• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 5,875 Views, 164 Comments

Only The Force - Darth Atrox

After being forced to stay in Equestria for his own safety, can Jedi Master Lucas Darkmatter grow accustomed to living with ponies? Better yet, can the ponies learn to live with Him?

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Interlude- Darth Tauros

This is a work of total fiction, made entirely for entertainment purposes. No money is gained from the production of this prose.

A large, cloaked and hooded figure sat in a tavern in the middle of Minotaur territory. He was a traveler who was well known in these parts. He only called himself Darth Tauros.

No one quite knew where he came from. He just showed up one day, out of no where. Everywhere he went, there was always a path of destruction.

He was an average Minotaur, standing at six-feet-ten-inches and had a midnight black coat. The only thing that really jumped out about him was his eyes. They were a sick, yellow color that seemed to only radiate hatred and suffering.

Darth Tauros could only stare in disdain at the creatures before him. Such pathetic, insignificant insects. But he had to suffer them. For the past five years, all he had done was train, and search for a way off this Force forsaken rock. But he had no luck. Primitive beasts.

He used to be like them. Common, pathetic, insignificant. But all that changed five years ago.

He was a quiet child, always keeping to himself, not really bothering anyone. His introverted nature made it easy for the bigger minotaurs to single him out as their target. He was always beaten, humiliated, off course he fought back, but there were always too many for him, as well as being much bigger than he was.

One day, he was being accosted by the school bullies once again, only this time they were threatening to throw him off a gorge. He had been so terrified he urinated all over himself.

Those bastards just laughed.

After having their fun, and repeatedly beating him, they left him there.

He was broken, beaten and humiliated as he limped home slowly. He fell many times, but the last fall seemed like fate.

He fell into opening that led into an open cavern. At first he was terrified, but then he heard it.

A voice, calling out to him.

He must have searched for hours before finally finding a black obelisk. When he touched it, it spoke to him.

"The Force is strong with you, child. Very strong indeed."

"What are you?" He asked.

"A memory. I am what is known as a Holocron. Information stored within a small computer that can be used in many ways. I, however, have the added benefit of being a Sith holocron as i am also bonded to a Sith Spirit."

He didn't understand. Not at all.

"What is a Sith?"

"A Sith lord is a Force Sensitive being who serves the will of the Dark Side. Our goal is Galactic Conquest to maintain peace in the Galaxy, as well as to destroy the Jedi, our mortal enemies."

The fifteen year old minotaur could feel a tingling in his head. It wasn't uncomfortable, but it wasn't pleasant either.

"You are weak, child. learn the ways of the Dark Side and you will gain the strength to crush those who have wronged you." The voice tempted.

"Y-you'd help me?" He asked.

"Yes, child. Are you willing?"

The young minotaur knew that this was an important decision. It was one that he would not be able to take back. Then he remembered everything the other Minotaurs did to him.

He remembered the pain, the humiliation and how weak he felt.

"I'll do it." He said with finality.

"Good child. Now, be calm. I can't promise this won't be painful." The voice said.

He didn't remember quite what happened. He believed the pain to be so intense he was purposefully blocking it out.

When he woke up, however, everything changed. He was no longer the weak little minotaur that he was the night before. But he wasn't taken over by the spirit, either.

It was more like they bonded. He had all of it's memories, all of it's secrets. He also picked up some of it's personality traits as well.

He trained himself in all forms of combat that were now locked away in his mind. It took some time to manufacture the parts, but he had even successfull built a lightsaber using these primitive tools.

Now it seemed that his faith in the Dark Side was being rewarded.

He had felt the disturbance in the Force when that damn Jedi landed on the planet.

Now, there was a ship on the planet.

He took one final drink, finishing off his whiskey behore standing. He lifted his black hood over his head and he left the tavern without incident.

Author's Note:

Just a short interlude to set up for future conflicts. :)

Many people have been complaining about my inclusion of the Midi-Chlorians. I really don't see the issue. People say that the Midi-Chlorians take away the mysticism of the Force and try to inject hard facts into it, but I don't see it that way.

1) The Midi-Chlorians were always apart of the Star Wars Universe. George Lucas chose not include them in the Original Trilogy because he didn't want to confuse fans. If you go back to the Star Wars comics back in 1977, they DO mention Midi-Chlorians.

2) The Midi-Chlorians are pure genius! George Lucas always wanted the Force Users to be unique amongst the rest of the Galaxy. If the Force exists in everyone, wouldn't anyone be able to use it? This keeps the Force Users separate from the rest of the galaxy. I mean, how special wuld they be if you could walk into a random bar on any planet and select any species and BOOM, you can train them to be Jedi. There needs to be a requirement to be Force Sensitive and the Midi-Chlorians are the way to do it!