairvoyance."

He brought out his hand, palm up, and the ponies watched an apple float from the fruit basket near the door towards him. It landed in his palm.

"Is that how you knew who I was withou me introducing myself?" Asked Lyra.

"Yes." Lucas nodded. "You were so excited to meet me that you projected your thought very loudly." He reached over and placed his large hand on the side of her face. "I'm sorry you were treated so horribly for your beliefs." He sympathised.

She leaned into his touch appreciatively, before suddenly stopping. He continued where he left off.

"After a while, groups of Force users banded together to share their beliefs. After a time they eventually became the modern day Jedi. But, no group is ever perfect, and after a time there were mavericks and dissidents."

"The Force is very reactive to a beings sense of mind. The Jedi believe that to truly master themselves and the Force, it can only be achieved through meditation and enlightenment. A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never to attack. But there were others who tapped into a more volatile side of the Force. The Dark side. To become proficient in the Dark Side, one must turn inward and rely on negative emotions like fear, anger and hatred."

"The early Jedi knew of the corruptive properties of the Dark Side of the Force, and did their best to contain the belief that the Dark Side was more powerful. Eventually the Jedi made a declaration to the followers of the Dark Side. They were banished from the Order for their heretic beliefs. This group of rogue Jedi vowed vengeance on the Jedi Order and dissappeared. It was later discovered that they escaped to a planet called Korriban that was dominated by the Dark Side. The local species, known as Sith worshipped the banished Jedi due to their abilities, and taught them the philosophies of the Dark Side. Eventuall, these banished Jedi became known as Sith Lords."

"There have been many wars with these Sith, and one in particular wiped them out, or so we believed." He said. "There was a survivor known as Darth Bane. It was said that his understanding of physics and the Force enabled him to move stars and planets like toys. It is even said that this small piece of the galaxy, the Dead Zone, was where his final battle took place, where he destroyed several star systems by warping gravity."

"Wait a second!?" Interrupted Twilight. "Can you tell me exactly when this Darth Bane died?" Confused by her outburst, he obliged.

"I couldn't tell you exactly, but some 3000 years ago." He looked at the ponies with confusion. "Is that significant?"

"Possibly." Twilight answered curtly, she was busy taking notes in her notepad.

"About 3000 years ago, a cataclysm happened that destabilized the gravity of our solar system. In order to save our planet, thousands of Unicorns simultneously cast a spell to artificially stabilize the planet in a pony-generated orbit." Responded Celestia. "Now that duty falls upon me, but it requires constant vigilance on my part. Otherwise, our planet may go flying off into unknown space."

Lucas nodded. The Force was strong on this planet, and he could tell these ponies were strong---not in the Force, exactly, but in something else.

"Anyway, Darth Bane institued something called 'The Rule of Two.' Instead of rebuilding The Order of the Sith Lords, he decided that he would take on one apprentice, to whom he would teach everything. When the student becomes the master, they would in turn take on one apprentice and continue the cycle."

He paused to gather his thoughts.

"Finally we enter the modern era. For one thousand years, the Jedi believed the Sith to have been vanquished, but we were proven wrong thirteen years ago." He said. "A Zabrak Sith Lord appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, and managed to kill one Jedi Master, before he himself was killed by the Master's apprentice. We didn't know it then, but it all started with that Sith Lords death."

"Soon after his death, several star systems began demanding freedom from the Galactic Republic. They wanted to exist as a Confederation of Independent Systems. The Republic, of course, tried to keep these systems from seceding from the union. After several meetings and political talks the Seperatists resorted to terrorist attacks in order to push their agenda. Finally everything culminated in the Battle of Geonosis. It was revealed there that former Jedi Master Yan Dooku, leader of the seperatists, was in fact a second Sith Lord named Darth Tyrannus. The battle marked the beginning of the Clone Wars."

"We lost the war." He said simply.

"How do you know?" Asked Fluttershy.

"I saw it." He stated coldly. "I saw the Clone Army of the Republic execute Jedi. I felt their deaths in the Force. I saw a good friend seduced by the Dark Side. I watched him murder younglings!" He cried.

"We were fools! The Sith Master we were looking for was under our noses the whole time! He was the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic!" He yelled. "And now...now he is the Grand Emperor of the Empire."

Everything he worked for, everything he believed in was torn asunder, like it was nothing. Why. Why? WHY!? WHY!? WHY!? He did the only thing he could do, he released his anger and frustrations. Both into the Force, and physically. He screamed.

The ponies stood terrified. His scream was one full of pain and anguish, just a method of releasing those frustrations. But while he was screaming...glass shattered. Furniture snapped. Even the metal frame of the bed began warping out of shape. Lights flickered and the floor began to quake, terrifying the ponies even more.

But then, everything stopped. The lights stopped flickering, broken debris fell to the floor instead of flying around the room.

All was calm.

Author's Note:

A couple people were questioning me on whether or not I made the Force a little OP here. The answer is no. Like I mentioned above, the Force essentially grants you 3 abilities: Psychokinesis (or telekinesis if you're an idiot), Telepathy, and yes Clairvoyance. In the Empire Strikes Back Yoda tells Luke that the Force can show him things and he specifically says "The Future, The Past, The Present"

Also, I know that jacked up the history of the Jedi and the Sith. I kept everything vague on purpose because I didn't want to fuck up too bad, but from what I remember that's pretty much how it went.

My 'MLPFIM' headcanon timeline:

Solar system is formed> Evolution Occurs> Ponies appear> Humans land and teach ponies (Only applicable to this FanFic), then leave> Ponies live together happily> Cataclysm happens and Unicorns have to keep planet and moon in orbit and Pegasi must control weather> Racism Happens> Windigos appear> Exodus> Attempted settlement of new lands> Pony Tribes come together and form Equestria and centuries of peace follow> Discord appears and takes over> Princess Luna and Celestia are born> They use the Elements Of Harmony to seal Discord and become the Diarchs of Equestria> Centuries of Peace> Luna becomes Nightmare Moon and is banished> 985 years of peace> Celestia takes on Twilight Sparkle as an apprentice> 15 years later season 1 starts

P.S. In my headcanon, Twilight is 20 when we first meet her.