• Published 30th Jul 2013
  • 2,315 Views, 10 Comments

Trixie Living With Me? - Moniker

Just as it sounds. Trixie reluctent to tell me how she got to earth I take her in.

  • ...

A tour

Trixie Living With Me?

By Dancing With Discord

A tour

I sighed. The dog was still barking at Trixie. I stared blankly into the TV. "What is this?" Trixie asked pointing at the turned off TV.

I took a moment. "This is called a TV," I said keeping a close eye on Trixie.

"And what's it do?" she asked.

I sighed and turned it on. "It's an entertainment...device," I took a moment to think of the right words.

Trixie nodded. "So it's like The Great and Powerful Trixie's magic?" she proudly lifted her head.

I shrugged. "Yeah, kind of, you can call it that," I said then I realized she admitted her magic is more of entertainment.

I looked at Seth who was still dumbfounded by the horse sitting on our couch. "Is something wrong?" Trixie asked.

Seth shook his head. "Nah, it's that this is the strangest day we've ever had," I admitted Seth nodded in agreement.

I cleared my throat. "Anyway, would you like a tour of our house?" I asked the blue mare.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie would," she said in third person.

I sighed at that. "Okay, why don't we start with here," I showed her the kitchen. "A bit small but, it's a kitchen," the phone rang suddenly startling Trixie. I picked up the phone. "Hello?"

On the other line was a high pitched fake voice. "Hi dad, is something wrong?" I asked.

"No, but can you pull out the chicken at lunch?" he asked.

I looked at Trixie. "Sure. By the way, we're having one extra guest," I said.

I except my dad smiled. "Okay, hey you didn't meet her at another one of your parties did you?" he said jokingly.

I felt a slight blush grow on my cheeks. "No, but can you actually swing by the store and pick up some more salad?" I asked him. I know she wouldn't like chicken. I sighed. I saw that Trixie was staring at me the short time I was on the phone. As I placed the phone down, she shifted her attention to the put down phone. I again sighed. "This is called a phone, everyone has one," I said.

Trixie butted in. "Don't you mean every-pony?" she asked.

I rolled my eyes. "For you yes, for us humans we call them everyone," I explain.

Trixie nodded of course she was resentful to admit her mistake. "I...I knew that," she lied.

I rolled my eyes. I opened the freezer to see if we had chicken sure enough we do. I closed the door.

I looked at the clock. It was only nine A.M. "What do you say, keep the tour going?" I asked.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie agrees with keeping the tour going!" she yelled thinking a flash would come under her hooves.

I lead her to my bedroom. "You've been here," I felt a bit of a blush grow on my face. I walked her to my brother's bedroom. "This is my brother's bedroom, as you can see, he has basically what I have, except he has his guitar on his stand," I pointed out.

Trixie looked lost. "What is a guitar?" she asked.

I tapped my chin. How would I explain a guitar? I thought. "Guitars is an instrument, much like the cello, or, wait, you know what an acoustic guitar is right?" I asked her hoping for a yes.

She nodded. "The Great and Powerful Trixie knows what it is," she smugly said.

I nodded, "Okay good, this makes more noise when strummed," I said.

Trixie somehow plucked the strings with her hoof. "It's not louder at all," she said.

I rolled my eyes. "That's cause you need it to plug it in first, you need to put one end of this cable into the slot on the guitar, then you put the other end into the slot on the amplifier," I explained.

Trixie nodded. She immediately picked up the cord with her magic and put both ends into the slots. Before I reacted she turned the amp on. A screeching hiss came from the amp. Mackey ran upstairs quickly. "Um...with my brother's amp, you need to turn off all the settings first," I added letting my hands slightly off my ears.

She was still resentful. "I...I meant to do that," she said a bright red blush of embarrassment growing on her face.

She put the knobs fully off. She used her magic to bring the guitar to her side. She also used her magic to hold a pick.

I watched as she started to play these chords it was pretty impressive. I clapped a bit. Great, I'm just building up her ego. I thought to myself as I clapped. She waved a hoof in front of me. "Please, please, hold your praising until I finish," she told the one person even listening to her playing. She put down the guitar. She rubbed her forehead. "Are you alright?" I asked her as she rubbed her head.

Trixie immediately looked all noble. "Yeah, just...The Great and Powerful Trixie, well she isn’t exactly used to holding something like that, for that extended time," she admitted.

I nodded. I can only imagine the horrors like that. "I understand," I lied slightly.

"You understand? You don't have a horn…or do you?" she questioned.

I pushed her away. "Whoa what are you doing?!" I asked pushing her away from my stomach.

"I'm looking for your horn," she said.

I sighed silently. "I don't actually have a horn," I said. I quickly heard the phone ring. I ran downstairs and picked up the phone. Seth was frantically looking for the phone. "Hello?" I asked the other line.

A female voice spoke. "Hi, I just wanted to see how you're doing," the other line said.

I sighed slightly. "I'm fine mom, so when will you be home?" I asked looking at Trixie.

"Maybe around the normal time, why?" she asked.

"No reason, by the way, we have a guest in the house," I said.

"Gabe, I told you not to open the door for anyone!" she hissed.

I sighed a bit. "In my defense I was tired," I defended myself.

My mom sighed. "Fine," she groaned.

I put back the phone.

I sighed. "Shall we finish the tour?" I asked her.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie agrees," she spoke.

I lead her to our small laundry room that connects to the garage. "So, this is where we wash our clothes," I said.

"Why do you wear clothes all the time?" she asked.

I almost chocked on my own spit. "Wh...What?" I asked hoping that I miss heard.

"Why don't you just wear clothes in formal events?" she asked rewording it.

I felt a flash of heat go to my cheeks. "Well, uh...you see...we have laws," I explained vaguely.

"Well, that's a dumb law," she huffed slightly.

"You know it doesn't apply to you," I added.

She looked at me before a question came out. "Is this all your house?" she asked.

I shook my head. "No," I said. I lead her to my parents' bedroom. "This is where my parents sleep," I looked at her.

I pointed at the door in front of my bedroom door. "That's the bathroom," I said. I followed downstairs.

"Where does this door lead to? The Great and Powerful Trixie demands to know," she demanded to know.

"That leads to the garage," I answered.

She nodded. "Okay, The Great and Powerful Trixie, she understands now," she responded.

After finishing the tour, and some more irritation on her part. I saw the time. "Oh," I got up and saw Seth was microwaving the left over rice. "So, I should probably try and figure out how to get dad to let her stay shouldn't I?" I knew the response.

"You know you don't have to," Seth said looking at Trixie. "She isn't that important," Seth said.

I shook my head. "That might be true but I don't want her to die in a mugging or something," I admitted to Seth.

"Well, you have a fair amount of time to think of something," Seth assured me.

I looked at the time. "I guess you are right," I admitted. I think I'm going to skip an episode of Naruto, just for today," I said.

Seth nodded. "Yeah," he agreed with me.

I sat down at the table. Trixie was at the couch. "Hey, Trixie," I called her over. There was no response. I sighed. "Hey, Great and Powerful Trixie," I forcefully corrected myself.

She turned her head. "Yes?" she asked.

"I have some rice, this you might like," I said. I put some rice in a small bowl. "Come get it," I said.

Trixie levitated the bowl over to her seat. It’s no wonder she isn't liked, she's a bitch. I thought to myself. I grabbed my spoon. She levitated her spoon. She carefully put some rice in her mouth. She kind of liked it, it was more flavorful then cheese snacks. "How do you like it?" I asked the blue mare.

She smiled a bit. "The Great and Powerful Trixie likes it," she spoke in third person.

"Good," I said taking another bite of my rice. This'll take some getting used to. I thought to myself.

I looked at Trixie who was sitting comfortably on our couch. Our dog was still barking. "Sorry our dog, I don't think has seen any horses except in the holidays, and none of them looked like you," I said.

She tilted her head. "How so?" she asked.

"Well, they aren't exactly your color, and they don't exactly have any mark either," I chuckled silently.

Trixie nodded slightly. "The Great and Powerful Trixie understands!" she yelled kind of.

I sighed as I glanced back at Seth. "Is she for real?" Seth asked hoping for a no.

I nodded sadly. "Yes, she's most likely here to stay," I said lowering my head.

I looked at Seth. He walked upstairs for a moment. He walked back down with his guitar. He started to play his guitar. Trixie watched looking unimpressed in truth she was really impressed. I knew what was coming to mind; how is he playing that so well. I heard the phone ring a third time. I picked it up since Seth didn't seem to hear it. "Hello?" I said.

"Hey, it's me," the other line said.

I looked blankly at the phone. "Um, who is this?" I asked.

"C'mon we saw you a while back, it's me Tony," Tony reminded.

I nodded. "Oh, hey Tony, is everything okay?" I asked him calmly.

The man what I expect he shook his head. "Nah, nothing’s wrong," he said.

I glanced at Trixie still in awe with the concept of the more portable phone. "Are you sure?" I asked again.

"Who is it?" Trixie asked while I was still on the phone.

"No one you know," I said in a hushed voice.

"Who was that?" Tony asked.

I looked at Trixie. "No one, just someone I met, her name is Trixie a-" I stopped when Trixie cleared her throat to get my attention. "Sorry, she prefers to be called the Great and Powerful Trixie though," I said. Again I'm just feeding her ego. I looked at Trixie who lifted her head proudly.

"Oh, I just wanted to remind your dad we're coming over today, is Thor around Kane?" he asked jokingly.

"No, 'Spartacus' isn't he's at work," I said. Damn I am getting annoyed with that nickname, I'm Kane Seth's Abel, he's Spartacus, and dad is Thor, it's starting to get annoying. I sighed. "I'll pass it to dad," I said.

"Great Kane, you do that," Tony said.

I hung up the phone. "Oh crap, I have to explain Trixie t-" yet again having to correct myself. "To Tony and Rita, dad and whoever else will come today!" I paced the room.