• Published 1st Aug 2013
  • 3,117 Views, 121 Comments

A Mother's Duty - Rated Ponystar

AU to Broken Blossom: Can Joyous Blossom be saved by her mother, Sweetie Belle, or is all hope lost? Can a mother save her child? Even if she's a monster?

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A Divided Tree

A Mother’s Duty

By The Rated Ponystar

Edited and based on the KillerRarityVerse by BronyWriter

Chapter 2: A Divided Tree

“Families are messy. Immortal families are eternally messy. Sometimes the best we can do is to remind each other that we're related for better or for worse... and try to keep the maiming and killing to a minimum.”

Rick Riordan, The Sea of Monsters


When her sister was still alive, Sweetie Belle heard Rarity talk about how one day Carousel Boutique would be known throughout Equestria. And that dream had come true, but not in the way Rarity would have wanted. It was a surprise to many that, even now, Sweetie Belle choose to live in the house that her sister once brought innocent ponies to their untimely demise, but to Sweetie Belle it was the only home she had left. All her memories, good and bad, were here and it was a part of her.

It still unnerved her that all the sleepovers, playdates, and fun times she had with her sister and friends was a cover up to a torture room where bodies were butchered. Many of her sister’s friends, like Applejack and Twilight, had offered to let her live with them, but Sweetie Belle knew that the moment she declare her residence elsewhere there would be a petition to destroy the legacy of her sister. She couldn’t allow that. For some reason, despite all logical thought, she refused to let this place go. Maybe it was a reminder that, despite her actions, there was some good in Rarity or maybe it was another reason. She just couldn’t let go.

She didn’t make it as dazzling as her sister did; she didn’t have the talent. The only things she kept around were the pictures of her family and closest friends; the most common being her daughter. They were what cheered her up whenever she came back from the mental ward and had to deal with that monster inside Joyous Blossom.

Laying on her bed, she flipped the page of her picture book, smiling at the sight of her newborn daughter wearing her first Nightmare Night costume. She went as a pumpkin while Sweetie Belle went as a witch. It was the first time she had been able to enjoy the festivities without worrying about backlash from her fellow residents. She flipped the pages revealing more photos of her daughter, each one a precious memory: her first steps, potty training, first time using magic, and more.

After a long struggle dealing with the fallout of the reveal of Rarity’s murders, she had finally found peace and happiness in the form of a single drunk accident that became her only true joy in the world. She turned to the last page and frowned. Her daughter was carrying a lunch box with her school supplies nearby. She remembered this picture all too well. That was the day her life changed for the worse yet again. The first day of school was when her daughter learned the dark truth she had tried to keep secret for years, hoping to tell her daughter the story of her aunt when she was older and more mature.

But Diamond Tiara ruined everything. She ruined my daughter’s innocence... thought Sweetie Belle, gritting her teeth. She would never say it out loud, but she was glad that rich brat was dead. All her life she had made Sweetie Belle suffer, only getting worse over time. She had crossed the line when she hurt her daughter with that news article. Although she once had pity for her when Blossom killed Golden Necklace and Fire Ruby, that was quickly swept away when her oldest enemy tried to kill her daughter. I hope she’s rotting in Tartarus...

A knock on the door quickly snapped her out of her dark thoughts. She levitated the picture book away and headed down the stairs. “Coming!”

Opening the door, she saw Ponyville’s oldest mailmare, Derpy Hooves, waiting there in uniform with a mouth full of letters. “Mahcalh!” Sighing, Sweetie Belle levitated them out of Derpy’s mouth and placed them on her back. With her mouth free of it’s burden, the aging pegasus gave a bright smile. “Thanks, Sweetie. How are you doing today?”

“Fine... just fine,” muttered Sweetie, forcing a smile.

Derpy nodded before giving a salute and taking off much too Sweetie’s relief. She didn’t like lying to such a kind pony, especially one of the few who had defended her at the memorial for the victims of Rarity, but she didn’t want to keep burdening ponies with her problem. She took the mail and chuckled it into the trash, already knowing that they were just letters from various ponies in Equestria that wanted to say their piece about her daugher.

When Joyous Blossom’s full story got leaked to the news, everypony in Equestria wanted to talk to Sweetie Belle about her daughter. Some said that her daughter should have been killed while others say they sympathized with her daughter’s story and offered their condolences. It attracted everyone, from anti-bullying campaigns, who wanted to show how bullying could turn children into murders, to crazies, claiming that Blossom was Rarity reincarnated and was seeking to continue her work. All Sweetie Belle wanted was to be left alone. She didn't care who was against her or for her; she just wanted her daughter back.

She was about to go upstairs to look at the pictures of her past once more when the door knocked again. Sighing, Sweetie opened it again but smiled again upon seeing Apple Bloom. The two friends hugged before Sweetie Belle invited her inside. “I said I was gonna see you tomorrow.”

“Ah know, but Ah saw ya comin’ from the train station with a depressin’ look on yer face,” said Apple Bloom, retreating her smile. “It wasn’t a good run was it?”

“... no,” admitted Sweetie Belle, eyes facing the floor. “I... I hate to say it, but she’s getting worse. Most days it’s that...other her, and rarely do I ever see my real daughter.”

Apple Bloom took Sweetie Belle hooves and held them tight. “Hey, listen. The princesses will do everythin’ they can to help yer daughter. Ah’d go... but....”

Sweetie Belle didn’t say anything. Although it hurt to hear how her best friend in the world no longer wanted to go see Blossom, who she had raised while she was trapped in that mental home, she couldn’t fault her. Most mothers wouldn’t want to see the one who almost ripped your daughter’s throat out.

“Applejack invited ya to dinner. And she ain’t takin’ no for an answer,” said Apple Bloom, changing the subject.

Sweetie Belle was ready to declined but stopped when she saw the stubborn look on her best friend’s face. Sighing in defeat, she nodded.


Sweet Apple Acres hadn’t lost its touch over the years. In some ways, it was a second home to Sweetie; a sanctuary she used to hide from the harsher glares and comments from the residence of Ponyville while growing up. Even when it passed, the farm was still a place she frequently visited, and was welcomed as an honorary Apple. It was also the place where Blossom had spend a good portion of her fillyhood, with the kind and warm Apple family watching over her like one of their own.

And yet... one of their own convinced my daughter to turn herself in... Sweetie Belle bitterly thought as she entered the farm grounds. She knew it was wrong to blame the pony who her daughter called ‘sister’ in all but blood, and she had stayed her tongue many times when she saw Apple Seed. But a small part of her, no matter how much she tried, couldn’t forgive her. It was my choice to take Blossom’s sin. My choice to sacrifice my future so she could continue hers! If she hadn’t...

“Sweetie Belle? Is something wrong?” asked Apple Bloom, stopping midway up the porch stairs.

Quickly faking a smile, Sweetie Belle responded, “Oh, it’s nothing. Nothing.”

Apple Bloom nodded and the two of them walked inside. Ready to greet them was Applejack, who gave the girls a toothy smile. “About time ya both got here. Big Macintosh’s already got the table setup for supper. Why don’t y’all get seated and Ah’ll call Apple Seed down.”

“Thanks for having me over,” said Sweetie Belle.

Applejack raised her hoof. “Ah, shucks, Sweetie Belle. Yer practically family in this household. Ain’t nothin’.”

The two hugged before Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom made for their seats in the dining room, Big Macintosh already putting down the last of the dishes. He nodded at the girls before getting the apple juice from the fridge along with some preserved salad. Sitting down, Sweetie Belle rubbed her stomach at the sight of such good food. She looked around, noticing that there was six seats which tung a string in her heart, painfully. She remembered how many times she had brought her daughter to eat with the Apples, times that were the most fun in her life.

It was like they were a true family. Applejack and Big Macintosh passing the food around, telling Joyous Blossom and Apple Seed about the trouble their mothers got into, much to the former Crusaders' embarrassment. Apple Bloom and her exchanging the newest gossip, mostly about the ponies they knew growing up and their development. Sometimes they would exchange news about Sweetie’s parents, back when they still wanted to be in her life, or about Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo in the Wonderbolts.

But those days of joy were now gone. And despite the smiling faces she saw on those she called her second family, she knew that anytime they eyed that empty seat, a hint of sorrow could be seen.

Sweetie Belle heard the sounds of their final members coming from down the stairs and turned around to see Apple Seed enter, freezing for a bit when she spotted who was at the table. Applejack soon arrived and nudged Seed to continue. Apologizing, she made for her seat and sat down, never taking her eyes off of Sweetie Belle. After everypony was settled in, they all began to eat in silence.

Occasionally, Sweetie Belle caught sight of Apple Seed glancing at her, only to turn away when she looked back. Although a bit angered by this rudeness, Sweetie said nothing and continued eating her mashed potatoes. Sensing the obvious discomfort at the table, Applejack cleared her throat. “So, Sweetie Belle. Ah, heard ya went to go see Comet and her family a while ago. They doin’ okay?”

“What? Oh, yes,” said Sweetie Belle, recalling her trip to Baltimare a week ago. Rolling Thunder had insisted that Sweetie Belle spend time with him and his family, if only to help reassure Comet that Blossom was doing fine. It did nothing to stop the filly’s desire to see her big sister again, but it was warming to know that there was somepony that still had faith in her daughter. “Comet’s doing well, she’s even been trying a few things we did as the Cutie Mark Crusaders to get her mark. None of the dangerous stuff, mind you.”

“Nothin’ involvin’ tree sap either, Ah hope,” joked Apple Bloom, getting a laugh out of everypony except Apple Seed, who was picking her peas.

“Yeah, she’s gotten a bit better since Blossom was...” Sweetie Belle paused for a second, “... taken away...”

The happy mood quickly turned sour as everything became quiet once again. Then, Apple Seed muttered, “... she’s not Blossom...”

Sweetie Belle slowly turned towards Apple Seed who was glaring at her plate, looking ready to smash it with her hooves. “That... that animal... isn’t mah sister. Not the one Ah love and care about. She’s just a horrible bein’ that deserves to be locked in a cage.”

“Apple Seed, that’s enough,” scolded Apple Bloom, but before she could say anything else, Sweetie Belle stood up.

All eyes were on the unicorn as her nostrils flared. “My daughter is not an animal. She’s a good pony who needs help. She’ll get better; I know she will.”

“And what if she doesn’t?!” screamed Apple Seed, stomping her hoof. “What if she’s stuck bein’ in a crazy, murderous rage for the rest of her life?! What if she gets loose and starts comin’ after ponies and killin’ them just like Rarity?!”

Apple Seed!” shouted Apple Bloom, this time holding nothing back in her outraged tone.

“She is not my sister! And you’re no sister of her’s for convincing her that she was a murderer you brat!” cried out Sweetie Belle, lifting her glass and throwing it against the wall. “She was safe! Free! She could have had a good life, but you screwed up everything!”

“She was doin’ wrong! Makin’ ya pay for a crime she did!”

“I told her too! I told her to lie! All so she could still be alive! Is that what you want?! To see her dead?! After everything you two have been through as sister?! You may talk about ‘family morals’ but you know nothing about family at all!”

Enough!” screamed Applejack slamming her hoof down, echoing across the entire household like an explosion that had gone off. “Both of y’all better not say another peep out of yer wordholes unless ya want to start chokin’ on yer broken teeth when Ah slap ya!”

Apple Seed ran off, tears in her eyes, and headed up for the stairs while her mother ran after her. Sweetie Belle, huffed and wiped her lips with her napkin. “Thank you for dinner,” she muttered before getting up and leaving the household.

Once outside, she passed the road and made straight for the apple orchards, her anger building up more and more with every step she took. How dare she! How dare she say all that! What kind of friend is she to Blossom?! It’s her fault she went to the princesses and confessed everything! If she just kept her damn mouth shut!

“Augh!” screamed Sweetie Belle as she kicked a nearby tree. She kicked it a few more times, even after all the apples had fallen from its branches, before sitting on her haunches. Taking a deep breath, she tried to hold back the tears in her eyes until she heard the sound of somepony heading towards her.

“Ya know, that tree was supposed to be bucked next week,” commented Applejack, strolling by. “Then again, it’s just one tree. We can just store the apples in the cellar.”

“Why are you here?” asked Sweetie Belle, keeping her focus on the ground. “If you want me to apologize to your niece...”

Applejack sighed and shook her head. “Ain’t sayin’ that she did no wrong, but the two of ya yellin’ at each other wasn’t right. Can’t ya take her feelin’s inta consideration, sugarcube?”

Sweetie Belle got up and snorted. “Feelings? What feelings? It’s pretty clear she doesn’t care much for my daughter anymore. Just like everypony else. And she once called her sister!”

“Ya think so?” asked Applejack, stone faced with her eyebrow raised. “Follow me...”


“Apple Seed? Honey, are you okay?” asked Apple Bloom, knocking on her daughter’s door.

“G-go away!” shouted her daughter, followed by a few sniffs. “Leave me alone!”

Shaking her head, Apple Bloom wondered how everything went wrong so fast. She was hoping for a nice dinner, maybe not a talkative one but something to draw her best friend out. Sweetie Belle had only been more and more anti-social the past year. Although she understood it was a tough time for her, and the rest of them in general, Apple Bloom knew that Sweetie Belle needed her friends more than ever. The tension between Sweetie Belle and her daughter wasn’t oblivious to her, but she held some hope that the two could have gotten along.

Apple Seed, however, she was more worried about. Ever since Blossom tried to rip out her daughter’s throat, she had refused to talk to anypony about it, even the psychologists Princess Celestia had sent. Apple Bloom tried to force down the bile that was building up inside of her. She still couldn’t believe that Joyous Blossom, the same pony she loved like her own daughter, had did that to her baby. The sight of Apple Seed on the floor, screaming as blood poured out of her neck while Blossom-no, that monster-was slowly chewing the flesh she had taken.

When she stared into the eyes of her daughter’s attacker, she saw nothing that reminded her of the sweet filly that once played outside her backyard. Only a soulless sense of evil that lingered in a set of hollow eyes that looked ready to tear them all apart with her mouth if need be. She knew it hurt Sweetie Belle that her family refused to see Blossom again. But even she couldn’t risk her daughter, or anypony else in her family, again. Not even for her.

Shaking off her thoughts, she refocused on her current task and decided to ignore her daughter’s wish for solitude. Taking a small bobby pin out of her mane, she quickly worked on the lock and heard a click before opening it. Pushing the door open, she saw her daughter, crying her eyes out while holding a picture of her and Blossom at the Sisterhooves Social. It was just at the end of the race when they took the picture. They were covered in mud, sweat, and dirt, but the two of them were smiling while proudly showing off their medals. How she wished such happy times could come back once more.

Apple Seed didn’t acknowledge her mother's’ arrival, even after she sat next to her daughter and wrapped her arm around her shoulder. After a few minutes of silence, Apple Seed looked up at her mother and asked, “Mama... did Ah betray Blossom?”

“Why do ya think that, Apple Seed?” asked Apple Bloom, caressing her daughter’s mane.

Looking down at the photo, Apple Seed rubbed her eyes and answered. “Because it’s true isn’t it? If Ah didn’t get angry at Blossom, tell her to confess her crime, she wouldn’t be in this state would she? She might have found help like she planned and be back with us. Ah’d have mah sister back; so would Comet.”

“Honey, this isn’t yer fault. Ya didn’t know this would happen,” assured Apple Bloom, but her daughter shook her head.

“But it did happen! Why did it happen, Mama?! Blossom was such a sweet mare! She never wanted to hurt anypony, but...” Apple Seed clasped her neck, which still held the scar of the surgery she had to have. “... but she nearly killed me! Me! Her sister! Ah... don’t... Ah’d don’t know what to feel, Mama! She’s not Blossom and yet she is! Ah hate her, but Ah still love her! Ah wish this never happened! Ah wish...”Bloom had heard enough. She wrapped her forelegs around her daughter and held her tight. Apple Seed wept on her mother’s shoulder as she continued, “Ah still can feel it. Her teeth sinkin’ into me. Ah thought Ah was gonna die... all because of a hug...”

“Oh, Apple Seed...” whispered Apple Bloom. “None of this is yer fault. Ya did what ya thought was right...”

“But was it the right thing, Mama?! If Sweetie Belle and yer positions were reversed, would you do the same thing? Would ya order me to keep silent if Ah killed ponies and y’all took the blame?” asked Apple Bloom, staring into her mother’s eyes.

Apple Bloom closed her eyes. She didn’t need to think about the answer at all. The answer was so simple. “Yes... Ah would...”

Apple Seed expression told she wasn’t expecting this. She looked at her mother in disbelief and slowly broke the hug, her mouth hanging wide open. “But... but ya said...”

“Ah know what Ah said about family, and never lettin’ them down. But,” Apple Bloom sighed, “yer mah daughter. Ah’m yer mother. Ah would do anythin’ to keep ya safe. Anythin’.”

Apple Seed shoulders sagged as did her ears. “So... did Ah do the right thing?”

“.... Ah don’t know, Apple Seed... Ah don’t know,” said Apple Bloom, sighing. “All Ah know is that Blossom, if there is any part of her left somewhere inside that body, is hurtin’. If Ah could help her, save her and Sweetie Belle from anymore pain, Ah’d do it in a heartbeat...”

“... Ah would too,” muttered Apple Seed, hugging her mother once more. “Ah’d do anythin’ to see mah sister again...”


Just outside the window of Apple Seed’s room, two spies were standing in silence. One with an emotionless expression, while the younger one was doing her best to keep her tears from falling. Applejack motion for Sweetie Belle to follow her back on the path towards town. Halfway there, Applejack said, “Ah know yer hurtin’, Sweetie Belle. Celestia knows this can’t be easy for ya. But don’t think for one second that none of us don’t love Blossom any less than ya do.”

“... I’m sorry,” muttered Sweetie Belle.

“Ah, ain’t the one ya should be apologzin’ too. But ya also deserve an apology, so Ah’ll make sure Seed gives ya one back,” said Applejack, stopping in the middle of the road. She turned around, facing Sweetie Belle with her expression now softening up a bit. “Sweetie Belle, Ah love Blossom. She’s like a daughter to me, just as y’all are. But if ya want to blame anypony, blame me.”

“Y-you? W-why?” asked Sweeite Belle. “You did everything to keep her happy and safe.”

“But not enough to stop her from becomin’ what she is now,” mutter Applejack, grimly. “Ah always had some suspicion that there was more to those foal’s murders than met the eye. Maybe even a part of me suspected yer plan on takin’ the blame all along. Even so, Ah wanted to make sure somepony of Rarity’s line had a happy life. Ah know her, and despite all she did she was mah friend. And Ah knew that she would never have wanted any of y’all to suffer for her sins.”

She looked up in the sky, a tear dripping down her face. “Ah thought maybe, if Ah gave enough love and care, Blossom would turn out alright. But Ah failed. It wasn’t enough. Now Ah feel like Ah failed all of y’all. Yerself, Blossom, and Rarity.”

Sweetie Belle put her hoof on Applejack shoulder. “My sister’s actions are her own fault. And Blossom’s... she had to go through a lot...”

“It’s not fair. Not at all. After all the horseapples y’all went through because of Rarity, ya deserved to be happy. The both of ya,” muttered Applejack, lowering her head. Turning around, she made her way back to the farm, but stopped after a few steps. “Sweetie Belle. Ah know ya want to keep believing that yer daughter can be saved, and Ah’ll always respect that. But trust me when Ah say this...” She turned around and gave Sweetie Belle the saddest, yet serious stare she had ever seen from the aging honest farmer. “That Joyous Blossom that’s locked up is not the one we love. And ya have to accept that before somethin’ happens to ya.”

Sweetie Belle said nothing as Applejack walked away, without looking back once.