• Published 1st Aug 2013
  • 2,279 Views, 7 Comments

Not So Different - Moustache Queen

Laughter was all around her, she didn't like the way they hated her, tormented her, laughed at her. She couln't take it, why did she have to be different? Why couldn't she show every pony she wasn't mean or stupid? But she wasn&#0

  • ...

Not So Different (Rewrite)

Laughter, it was meant to be a great echoing voice. Meant to bring happiness into other ponies lives, but not her. No she had to deal with the laughter that brought tears to her eyes. The tears, the echoing laughs and giggles, the screams, the sadness. They all clouded within her.

She thought that laughter was nice, all sunshine and rainbows. But no it was not, she was just different and that made them all laugh at her.

Different, just because she was different.

The names echoed around her, whispering at her, telling her she's useless and no pony needed her in this world.





Ugly mother bucker!

The words echoed around her, she was bullied. That's all she knew in her past memories, she barley had any friends when she was young. She was a freak, a monstrosity born from the fires of Tartarus itself some ponies said. But all she did was look at them, talked to them. Maybe caused a few damages on their workings but was that harming? She didn't know, all she knew that they turned onto her and shouted at her, telling her she was useless, no pony needed her.

Were they right? She always thought.

Were they right about her? Were they right about her being a monstrosity, bring unfortunate fates with her with every hoof step she took?

She didn't know, all she knew was, no pony needed her.

And no pony would ever understand her.


Derpy sighed, the wind blew softly into her yellow mane, it swished and flicked in the wind, like a happy river of yellow. The grey Pegasus mare kept gazing upon the horizon, the fiery Celestial sun was rising up, it's bright orange flames lapping the edges of the world, scorching the world with a warm gaze. Derpy had done this a million times.

Get up, wait on the hill with your mailbag, fly, get bullied, deliver mail, gather food for kids, fly home, feed kids, put kids to bed. A reapted cycle of pain and suffering, and yet Derpy always welcomed it. She knew one, maybe one day, ponies would understand her.

Derpy sighed, for twenty, twenty years, she knew this pain, this sorrow, this suffering. But she kept moving, for her little muffins at home relied upon her. And she would never give up on her little muffins.

The wind blew softly, almost encouraging her that this day was going to be different, this day...

Was going to be perfect.

At least, that what she told herself for the past six years she had been the in Pegasus Mail Department, PMD for short. Even the ponies from her work messed with her, bullied her. Call her names such as 'Freak', 'Doofus', or 'Retarded'. But no matter how Derpy tried, she would always walk or fly home. Tears in her eyes.

But today she will try her best now, she will work her hardest. For her little muffins, her precious normal looking, little muffins at home. Were waiting for her, and she was oblivious to what will happen at home. For it was a special day today for Derpy, yet she'd forgotten, it was her birthday.

But let us not get to that subject of that matter.

Derpy was ready to fly, that was all it mattered to her.

Spreading her wings wide open, Derpy launched herself into the air, the Celestial sun slowly rising up from the horizon. Wind pushed against Derpy's face, slowly cart wheeling, Derpy rolled in the sky and zoomed forwards. To think you had to fly to deliver mail would make you a still lazy flier huh? Wrong, Derpy as well as many Pegasi who failed upon the Flight School Graduates for Middle Aged Student's, would be better when they joined the PMD, faster and more agile. A sort of improvement for all Pegasi who failed their schools.

Derpy flapped her wings furiously, wind slammed against her face, causing her to squint her eyes. One eye was focused on the upcoming village, while the other rolled carelessly, looking right and left as if danger of anything was coming to attack Derpy.

Her eyes, her golden eyes were the source of her problems. As Derpy zoomed against the rising dusk sky, she recalled on her life. Ever since she was born, she was born with her strange eyes, some called them 'Derped' while others, called them...

Derpy shuddered at the memory of the little colt who called her-

Deroy huffed, she couldn't think of that matter now, she had a job to do, she needed to feed her little muffins. And by Celestia and muffins themselves she will do it!

Narrowing her eyes, Derpy slowly lifted her hooves and pressed them forward, the air narrowed and started to stop slamming into Derpy's face, which she was happy for. Slowly the tall colourful buildings began to appear under Derpy, there colourful roofs bringing a sort of relief in Derpy.

Ponyville, the greatest village in all of Equestria, Derpy's home. True she may of been a Pegasus, one who belonged in the skies, but no. Like Fluttershy, Derpy was more of a ground pony, as well as she raised her little muffins. The earth and towns on it, brought the best out of Derpy. Skies above always brought fear to her, she hated the bullies who flew by her. Screaming and chanting the horrible insulting nicknames at her.

Derpy shook her head, she had no time for this. She had a job to do!

Slowly lowering her hooves down, Derpy slowly tucked her wings and dived. The wind pressed all around her, the floor slowly appearing in Derpy's vision, getting closer and closer. But at the last moment, Derpy opened her wings and flapped furiously. The air that she caught to hit the ground slowly eased, leaving Derpy landing on the ground and huffing out breaths of exhaustion.

Slowly, gaining her breath once more. The Pegasus, turned her head and nosed her muzzle in the mail bag on her side. Blue and white striped mailbag, made by her little muffins themselves. The little stitches were barley seen by any pony, but Derpy always saw them. And always smiled at the little stitches that said 'We love you Mommy'.

Gently grabbing the letter within the mailbag, Derpy slowly grabbed it out of the bag and placed it upon her hoof and read the address.

12 Golden Acres, Library, Ponyville, Twilight Velvet Sparkle

Seems easy enough, Derpy thought.

Lifts her hoof, Derpy shoves the little letter in her yellow mane and trotted forwards. The soft sound of ponies bustling entered the mares ears. Ponies were waking up and ready to walk outdoors into the sunny light of today's morning.

Doors slowly opened, Ponies began running or walking out. Fillies, Mares, Colts, Stallions, all shapes and sizes bustled out. The mother and fathers kissing the Fillies and waving at them when they ran to school. The friends walking to the markets, the families working on gardens or on projects together. Oh the life of Ponyville was fun.

And yet, not all ponies were all nice.

Few waved at Derpy as she passed, few whispered behind her back, few stared, and few sniggered. Some made jokes, some took jokes, some laughed, some gasped, and some quietly screamed. But Derpy kept walking, she had a job to do. And was going to do it.

But yet again, there was always a pony, a cruel on, in the way of Derpy's job.

"Hey retard!" A voice called out, as Derpy saw the large tree library on the horizon.

Oh no...Derpy thought, sighing and turning around to face the regular bully again.

A large bulky earth pony stallion towered above her, his pitch black coat made Derpy's heart cloud in sadness, his icky green mane and tail seemed to look like the icky mud of a Swamp, in Derpy's opinion. His blue eyes sparkled in a cruel matter.

Behind the stallion was his two cronies, one a dark russet coloured Pegasus with an orange mane and tail. His green eyes stared at Derpy darkly, the other, was a tall beautiful unicorn mare, her white glistening coat glittered in the dusk's sun, his purple mane flicking in the wind. Her orange eyes gazed at Derpy.

Swamp, Snake, and Crystal, Derpy's bullies since filly hood.

"Where you going retard?" Swamp asked, his blue eyes sparkling.

"Dropping off a few letters" Derpy replied bravely, but wished she held her tongue.

"Did we say you could speak?" Swamp hissed, shoving Derpy into the ground, letters flying everywhere.

Laughter, roaring laughter echoed around. A few market ponies turned to see the commotion, few shuffled their hooves, to afraid to help Derpy. Derpy whimpered as the magical grip of Crystal's aura surrounded her and lifted her into the air.

"Seems this little Pegasus need to be taught a lesson huh?" Crystal spoke, giving Derpy a smirk.

"Hey what's this? Did this retard actually get something?" Snake asked, picking up Derpy's-

"No please!" Derpy begged, trashing in Crystal's magical grip, her good eye gazing at her mailbag fearfully.

"Huh? Has the Retard got feelings on this bag-Wait a second 'We love you Mommy?'" Snake sighed dramatically.

"Wait this retard has a family?" Swamp asked.

"Guess they moved away became of her hideous face" Snake shrugged.

"No they didn't!" Derpy wailed, thrashing even more.

"Shut up retard!" Snake hissed.

"Whelp seems we need to get rid of it" Swamp smiled, grabbing the mailbag.

And ripping it in two with a massive heave.

Tears fell down Derpy's eyes as Crystal threw the Pegasus into the ground and sighing, brushing her mane away from her eyes.

"Let's go boys, the idiot had enough" Crystal informed, walking away with a swish of her purple tail, followed by Snake.

Swamp gave one glare to Derpy as she clutched her torn mailbag, before walking off.

Tears fell down Derpy as she clutched her bag, the little stitches of 'We love you Mommy' were torn a large crack splitting the words apart. The local ponies sighed and walked away, never taking notice of Derpy.

Soon all ponies began walking past the crying Pegasus, as if she didn't exist. As if, she didn't belong in this world.

Derpy sobbed, the liquid tears fell down her grey face and into the earthy path under her. Sadness was clouded within her, she kept sobbing.

Derpy knew Twilight would see her soon, talk to her, tell her to move on and continue living the way she was meant to. But of course Derpy knew Twilight didn't take her seriously, she didn't think Derpy was a pony who can take things seriously, work hard. But she was wrong, Derpy knew herself as hard working pony, and everyday she tried to prove it,

But no pony took notice.

And no pony will.

I wish I had one, just one friend who liked me for who I am Derpy wished.


Discord, was having and I mean having, the most BORING day EVER! Like come ON! Making cupcakes with Pinkie Pie was fun, and racing with Rainbow Dash was a bit fun. But researching with Twilight? BY CHAOS NO!

Grabbing the book that the God was reading, he shrunk the monstrosity and threw it away with a sigh, tapping his claws in a odd rhythm on the desk he sat by.

It's always.

You need to read more Discord, you're missing great stuff out!


Please Discord!? Can't you at least try one little book?


Discord stop playing with those Nuclear Birds and read this book this instance!

For chaos sake that mare was BORING! More boring than Celestia! The horror of it all! Books, books, books! Everything is Books!

Why didn't she just write a letter saying.

Dear Princess Celestia.

Books is all we need in this world, i would like you to take all video games and 'fun' from this world and place it in a big pit of darkness where no pony will find it, ESPECIALLY DISCORD! Books is all we need in our lives, and we must make sure that will happen

Yours Truly

Twilight Sparkle Books

Discord sighed and bashed his head against the desk, moaning loudly. By strings if he didn't get any chaos near him he'll die of boredom! No wait-He'll die of books!

No wait, maybe he could make something pretty small, yet very chaotic JUST to annoy the little Unicorn. Oh how he got his smart brains he'll never know.

As he finished his creation her heard the sound of hoof steps.

"Discord are you here-" Twilight asked, as she trotted down the stairs, only to freeze and widen her eyes.


"What? It's not that bad really.." Discord explained, poking the faceless stallion's pale face.

Charging up her horn, Twilight teleported right in front of Discord's eyes, only to fall face first into a blueberry pie. Discord laughed manically, clicking his talons the pale faced stallion disappeared to chaos knows where. But Discord didn't mind, he just loved the angry face of Twilight.

Twilight clenched her teeth, unleashing her magical aura she grabbed Discord and threw him into the wall, only to see it was a plush toy with a time bomb on it.

"What the-"


Discord happened to be right outside sniggering as the explosion of poison joke took hold. But before he could celebrate, fire fumed inside the widow he looked through, Twilight was angry.

"Sorry for not being for your fabulous party of fires, but I gotta go sweetheart!" Discord laughed, grabbing a pair of shiny glasses and zooming off before the library exploded in flames.





Discord was laughing madly, tears falling down his eyes and he flew by the ponies. Many waved hello, only to turn around and be ambushed by paper air planes the size of dogs. Others ran as frogs the size of stallions hopped around, sending their tongues into the air, ready to catch any pony unlucky to be caught in the slimly tongue.

But in the mist of all the chaos the ponies kinda enjoyed it, Discord was a good guy after all. And when things got to far he stopped the chaos and go somewhere else.

Discord was having a good time, as well as the other screaming ponies. Until he saw one lone pony. Blinking in surprise, Discord flew down and landed with a squeak by his rubber duck shoes.

"Well guess there of for offer" Discord sighed, taking them off and throwing the shoes away, for them to explode into popcorn a few meters away.

"H-Huh?" Sniffed the pony.

Discord turned upside down and flapped his wings in a opposite fashion, and hovered in front of the pony. It was a grey Pegasus mare, her face clouded in sorrow, and her eyes-eye looked at him. Discord himself inside was surprised at the mares eyes, but he just shoved it aside and flapped closer.

"Why are you crying?" Discord asked.

"W-Wha?" The mare asked.

"Look sweetheart, I can't help you if you're to shy to tell me why you're crying, is it because i'm to fabulous? Or is it because i'm handsome? Or is it because- "Discord rambled on but was cut of by the mare.

"N-No it's j-just because a-a few bullies-" The mare began.

"Hey what's this?" Discord asked, grabbing a torn up bag.

"N-No! P-Please d-don't!" The mare begged.

"Don't do what? Is this the thing you need fixed?" Discord asked.

"I-Um-What?" The mare stammered.

Discord rolled his eyes, flicking his tail the bag hovered into the air and shinned dimly. With a puff of pink the torn bag slowly stitched itself, a few of the stitches hissed at Discord before slipping in the holes of the bag they came from.

"I will never understand stitches" Discord sighed. clicking his talons and sitting on a posh lounge chair.

"You-You...W-Why are you helping me?" The mare asked, as the bag lowered in front of her.

"My job sweetheart, the Sunny Sunshine and Moony Starlight sisters told me to do this job" Discord replied, sipping his cup of poison joke flowers.

The mare blinked, her good eye fixed onto Discord's red. The bag was clutched tightly in her chest, tears slowly drying from her face.

"T-Thank you" The mare thanked.

"No problem sweet-HEY!" Discord yelled, as the mare ran up and squeezed him tighly.

"Thank you!" The mare smiled.

"Okkkkkkkkk" Discord blinked, turning his head around for any ponies watching.

"Y-You're a real sweetheart!" The mare sniffed, tears falling down her face.

"OI! Don't cry on me! You'll ruin the tuxedo!" Discord yelled.

The mare blinked and gasped as she saw the creature wearing a large fancy tuxedo. A large red tie hanged down his neck.

"Oh...Sorry..." The mare apologized.

"Darn right you should be! This tuxedo cost me like fifty grand!" Discord yelled dramatically.

"It did?" The mare asked.

"Ever heard of sarcasm?" Discord asked.


"What do ponies do these days!" Discord yelled, waving his paw and claw in the air.

"Cooking, Flying, Read-" The mare began.


"What readin-"


The mare giggled, as she saw Discord slowly begin melting into the earth, slowly leaving nothing but a big pile of brown, red, green, black, red, white, yellow, blue.

"That's a lot of colours" The mare blinked.

"No horse apples Sherlock" Discord huffed, appearing in a fixed form by a puff of pink and white.

"Sooooooo anyways.." Discord began, appearing at the side of the mare in a flash, before hovering over her eyes.

"What's you're name?" Discord asked.


"Nice name" Discord smiled, his snaggletooth nearly poking into the mares eyes.

"What's yours-" Derpy began.


Discord blinked, turning right side up and landing onto the ground, he saw Derpy slowly clutching her bag tightly, her eyes widening in fear.

A group of ponies, three, walked up to Discord. There eyes blazing in a cruel matter in Discord's opinion.

"Hello Retard" Smirked a black coated stallion.

Discord raised his eyebrow, crossing his arms he thrust his face into the stallions. His red eyes glowing brightly.

"And what are you doing?" Discord asked.

"Hey! Bug off pops! None of your business" The stallion snarled.

"Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh your facing a God bro, don't think you're doing fine here" Discord huffed, clicking his talons and grabbing the pistol.

"Wh-What the heck is that?" The stallion asked.

"Oh a little thing called a gun, terrible thing really...kills ponies with one little shot" Discord sighed, turning the gun in his claws.

"What?!" The stallion yelled.

Clenching his lion paw, Discord watched as the three ponies hover into the air, screaming and thrashing in fear. Rolling his eyes Discord hopped about as fiery flames were sprung behind him. Throwing his gun away Discord smiled as Derpy saw the gun turn into a big bucket of popcorn.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? The stallion yelled.

"Kinda summoning demons of Tartarus, no biggie, Slendy is who you gotta watch out for, but otherwise than that you've got a few monsters ready to end you're suffering quicker" Discord smiled, his bouncing got higher and higher by the minute.

"YOU'RE CRAZY!" Yelled a beautiful mare.

"NOOOPPPEEEE! The Joker, Edward Hyde, Two-Face and little old Hades are more crazy than me, i'm just a normal God waiting to punish all ponies who did bad deeds" Discord smiled carelessly.

With a wave of his paw, the fiery flames circled and grabbed the ponies, dragging them lower and lower, dark hungry claws grabbing the hovering bodies, ready to drag them down into the earth bel-

Discord laughed and waved his paw again, only to see the large blast of blue and pink and watch the ponies fly sky high into the air.

"YOU MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The yells of the ponies echoed around.

Discord had to admit, he might of flinched at those words, but quickly shrugged it off. No need to go get a medal and win cart races, he needed to go see where those ponies flew to.

"Discord?" Derpy asked.

Discord blinked, turning around her quickly threw away his portal gun before he could shoot it on Derpy.

"Yeah?" Discord asked, grabbing a large cardboard box and reaching a claw inside it.

"Thank you" Derpy smiled.

"No problem kid-OW! AGAIN WITH THE HUGGING?!" Discord yelled.

"Thank you so much! You're my hero!" Derpy smiled, hugging him tighter.


With a flash Discord disappeared and reappeared next to the Pegasus mare, breathing heavily.

"D-Don't hug me that t-NO! OFF!" Discord yelled, as the little mare hugged his snout.

"OFFFF!" Discord yelled.

"Sorry! I just want to thank you so much!" Derpy smiled, letting go of the snout.

"FINALLY! Geeze, you like hugs very much don't you?" Discord asked.

"Sorry Discord, I just wanted to thank you" Derpy blushed.

"Why thank me again? All i did was-Oh...Chaos strings!" Discord gasped.

"What is it?" Derpy asked.

"Yeah...those ponies are kinda actually going to meet Slendy for real now" Discord laughed nervously, rubbing the backside of his neck.

"Oh! I do hope Slendy would be alright" Derpy gasped.

"You don't know nothing about Slendy" Discord stated.



"Shouldn't you save them?"

"Nope, they'll be alright for a bit"

"You sure?"


"Discord?" Derpy asked.

"Wat?" Discord asked.

"Thank you, whatever ponies say about you being a monster...you're no monster to me" Derpy smiled.

"Um...Thanks...?" Discord blinked.

"No really..." Derpy smiled.

Discord blinked, narrowing his eyes he gazed at the open hoof, Derpy was hovering right at his face, lifting a hoof.

"Hoof shake?" Derpy asked.

"Um...You're very..." Discord stammered.

Lifting a claw Discord blinked as Derpy placed her hoof on the claw and shook it up and down. Smiling Derpy kept on shaking, letting out a few giggles as she looked at Discord's confused face.

"So does a hoof shake mean we are we doing a bet on who can get a date first?" Discord asked.

"No silly! I'm shaking you're claw because i'm you're f-" Derpy began but cut herself off and let go of Discord's claw with a sigh.

"F?" Discord asked.

"I..." Derpy sighed.

Discord blinked, was she really going to say friend? Didn't she have loads of non-weird friends? Like didn't she-Oh have it all he kinda did like that warm feeling in his stomach a few seconds go, might as well get another one before Twilight blasts him with a fire spell again. Walking forward Discord awkwardly wrapped his claw and paw around Derpy and squeezed.

Derpy blinked, but soon gave into the cuddle and wrapped her hooves around Discord, hugging him as well.

"DISCORD!" Yelled a voice.

Discord blinked, wrapping himself from Derpy, Discord managed to duck form a blazing fireball. But let out a heartly laugh as he looked at the spotted Unicorn.

"Pretty spotty now eh Twilight?" Discord laughed.

"Oh my!" Derpy gasped.

"Better go Derpy, Twilight will need a little confrontation with Slendy as well as the three ponies today, thanks for the hugs and the warm mushy stuff but I would like to keep my beard, till i'm 50,000 ish" Discord smiled, shaking Derpy's hoof before flying away.

"GET BACK HERE!" Twilight yelled, blasting large amounts of magic at the flying God.

Derpy smiled and looked at the newly sown bag at her sides. She had a new friend! A new friend like her! Different! And funny too!

Maybe one day she could introduce Discord to her little muffins. But in the mean time.

Derpy looked at the letter Discord given her as he shook her hoof in farewell.

No need to think your weird Derpy, were all weird in a different way


PS: Slendy actually might kill the ponies, but it depends if i can pay him out of killing them.

PPS: Heard you like muffins, i'll pop down at yeh house to make some


Derpy smiled, spreading her wings wide, Derpy flew into the air. The Celestial sun in the midday clockwork, the shinning light blazing warmly on Derpy, giving her a warm glow.

Thank you Discord, for showing I can be who I want to be, Derpy thought, as she flew into the horizon

Author's Note:



Comments ( 7 )

Well well, interesting re-write.
And interesting new name as well. :trixieshiftright:


oh my god i love this version so much!
no offence but i soughta didn't like the old one it seemed rushed to me


It's quite alright :moustache:I didn't like it either :moustache: I will be glad to say I have finally capture my Grammer more thanks to this website :moustache: and will be even more glad to rewrite all my one shots :moustache:

3568195 cool i'll tell you if i spot anything in later chapters now no more distractions i need to finish reading the 18 updates and then reread a couple of stories to proofread them for the author which is going to take me ages

This story is so sweet! I sure would like to kick those bully's flanks! Lol at Discord ranting on about books :pinkiehappy:

I am at loss for words other than wow.

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