• Published 30th Aug 2013
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Twilight Sparkle, Ace Attorney: The Royal Turnabout - Animegx43

After Rarity is accused of attempted murder, Twilight does everything she can to clear her name.

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Day 3: Trial: A Snobby Witness

October 11, 10:00 AM
Canterlot District Court
Courtroom 1

The time had come. Twilight and Spike were at the defense bench, Discord was at the prosecutor's, and the seats above were filled up with Canterlot citizens. Most of the ponies were talking loudly, but it came to a stop when they heard the judge pounding his gavel.

"Court is now back in session for the trial of Miss Rarity St. Germane." The Doctor said. "IS the defense and prosecution ready?"

"The defense is ready, your honor." Twilight said with confidence.

On the other side of the room, Discord stood with his arms crossed, smugly smiling. "I'm ready to win my trial."

With both sides ready, the Doctor nodded and proceeded. "Very good. If I recall, I asked that more evidence of Miss Rarity being with Fancy Pants be brought into court. I'd like to start this trial by seeing such proof."

"I have it right here." Twilight said. "This here is a magical crystal which was used as a security camera for the hotel room. It proves that Rarity was with Fancy Pants that day."

"A magical security...?" The Doctor said, doing everything he could from laughing at the evidence brought. "He he...uh, in any case, I'd like to see this for myself."

After activating the scrying crystal, a holographic image was projected into the room, just as how Star Cestus showed Twilight. Like before, it showed Fancy Pants and Rarity in the room at 2:12. The combination of Rarity's beauty and her gorgeous red dress caused all stallion eyes to dart the image. Ponies would've been angry if it wasn't brought in as evidence.

"Well, it seems her alibi holds after all." The Doctor said.


"No, it doesn't." Discord corrected, who still had a smile on his face. "The police brought that crystal for me to see. However, it's at that minute that Rarity was seen leaving. She was not with Fancy Pants at the time of the crime."

"Oh. Well, that's unfortunate." The Doctor said, who was no longer amused. "Hmm...if that's the case, then we're back to where we were yesterday. If that's the case, I can hand down a verdict right now if there's no more evidence."

"Not so fast!" Twilight said. "I think that IS sufficient evidence!

"Please explain, Miss Sparkle."

"As we've established yesterday, the only way Rarity could've entered Blueblood's room is if she ran out of her room, ran outside, whacked the prince in the head, and open the door to be caught by Star Cestus and Giant Hand, ALL within three minutes! That's impossible!"


"Improbable, yes, but it's the truth. Remember, the door to the room was locked, yet Rarity was inside." Discord explained, banging his tail up on the wall behind him to grab everypony's attention. "With the evidence I have, it's the only logical explanation!"

The ponies watching the trial began to chat about Discord's logic, as it was hard to believe, yet believable. After a single smack of the Doctor's gavel, the chattering stopped.

"This is quite a pickle. The evidence is good, but it doesn't make much sense." The Doctor said, who had a lot to think about. "I'm really not sure where to go from here."

This is it, Twilight. Discord is about to call in his witness. Get ready for anything. Twilight thought.

That was when Discord, just as Twilight predicted, made his move. "Perhaps a testimony from a witness will help. One who saw Rarity enter the prince's room."


Twilight objected, but she did actually had any intention of doing so, but what Discord said threw her off very hard. "How can that be! Rarity didn't even do it!"

Discord laughed as he saw Twilight squirm, further proving his confidence in his witness. "That's right. Fillies and gentlecolts of the court, I have found a witness who saw the defendant climb up the ladder and break into the victim's room, thus proving beyond a reasonable doubt that she committed the crime!"

Once again, everypony watching chatted up a storm. No pony would've thought that Discord would find such a witness. Before things got out of control, the Doctor banged his gavel three times, hoping to avoid a repeat of the previous day's incident.

"Order! Order in the court!" The Doctor said, which was followed by a chuckle. "I never get tired of saying that. In any case, please bring your witness in immediately."

"As you wish, your honor!"


Shortly later, Discord had gotten his witness ready, but when she took the stand, no pony could see her since she was so small. In fact, all Twilight could see was a silver prickly thing popping out of the witness stand.

"HEY! I can't see anything from down here!" A child's voice said. "Bring me a box or something!"

That voice...where have I... Twilight thought.

"Oh, terribly sorry." Discord apologized. "Here, allow me."

With a snap of his fingers, Discord caused the witness stand to sink into the ground, making it possible to see the witness. She was a pink filly with a silver tiara on her head and a giant swirly lollipop in her hoof. It was at that point that Twilight realized who the witness was.

"Witness, please state your name and occupation to the court." Discord said.

The filly took her time to answer as she wanted to finish licking her lollipop first. "I am Diamond Tiara, the heir to the Rich family fortune and the most adorable mare in Ponyville!"

I don't think being vain counts as an occupation. Twilight thought. "Hey, wait a second! What does Diamond Tiara have to do with--"


After stunning Twilight with her interruption, Diamond Tiara spoke up. "I have everything to do with this case. In fact, you should be showing me a bit more respect since I know everything you need to know about this trial of yours."

The Doctor shook his head in disappointment. "And here I was hoping such an adorable girl would be sweet as a tart."

"Now now, judge. Everything she said is true." Discord explained. "This filly knows something that this court needs to hear, so for the sake of the trial, stroke her ego a bit."

"Yeah! How do you think I got this lollipop?" Diamond Tiara said.

"Well...I don't believe in first impression anyway." The Doctor said. "I'm sure this girl is sweeter than the richest chocolates in England!"

Discord is bribing his way to victory, the witness is being a brat, and the judge is talking about a place I've never heard of. Twilight thought with misery. This trial is going to suck.

After banging his gavel one last time, the Doctor became ready to hear out Diamond Tiara. "All right, little girl. Please tell us all about what you've seen. Remember, we put a strong emphasis on the truth on something as serious as this."

"Oh, I sure hope she doesn't know as much as she thinks." Twilight said to Spike.

"Don't let your guard down, Twilight." Spike said. "I've never heard a good thing about her from the cutie mark crusaders."

"I guess it's not uncommon for kids to fib."


--Testimony: What I saw--
"I saw it all! EVERYTHING! From my parent's hotel room, I saw Sweetie Belle's sister with my own eyes. I looked down and saw her climbing up a ladder and into a room below. Is there any other white ponies who could do it?"
--End of Testimony--


"See? Wasn't I an important witness for you all?" Diamond Tiara asked.

Twilight froze in shock after she heard the testimony. "Y-you...SAW RARITY!?"

The ponies watching were just as surprised when Diamond Tiara made her claim. They all knew if what she said was true, than the trial would be over in an instant. They didn't want to get the Doctor angry again, so they became silent before he could bang his gavel.

"Little girl, this is crucial." The Doctor said. "Are you absolutely sure that you saw the defendant like you said?"

"As sure as my cutie mark is incredible." Diamond Tiara answered as she smugly licked her lollipop.

B-but that's impossible! Rarity didn't do it, so how can Diamond Tiara see her? Twilight thought with fear. "I'd like to cross-examine the witness now."

"Very well, Miss Sparkle." The Doctor said. "But remember, this is just a child. I don't want to see her leaving in tears or anything."


"No worries, your honor." Discord said. "I'm certain that Twilight here will be the one leaving in tears."

I feel like I'm ready to do just that.



"I saw it all! EVERYTHING! "


"What exactly did you see?" Twilight asked.

"What do you think I saw? I saw the that prince killer going to cause trouble." Diamond Tiara said. "Sheesh, I thought you were suppose to be smart. All hail our great princess!"

"Oooh, I love this witness." Discord said, enjoying Diamond Tiara's smart aleck remark.

Is my job to press witnesses so they can insult me? Twilight asked herself. "Let's just move on. But seriously, what DID you see exactly?"

"From my parent's hotel room, I saw Sweetie Belle's sister with my own eyes.


"I don't I've heard Sweetie Belle's name be uttered at all during this trial." Twilight said.

"I'm sorry, but who is this Sweetie Belle?" The Doctor asked.

"She's just a blank flank." Diamond Tiara said. "A talentless unicorn back in Ponyville."

"Remind me to set you up on a play date with my daughter, Screwball." Discord said. "But in all due seriousness, Sweetie Belle is the defendant's little sister. That's why the witness here was able to identify her so well."

Discord has a daughter? We have no future. Twilight thought. "You were with your parents, right? Did they see rarity too?"
"No, I was alone when it happened. I was actually looking out the window out of boredom."

"Then what were they doing at the time?"


"What her parents were doing at the time has nothing to do with anything." Discord said. "What's important is what their daughter saw."

"She does seem to be the only one of the three to have anything to do with the case at hand." The Doctor said. "Objection sustained. Please continue your testimony."

"I looked down and saw her climbing up a ladder and into a room below."


"Do you remember which room she went into?" Twilight asked.

"Actually, I do." Diamond tiara answered. "She was exactly one floor below from where I was. All I had to do was look out the window and look straight down to see her."

"Only one story?" The Doctor said. "Why...that would give her a perfect view of the defendant!"

The audience began talking loudly, as the last quote was a VERY decisive testimony. Twilight had to think very quickly while being very stressed to get out of the mess.


"Th-that's impossible! If you were that close while she was climbing up, you would've been spotted!"

Discord shook his head, who thought very lowly of Twilight. "Tell her, kid."

Diamond Tiara was nervous, which could be told when she bit down on her lollipop while sweating. "Well...to be honest...I got a little scared when I saw her climbing up, so I went back in to avoid getting caught."

"Hmm...that sounds quite interesting." The Doctor said. "Miss Sparkle, would you like the witness to amend her testimony?"

I would if I had something to work with. I better not waste any time. Twilight thought.

Good call, Twilight. I have to admit, I was hoping you would go for the potential penalty. Discord thought.

W-wait..wha... Twilight thought, thrown off by what she heard. "DISCORD! STAY OUT OF MY HEAD!"

Twilight's scream caused there to be a long, awkward silence in the courtroom. The Doctor, Diamond Tiara, Spike, and the audience all looked at Twilight with a weird expression. Discord was the only one in the whole room who had any idea what had happened.

This is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me. Twilight thought. "So...so I guess you only had a quick glance. Are you sure it was Rarity?"

"Is there any other white ponies who could do it?"


"I actually have an idea who else it could be!"


"Why do I have to repeat myself?" Diamond Tiara asked. "Do you know any other white mares that could've done it?"

I know what your thinking, Twilight. Said Discord's voice, who once again got into Twilight's head.


You think it was Fancy Pants, the stallion who Rarity was with. Sure, he's white too, but there's a very distinct difference between a stallion of his build and a mare as small as Rarity!

Twilight knew that Discord was right. From the description Diamond Tiara gave, it seemed obvious that she saw Rarity, but Twilight knew she couldn't of. Without proof though, Twilight was screwed. Her only chance was to press Diamond Tiara harder

"I don't think your being honest with us. How--"


"Remember, Twilight. As tough as she is, she's still a child." Discord said. "I have no intention of letting you badger our cute little witness. That's my job!"

The Doctor nodded his head. "Objection sustained. Please refrain from asking repetitive questions, Miss Sparkle."

Not you too. You're the only one here that's actually pleasant. Twilight thought with misery.

At first, the Doctor was going to give Diamond Tiara the chance to continue to testify, only to realize that she had already said everything and gave Twilight the chance to ask about it all. That said, he banged his gavel so he could speak for himself.

"Very good. I believe we've just covered the entire testimony." The Doctor said. "Does the defense have any further objections? As it stands, no contradictions have been found."

"Twilight, there must've been something!" Spike said.

"No. That testimony was airtight. Even worst, i couldn't dig anything new up between Discord and Diamond Tiara. It's like if an unstoppable force and a unmovable object actually united!"

"In that case, I think it's time we end this trial." Discord said. "I think this eye-witness calls for it."

"I agree." The Doctor said as he banged his gavel again. "I hereby end this cross-examination. Will the defendant, Miss Rarity St. Germ--"


An unfamiliar voice was heard throughout the entire courtroom, one that had not spoken throughout the trial. It took Twilight a moment to realize, but she knew who shouted the objection. From the audience seat above, Pinkie Pie of all ponies jumped down and onto the ground floor.

"P-Pinkie! Quiet!" Twilight said. "You don't want to get in trouble--"

"The girls were right! You ARE bad!" Pinkie Pie said to Diamond Tiara. "There's no way you could've seen Rarity. She's innocent!"


"Hey, you be--"

"Oh Silence yourself, bucko!" Pinkie said, interrupting Diamond Tiara.

"Look, I'll tell you what I just told everypony! I saw from the balcony Sweetie Belle's sister. I said it a million times already, and I'll say it again! I. SAW. RAR-I-TY!"

Not caring for the interruption of the trial, the Doctor banged his gavel to get everypony's attention again, wanting to maintain order. "Enough. Please remove this pony from my courtroom."

Agreeing with the Doctor and worried for Twilight's friend, Star Cestus went in and grabbed Pinkie Pie to escort her out of the court.

"Twilight! You already know she's innocent! As long as you know that, you can't give up!"

"Pinkie..." Twilight said, shocked by everything her friend had done.

"Alright, you said what you needed to say." Star Cestus said "Let's get you out of here before you get into more trouble."

"I'm not getting arrested again, am I?" Pinkie asked.

After Pinkie Pie was escorted out of the court, the room became silent. The audience would've been talking, but they couldn't comprehend what had happened. Surprisingly, Twilight was the only one in the whole room that had kept calm. Even Discord was puzzled.

Pinkie Pie... Twilight thought. While she knew she should've done it when Pinkie Pie was still in the court, she nonetheless smiled. Thank you.

"Well...that was odd. And with my past experience, that's saying something," The Doctor said. "I think I should hand down my verdict before something weirder happens."


"I demand to cross-examine the witness again!" Twilight said, causing an uproar from the audience as a result.


"You've already done that! There's nothing left to ask her." Discord stated.

"Wrong. Did you hear what Diamond Tiara just said?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, I did. She, and I quote, I saw from the balcony Sweetie Belle's...ACK!!!!" Discord screeched, realized what was said.

Twilight slammed her hooves on the table as she got her second wind, "She never said anything about a balcony in her testimony. Since her testimony has changed, I have the right to cross-examine her again!"

The uproar in the audience continued as it was made clear that the trial was going to continue. It started to get bad, so the Doctor banged his gavel three times to get the courtroom silenced.

"Order! Order! I don't want to clear the courtroom two days in a row!" The doctor said. "Miss Sparkle, this is a very small change in the witness's testimony. Are you sure you want to press on from here?"

Twilight nodded. "I'm certain. I even have a few new questions to ask her."

While the Doctor wasn't very confident with Twilight's request, he agreed to it anyway. "Alright then. The witness will amend her testimony."

Diamond Tiara was angry that she had to continue with her testimony, but Discord looked even angrier. After looking at Discord, Twilight knew that there was something wrong with the testimony that was given, and she had every intention to find it.

"I can't believe it! Pinkie Pie did it!" Spike said.

Twilight looked back up to the audience and saw that Pinkie was finally brought back up there. Not only that, but she saw the rest of her friends too, sitting next to Pinkie. They were all cheering and clapping for Twilight, but they had to stop when they heard the Doctor banged his gavel. Regardless, they reached to Twilight.

Thanks, girls. And thank you, Pinkie Pie. I DO know Rarity is innocent, and thanks to you, I WILL win this trial. Thank you for reminding me that.

Author's Note:

Twilight's notes


Spike: My baby dragon assistant. Sometimes thinks with his stomach more than with head.
Rarity: One of my best friends. She is accused of trying to murder Prince Blueblood.
Prince Blueblood: The victim who almost died from a hit to the head. He is part of Canterlot's Council, a group of Canterlot's leaders.
Discord: The lord and master of chaos. Apparently the lord of prosecutors as well.
Star Cestus: The commissioner of Canterlot's police force. I finally got him to like me.
The Doctor: A mysterious resident from Ponyville who seems to know Princess Celestia. He's the acting judge of the case.
Giant Hand: Captain of the royal guard. Was Blueblood's personal guard on the day of the crime.
Fancy Pants: A famous Canterlot pony who is secretly part of the Canterlot Council. He and Rarity shared a hotel room on the day of the attack.
Princess Celestia: The Ruler of Equestria and my mentor. She wants to talk to me about the crime.
Diamond Tiara: A filly from Ponyville. I never knew she was such a brat.
Pinkie Pie: One of my best friends. I owe her big now.


Attorney's Badge: Proof that I'm acting as an attorney. It's surprisingly pretty.
Hotel Key: Used to open and close a door. Obviously.
Broken Glass: Found near a broken window. Better be careful.
White Hat: A white hat. Simple as that. Found in some bushes.
Gold Bar: A solid gold bar the police found at the crime scene. Believed to of been the weapon used at the crime.
Forensic report: States that Rarity's hoof print and magic was found on the gold bar. UPDATE: Fancy Pant's magic was found on the gold
Ladder: Found at the crime scene. Somepony used it to get into the hotel room from the outside. UPDATE: No hoof marks or magic residue is found on it.
List of names: Contains the names of ponies who checked in at he the Gilded Horseshoe.
Punching Bag: Star Cestus's punching bag designed after Princess Celestia, something I don't think he should have. Has Princess Luna's seal of approval on it.
Proposition G3: A tax hike that only rich ponies benefit from. Prince Blueblood was the one who got the whole thing started.
Scrying Crystal: Found in Rarity's room, which shows she was with Fancy Pants at 2:12.
Missing Crystal: The scrying crystal in Prince Blueblood's room is missing, which should have recorded the attack, which would've occurred at or before 2:15.
Declaration of Equality: States that royalty is to be treated equally among non-royalty, except with a few specific exceptions. Trying to kill royalty is thus still as bad as actually killing a pony.