• Published 31st Aug 2013
  • 1,401 Views, 64 Comments

Band of Bronies - The Watcher 509

6 bronies were just having a typical marathon, but as one moment led to another. They were transported to Equestria with a brown-haired man; which calls himslef, The Doctor.

  • ...

Chapter 9: The Mental Middle Part [3]

"A... little bird told you." Rem raised his eyebrow. "Are you sure you weren't hallucinating and talking to Tom's crotch again?" He recomposed himself. "Forgive me for asking, but there's an awfully large chance..." Hid his face, blushing quite lightly at his statement, as if he was slightly used to it by now.

"I assure you my crotch was Pam-free the whole day." said Tom as he raised his finger in a matter-of-factly way.

"I don't even have the right ingredients to make that soup again." Pam said with a laugh. She then stopped in front of a rather large forest with a rather dark, looming appearance. "Here we are!" she declared and slowly marched towards the dark forest.

"Wait sugarcube, ya ain't thinkin' what I think yer thinkin'... are ya?" interjected Applejack. Interrupting Pam's rhythm of steps and making her turn around towards the group.

"What? Entering the Everfree forest?" replied Pam.

"So much for keeping a secret." said Steve as he continued to watch the event continue. He grabbed a bag of caramel popcorn and a diet coke (gotta watch those calories you know).

I can't believe people are buying this...

"What? What doth thou speaketh of mine colleague?"

Sigh... nothing.... nothing

"You know we really need to work on your attitude"

And you need to work on your weight.

"You do know I can't get fat right? Tis an blessing I can never feel."

Oh... well... okay

"Anyways, you should get back to the story." Steve looks at your screen. "and don't you agree that I need to stop commenting? I need a break from speaking for about... six chapters? Yeah six chapters."

"Uh, not trying to be nosy, but how did ya know that it was this was the Everfree forest Pam?" Applejack asked as she turned to look at the dark forest in front of her.

Tom, Froline and Rem held their breath as they hoped that Pam, being the unexpected tornado that she is, would have a reason.

Pam happily walked towards a mossy tree, the gathered ponies' and humans' eyes following her, and she started scrubbing it with a piece of paper that seemed so familiar towards Tom.

He realized that it was...

"My paper! You stole a sheet of my paper!" He pointed at Pam with a less-than-accusing finger.

"I didn't steal it, you left the pad of paper at the library, I just got a sheet from it, no biggie." she said nonchalantly as she scrubbed more moss off the tree.

"But I only have..." He counted the previous usage of his pad of paper "Twenty-three sheets left!" He paused for a moment as he realized is over-reaction. "Okay, it is not that big of a deal."

"See, told ya." She started scrubbing a thick area of moss faster with the paper. "Aha!"

Pam stepped away from the tree that revealed embedded writing on the tree.

Tom walked towards it and read, "Everfree forest. Beware of Poison Joke." He leaned in closer and observed the fine wording of 'Everfree forest'.

"Well, that'd been mighty helpful when we were followin' Applebloom." She moved in closer towards the tree. "At least other ponies won't make the same mistake we did."

"I'd hate to be a bother, but shouldn't we get moving?" interrupted Rem as he leveled his arm to his chest and looked at his watch. "We might miss the race."

"Um... I agree with him..." said Froline and Fluttershy simultaneously, they looked at each other and shyly smiled.

"Then let's go my fellow beings! Let us march towards the hut of Zecora!" Pam said as she marched into the forest, with the others following suit.

"Ye just 'ave to tell 'em youer gonna seal their town didn't ye, ya soft-skinned twit!" Kary was hopping for his life from the pink marshmallows with mini-marshmallow bazookas and chocolate-dipped flash grenades.

John ran beside the hopping metal cup and answered back, "Well at least I ain't a hard-headed piece of metal!" He looked down at the cup, grinning with mischievous intent.

"Oh, when we're dome wit' this I'm gonna--" He was interrupted by a pink blur whizzing by. "Was tha'..."

"Pinkie Pie? More likely than not." He sighed as they continued running towards the door Pinkie held open a mile away. Luckily, she had found a safe house before this mess started.

They arrived at the door and Pinkie quickly closed it. John smelled a lingering aroma of sugar, spice... and something quite nice.

"Well, that could have gone better," Both Kary and Pinkie nodded with the statement as the two dispersed to collect some supplies."at least we can collect some of these supplies, and maybe... just maybe... we can build a proper weapon against these marshmallows."

"Like a potato launcher?" asked Pinkie Pie as she dug though some cartons coincidentally placed inside the room.

"Yeah, something like that..." He walked over to Kary and squatted down to his level.

"A'right, a'right ya golden 'earted twit. I'm sorry fer callin' ya that. 's just cause ye were so 'blivious." He leaned in closer to a box and jumped inside, also planning to help find some possible weapons. His head popped out of the box. "Ye helpin' or what?"

"Yeah yeah. Just gonna look around for some clay to mold, than I'll help you guys." He slowly walked away but was stopped dead in his tracks as something hit him on the back... hard. "Ow!" He looked at the thing that hit him and saw that it was Kary. "What'd you do that for?!"

Kary stood up and spoke aggressively. "Ye be lookin' fer clay mun? Clay, of all the possibly worst thin's to look for, it had t' be clay didn't it?!"

"Why? Do you have something against clay?" asked Pinkie as her head popped out of the box.

"I..." Kary stood silent for a while, as if reminiscing. "She was an old flame of mine..."

"Wait!" shouted Pam, stopping in her tracks.

"What?" asked Tom. "Did you see something dangerous?"

"No... but I feel a disturbance in the Brony universe..." She looked up, as if seeing something, then proceeded to walk towards Zecora's hut.

"Brony universe?" asked a confused Rarity.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay guys, it was just that I had too much school for the past few weeks. Plus, I'm extremely close to finishing ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch.

Comments ( 10 )

lol cool :heart::heart::heart::heart::fluttershysad::fluttercry:


Thanks for the heads up

I feel... a disturbance...


Fun Fact: The disturbance is Season 4:scootangel:

Dude whats with the hiatus? I want MOAAAARRR editing man!

4331071 okay need ideas, give me what ya got no and Ican help


I think I can manage, thanks for the offer though.

Man they seem as random as me (Jared), Ryan, Aaron, James, Jack, and Mark! I mean, we have been friends sense we were in kindergarden, but we can get reaaaaallllyy fugin' random:ajsmug:

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