• Published 30th Jul 2013
  • 2,316 Views, 10 Comments

Trixie Living With Me? - Moniker

Just as it sounds. Trixie reluctent to tell me how she got to earth I take her in.

  • ...

Meet Trixie Lulamoon and say goodbye

Trixie Living With Me?

By Dancing With Discord

Meet Trixie Lulamoon and say goodbye

I again began to pace around the living room... again! My eyes were still slightly watery from an hour ago. "Okay, okay, how 'bout this: Tony, Rita, David, Carl, this is The Great and Powerful Trixie, how does that sound?" I asked not stopping to stay in one place.

Seth shrugged. "Sure," he said, I rolled my eyes at him. I just remembered something.

"Oh geez Nana she's coming today! Ah!" now not only do I have to explain this to our other relatives I also have to explain to my grandmother who this is, what she is, where she came from, granted... I'd need to explain that anyway but that's not the point.

"Who?" Trixie cocked her eyebrow.

I sighed. I grabbed her shoulder. "My grandmother, I now need to explain you to her as well," I explained to Trixie who was still on the couch her coat slightly dry. My shirt was still quite wet. "Look, I'll take a nice hot shower and think this over," I smacked my left hand to my face.

"Great, I'll join you," Trixie followed me.

I immediately stopped. "What?!" I shoved her away then shoved away Mackey. "You'll 'join me'? Hell no," I kept my distance.

"Isn't that what you humans do?" she asked in confusion.

"Eh... yeah... but that's if someone is married or in love with one another," I said thinking to myself. I can't believe this! I have to explain this kind of thing! At thirteen! I still kept my distance.

"Oh..." she blushed quite a bit.

I coughed lightly. "No harm done, wh-where did you even learn that?" I asked her kind of wondering where her information came from.

"Here," she handed me a book entitled: 'Humans: Our Behaviors and Habits'. That explains that. I thought to myself.

"I'll see you in a bit," I again smacked my face with my right hand this time.

"Alright," she said looking innocent. Something's wrong with that I knew that I thought nothing of it however.

After a while she went upstairs to look around a little more. She heard a voice, my singing voice. She understood some lyrics.

Now a rainbow's tale isn't quite as nice

As the story we knew of sugar and spice

But a rainbow's easy once you get to know it

With the help of the magic of a Pegasus device!

That's where it ends. I opened the door suddenly seeing Trixie her ear pressed on the door. "What the hell Trixie!?" I was shocked to see her.

"Uh... hi," she spoke blushing slightly. I knew why though.

I sighed a bit confused on what she was doing. "What the hell were you doing?" I asked bringing my face to hers.

She looked at me for only a moment then spoke. "The Great and Powerful Trixie likes your voice," she spoke I felt slightly angry that she was right outside the shower.

"Look, you can't just do that every time," I said slightly scolding her. I looked at the clock. "Look, can you help square away the house?" I asked to be honest I wasn't expecting her answer.

"Of course," that startled me that she is willing to help me.

I shook my head shaking off the fact she is willing to help. "Eh... great. Uh... can you get the feather duster above the clothes washer," I directed her to the room.

She levitated the duster to me. I took it after I caught a glimpse of it. I began dusting the room. "So do you promise to come with The Great and Powerful Trixie? And is this grandmother of yours kind?" Trixie asked that question made me turn back to her.

"Uh... well, yes, she's pretty nice, and, I do promise" without thinking I did something that I didn't realize. "Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye," I Pinkie Promised. I turned back to dust again still unaware of the mistake I made.

She held her head high. "The Great and Powerful Trixie would like to meet her," she spoke I began to get used to it so no headache this time.

"You will," I assured still dusting.

"I mean I want to meet her when she comes in," she added.

I stopped dusting. "Eh... I don't know that I like tha... you know what; it'll be easier if I was to introduce you to her before the party, so... I guess you're coming after all, they should allow you, if they ask, you're a pet that's all the animals they allow," I waited for a poor response.

"Fine, The Great and Powerful Trixie is a pet," she despite the forceful need to act as a pet held her head high and proud.

"Well, we should get going soon, I just need to put new sheets on the bed, new pillows, and bring my guitar and bass into my brother's room," I picked up my guitar and bass with one hand each. I brought them to Seth's room.

I looked at the time. It is almost one P.M. "Well, thanks for the help Trixie," I thanked she nodded and followed I was still unsure of taking her to the airport. Oh well time will tell on how she does. I climbed into the car my brother followed into the seat next to my mom who is driving. My dad had to work. Trixie sat next to me. I looked over at her. I saw some sort of nervousness to her.

"You alright?" I asked her seeing her nervousness had increased.

She glanced at her. "Yeah, I'm fine Gabe, just cold," she said shivering.

I nodded. "Hey, mom, can we lower the air?" I asked. My mom lowered it.

The phone rang my mom picked it up. She spoke. "Hello?" she asked the line. "Hey Rona," she said.

"Hey Anjie, how about you bring Marie here and we could talk and have some snacks how does that sound?" the other line offered.

My mom looked back at me and Trixie. "Uh... sure," she responded. I slapped my hand. "Can I please be dropped off back at the house when we pick up nana?" I begged, "I still need time to figure out how to explain this," I admitted.

My mom sighed and slowly nodded. She knew this would take a lot of time. "Sure I guess," she sighed and opened the door after turning it off. "C'mon Trixie," I helped her out.

We walked inside immediately the pastel pony looked in awe. No one seemed to care about her. Some even just looked at her and kept walking. When we got upstairs to the place nana is supposed to be in a while. I then heard a voice I heard yesterday. "Look mommy it's that mean pony again," the little girl maybe five or so said again with the mother not paying attention.

"Again my name's The Great and Powerful Trixie!" the pony hissed.

The mom looked at her to yell words however, caught in her throat just like last time. She then fainted. I sighed. "Really... Again?!" I slapped my own face.

"This happened before?" my mom asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, yesterday, same people actually," I rubbed the back of my head.

Trixie saw other people look at her for a moment. They didn't care about the talking, animated, unicorn that's a first.

We finally saw nana after what felt like hours. Her eyes were watery. I got up and waited for her reaction to how tall I am. She hugged me, then Seth, then my mom, then all of us. She looked at me then saw Trixie behind me. "C'mon Trixie, we better get going," I yelled behind my shoulder.

"Gabe, who is that?" my grandmother asked staring at Trixie.

I bit my lip. "That's Trixie, or... The Great and Powerful Trixie, she doesn't seem to correct me when saying it wrong, but... she might to you, I don't know," I admitted walking with mom. I struggled to carry the big suitcase. Trixie saw me struggle.

"Would you like help?" she offered.

I was dumbfounded. Trixie of all ponies offering to help me? Something's wrong. "Uh... sure," I said a light blue aura formed around the suitcase. I grabbed a bag from Seth. I picked it up and put it in the trunk of my mom's car. We started to drive. "So how was your trip?" I asked noticing my grandmother was still staring at Trixie.

She shook her head. "It was good thanks for asking," she smiled; "can you answer how this eh... pony got here?" my nana asked.

I shrugged. "I have no idea I wish I did trust me," I stroked her mane backwards.

Suddenly Trixie's eyes lit up. "That's it!" she exclaimed.

"Whoa, wait, what?" I asked unsure what she meant.

She grabbed me. "I have to wait until tomorrow! I can then use a spell to bring me back!" she exclaimed even louder.

"Great! But... how?" I asked, "It’s not like you remember the spell," I rubbed my hurting shoulders.

"Actually, this one I know fairly well, a simple teleportation spell, I can do that," she chuckled a bit embarrassed for some reason.

"Alright, so tomorrow," I sighed; I then looked at my grandmother dumbfounded by the mere sight of Trixie.

She nodded. "I remember it all, I was practicing magic when... something happened I messed up the spell and then this happened," she covered her face with her mane.

I threw away the loose mane hairs. "Okay, so... I still need to wonder how to explain you to everybody else," I said still rubbing my aching shoulders.

She nodded. "Good luck," she blushed. Starting to get ideas; a little farfetched though.

Later that same day

A knock was heard through the house glad I was dropped off. Mackey was going nuts. He was running upstairs, downstairs, all around. I sighed. Here we go. I cracked my wrists. "Let's get this over with," I sighed opening the door. All our friends were there. Carl my dad's friend, my Uncle Tony, my Aunt Rita, and some other friends and family. I looked into the house. As soon as they walk in the door their jaws dropped. "Uh... yeah, this is... the person that I was talking about Tony," I rubbed the back of my head.

Silence filled the air for a few minutes Carl decided to break it. "Where did she come from?" he asked behind the other relatives

"Uh... she came from, well, I guess you can call it an alternate universe, you see, all the people in her universe or whatever it is to be called are ponies," I explained seeing a slightly strange look on Tony's face... a smile? He smiles a lot but there is a freaking pony in the house an animated one at that! Why is he not freaking out or anything?!

"So, her name is The Great and Powerful Trixie huh?" he followed that with a laugh. "That sounds like a stage name," he still kept a laughing tone but his words were clear.

"It I think is Tony, so, tomorrow she'll be gone and we can just go back to our normal lives," I said satisfied with the ending of today.

"Eh... kind of," Trixie spoke behind me.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked quizzically.

She hit me in the shoulder. It hurt slightly not too bad though. "You're coming with me," she reminded me.

I shook my head quickly. "What oh no, no, no, what makes you think that?" I thought back.

"You Pinkie Promised remember?" she asked.

My eyes widened as I began recalling his words. "Oh geez, I-I-I can't, I uh... I have to do school," I said snapping my fingers.

"We have school in Equestria," she spoke.

"I'm sorry, what Equestria? Where is Gabe going?" my mom jumped in.

I pushed back mom. "Nowhere just a big misunderstanding," I assured her.

She again shook her head. "No, I heard you quite clearly as I wiped tears away," I noticed her stopping the whole name thing.

"I just c-can't I-I just..." I paused trying to think of the right words. How do I do this? Oh crap, does she always go for the puppy dog eyes? I looked away for a minute. I then peaked back at the blue pony. Her face was still frowning.

"Uh..." I bit my lower lip. "F-Fine, I'll come," I gave in.

"Oh no, he is not," my father and mother jumped in.

"Mom, dad, it's my choice, I choose what I do, I'm keeping my promise," I hiss at them.

Their jaws drop with my words. "No, you're only thirteen, you're still too young to go and move," my mom said with ill thought.

"Yes, that's true, but think about this: I don't know about this world I could be good I could be bad I'll never know until I try, I for all you know could be a big shot, besides I'm sure I could find a way to keep in contact," I grabbed my mom's hand to calm her. My other family dumbfounded.

My mom sighed she knows that I am pretty stubborn. "Just... be careful, and try to keep in contact as soon as possible.

"I'll try mom, I'll see you someday, and do you think you might be able to take me to Twilight Sparkle Trixie on a few occasions?" I asked this to Trixie.

"I think that can be arranged," she smiled at my mom that kind of was cute.

My dad would be less easy to convince. "I have to do this, I did promise after all, dad," I foresaw his reaction.

"Like mom said before, you are too young," he repeated.

I nodded. "Yes, I'll keep in touch though... I promise, cross my heat and hope to die," I did the motions.

My dad sighed he also knows how stubborn I am. With another loud exhale he spoke. "Fine, just please be careful, don't be scared to come back, and please keep in touch," my father basically repeated what my mom said.

"Of course dad," I hugged him. Then my mom, grandmother, shook the hand of Seth, and Carl, and hugged Tony, and Rita, for one last or maybe last encounter with them. "Okay Trixie, I'm ready," I spoke after packing my stuff. I took a moment to look around my room.

Trixie nodded. "Alright, so hang on," her horn started to glow we were in the center of the room. Next moment we were gone.


Comments ( 2 )

I'm going to be completely honest with you. Your pacing is far too rushed, there were far too few freakout sessions to be believable, and more than a few spelling/grammar issues mixed throughout.

Ah, the editing. Better than I thought to be honest.

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