• Published 26th Jul 2013
  • 3,329 Views, 139 Comments

For Want of Eternal Nightmare - Flame Bolt

After the events of 'All things evil' Nightmare Moon strikes again. This time, in the heart of Canterlot, putting her grand scheme into motion.

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Chapter 10 - A Fallen Star (Part 1/2)

Author's Note:

Unfortunately, this week I've been hit with a bad case of the winter vomiting bug (or the Norovirus if you want to get all technical). So the chapter still isn't completely finished but I'd rather leave you with something rather than nothing at all so I'm splitting it into 2 parts. This first part is what I've done so far, when I release the second part, I'll wait an hour or two then combine both parts to make a full chapter. This is a rare occurrence and will only happen when I'm ill and have more than half the chapter done. So enjoy the first half of the chapter, it took long enough to come out.

In other news this story probably isn't going to go on hiatus so that's something that I'm pleased about and I'm sure all of you will be too.

“Do you really think it’s wise to get Celestia involved? There’s no telling what will happen when she sees us.” Said Night Shade as he made his way towards Twilight.

“Don’t get yourself worried, when I explain the situation, she’ll understand.” Replied Twilight as she turned around.

“Will that be before, or after she jumps to conclusions?” Remarked Night Shade sarcastically.

“Um guys?” Said Astral Moon trying to get their attention.

“Twilight, its ready!” Announced Spike as he ran down the stairs waving the letter in the air, which was promptly enveloped in a magical aura and snatched from his claws, “Huh?”

Suddenly laughter filled the room as everypony turned to look in the direction of its source, which was none other than where Rarity was, or had been...

Instead, in her place was Nightmare Rarity.

“What’s this? A letter, for me! Oh my dear, Spikey-Wikey, you shouldn’t have.” She teased.

Opening the letter, she read it before smirking.

“Tsk tsk tsk, looks like someponies were going to tattle on me. We can’t have that now, can we?” she said, before incinerating the letter while they watched in shock.

“Rarity...” Twilight tried to say before she was cut off.

“SILENCE!” she snapped before continuing.

“Now that the main event has been rescheduled, let’s have some fun.” She snarled before charging right at the group.

Silent Wind was the first target but, as Rarity neared her, Night Shade tackled her to the ground getting them both out of harm’s way. Behind them Twilight threw up a shield in the hopes that it would hold only, upon Rarity making contact with it, the shield shattered allowing Rarity to keep her momentum going as she smashed into Twilight.

When she did however both she and Twilight were enveloped in a white light which lasted only a few seconds before she was spat back out in the opposite direction with almost double the force from the few seconds before. The result, a Nightmare Rarity shaped hole in the wall leading outside.

The light died down revealing Twilight, now in Eclipse’s form, who was unscathed. She shook her head and sighed before teleporting outside to face Rarity, who was still slightly dazed from her ordeal.

“If things have to be this way Rarity, then you leave me no choice.”

Rarity laughed in response to this and slowly rose with a smirk, “Well then, don’t expect any mercy.”
Rarity immediately charged right for Twilight who only narrowly managed to jump out of the way and responded by firing two bolts of magic that Rarity deflected with ease.

“You’ll have to do better than that Twilight!”

“Oh, don’t worry; I’ve only just finished warming up.”

“Then let’s see how you fare against this!” Rarity responded before firing a barrage of magic bolts at Twilight, who threw all caution to the wind and charged directly towards Rarity.

Twilight deflected two of the bolts before the third hit her in the chest; she gritted her teeth in pain but kept going regardless. She continued to deflect or dodge the rest of the bolts as she closed the distance between Rarity and herself. Rarity prepared a single bolt containing more power than the rest but before she could discharge it at Twilight, she was tackled to the ground. She looked up to see Twilight pinning her down and preparing a spell. Rarity responded by head butting Twilight which caused her to stumble back, leaving her dazed and open to attack.

Seizing the opportunity Rarity charged up one last bolt of magic and released it at Twilight. The bolt hit her in the chest and she cried out in pain as it knocked her backwards; she hit the ground and rolled over a few times before she came to rest, unconscious.

Rarity laughed before speaking, “I have to say, Twilight. I’m not impressed with your performance. So why don’t we go on a little trip together, hmm?”

She was met with silence

“Well I’ll take that as a yes then.”

“Rarity.” The familiar voice of Spike pleaded, “Please don’t do this.”

Rarity lit up her horn, aimed at Spike and fired a stream of magic at him. Time seemed to slow down as Astral Moon galloped towards him and jumped in front of the beam taking the full impact of it before it could hit Spike. When she hit the ground, she stayed there and a pool of blood began to form around her.

Night Shade and Silent Wind rushed over to her side.

“Night Shade, she needs medical attention.” Silent Wind cried.

Night Shade nodded in response “Put her on my back, I’ll take her.”

Rarity began to laugh once more as her horn lit up and in a bright flash, she and Twilight were gone.

Rarity appeared inside the castle’s main hallway with Twilight’s unconscious form draped over her back. The entrance to the throne room was directly in front of her; she opened it and strode in. Nightmare turned around and smiled when she saw Rarity.

“Rescuing you didn’t do them any favours did it?” Nightmare remarked.

“No it didn’t, not to mention Twilight thinking she could beat me.” Rarity replied before dropping Twilight on the floor, which caused her to stir.

Twilight groggily opened her eyes and was met with Nightmare looking down on her.

“Even though she’s dead, Eclipse is still a persistent pest it seems.” Replied Nightmare.

Nightmare lowered herself and cracked a sly grin at Twilight, “Don’t worry, I already know what kind of spell she left you. It looks like you’re in a pretty bad situation, doesn’t it Twilight?” she said before using her magic to summon a black ring that she placed on Twilight’s horn.

Twilight cried out in pain as her magic was cut off and began to whimper as the inhibitor left her helpless.

Nightmare leaned in and whispered into Twilight’s ear, “Soon, you’ll be begging to join us again.”

Nightmare’s horn glowed blue and sparks began to form around it, before she aimed at Twilight and discharged the energy.

Twilight screamed as the energy coursed through her. Red began to fill her vision before she finally succumbed and fell into the embrace of darkness.