• Published 1st Aug 2013
  • 3,115 Views, 121 Comments

A Mother's Duty - Rated Ponystar

AU to Broken Blossom: Can Joyous Blossom be saved by her mother, Sweetie Belle, or is all hope lost? Can a mother save her child? Even if she's a monster?

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Three Minds, One Body

A Mother’s Duty

By The Rated Ponystar

Edited and based on the KillerRarityVerse by BronyWriter

Chapter 5: Three Minds, One Body

“And He asked him, "What is thy name?" And he answered, saying, "My name is Legion: for we are many.” -The Gospel of Mark 5:9

It was not for the first time that Sweetie Belle wondered how much more suffering was there going to be before fate finally had enough of playing around with her and her daughter. How much longer did her daughter have to go through before there was nothing left to take away? She had lost her innocence, her freedom, and her sanity. What more was there for her to lose?

She stared at the two princesses who were guiding her down the halls. The hall that had her daughter trapped from the world outside. A world she should have been able to live in and enjoy, but now was nothing more than a trapped rat in a cage, treated with disdain and fear. She didn’t want them with her, she wanted them to leave her alone, but she had no choice in the matter. Doctor Mindsweep had requested all three of them come to see what had happened to Blossom, saying it was of the utmost importance.

So she put aside her feelings and focused on the more important issue: Blossom. The three of them soon arrived at room with large blind covering a window, Doctor Mindsweep waiting for them inside. He bowed before saying, “Thank you for coming. As I mentioned in my letters, there has been a new development with Blossom, one that I don’t think any of us saw coming.”

“Is this good news or bad?” asked Princess Celestia, with a hint of hope behind her tone.

Shaking his head, Doctor Mindsweep turned to the blinds and move them, allowing the three to see what was inside the next room. Sweetie Belle gasped and covered her mouth as she saw her daughter in straightjacket with chains now around her. Five guards, armed with spears were pointing their weapons with fear in their eyes. The worst thing to see was Blossom, she was stitched up from wounds and looked asleep but her expressions kept changing. One minute she was smiling, the next she was scared and looking like she was having a nightmare, then she was growling and shaking with rage.

“What did you do to her?!” Sweetie Belle shouted , glaring at the doctor who shook his head.

“I agree, I didn’t authorize this,” said Celestia who sounded just as angry. She looked back at Blossom with pity in her eyes. “What made you think this was necessary.”

“Your majesty, this is to protect Blossom, and the rest of us, from... one of her personas,” said Doctor Mindsweep, getting the attention of all the mares in the room. “You see her expressions changing every minute or so in her sleep? How she switches stances and behavior? Blossom is fighting herself, or more accurately her personas are fighting with each other.”

“Personas?” asked Luna, tilting her head. “You mean like personalities?”

“Yes,” Doctor Mindsweep sighed, “Blossom has developed multiple personality syndrome. Her mind has strained itself to the point where she now has three personalities based on her original one. In other words, she’s now split into three individuals.”

“By the Elements...” Celestia whispered, eyes widening. “How how did she get this?”

“Her mental health deteriorated faster than we expected,” Doctor Mindsweep answered, looking at his chart. “It’s an uncommon illness that happens to ponies either through stress or trauma when the brain can’t handle what’s happening to them.”

A large slam echoed across the room and everypony turned to Sweetie Belle who was banging her hoof over and over again on the wall, slowly making it red. Princess Luna quickly grabbed it and tried to make Sweetie Belle stop, but she struggled out of the grip, fighting against Luna until she tripped and fell on the floor. The others tried to help her up, but she pushed them away and bit her lip.

Nopony said anything as they watched the silent mother slowly get up before walking over and look at her struggling daughter. Finally, she said, “So it’s finally happened. She’s gone crazy...”

“Sweetie Belle, your daughter is...” Celestia stopped herself to find the right word, but she couldn’t.

“Crazy,” Sweetie Belle finished, glaring at Celestia. “What other word is there that anypony else will use? Huh? My daughter thinks she’s three different ponies now and I may have lost her for good! Are you happy, Celestia?!”

“Sweetie Belle, silence! If you think any of us wished to see this then you are mistaken!” Luna shoutd, stomping her hoof.

Sweetie Belle glared at Luna, but said nothing. She turned to Doctor Mindsweep and asked, “What personalities does my daughter have?”

Doctor Mindsweep looked at his notes. “Well, like I said, there are three. The first one we are calling her ‘Innocence’. This persona behaves like Joyous Blossom before her first day of school, thinking herself to be a little filly without any knowledge of what has happened to her before that day. She still thinks she’s the same age and doesn’t know about her aunt or even why she’s here. She’s scared and really wants her Mommy to come find her. We think this persona was made because this was when Joyous Blossom was at her happiest in life, maybe even what she has always wanted. But ever since she saw that article about Rarity on her first day to school—”

“Her innocence was lost,” Celestia finished, shaking her head. “It makes sense. Everything changed that day.”

“If Diamond Tiara didn’t put that stupid article on her desk...” Sweetie Belle muttered , thinking that the mare who helped ruin her daughter’s life was lucky she was already dead.

“The second persona,” Doctor Mindsweep continued, “we call ‘Guilt’. This is the Joyous Blossom who feels that all she’s done in life is ruin everything, and believes that the only thing that can stop it is if she was dead.” Sweetie Belle put her hooves over mouth, silencing her gasp. “The first thing she asked me if I was here to kill her. I said no. She replied that I should, or find somepony who is willing to do it. That’s why I have her in that straightjacket and chains. She’s tried to bang her head against the wall, bite her own tongue, and tried running into the weapons of the guards. She’s suicidal and thinks nothing of her own life, seeing herself as a monster who doesn’t deserve to live for her crimes.”

Upon hearing this, Sweetie Belle covered her eyes and began to weep. It brought her back to the day her daughter gave herself in, admitted her crimes and asked to be executed. I fought so hard to keep her alive, does she really want all that to go to waste? Doesn’t she know how much I need her alive?! She’s all I have left!

She felt two wings comforting her as she looked up and saw the princess’ concern. At first she wanted to tell them to back off, but she stopped herself. What was the point?

“And the third?”

Doctor Mindsweep closed his eyes and shiver. “The third... is the reason why we have the guards there. The third one we call...’Rarity’.” This got the attention of all three mares as they waited for him to continue. “This is Blossom’s murderous persona. She wants nothing more than to kill; it doesn’t matter who it is. She told me exactly how she would start her spree the moment she got out. She would kill any guards that stood in her way of getting her horn back and flee, then... go after Silver Spoon for what her daughter did to her. Then Ms. Belle... you would be next.”

Sweetie Belle felt herself go cold. “But... I’m her mother. Why would she want to kill me?”

“To spare you from the pain. It would would be quick and painless for you, she said. Then she would kill three ponies each month in a different city, establishing fear and chaos until Equestria was in a panic, unable to trust anypony because of Blossom’s ability to disguise herself. She wouldn’t hold back from killing anypony, not even your majesties if she ever found a way.”

“But Rarity wasn’t like that!” Sweetie Belle shouted. “She never would have done that! It’s completely different from what she did!”

“We agree, this sounds more of a plan to install fear into our subjects,” Luna replied in disgust. “Rarity murdered because she found it enjoyable, but she had a specific set of rules she followed and murdered in secret. This sounds more of a plot to install fear like a terrorist.”

“That’s because this is the Rarity that Blossom views, the kind of pony she thinks Rarity was,” said Doctor Mindsweep. “She’s heard nothing but horrible stories about how terrible Rarity was, almost like a monster. She thinks that she’s no different than Rarity and that this personality exists because she feels she must be like Rarity because she murdered too.”

Nopony else said anything, everyone was trying to compensate what they were learning. That’s when Sweetie Belle said, “Let me see her.”

Doctor Mindsweep shook his head. “I don’t think—”

“Doctor,” interrupted Celestia, stepping forward. “I too would like to see this for myself.”

With no other choice, Doctor Mindsweep nodded and pointed to the door that lead to the room next door. With a shaking hoof, Sweetie Belle opened it and all three of them entered together.


I’m scared. I don’t know where I am. I want Mommy, where is my Mommy?

She doesn’t want us anymore. She hates us, fears us. They all do. We don’t deserve her, Mother is just too good for bad ponies like us.

She wouldn’t do that! Mommy, loves me! She says so everyday! I’m not a bad pony!

Oh, how ignorant you are. No, you are bliss. If only I was like you. But it’s too late. For all of us.

Will you two shut up. I swear, it’s bad enough I have to deal with you two, but I’m still strapped to this chair.

You shouldn’t be so mean!

And you shouldn’t be such a naive idiot. Do you want to know why we are here? Why were all here? Do you want to know why those guards look at us like we are some kind of a monster? How tempted they are to push those nasty spears into our guts just to see us slowly rot and die?

Shut up! Leave her alone! It’s all your fault, Aunt Rarity!

My fault? The only reason we are trapped here is because of you. If only we had killed Silver Spoon, then I would have had us by the throat and nothing would be able to stop us from doing what we were born to do.

I hate you! I hate everything about you! It’s only knowing that you’re going to burn one day that will make it worth it in this nightmare!

If I burn, you will burn too. All of us will burn.

I don’t want to burn. Please stop it, you're scaring me. I just want to go home!

We can’t go home... we have no home... we deserve no home...

Shut up, both of you. We’re awakening and somepony is here.

Who is it? Wait... that’s...

“Mommy!” Joyous Blossom cried out, who attempted to rush towards her mother, but stopped short and jerked back thanks to the chains. Her mother looked at her with sad, teary eyes while two really big unicorns with wings came in. Blossom had a feeling she knew who these ponies were, but she couldn’t think of them at the top of her head.

Sweetie Belle stepped forward and smile before hugging her daughter, nuzzling her as gently as she could. Blossom closed her eyes and began to relax. The cold and dark room hadn’t been very nice, and the warmth she got from her mother was like a gift from above.

“I missed you, Mommy,” Blossom whimpered, ignoring the other two meanies in her head. “Where am I? What is this place? Somepony said this was a hospital, but it’s different than the one back in Ponyville.”

This isn’t a hospital kid. It’s a prison.

For our own good! We’re too dangerous!

Blossom shook her head and waited for her mother, who was biting her lip, to answer. “Y-yes, Blossom. Your very sick and you need help. Mommy and the princesses are here to make sure everything is gonna be okay.”

Blossom eyes widened as she turned to the royal sisters and gasped. “You are the princesses?! Wow! That’s so cool! You look beautiful!”

Celestia and Luna looked at each other, unsure of what they were seeing, but slowly smiled and nodded. Celestia replied, “Thank you, Blossom. Are you... are you sure we haven’t met before?”

Blossom shook her head. “I’ve never met royalty before, but I’ve heard so much about you! You look even more amazing face to face.”

“Is that so?” said Celestia, her smiling waning.

Luna then asked, “What is the last thing you remember?”

“I was heading to bed to get ready for my first day of school.” Blossom gasped. “School! I forgot about it! Mommy, is Ms. Cheerilee gonna be angry at me for being late?!”

Blossom held her breath when she saw her mother crying. She wasn’t even attempting to hide the tears that fell down from her cheeks. Blossom’s ears folded back as she whimpered. “M-Mommy... did I do something wrong? Why are you crying?”

“I... I just...” Sweetie Belle held her daughter even closer. “Oh Blossom, I’m so sorry. I should have protected you better. I love you so much, but I failed you.”

“Mommy?” Blossom asked, confused and feeling teary-eyed herself.

Okay, I’ve had enough. It’s time for me to step in.

What?! Don’t you dare! Haven’t you made her suffer enough?! Haven’t we suffered enough?! Do you have no heart?!

“Stop fighting!” Blossom shouted, surprising everypony, even the guards. “You two are being such meanies to each other! And in front of my mommy!”

“Blossom, who are you talking too?” asked Celestia, urgently.

Blossom shivered and leaned closer to her mother. “It’s these scary voices. One sounds so sad and keeps saying we did something bad. The other is really mean and says really bad things. I think... I think she likes hurting ponies. She says I do too, but I don’t want to! I’m not a bad pony, right?”

Sweetie Belle shook her head and rubbed her hoof over her daughter’s mane. “No, baby. I know you’re a good pony. Just don’t... don’t listen to those voices okay?”

Good luck with that. We’re all together in this and we’re gonna be such good friends. You might as well give me a turn speaking. After all, sharing is caring.

Blossom, please! Listen to me, don’t listen to her! I have to talk to everypony before she does! There is still time to stop her!

They won’t listen to you. What are you going to do? The same sob speech about how we’re better off dead? My sister isn’t going to do that because she can’t stand the sight of losing us and the princesses can’t go back on their judgement. Face it, I’m going to live as long as you do!

“I’d rather die than have us hurt somepony again!” Blossom screamed, making everypony step back. No longer were her face and eyes innocent and childlike, but full of fear and rage. Realizing she was in control, she stared at the princess and her mother with pleading eyes. “Mommy, your Majesties, please listen to me! I don’t have much time!”

Hey I wasn’t done talking to Mommy! Let me talk to her again!

Oh so now it’s your turn, huh? Don’t think you can control it forever, I’ll be getting my turn soon enough.

“B-Blossom?” Sweetie Belle nervously asked. “A-are you okay?”

“Am I okay?” Blossom asked in disbelief. Gritting her teeth, she closed her eyes to fight back the waterworks. “No, I’m not okay, Mother. I’m in Tartarus. I’m trapped in my mind, listening to endless voices while getting hateful glares and comments everyday. I haven’t seen the sun or stars in a year. Everypony I love hates me or fears me because I am a monster. A murderer.”

“Blossom, we’re trying to help you,” Celestia said, shaking her head. “I know you are not a bad pony, Blossom, I can see that now. And I know it’s difficult, but we will find a way to fix you.”

She really doesn’t get it does she? Oh well, guess I’ll have to spell it out for her.

“There is no fixing me!” Blossom yelled, shaking in her chair. “Don’t you get it?! There is no hope for me! You might as well ask those guards to just stab me here and now! I want to die! I need to die! Everyday is just suffering for me and death can only stop it! Stop me and Aunt Rarity from hurting anypony! I don’t care if I get Paradise or Tartarus! I just want to die!”

“No!” Sweetie Belle shrieked, placing her hooves on her daughter's cheeks and forceing her to look at her. “I won’t lose you, Blossom! I saw somepony I loved dearly die once! It nearly broke me! I won’t let that happen again! Not to you! Not you!”

“Mommy...” Blossom muttered, whose mane soon covered her face.


And then when her daughter looked into her eyes did Sweetie Belle see what she could only describe as the eyes of a soulless being. A curved smile appeared on Blossom’s lips as she relaxed and sat in her chair like it was fit for a queen. A chill passed through Sweetie Belle’s spine as Blossom couldn’t help but find it so amusing. “Hello, little sister,” she said with a sweet yet dark tone.

Sweetie Belle gulped. Even though it was not her voice, nor even the same pitch, Sweetie Belle knew which persona she was now addressing. The very monster that had grown inside her daughter and ended up imprisoning her in this mess.


Author's Note:

I hope I did the three personalities alright. Sorry this one came so late guys. Also, don't expect another update till January. I don't feel write updating something like this around Christmas time for some strange reason.