• Published 30th Jul 2013
  • 2,309 Views, 10 Comments

Trixie Living With Me? - Moniker

Just as it sounds. Trixie reluctent to tell me how she got to earth I take her in.

  • ...

New day and a confidence boost

Trixie Living With Me?

By Dancing With Discord

New day and a confidence boost

Warning this is the saddest chapter of this story so far and this is supposed to be a comedy!

I paced the room. Alright, alright, how to explain this? I repeated the same question in my mind. "You know what Tr... The Great and Powerful Trixie? You know what I don't know how I'll explain this," I admitted to the blue unicorn sitting on the family couch. "This is just too ridiculous to explain," I waved my arms in the air in annoyance. "I'll never explain this, what do you think of this? I woke up and saw her in my bed? Wait... that sounds wrong," I rubbed the back of my head.

"It does," Trixie grabbed your arm.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

Trixie looked at me letting my question go unanswered. "I was just looking at your arm," she said simply.

I was a bit confused. "Uh... that's pretty creepy Trixie... eh... The Great and Powerful Trixie," I corrected seeing her frowning face.

"Fine, I'll stop," she let go of my hand.

"What was that?" I smirked at using "I" while referring to her.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie said: The Great and Powerful Trixie will stop," she changed her words.

A sigh left my lips. So much for that. I grumbled in my head. "Alright, you I don't want to lock you away somewhere," Though that would be much better then explaining no, no, no. I shook my head dismaying the past thought.

Silence was broken by my brother. "This'll be fun," he chuckled lightly that was a little out of character of him, though... we do have an animated talking pony in our house and that's what is odd to me? I sighed still pacing the room. "I'm noticing I'm doing a lot of pacing this week, started yesterday you know why?" I glanced at Trixie who just shrugged.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't know," she or at least I hope she was joking.

I just played along with her. "Because of you," I acted as if I had her in a strangling position.

She was actually looking confused. "Who is The Great and Powerful Trixie making you pace The Weak and Displeased Gabriel?" she asked giving me a stage name.

"Please, be quiet, and no nicknaming me beyond Gabriel," I told her slightly angry at the blue mare.

"Fine, The Great and Powerful Trixie won't do it again Gabriel," she huffed blowing few strands of her mane out of her eyes.

"Can The Great and Powerful Trixie ask you why you were up so early?" she asked tilting her head.

I crossed my arms at the end of that question. "Really? You ask that? Fine, first I woke up to a pony poking at my ribcage in my bed, then, I found the pony were you, then I had to explain you to those two," I breathed in after pointing my finger at my parents. "On top of that, my entire family will know about this pony living with me and my parents and brother. So... I am kind of stressed out," I blew out hoping that to help slightly with the anger building up inside me. It didn't. I looked at the clock. It's only 6:01 A.M. it should be later! I again started to pace the living room.

"I'm sure those relatives will love The Great and Powerful Trixie!" she yelled suddenly I hushed her.

"Shh... it's only six A.M. people are trying to sleep," I hissed at the light blue unicorn.

She huffed at my action. "Whatever," she looked away from me. I sighed and turned on the TV. I noticed nothing on. I then just put a random number I call it "TV roulette". It switched to hub or at this time was playing My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Ironically enough it was "Boast Busters" the first episode of Trixie. Silence overtook the living room.

Trixie broke the silence. "I-Is The Great and Powerful Trixie really that famous?" she asked staring into the TV.

"Uh... kind of, you are, I guess," I felt awkward about this.

"Great!" she clapped her hooves.

"Yeah," I pat her back. She gave a happy squeak. "You originated from there or... at least I thought you did," I looked over to the third seat on the couch. I looked away and then back. I started to just talk to Trixie. "So how does it feel to be a unicorn?" I asked her.

"It is fantastic! The Great and Powerful Trixie can do anything as one!" she seemed to have been prepping for that question for a while.

After a while I heard my brother's door loudly open. I smiled at him. He began to walk down stairs. "I do wonder if anyone misses you Tr... The Great and Powerful Trixie," I was unsure if anyone would.

Meanwhile in Ponyville

"I miss The Great and Powerful Trixie," Snails frowned being pat on the back by Snips.

"I know Snails, it's not like her to disappear, I miss her too," the hugged each other.

Back on Earth

"Probably not," she shrugged she was unaware of the fact she just told me she has little friends.

"Yeah, you’re probably right," I shrugged, "what was I thinking, who would miss you," I covered my mouth as I realized my words.

She frowned did I do something? I mean I know what I did but... did I do something for the good or bad? I don't know. A tear formed in the corner of her eye. "Your right Gabriel, The Great and Powerful Trixie isn't 'great and powerful' at all," she frowned at herself.

I sighed I wanted to see this so badly Trixie crying... but now that I've seen it I want to stop it. I put my hand on Trixie's shoulder. "Now, that's not true," I comforted the unicorn. "You are 'great and powerful' you just have been led astray," I chuckled slightly. "Did I really just say 'astray'?" I never say that. I cleared my throat. I wanted to be serious for the moment. "Look, I can help," I smiled at her lifting her head to meet my eyes.

"Would you come with me?" she asked out of the blue.

I blinked lost entirely. "Huh?" I as said before I blinked totally lost.

"Would you come back to Equestria with me?" she reworded the question.

I tapped my chin trying to process the question. "I don't know… I’m... I-I... I would," I sighed looking at my hands. "Please tell me you have a way back," I pleaded I was ready act to be willing then get out of range before it was successful.

"Trixie doesn't, Trixie just feels right asking it," she responded taking out her 'great and powerful' section of her name.

"Hey, where is your happiness?" I asked trying to motivate her.

"Out the window," she responded flicking Mackey off of her hind hoof.

I pat her back. She has no friends does she? "Hey, now what's your name?" I asked her slightly in a motivating voice.

"Trixie," she looked away from me. I don't know why.

"That's wrong, what's your name when you got here?" I said slightly more motivating.

"The great and powerful Trixie," she said in a trailing off tone.

"C'mon The Great and Powerful Trixie," I was willing to do anything to help her gain her confidence back.

"My name is Trixie Lulamoon," the unicorn spoke.

"No it's not!" I snapped at her for her own good.

She closed her eyes. "YOUR RIGHT GABE MY NAME IS THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE" the unicorn held her head back.

Good, she has her confidence back, I'm happy. Besides I don't think I can do any more yelling. I rubbed my throat. I had never even while singing ever hit that loud of a note.

My voice was weak but understandable. "Good for you The Great and Powerful Trixie you really are 'great and powerful'" I pat her blue back.

"Well, The Great and Powerful Trixie couldn't have gotten the confidence back alone Gabe, so thank you Gabe," she said happily clapping her hooves. "But, in honesty would you go with me to Equestria if I was to find a way?" she asked with the most adorable smile.

"I would, someone has to make sure you stay on track don't they?" I playfully nudged her shoulder. She then stated to cry on my shoulder. "Shh... let it out," I said with her crying on my shoulder I would be willing to let her be there all day if we didn't have anyone coming over.

Finally. After three hours of crying some from her and a little from me. I can't help but cry when someone else does. She sniffed. "Okay Gabe I'm done," she said gleaming at my slightly watery eyes.

"Okay," I let her go and saw both of our tears have soaked each other her tears soaked my shirt and my tears soaked her coat. I sniffled and looked to the stairs. My dad was coming down. "H-Hey dad," I waved trying to look normal though he saw something was wrong.

"Everything alright, you seem stuffy, and your eyes are watery are you alright?" my dad asked questioning the watery eyes and occasional sniffing.

"Y-Yeah dad, just was talking to The Great and Powerful Trixie, she accidently stabbed me in the eye," I lied I wasn't sure how he would react if I was to say the truth.

"And why is her eyes watery?" he asked noticing Trixie's watery eyes.

"The wind, it keeps blowing in her face making her eyes water," I responded making my eye twitch to make it seem as though my lie was true.

"Alright," he said with a hint of nonbelief in his voice.

I checked the clock. 10:09 A.M. Okay, only dad is awake and mom is coming down now but Seth isn't up yet. I saw my dad slip on shoes and a jacket. I saw my mom in a jacket and shoes. "Where are you going?" I asked I went to the store yesterday where do they need to go today?

"We're going to Disney World," dad said unmeaningful and with a hint of laughter in his voice.

"Where are you truly going?" I asked a little more curiously and meaningfully.

Dad rubbed my buzz cut hair cut. "We're going to go to the store, and then we just go where we please," my father explained.

Like that hasn't been done before. I smirked with a tad bit of laughing. "Alright," I smiled just then Seth came down. He sat on the couch. I sipped my coffee. "So... have you thought about how you will explain the whole pony thing?" Seth asked he knows their coming today.

I shook my head. "Shit I'll think about that," I said it scares me about the fact they will be here tonight.

Author's Note:

Sorry for those who liked Trixie.

P.S. This is the second from last chapter of this story.