• Published 31st Aug 2013
  • 1,401 Views, 64 Comments

Band of Bronies - The Watcher 509

6 bronies were just having a typical marathon, but as one moment led to another. They were transported to Equestria with a brown-haired man; which calls himslef, The Doctor.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Party till ya flop

The group was now walking towards John's house. Idle conversations were heard throughout the walk. One of these was John and Rem talking about how their day has been.

They passed through a couple of shops, a Wendy's over here, a Mcdonalds over there you know, the usual. They then started reminiscing about the activities they did and the things they saw for the past three months.

"I still can't believe you two," said Rem, his unamused gaze turning to Tom and John "There you were, claiming that you heard and saw Rainbow Dash in the forest. If I wasn't for you being part of this group I would've told the both of you that you that you were a madmen."

"Emphasis on the wasn't" Pam joked. She smiled at Rem and he looked away immediately with a slight blush on his face.

As the three continued discussing, Tom was recalling the events that transpired when they saw Rainbow Dash in the forest.

It was a very cloudy day, the wind was blowing through the trees as they looked at the little circular clearing in the middle of the forest. They were having a camping trip that was arranged by Pam, since the group needed a bit of a stress-free environment after their recent test.

"So, me and Tom'll pick up the firewood." John said as he was getting some rope to tie the wood. "How about you guys set camp?", he asked while putting the rope in his bag.

"Just leave it to us!" Pam answered enthusiastically.

"Okay, see you when we get back." He waved at them as he and Tom re-entered the forest.

"So, where did you learn all about survival?" asked Tom as he glanced over the area for some firewood.

"Oh, I was once a boy scout. We had camping trips annually to teach us how do do these kind of stuff." answered John. He saw a small amount of firewood over by the distance on top of a hill and pointed at them. "Hey, there are some over there."

After gathering enough firewood, they piled them up and John drew his rope from his bag. He tied the rope around the pile and as they were about to carry the pile, the tie became loose and the firewood rode down the hill. "I knew things would end like that," said John as he walked over to the firewood "I was never really that good in knotting anyways." He picked them up again and felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't be hard on yourself, at least you tried." He turned around and saw Tom gently smiling at him. He smiled back and finished piling up the firewood, after a few failed attempts in tying the pile, they were finally able to tie the pile in a tight knot.

As they were walking back towards the camp, the heard a bush faintly rustle and a shadowed figured moved toward another bush.

"Oh great," said John with a hint of sarcasm in his voice "looks like we'll be bear food today." He walked towards the bush with Tom in tow. They surveyed the area and John kept looking behind trees and bushes for any sign of Pam. "Cut it out Pam, I know it's you." He didn't believe that there would suddenly be a bear in the woods, they weren't even common in these parts.

"W-who are you? What're you talking about?" asked a familiar voice come from said bush. The two looked at each other in a "did-you-just-hear-that?" look. They walked towards the bush and what they saw was a sight to behold, they saw a cyan-colored coated pony, with a mane and tail colored like the rainbow.

'Rainbow Dash?!" Tom internally screamed, he was panicking due to the obvious reason of a pony, that was in Equestria, was her on Earth.

She hesitantly looked back at the two beings, she looked at the two marveling her form as she spread her wings to escape the two.

'Whatever those two were, they ain't gonna catch me!." she thought. She started flying at a random direction,her body still affected by the potion Twilight made thus resulting to another blinding light.

'Roane's not gonna believe this' thought Tom as they stood there, dumb-founded by how they actually saw a pony!

"Wait," Tom stopped and looked at his partner, eyebrows raised. "did any of us touch a mushroom? Or held something?"

"Umm, I don't think so," Tom looked at his hands and smelled them "nope, no mushroom here."

"Me neither... We really aren't dreaming!" shouted John as he excitedly skipped towards the camp, with Tom by his side.

The two of them reached the camp, still lugging around the pile of firewood. Their overwhelmed minds were so eager to tell the story, it would make meeting a zombified Freddie Mercury seem like a magic show from a kid's party.

As they entered John's home, Froline bee-lined for the front door as she heard a dog bark at her. She held onto the couch shaking like a leaf.

"T-that was... scary..." She stopped shaking and helped in preparing for the marathon.

They filed into the room, Pam immediately ran towards the television and turned it on. While Rem and Tom walked towards the kitchen to ready the chips and drinks. Froline and John were tidying up the living room, making sure that the coffee table was neat and clean. Roane was also in the kitchen trying to open a jar of peanut butter, struggling to open the damned jar.

After several jar-opening minutes, the group finally finished all the much needed preparation, they were seated in the living room together. Pam, Froline, and Roane sat on the couch, while the ones that sat on the floor with John and Rem.

Pam held the remote(or in this case, the PS3 controller) and was ready to press the play button.

"Hey, you guys ready?" she asked, he eagerness practically emanating from her form.

"W-wait!" shouted Tom as he quickly ran towards the rug.

"Where were you?" asked John

"Had to take care of some business." he answered with a slight chuckle.

"Okay, let's start the marathon!"

Pam pressed the play button.

Twilight Sparkle was nervously pacing around her library, worried about what happened to her cyan-coated friend.

"I never should have tested the Speed-o-fier solution on Rainbow Dash. I should have taken her unusual speed in flying into account before I let her drink it..." She looked at the huge gaping hole at the ceiling of the library, wondering what happened to her friend.

Suddenly, there was a bright flash of light inside the library. After the sudden luminosity, Twilight opened her eyes and was surprised (and delighted) to see Rainbow Dash scratching her head.

"Ooow" said RD "that was a really weird trip..."

"RAINBOW DASH!" Twilight hugged the cyan pegasus "How are you? Do your wings hurt? Where did you teleport to?" These sudden barrage of questions made Rainbow Dash a bit nauseous which resulted to her dozing off.

"Oh... umm. Sorry about that." she said as she levitated the pegasus mare to her guest room upstairs and tucked her in the bed.

"Well... sleep tight Rainbow Dash." She quietly returned downstairs and readied some quills and parchment.

"Tomorrow's gonna be a long day." she whispered.

She glanced at the window and noticed that it was getting late. She trotted towards her room, still thinking about her friend in the guest room. She opened her bedroom door and entered. She was greeted by a baby dragon sleeping comfortably on a small bed next to her own. As she lazily slumped onto her bed with sleep , her mind was flushed of the lingering thoughts of her cyan-coated compatriot.

It was dawn, the ponies were still sleeping soundly inside their homes. Some were already preparing their shops in the market-place, ready for another day of work. Twilight slowly woke up due to a loud thud in the living room slash library. She trotted downstairs, but it was still fairly early, so she couldn't see much.

"Oooh..." a voice groaned.

'A male ?' thought Twilight.

"What happened?" asked another voice, this time female. "We were only watching a marathon..."

"W-who are you?" Twilight asked hesitantly.

"W-wait... that voice." one of the voices said, a male voice but different from the first one.

"I'll say it again. Who are you? What are you doing in the library at such an early hour? We don't open until later." she said, reassuring herself that they might just be a group if ponies that got their their time erong.

"Is that voice... Twilight Sparkle?" a voice said, near Twilight, but can't quite see her that much.

"AAAAGH! I'm blind!" shouted one of the voices, now feminine. "Wait... now I can practice on my hearing better. WIN!"

Having enough of the confusion, Twilight enveloped her horn in a lavender aura to ventilate the room. It would be an understatement if one would say she was surprised at the revelation.

Apes... well, not really apes but somewhat related to the species. They were wearing clothes and... pants?

'Lyra would be so proud.' she thought.

The humans looked at her and one-by-one, they fainted, they flopped around, one of them even danced to their own tune, as if they were partying, then flopped over a table and fell down. After most of them fainted or got tired, one of them crouched in the middle, looking at her in disbelief.

"Well... shit." John muttered as he fell down unconscious.


Author's Note:

Well... that was awkward.

I'll try to write as often as I can.

Revelations? Maybe next chapter. :3