• Published 1st Aug 2013
  • 3,117 Views, 121 Comments

A Mother's Duty - Rated Ponystar

AU to Broken Blossom: Can Joyous Blossom be saved by her mother, Sweetie Belle, or is all hope lost? Can a mother save her child? Even if she's a monster?

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The Dark Side In Us All

A Mother’s Duty

By The Rated Ponystar

Edited and based on the KillerRarityVerse by BronyWriter

Chapter 6: The Dark Side In Us All

“We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere. And there will be more of your children dead tomorrow.” - Ted Bundy

The entire room suddenly gotten ten degrees colder, which was saying something since Sweetie Belle felt like she was already in a fridge. Nothing, however, was colder, and more empty, the eyes of her daughter, now calling herself “Rarity.” This was her. This was the monster inside her daughter that turned her into an abomination. Now that she was seeing this side of her, eye-to-eye, she didn’t know what to say.

Turning her head, she saw the expressions of the princesses, both of who no longer held the same pity only moments ago. These were now the rulers of Equestria who treated any threat to their subjects seriously. “Rarity” knew this too as Blossom, looking as relaxed as ever despite the chains, leaned forward and smirked. “What’s the matter? Cat got all your tongues?”

“You are, ‘Rarity’, I take it?” asked Celestia, calm yet stern.

“Bingo. Got it in one, Sunbutt,” Blossom congratulated, giggling at the nickname she had given to her jailer. The guards readied their spears, yet they were still shivering and sweating on the brow.

Turning to one of them, Blossom leaned towards one of the edge of one of the blades and smirked. “Aw, come on, guardsman Victory. Are you scared of little old me? I’m jailed up and helpless, otherwise…” Blossom licked the blade which made the guard gulpt before she finished speaking,” … I would take this spear, shove it down your throat and let you bleed on that floor as I killed your comrades one by one. All while you watch in the glimmering moments of your life before you entered darkness for eternity.”

“Monster…” the guard muttered.

Blossom scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Tell me something I don’t know already. You guys really need better names for me.”

“It is no less the title that you deserve,” Luna growled, stepping forward. “We don’t care if you are merely a part of Blossom or not. It’s clear you have no regrets on the prospect of murder.”

“The only regrets that I have are that I haven’t done it in a long time,” Blossom said, stretching her neck. “I’ll be doing it eventually, mind you, but this long delay is just… annoying.”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “You think that you will be released? It’s clear from all this that Blossom is still a danger to society and to release her will only bring about more innocent deaths.”

Although it hurt Sweetie Belle to hear Luna say such things, it hurt even more to know that they were true. She looked at her daughter, a mind of three now, and realized that there was no chance for freedom for her daughter. Maybe there never was to begin with and she had be deluding herself into thinking if she got better, the princesses would find mercy. My baby… what has happened to you…?

Sweetie Belle’s thoughts were interrupted by a harsh laughter from her daughter whose very mirth made her shiver. “Me? A threat to society? I am the best thing that ever happened to it. Both as Rarity and as Blossom.”

This made the three visitors look at each other in shock. Seeing that she had their attention, Blossom continued. “I’m the best out there because I reminded you all that despite your little ‘harmony and friendship’ lifestyle, you are all able to bleed and die just like maggots in the dirt. I reminded you of how precious life is by taking it from you. I let you know fear and terror and hatred, bring out the survival instincts that have been inside you since the day you came out of your mother’s legs. I am not a threat to society; I am the part of it that has been always there that never goes away."

“And as for those ‘innocent’ deaths?” Blossom scoffed. “Those two brats were just like their mothers. Snobs who thought they were better than everypony and would have made any life miserable just for their own amusement. Golden Necklace’s mother was no better, trying to kill poor little me because poor mommy winy missed her precious brat.”

“How dare you!” Celestia shouted, yelling for the first time as her eyes blazed over a stoic Blossom. “You think it was amusing?! Innocent lives have been lost! You killed ponies! Doesn’t that even give you a hint of regret?! They will never know anything of life anymore; none of its beauties and wonders because you killed them!”

Sweetie Belle didn’t know if Celestia was talking to Blossom in general or this part of Blossom. She wasn’t even sure it mattered anymore.

Blossom stared glare to glare at the sun princess before smirking. “Tell me, Sunbutt. What right do you have to say about me killing when you yourself have killed?” Celestia was silent as Blossom leaned forward, her grin growing. “This entire so called ‘utopia’ you have built? How many bodies did it take to build it that you don’t tell your subjects? How many resisted you and have been put to the sword because they didn’t like the idea of being ruled?” She looked at Princess Luna and winked. “And what about your sister? Her little Nightmare Moon episode? How many graves did she fill? Foals she orphaned? How much destruction was there until she was finally banished? I bet the two of you have more bloody deaths combined under your hooves then I did as Rarity.”

“Silence!” Luna screeched, stomping her hoof. But it was clear that she was shaking. “You don’t know what you are talking about!”

“Oh, I do know what I am talking about,” Blossom whispered, her eyes slowly lighting up with more life then Sweetie Belle had seen in years. Yet this was not the innocent life that she had seen in her daughter before. This was something that else. Something terrible. “You know what the best part of killing is? It’s not the fact that you end their life. No, it’s the sight of them dying. The panic and fear they have in their eyes as they watch, drop by drop, their blood slowly come out of them. The tiny breaths they take, knowing that any moment they could be breathing their last as they beg to whatever god they believe in to save them. Their mind is filled with despair and helplessness as time seems to slow down. And then there is nothing but an empty shell, face filled with horror as the last thing they realized is that they were going to die. Just seeing that… that alone… is what makes killing worth it.”

“I am Blossom, but I am not Blossom. I am Rarity, but I am not Rarity,” Blossom answered. She looked at Princess Celestia who was shaking with rage. “I am the true darkness that lies in everypony. I am your mothers, your fathers, sons, daughters, uncles, friends, neighbors, and strangers. And no matter how much you try, princess, I will always be there waiting until somepony is pushed far enough, and I’ll be there… ready to watch another poor soul scream for mercy before I end them. That’s who I am.”

With one last smirk, Blossom closed her eyes and when she opened them, no longer did the sight of true evil appear before them. Rather the sight of innocence that looked at them with a tilted head. “Mommy, why is everypony staring at me like that?”

Nopony said anything. They just stared at the “innocent” Blossom who was squirming in her seat. She eyed the sharp spears that were close to her face and sniffed. “Mommy, did I do something wrong?”

“Blossom… do you remember anything… that just happened?” Sweetie Belle asked, trying to force a smile, but failed.
Rubbing her misting eyes, Blossom answered, “The sad lady started arguing with the scary lady so I decided to come back here. She… she really is scary, Mommy. I don’t want to be with her anymore! I wanna go home!”

Slowly walking towards her daughter, Sweetie Belle made an effort to try and hug her daughter, but was pulled back by Luna via her tail. She looked at the princess with pleading eyes, for just one hug to her daughter. This side of her daughter that she knew, loved, and wanted so much. Not the demon that they had seen earlier, but the stern look was enough to make Sweetie Belle give in. She turned to her daughter, holding her own tears, and whispered, “I’m sorry, Blossom. But you can’t go home yet. You’re… you’re still sick… and you need to go to sleep now.”


“Please, trust me. I’ll be back soon…” Sweetie Belle promised, smiling as well as she could, although the very muscles in her mouth struggled to resist her. “I need you to be a big girl.”

Blossom sniffed, but nevertheless nodded. “Okay, Mommy.”

With that said, Princess Celestia lit her horn and cast a sleep spell on Blossom, who soon fell into a blissful slumber. Only then did Sweetie Belle fall to the floor and weep. She didn’t care who there, she only wanted to let out the grief in her heart. She felt the comforting wings of both sisters, but they did nothing to heal the pain in her heart. Her daughter, the one thing left she had in her life, was gone. Now she was a psychological mess that none of them had hope of curing. Why her? Why her? Why not me? Why not let me suffer? Anypony on this planet but her!

Lifting her head, she watched the guards take her daughter away, back to her cage where she would be alone, without her. She reached her foreleg in a futile effort to reach for her, to just touch her one more time. “No… Blossom…”

“Sweetie Belle, I am so sorry. I failed you. I failed both of you.” Celestia quietly sighed as her warm tears dripped onto the floor. “I… I don’t know what to do anymore. But I do know that this is only killing you and I can’t let you suffer this anymore.”

“W-what are you saying?” asked Sweetie Belle, slowly lifting herself off the floor.

For a long time, Celestia bit her lip while Sweetie Belle waited with held breath. Finally, Celestia closed her eyes and said, “I am going to follow the advice of my sister and have Blossom locked up for life. We have tried everything and I can no longer watch this happen. You will have one more visit for you daughter, but after that, nopony will ever see her again.”

“… You’re going to lock her up, throw away the key, and never open it until she dies, right?”


Before Sweetie Belle knew it, her hoof was across Princess Celestia’s cheek, the impact echoing across the room.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long. So, did I make you creeped out or not?