• Published 26th Jul 2013
  • 3,329 Views, 139 Comments

For Want of Eternal Nightmare - Flame Bolt

After the events of 'All things evil' Nightmare Moon strikes again. This time, in the heart of Canterlot, putting her grand scheme into motion.

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Chapter 1 - A Nightmare to remember

Celestia was stood on the balcony overlooking Canterlot in all its glory, when Twilight and Eclipse arrived.
“You requested us, Princess?” said Eclipse.
“Eclipse, Twilight” Celestia beamed while turning round, “how are the studies going?”
“They’re going well Princess” replied Twilight. Celestia could tell by her voice that something was wrong.
“What’s the matter Twilight?” she asked.
“That would be the ‘Side effects’ of the teleportation spell” said Eclipse.
“Ah, it’s understandable” replied Celestia who leaned in close to Twilight and whispered into her ear, “Between you and me, you’re not the only one to suffer side effects from it.”
Hearing this brought a smile to Twilight’s face.

“Moving on” Celestia started, “I assume you both know why you’re here?”
They both nodded in response to the question.
“Excellent. Eclipse, I shall speak to you first” she said, before casting a soundproof barrier around herself and Eclipse.

“Eclipse, as you’re aware Nightmare Moon created you using her power.”

“That is correct Celestia, carry on.”

“Well... after the elements of harmony brought Luna back to me, I’m worried that Nightmare wasn’t completely purged from Luna”

“Well I’ve kind of had that feeling myself to be honest.”

“Eclipse, I need you to make sure Luna is ok for the next few days. Don’t worry, she will remember you. The reason I ask this of you is because I fear that Nightmare Moon will try to take her again while she is weak, I simply cannot and will not allow that to happen.”

Eclipse reassuringly put her hoof on Celestia’s shoulder “Don’t worry Celestia, I’ll make sure nothing happens to her” she said and turned to walk out the door, closing it behind her.

Twilight was confused, she didn’t know what had been said but at the same time didn’t want to ask, it didn’t concern her.
“Princess are you alright?” she asked.

“Yes Twilight, I’m fine. Now...”

Eclipse made her way down the corridor towards Luna’s room, fortunately it wasn’t that far away and she was there in no time.

Eclipse knocked on the door, “Luna, It’s me, Eclipse. May I come in?” she asked.

After a few seconds the door opened and Eclipse stepped inside to find Luna lying on her bed reading a book to pass the time.

“How are you doing Luna?” asked Eclipse, walking over to her.
“We are doing fine thank you” she replied, closing the book. “Besides, you shouldn’t worry about being too formal around me Eclipse.”
“Well, that’s a relief” Joked Eclipse, “Twilight’s currently with Celestia, being given ‘her’ task.”
“How is Twilight after what I did to her as,” she looked down in disgust, “Nightmare Moon?”
“She’s doing quite well actually,” replied Eclipse, “on a higher note, she forgives you for your actions.”
“Good,” Luna hopped off the bed and walked towards the window, “at least I’ll be able to rest easier knowing that she forgives me.”
“You shouldn’t fully blame yourself for what happened Luna,” Eclipse walked over and stood next to her, “you wanted ponies to like your night, there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just that you went about it the wrong way.”
“Yes I understand that now bu--”
Suddenly the door slammed shut and locked itself, sealing both Eclipse and Luna inside. Suddenly a voice echoed in the room, “Hello Luna, did you miss me?”
“Nightmare” snarled Eclipse.
“Well well, if it isn’t Eclipse, how are you doing after you betrayed me?” Echoed Nightmare
“I was doing fine until you showed up to spoil it” she snapped back at Nightmare, “SHOW YOURSELF COWARD!
In response to this Nightmare Moon appeared in the mirror before Eclipse.
“What do you want?” she snarled.
“Nothing much” replied Nightmare, looking towards Luna, “Just to take back what’s mine.”
As soon as she made eye contact with Nightmare, the whites of Luna’s eyes turned teal and she just stood there in a trance as if she was hypnotised. Suddenly she started to walk towards the mirror as if accepting her fate. That is, before she was tackled to the ground by Eclipse.
“Luna, snap out of it” she pleaded.
“Ugh... what happened?” replied Luna.
“Eclipse” chuckled Nightmare, “That, was a big mistake.”

Before she had a chance to react, a dark tendril shot out of the mirror, hitting Eclipse in the back of the head. Her vision started to fade as she fell to the floor, she was unconscious by the time her body came to rest.
“It was fun while it lasted Luna” Nightmare cooed, “but I’m afraid that this little game is nearing its end” she said before a Pitch black void appeared under Luna, who tried to move but couldn’t.
“What are you doing to me?” Snapped Luna.
“Oh I think you know” said Nightmare, with a sinister grin.
Darkness from the void started to consume Luna, changing her into Nightmare Moon. Luna tried to scream but nothing came out her mouth as the darkness finally enveloped her.

A few minutes passed before the darkness started to retract back into the void, in its place stood Nightmare Moon.
“Oh Tia” she cooed, “I’m coming for you.”