• Published 26th Jul 2013
  • 3,329 Views, 139 Comments

For Want of Eternal Nightmare - Flame Bolt

After the events of 'All things evil' Nightmare Moon strikes again. This time, in the heart of Canterlot, putting her grand scheme into motion.

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Chapter 10 - A Fallen Star (Part 2/2)

“Will she be ok?” Asked Silent Wind

“Your friend should make a full recovery over the next few days, if you ask me, she’s extremely lucky that the spell didn’t kill her.” The doctor replied.

Night Shade and Silent Wind nervously glanced at each other before the doctor continued.

“Anyways, she’s awake right now if you would like to see her.” He gestured to the door before walking off.

Night Shade rose to his hooves and entered the room, Silent Wind not far behind.

They were greeted with a smile when Astral saw them.

“Hey guys.”

“Hi Astral, how are you feeling?” Asked Night Shade.

“I’ve felt better, but I’ll live. Did you tell them?”

“About your enhanced healing? No.” Silent Wind replied.

Astral Moon was about to open her mouth to reply when the group heard a familiar voice that they hadn’t heard in a long time.

“So, you three are what all the fuss is about?”

Night Shade and Silent Wind both turned round, wide eyed.

“CELESTIA?!” They both exclaimed in unison, slowly backing away as she entered the room, followed by a solar guard who took position next to the door making sure that they weren’t disturbed.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, but I still recognise you all.” She replied

“What are you doing here?” Silent Wind cautiously asked.

“I’m here because of the incident at the Ponyville library and because you three were involved, but not in the way I would’ve suspected. Care to explain why?”

“We’ve left Nightmare Moon’s side, she’s shown to us that she now clearly only cares about power.” Night Shade replied.

“And don’t forget that she’s already corrupted two of the elements.” Silent Wind quickly added.

Celestia’s eyes widened, “Two!? I already know about Rarity but who else has been corrupted?”

“Rainbow Dash.” Night Shade replied.

Celestia sighed, “This just became more complicated, we’re down 3 of the 6 elements, 2 are corrupted and there’s no telling what they’ll do to Twilight.”

“Well what’s the plan of action?” Asked Night Shade.

“We can try to get through to Rarity and Rainbow Dash, free them from the corruption, free Twilight and then use the elements on my sister, again. Or, should that fail, we can try to persuade her to focus our efforts on the common enemy, the Changelings.”

Their expressions turned to that of shock before Night Shade spoke up, “How did you know about the changeling spy?”

“You didn’t think that changeling was the only spy there when you reunited with Nightmare Moon, did you?” She grinned before turning to the guard, “You can drop the act now.”

Their eyes shifted towards the guard who removed his helmet, causing his whole body to glow a blindingly bright white. When the glow had subsided his appearance had changed completely, his coat was dark grey, his mane and tail were red with black streaks running through them and his eyes were the same draconic teal as theirs, he also had a scar that cut across his left eye and ended at his cheek. He looked at them and smiled.

“Miss me?”

Their mouths hung agape and after a few seconds of total silence, Silent Wind spoke up.

“Blood Lance, Is it really you?”

“The one and only.” He grinned.

Silent Wind shot forward and threw her hooves around him, pulling him into a loving embrace.

“Lance, I thought you were dead.” She replied, as tears formed in her eyes.

“That night I thought the same thing Wind.”He replied while returning the gesture.

“How on Equestria did you survive what happened?” Night Shade asked.

Blood Lance, with silent wind still in his embrace, looked at him, “Well...”

1000 Years ago

“There’s too many of them, we have to get out of here!” Shouted Night Shade.

“Agreed.” Replied Blood Lance, currently in a heated battle with another soldier who took advantage of the minor distraction and using his sword delivered a nasty blow across his left eye leaving a deep cut and causing Blood Lance to cry out in pain.

In response to this Astral Moon materialised and tackled the soldier to the ground before unleashing a beam of energy aimed directly for his face. The soldier screamed and tried to cover his face but to no avail, after a few seconds the screaming stopped and his body went limp.

“Thanks Astral.”

“Don’t mention it, now let’s go!”

It was at that moment that an off target spell hit one of the pillars supporting the room and it started to collapse, straight towards Silent Wind.

“Wind look out!” Blood Lance Shouted as he galloped towards her a tackled her to safety just in the nick of time.

The pillar smashed into the ground and the whole room began to shudder.

“Shadow Fang the door won’t budge give me a hoof before we’re buried alive.” Shouted Night Shade

“On it.” he replied before they both tried to open it, “The Damn thing’s still stuck.”

“Move you two.” Said Aegis, before charging at the door which resulted in it being forced it open, “Now go!”

“Come on Wind.” Said Blood Lance as he extended a hoof to help her up.

“Lance look out!”

Before Blood Lance could react one of the soldiers thrust his sword into his chest, his eyes widened as he began to feel numb. The soldier laughed as he forcefully pulled out the blade and watched as Blood Lance fell to the floor. Silent Wind grabbed her knife and with all her might, drove it into the soldier’s neck, not even bothering to pull it out and watched his body fall to the ground.

“W-wind.” Blood Lance managed to cough out.

“Lance, you’re going to be ok, we’ll get you out of he—

“No” he interrupted her.


“Leave me.”

“No, we’re not leaving you.”

“If you don’t leave me, you’ll die.” He gestured towards his lance, “I want you to have it, something to remember me by.”

“Don’t do this Lance.” She pleaded.

“Silent Wind we have to go now!” Shouted Astral who had made her way over to them.

“No, I’m staying with him.”

“I’m sorry Wind.” She replied before knocking her out, levitating her limp form onto her back and picking up the lance.

“Goodbye Lance.”

“Goodbye Astral.”

Astral Moon made it to the door and took one last look at Blood Lance before following after the others.

About a minute later the room could take no more punishment and began to collapse. Before he was buried alive Blood Lance smiled and said one last thing.

“Goodbye Silent Wind.”

Sometime later

Darkness... that was what surrounded the unconscious form of Blood Lance. However it was from this darkness that muffled voices could be heard and what ultimately caused him to stir. Blood Lance weakly opened his eyes but was met with the same darkness. Trapped underneath the rubble and debris he could only wait, either to die or to be rescued. Luckily for him, fate had picked the latter.

Above him ponies were searching through the rubble and debris to find survivors from the battle that had taken place a few hours prior. Eventually he began to feel weak again and on the verge of slipping away the rubble that trapped him was dug out and he was found.

“Your Highness we’ve found somepony, but you might want to take a look at this.”

After hearing this Blood Lance once again fell unconscious.

Author's Note:

Good God it's taken me long enough to roll this out. I'm happy how it turned out as well, my original plan was not to include Blood Lance but seeing as it never went into detail about what happened I thought, I'll add him anyway. Also made it easier to write about what happened as well :rainbowhuh: (can't imagine why)

Anyways there is something going on between Silent Wind and Blood Lance but we'll get to that.

~Flame Bolt~

Comments ( 70 )

This should be good. Add in solar flare going apeshit on nightmare moon or the girls getting all nightmarefied and starting a relationship with each other, and this will make things epic.

4222753 Its a trilogy, so I might nightmarify the mane 6 then have the changelings f*** everything up (which I plan to do regardless), then have the girls become attuned to the elements again at some point.

Heh, the changelings are gonna shit themselves if you decide to have them face the Nightmare Mane 6, Nightmare Moon, and Solar Flare as well as possibly a Nightmare Cadance all at the same time.

Now that I think about it, is there a Nightmare Cadance picture somewhere? I wonder what she would look like.

I wonder how Shining Armor will react upon hearing what happened to his sister though, I mean he IS Twilight's big brother, so he would feel that he failed to protect Twilight as the older sibling wouldn't he?

Hey, maybe you or someone else could make a nightmare story where sunset shimmer becomes the nightmare, and she seduces twilight into becoming like her. If you can't do it, please ask somepony who can.

4254226 haha, I'm not usually one to recommend but the people you're looking for are Peppy Greyskull or CanterlotGuardian, hell maybe even SkeeterTheLurker or RainbowBob. These guys are your best bet.

Hmmm, I wonder what will happen when NMM finishes corrupting Twilight? I personally think that Twilight will usurp NMM due to the fact as the Element of Magic enhanced by the power of the Nightmare, Twilight could become very powerful, enough to take NMM's place.:derpyderp1:

I can't help but wonder who will be nightmarefied next. Will it be the strong and honest Applejack, kind and shy Fluttershy, or the pony version of Deadpool?

Out of curiosity, do you have writer's block? Or is someone hogging the computer.


Bit of both, your ideas have helped a bit however :twilightsmile: many thanks. I've also got a Trojan running around trying to cause havoc on my PC and my anti virus is going nuts because of it. Gonna track it down and delete it now (i know what the file is, just need to find it). Finally, i should get more time on the computer from either 1PM (gmt) today or from when i wake my lazy ass up tomorrow.

4293082 by the way I called Pinkie pie the pony version of Deadpool because she is just as, if not more, random than Deadpool. I can actually imagine her dressed like him and armed to the teeth.:pinkiehappy:
Though it would be very hot seeing an anthro pinkie dressed like that.

For some reason, I felt a chill go down my spine at the thought of Deadpool having Discord's powers, just so you know.

Yo, if this ends with them being free from the nightmare, can you make a what-if story where they weren't freed?:fluttershysad:

What did you think of my "Deadpool with Discord's power comment?

4355133 made me chuckle thinking about it.

Hey, you ever wonder why we are here?

4357796 sometimes, but hasnt everyone wondered at least once?

That is true, maybe even gods question why they exist.

Just out of curiosity, how long would it take to post the new chapter?

4358824 I honestly don't know. My current priority is making sure I do well for myself at college. This story is priority no.2. No writing will be done tomorrow anyway as i'm going to my cousins wedding. Some might get done after the mane 6 kick Tirek's flank in the finale on saturday.

K. May Celestia and Twilight over you, and hope no shape shifters try to interfere with the wedding.

Meant to make that "watch over you."

4359167 Dont worry. I'll be on the lookout. Besides I have the EoH on speed dial should a changeling problem arise.

4359283 I can confirm that the wedding went off without a hitch.

Brilliant. Now if only the canter lot wedding had done that. In my opinion, Twilight probably would have become the next nightmare, she was at a low point like luna was when she became the nightmare. Maybe a twist of fate we could have Nightmare twilight decide that Eternal night would not work, since she's possessing a smart person, and decide to go back to Twilight's job as a librarian. Nightmare moon as a librarian. She could pull off the sexy librarian look.

4366933 If the events that happened during the Canterlot wedding never occurred. I don't think Twilight would end up becoming a Nightmare. Reasons being, the changelings wouldn't have been there, which leads on to the fact that Twilight would've never confronted Cadence because she would've been the real Cadence and would've been able to recite their little nursery rhyme, which wouldn't have aroused Twilight's suspicions.

However, if you are going from a standpoint of an alternate outcome of the events that happened, so the Changelings were actually there and Shining got married to Chrysalis (Twilight never found Cadence). I do actually think Nightmare would've tried and probably succeeded in manipulating and possessing Twilight. A chance to easily possess one of the elements is too good to pass up. As a result of this, the Changelings would've lost once again, but Nightmare will have finally won because the elements wouldn't be able to defeat her and rescue Twilight.

I like the way you think. Twilight was far too trusting of her friends. They abandoned her, as well as her teacher, and family, and when they apologized, she just accepted it instead of giving them the cold shoulder so they would have to earn they're trust back.

Any idea why the pictures on the site have gone black and white with a crying twilight? Heh that rhymed.

4368435 because her library got destroyed in the finale. RIP library.

4371219 damn, did not know that I am unable to watch the show due our directtv box burning out.

4371706 I just watch it on youtube, via equestria daily links.

4373480 thanks for telling me that.

I know it took me a while to say this, but that plot twist in the last chapter about the dead pony that was loyal to Nightmare Moon that was supposed to be dead was alive and was celestia's spy was interesting.

4381859 well I thought about what I should do for that chapter. And after reading back I realised that they said he died. I never actually went into great detail, nor did I write about him dying in a flashback. So I thought 'perfect this allows for even further development of the characters'. Regarding the story, I plan to have Blood Lance have a significant effect on the overall storyline.

I'm not going to ask how long it will take until the next chapter, I'll instead ask how far converted twilight is in it?

4425345 well... she'll be pissed when she gets free after being tortured (what I intended to happen anyway). She will want revenge against nightmare and an alliegance with Celestia can accomplish that. (Contemplating whether or not to make them stab twilight in the back once its over)

4426323 that would just make her even more pissed, and I will be surprised if Equestria is still standing afterwards.

Why would they backstabbing her, anyway?

4438578 she'd technically be evil if and when she becomes fully corrupted. Solution, Harmonic Rainbow of Friendship!

Maybe twilight, if she ends up making her own side, will corrupt applejack, pinkie pie, and/ or fluttershy into joining her.

How far done are you with the next chapter? I'm getting a little bored and haven't checked if the nightmare sunlight story has been made yet.

4502330 might get a chapter up before I go on holiday in 2 weeks! If not then I plan to finish the story then upload a chapter each day when its done.

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