• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 5,875 Views, 164 Comments

Only The Force - Darth Atrox

After being forced to stay in Equestria for his own safety, can Jedi Master Lucas Darkmatter grow accustomed to living with ponies? Better yet, can the ponies learn to live with Him?

  • ...


This is a work of total fiction, made entirely for entertainment purposes. No money is gained from the production of this prose.

"May I have my lightsaber?" Asked Lucas.

The ponies seemed to be paying special attention to him. Not once have the nine ponies left his sight. Even the princesses, who surely had better things to do---like run their kingdom---, were watching him. It was slightly suffocating.

Right now they stood outside Canterlot, on the hills and cliffs nearby, and he stood on a large boulder. He stood there, like a statue, with his hood up and eyes shut. He was basking in the comfort of the Force. Allowing it to permeate him and cleanse him of his un-Jedi like feelings. 'Only serenity.' He thought.

The ponies were surprised at his sudden querie. He hadn't spoken for almost an hour, meditating, and out of nowhere he justs asks for something.

"Lightsaber?" Repeated Lyra. They all had a pretty good idea what he meant. Rainbow Dash took this opportunity to fly up to him.

"Listen buddy, if you think we're just gonna hand you that laser sword so you can run amok, then forget it! And don't even think about looking for it! You'll never find it!"

Lucas turned to look at Rainbow, and looking past her, he saw the others down on stable ground. He brought up both hands and slowly pulled his hood back, revealing a much calmer countenance.

He gave Rainbow a deadpan look that simply said: Really?

He pointed at Twilight.

"It's in Twilight's bag, along with Rahna's Lightsaber." He said.

Rainbow Dash growled.

"Stop using your freaky Jedi mind-reading!"

Lucas shrugged his shoulders in a nonchalant fashion.

"I didn't. A Jedi can always sense his lightsaber. It's the only possession a Jedi is permitted to have. It represents thousands of years of Jedi History, and our nature as peacekeepers. May I have my lightsaber?" He repeated his querie.

"Rainbow Dash? It is quite alright." Offered Celestia.

"We see no reason why he cannot have his weapon back." Luna agreed.

The ponies looked uncertain, and even Lucas had his doubts. He could sense their tension, and he knew they didn't trust him, not completely anyway. What was their angle?

"If you say so, Princesses." Said Twilight. She used a foreleg to hit the release button on her undercarriage to release the saddlebags. When the fell to the ground, Twilight grabbed one of the bags and brought it before her. Carefully, she pulled out one of the lightsabers. Noticing it was Rahna's, she placed it on the ground. Reaching into the bag again, she pulled out Lucas's weapon.

Before she could decide whether to walk over and hoof it to him, it flew from her hoof, along with Rahna's, into the hands of the Jedi.

Everypony tensed, ready to attack if necessary, but Lucas simply looked at the two, gleaming rods of steel. Finally, he hooked them both to his Utility belt.

Seeing him put away the weapons, everypony relaxed. An awkward quiet fell upon them as Lucas resumed his meditation.

"So, um...how does it work?" Asked Twilight.

"It's superheated plasma." He responded.

"Plasma! I thought it was a laser!" Commented Pinkie Pie.

"A laser would be impractical. If the blade were made of light, it could not be used as the tool it is. It is not only a weapon, but it used in a multitude of situations, not just combat."

"If it's actually made out of plasma, why is it called a 'Lightsaber'? Shouldn't it be called a 'Plasmasaber'?" Asked Rarity.

"When the lightsaber was first invented, they were mostly just called swords or plasma blades by the Jedi. It was the public who nicknamed it a Lightsaber. After many generations, the name stuck." He shrugged.

"If you come from a peace-loving culture, why do you need swords?" Asked Lyra.

"In order for a Jedi to become one with the Force, he or she must have trained their body and mind to their fullest potential. A Jedi will spend decades perfecting meditation exercizes and combat in order to bring ourselves closer to the Force."

"And then you use your skills in combat and this 'Force' to do battle against those who try and do harm against the innocent?" Theoriezed Celestia.

"Essentially." Answered Lucas curtly.

"Why?" Asked Luna.

"Why what?"

"Why did the Jedi choose to become the protectors of the Galaxy?" Luna elaborated. "If your goal in life is to become one with the Force, wouldn't your time be better spent improving yourselves, rather than getting involved with the affairs of rest of the Galaxy?"

"I...I don't know." He answered honestly. "I don't know what motivated the first Jedi to become the Guardians of the Galaxy."

"What about you?" Squeaked Fluttershy. "What motivates you to be a Jedi?"

"Me? Well...personally I believe that it is a responsibility." He said. "No one is forcing me to be a Jedi. Any member of the Order can leave anytime they want. But...being Force Sensitive is not common in any species. I guess I always believed that it was our responsibility. Why would any being have power if they weren't meant to use it?" He asked. He looked into the eyes of the Princesses, who looked up at him.

He could sense some of their tension fade away. There was even a sense of...respect?

Perhaps they could identitfy with his feelings of responsibility. They were rulers of an entire nation.

"So...um, the Lightsaber? How do you fight with it? Do you just use it like any other sword?"

In response to her querie, Lucas unclipped his saber from his belt. He held it in his hand for a moment before igniting it.


He held the glowing orange blade out in front of him before settling into a combat stance.

It was a basic stance of Soresu, the third form of Lightsaber combat. The entire form was developed to deflect blaster fire, so it was a good form to demonstrate his skill with the blade.

The ponies watched, amazed at the glowing orange blade cutting through the air with practiced ease. His skill and versatility with the blade was incredible. Finally, slowing down and bringing the blade before him, he disengaged it.


"The Lightsaber is the weapon of the Jedi. It's not as clumsy or random as..." He paused. They wouldn't have blasters on this primitive planet. "...projectile weapons. An elegant weapon for a more civilized age." He finished.

"It is not unlike it's weilder, a paradox." Said Celestia.

"How so?" Asked Lucas. Curious about her observation.

"The blade is round. There is no edge to a lightsaber, not even a tip or point. Yet, at the same time, it is nothing but an edge. There isn't anything that it cannot cut. Much like you Jedi. A 'Peaceful Warrior.' You fight and kill in the service of life itself." Celestia stated. "Perhaps that is why the Jedi use a Lightsaber as their weapon. You identify with it because it symbolizes the Jedi themselves."

"Can you tell us anything about Lightsaber combat?" Asked Lyra.

Lucas sighed. There was no reason not to. The Jedi order was wiped out, if it was to survive, it needs people to remember it. He slowly sank down to a cross legged seated position.

"There are seven basic forms of Lightsaber combat. The first form is known as Shii-Cho and..."

Author's Note:

Now, a PSA:

Hello my loyal readers!

I decided to take a chance to explain myself to some of the numerous questions that everyone seems to have about this story.

1) Lucas Darkmatter. Yes the name was inspired by Warp Darkmatter from the Buzz Lightyear movie and subsequent TV show. I thought it was a cool name.

2) Why did Lucas survive instead of his padawan? Someone commented that they believed a young, inexperienced character would have been better in the situation that I created (I went back to find this comment, but I couldn't. Did you delete it?). They said that an older character who was already set in his ways wouldn't assimilate very well into pony culture.

That's the point.

Lucas will have to face the fact that his entire religion has been obliterated. Its his struggle to let go of the Order that raised him, that will show up throughout this story. Yes, a younger character, like his Padawan would have assimilated better and faster, but I don't want everything to be all happy and fun in 5 chapters...

3) Is Lucas a super-Jedi? No. He is powerful in the Force and talented with a Lightsaber but no more than Mace Windu or Count Dooku. Talented, but not a Prodigy of Anakin's level.

His advanced abilities is telepathy aren't super, he is being helped by the ponies themselves. In Return of the Jedi, Darth Vader read Luke's mind because he was thinking about his friends and sister. He projected those thoughts, and using Force Telepathy, Vader picked up on them and read his mind.

Lyra was excited about meeting a human. Everything about humans and what she went through because of her belief in them was at the forefront of her mind. Lucas was able to sense and read those thoughts. The same with the rest of the ponies. They're excited about meeting an ALIEN. They're excited about this, and their state of mind is in dissarry because of it.

The Force grants TONS of abilities to Force Sensitives. The Force IS an Overpowered ability. Don't believe me? Check this out!

As for the whole, 'the Force tells Lucas about everything that happened' thing...Yeah, that was just me. Dramatic Convenience.

The original idea was that when Lucas went back to his ship, it would still be connected to the HoloNet and he would read up on the new Empire, Darth Vader, and the alleged coup that the Jedi attempted. But a) I decided that the Net would be shut down for a while. Palpatine/Darth Sidious would have to establish a new rule in a matter of hours, and I assume, to prevent undesirable communications, he would have shut it down. And b) I realized that Celestia and Luna wouldn't feel very comfortable just letting Lucas get to his ship. He is still an wild card and they don't trust him just because he claims to be a "good guy." Right now, he won't be getting to his ship for a while.

Anyway...Because everyone is complaining about my abuse of the Force as a plot device, I will tone it down. You guys can relax.

4) Lucas is boring. This is, once again, my fault. I hope that I will be able to insert more personality into future interactions.

That's it for now.

Thank you for reading.