• Published 30th Aug 2013
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Twilight Sparkle, Ace Attorney: The Royal Turnabout - Animegx43

After Rarity is accused of attempted murder, Twilight does everything she can to clear her name.

  • ...

Day 3: Trial: The Rebuttal

Using the evidence that cleared up many of the contradictions in the case, Twilight was proving that it was Star Cestus that attacked Prince Blueblood and not Rarity, but when it seemed that she was about to win, Cestus made an objection. While it was clear that he did it, he wasn't ready to admit it.

"This is exactly why we should be using real lawyers and not fat cats who just want to play pretend." Cestus said. "They can't seem to see the big picture."

"What are you talking about?" Twilight asked. "The fact that you're hoofprints are missing on the ladder means that you wiped them off!


"In the court of law, evidence proves whether your right or wrong. Not the absence of evidence."

"Then how do you explain your missing hoofprints?" The Doctor asked.

"I don't know. Maybe I slid down the ladder and accidently wiped them off." Cestus answered, albeit a bad one. "If you really think I did it, you'll need actual proof, pal."

Twilight slammed her hooves on the table. "I've been waiting for you to say that. You want proof? Fine. I'll even use the very same evidence you gave me!"


"This piece of evidence you gave me will prove you were involved in this crime."


"Before the trial, you gave Spike a basket of gems to eat."

"Your little dragon friend eats jewellery?" The Doctor asked. "That sounds painful, coming in AND out."

"Uhh, it's actually normal for dragons." Twilight explained. "Anyway, before the trial, Cestus gave me a basket of gems, which had this crystal in it."

As soon as he saw the crystal, Cestus jumped back in shock, then regained his balance by slamming his hoof on the witness stand, causing it to shake again. "That's..."

"This here is the scrying crystal that was missing from Prince Blueblood's room. It was found in the same basket that--"


"That can be any old crystal!" Discord argued.

"All we need to do is bring this to somepony who works at the Gilded Horseshoe, and we'll know for certain."

The audience were once again impressed with Twilight's findings. The trial stopped moving as they all began to talk loudly. As Twilight smiled with confidence, Discord began to freak. Twilight was winning the trial and everypony knew it. Everypony but one however.


"Quite confident in that trinket, aren't you, pal?" Cestus asked as he smiled, not being the least bit intimidating. "So if what you're saying is true, then that crystal should be able to show me fighting the prince, right?"

Oh no. He didn't figure it out already, did he? Twilight thought.

"Oh my, he's right!" The Doctor said. "Please, if it's the same type of crystal you showed me before, please play this one as well."

"ACK!" Twilight said, who knew that her evidence was about to be worthless. "Well...the thing is...it's...kind of...broken."

To explain, Twilight took the crystal out and activated. Normally, it would show everything that was recorded, but since it was damaged when Spike ate part of it, all that appeared was static. Therefore, the footage itself couldn't prove anything.

"I thought so. That scrying crystal has nothing to do with this case." Cestus said.


"No! You gave me and Spike this crystal earlier today! We found it in the exact same basket you gave us! That makes this solid, concrete evidence!"

Twilight was on a roll and she refused to give in. Cestus was persistent, and wasn't willing to surrender. When it became clear that Discord wasn't prepared to step in, he decided that he had to defend himself.

"Your honor, I'd like to make a rebuttal for the princess. I want to explain to her why I couldn't possibly be the one you are all after."

The Doctor nodded in agreement. "Very well. You may have another testimony, and the defense will get another cross-examination."

Just what is he up to now?


--Testimony: Star Cestus's Rebuttal--

"I won't deny that I gave Spike some gems to eat. But the basket had nothing but quartz crystals and you can't prove otherwise. I'm even under the impression that your scrying crystal is fake. If that's not enough, one more piece of evidence you have proves my innocence.

--End of Testimony


"A rather vague rebuttal, but I guess that's what the cross-examination is for." The Doctor said. "Miss Sparkle, you may begin.

This is the first time I haven't been looking forward to a cross-examination. I'm afraid to hear what he's actually trying to say.



"I won't deny that I gave Spike some gems to eat."

"But the basket had nothing but quartz crystals and you can't prove otherwise."

Dang it. He's admitting he gave spike the basket and I really can't prove he put the scrying crystal in it. Twilight thought. Although, I do have some other questions to ask.

"I'm even under the impression that the crystal is fake."


"You think the crystal is a forgery? What proof do you have?" Twilight asked.

"You CLAIM it had footage of me attacking the prince, you CLAIM I hid it with your dragon's breakfast, and you CLAIM that it's the exact same one that was found in the prince's room." Cestus said. "You claim so much, but you yourself have no proof.


"None of that proves that this is fake!" Twilight argued.

"So it was simply a coincidence that the damning piece of evidence you have doesn't work? You can do whatever you want with it, but unless you can really prove that it was on the crime scene, this court can't accept it as evidence."

"The Commissioner is right." The Doctor said. "If that crystal can't be linked to the crime scene or this witness, then the court will have no choice but to dismiss it as evidence."

UGH! I really can't prove anything! That was my ace in the hole!

"If that's not enough, one more piece of evidence you have proves my innocence."


"Enough cryptics. Tell us what it is!" Twilight ordered.

Cestus smiled and chuckled as Twilight made her request. It gave her a very uneasy feeling. "Do you remember why we suspected Miss Rarity in the first place? The evidence that brought her into court in the first place?"

"Why she was brought in? Hmm..." Twilight thought about it for a moment. "Oh, right. The gold bar used as the weapon."

"Very good. Now please take a look at the forensics report. What did it say about the gold?"

Using her magic to get her copy of the report out, she gave what little was on the report a careful read. "It had Rarity's hoofprints and magic residue...AAAGGHHH!!!"

"What? What's the problem?" The Doctor asked.

"It's not obvious?" Cestus asked. "I had nothing to do with the weapon! Miss Fat cat even confirmed where the weapon was before the crime! I couldn't of touched it until after the crime, and it was my forensic officers who handled it after the crime. It's impossible for me to of done it, pal!"

"Well, to be fair, there could've been another weapon." Discord thought out loud.


"Don't be stupid." Cestus said to Discord. "We checked that entire room, as well as every other symmetrical room on the hotel floor. There was NOTHING in the room with the weight and mass that could've cause such damage to the prince's precious little head. I suppose the mini-fridge that was in the room could've worked, but there was no signs of it being moved."

"So in other words..." The Doctor said. "The only object in the room that could've been used as the weapon...was the gold bar the defendant brought."

"No..." Twilight was in a state of disbelief. It took her a moment to take in everything that Cestus said, and when she did, she didn't take it well. "No...WAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!"

The audience went crazy. Everypony in the court had started to believe that Cestus really was the culprit, but with his line of logic and evidence, it seemed that Twilight was wrong the whole time.

Got to think. Got to think. Twilight thought. Then, after getting an idea, she slammed her hooves on the table. "Maybe you brought in a completely different weapon when you committed the crime!"


"So you're saying that I, an earth pony, carried some heavy blunt instrument up a ladder, broke the window, got in and out...?" Cestus said, but as he explained himself, he started to stutter with the nonsensical idea. "That's just impossible!"

"I agree." The Doctor said. "I remember I used to have trouble carrying small objects in my hooves. I suppose it would be easy for a window cleaner to carry up a squeegee, with one hoof, but something heavy like the gold bar would be far too awkward."

"You see? Only a unicorn or a pegasus could of brought a weapon in with the ladder!"

Having heard enough, the Doctor decided to slam his gavel down to put an end to the cross-examination. Cestus made a good argument and Twilight was unable to counter it.

"I think I've heard enough. I'd now like to share my opinion on this case." The Doctor said. "As our last witness recalled seeing a red and white pony at 2:05, and the defense has even proven it as a possibility. However, since there's no actual concrete evidence, and the fact that the weapon used was never touched by this witness, this court will have no choice but to dismiss that theory."

"No..." Twilight said. "This can't be happening..."

"I'm sorry, Miss Sparkle, but this witness ended up being innocent." The Doctor said. "But since he did end up being rightfully suspicious, I won't hold you in contempt like I originally planned."

"It doesn't matter. This trial is as good as over!" Cestus said. "Look at the bright side. Miss Rarity will be viewed as a martyr for what she did to that prince by my officers and their friends. She'll be known as a true pal."

Think, Twilight Sparkle, think! Twilight ordered herself. She was starting to lose the trial, right when she was making a turnabout. She thought hard. Very hard. When she was done thinking... "UGHH!!! I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING!"

The Doctor lowered his head to think, but he didn't take long like Twilight did. "I suppose this means the defense has no more arguments. It's a shame. As the judge, I will have to favor the guilty verdict. Are you certain you have nothing more to say on behave of your client?"

I...I...I guess this it. There's nothing left I can do. Twilight said with defeat. I've pressed every witness. I showed all of my evidence. I even did things lawyers probably shouldn't of done. I've done everything I could.

As Twilight felt nothing but misery from her failure. Her sense of failure allowed her to hear exactly what was being said from her friend's hearts.

"Twilight, Darling. It's too early to quit.." Rarity's voice said.

I'm sorry, Rarity. I shouldn't of made myself your defense. I didn't stood a chance.

"Come on, Twilight! I got all of this confetti ready for when you win!" Pinkie Pie's voice said.

You cheered for the wrong, pony, Pinkie. I'm afraid we won't be having a victory party after all.

"Please, Twilight! We'll never see Rarity again if you don't do something now!" Spike's voice said.

I'm sorry, Spike. I'm sorry, Pinkie. And I'm sorry, Rarity. I failed you all.

That was that. She could hear the voices of those three and the rest of her friends, but Twilight still felt defeated. She had finally lost her will to fight on.


Nopony expected it. Out of any pony in the entire court, and of all times, Discord had raised an objection. He didn't look the least bit happy as he stared at Twilight.

"I'm surprised of you, Twilight Sparkle. Your friend's plot is about to get roasted by the sun, and you're not doing anything?"

"is...the prosecution giving the defense advice?" The Doctor asked.


"Quiet, Discord! You're about to win this trial!" Cestus said.

"You be quiet, Red!" Discord answered. "Some friend your are, Twilight. Or was there a friendship lesson of yours that made it okay to give up on friends?"

Is Discord actually trying to help me? It must be some kind of trick. Twilight thought. Although, he does have a point. My friends have not just been relying on me. They've also been motivating me this whole time. They've been confident that I could do this, and they even made me confident in myself. So why the heck am I giving up now?

As Twilight's will to fight on began to return, she stood up with confidence, took a deep breath, and slammed her hooves on her table.

"Your honor! I'm not ready to give up yet!" Twilight said after feeling strong again. "I still hold my claim that my client is innocent!"

The audience began talking as Twilight's confidence returned. The Doctor was surprised, Cestus was angry, and Discord, surprisingly, had his arms crossed and was smiling.

"You can't possibly still think she's innocent!" Cestus said. "We've been over this, pal! She's the only one who could've done it!"

"As it is, Red is right." Discord said. "Tell us, Twilight. How can Rarity be innocent when Cestus still is?"

Way to flip-flop, Discord. Twilight thought. But he's right. The reason Rarity is seen as guilty is because it's impossible for any pony else to do it.

Twilight had to think, but even though it still seemed like a lost cause, she knew that Discord, as scary as it was to admit, was right. She had to stay strong to defend her friend until the bitter end.

That's it! Instead of proving that Rarity's couldn't of done it, I should prove that Star Cestus COULD do it. I'll have to turn my way of thinking around to do this.

Ready to brainstorm one last time, she closed her eyes, focused her mind, and completely separated herself from reality, entering a state of clear mindedness to think thoroughly how the crime could happen.



Being an extremely organized pony as Twilight, she turned her own mind in a mental map of the entire case. Every nook and cranny was displayed on her mind as she began to think through the case.

Let's summarize the facts. A pony used Cestus's ladder to climb up, broke into Prince Blueblood's room, and knock him out, nearly killing him. Regardless of who did it, Rarity was found inside and was arrested. Earlier than that, Diamond Tiara some the culprit at 2:05, or so she claims. The scrying crystal, however, makes it clear that Rarity was in her room until 2:12. Those are the facts.

Since Diamond's testimony contradicts with Rarity's alibi, it's been assumed that she was mistaken on the time. What time did she see Rarity?

After asking herself the question, she felt her brain was working as the answer popped into her head.

She saw the crime at 2:05

There's no reason for Diamond Tiara to be wrong about the time, so the crime did happen earlier than we all thought. This means, the pony who was climbing that ladder at the time was...

Once again, Twilight's brain felt a rush as the next answer to her question appeared.

Star Cestus climbed the ladder!

Just as I thought. Only Cestus would've been able to climb up the ladder. That window would've been his only way inside...wait. That still doesn't explain how Rarity got in. The door was locked, and there's no way an unconscious Blueblood would've answered the door.

Twilight had to think harder for that mystery.

Wait. Cestus would've been in the room. He could've unlocked it. But why?

There were several different possibilities, but only one made any sense to Twilight, thus, her way of thinking allowed her to move forward.

He was trying to escape!

That makes sense. He could've tried to leave through the door, but changed his mind at the last moment. He probably didn't want to be seen, so he went back out the window. I remember Giant Hand saying he didn't see the ladder at one point, so Cestus must've knocked it down on his way out. But now...

There was still one unsolved mystery that, despite Twilight's past logic, still made it impossible to prove Rarity's innocence.
That damn gold bar. It's impossible for Cestus to of used it. Even I have to admit that. But if that isn't the weapon, then what was? He couldn't bring anything as heavy as a gold bar with him up a ladder.

This was the hardest part of the brainstorm. Only something with great mass and weight could've done the damage that the prince took, and Twilight had to figure out what it was.

Wait. Maybe he didn't bring a weapon after all. Maybe we've been mislead this whole time. Maybe the weapon...

As Twilight's final question became answered, a major rush of logic surged through her head. After a long and thorough thinking session, the answers all became clear.


That's it! If it really was impossible for a weapon to be brought, then there was no weapon at all!


Having the entire mystery solved, Twilight returned to reality, ready to share her discovery to the world. It was time for another turnabout and nothing would knock her down again.

"The defense still accuses Star Cestus as the true culprit!" Twilight said.

"That's ridiculous. We've just gone over that I can't possibly be the one responsible for this." Cestus said.

"That's only because your hoofprints aren't found on the gold bar, nor could you of had your hoofs on it at any point." Twilight admitted. "But what if, hypothetically, the gold bar in question wasn't actually used?"

"Pardon?" Discord asked.

"We have a witness who claimed to of seen the attacker seven minutes before Rarity lost her alibi, and a ladder with no prints on it, which would both make Star Cestus the suspicious one, not Rarity. So what if it turned out that the gold bar, that said otherwise, wasn't used to beat the prince after all?"

"If that's the case, then the defendant would be found innocent." The Doctor said.


"Are you forgetting that it WAS the weapon, pal?" Cestus asked.


"Another possibility was that it wasn't the weapon!" Twilight answered. "I even have a witness, who will be willing to testify, to come in and state the purpose of the gold was to bribe the prince to go against Proposition G3."

"W-wait...you mean Fancy Pants, who was with Rarity?" Cestus asked. "That fat cat was actually fighting G3? Agh...it doesn't change a thing. That gold was the only thing that could try to kill the prince."

Twilight shook her head in disagreement. "No. You are more than capable of doing it without the gold bar. In fact, I think you can even commit the crime without a weapon at all."

"If the defense can really prove that it's possible for the commissioner to commit the crime without a weapon, that would her previous findings solid." The Doctor said. "But can she really prove it?"

"Yes, your honor. My final piece of evidence proves he provide a strong enough blow unarmed."


With her magic, Twilight showed the court is last piece of evidence: Star Cestus's punching bag.

"H-hey! Is that my punching bag?" Cestus asked. "You were the one who stole it?"

"I prefer to use the word "Confiscate". Anyway, this bag will be what uncovers the truth." Twilight said.

"Please, explain." The Doctor requested.

"You see, Star Cestus is a highly competent boxer, even though he doesn't look it. The other day, Cestus was playing with this punching bag, which I guess has a punch-triggered voice box. I noticed the harder he punched, the higher the number. Oh, what was that high score of his again?"

"I remember!" Spike said. "It was 18 points."

"Thanks, Spike. I'm guess 18 points is very high, so all we need to do is measure how strong you need to be to score 18 points, and we'll know if Cestus is strong enough to punch out Blueblood."

"You...you..can't prove..." Cestus said, failing to keep his cool any more. "DISCORD! HELP!"

"Sorry, Red. You have to come clean." Discord said. "It won't be hard to determine how sensitive that bag is. I recall it being a branded item, so if you don't tell us what it is, I'm afraid we could just investigate it further one more day."

Twilight nodded in agreement. "Discord is right. All we need to know is learn what 18 points equals to, and we'll know if your strong enough to commit the crime."

"That's balderdash, pal! There's no solid evidence to prove I did it!" Cestus said.

"True, but I've proven that it's impossible for Rarity to commit the crime without the gold bar, which couldn't happen of happened between 2:05 and 2:12." Twilight explained. She then raised and swung her hoof forward to Cestus to state her conclusion. "Commissioner Star Cestus, you're the only one who's capable of to attack the Prince Blueblood!"

The court quickly went silent. Everything that made the trial so interesting spun around completely. It looked that only Rarity was able to commit the crime and impossible for Cestus, but thanks to Twilight's reasoning, it became the exact opposite. As it became obvious that Cestus was strong enough to attack the prince without the weapon, he became the new prime suspect of the entire case. His hooves were pressed on the witness stand with great tension as he planned his next words.

"100 PSI." Cestus said, but he said it with great pain. "1 point on my punching bag equals 100 PSI."

"PSI? Pounds Per Square-inch?" The Doctor asked. "That's...that's unrealistic! A punch like that to the head? Why Prince Blueblood should be lucky that he's alive."

"Lucky...? The prince...lucky?" Cestus said as he began to breath heavily and his muscles began to bulge, giving him a noticeably larger appearance. "Why should a lazy, useless, fat cat like him be lucky, where a pony like me can had to sacrifice their dreams just to get by?"

Cestus's body began to shake as anger began to take over. He breath he took caused his muscles to grow bigger and bigger. As his anger and body reached their climax..."

"Blueblood....BLUEBLOOD..." Then, after finally reaching the limits of his restraints... "BLUUUUUUUUE BLOOOOOOODDDD!!!"

After screaming to the top of his lungs, he rung his right hoof back, and slammed it directly into the witness stand, using all of his strength and rage to smash right through it, causing it to shatter into a million pieces. The shock from the punch could be felt by everypony in the room, including the omnipresent Discord.

The powerful punch scared a lot of ponies, causing them to turn their heads from horror, but as soon as their eyes went back to Cestus, they saw what remained of the stallion. A small, frail looking pony, standing on his back hoofs after smashing through the witness stand with his true strength. With nothing left to help him hold his balance and no more strength to support himself, the little red pony fell over what was left of the witness stand.

Star Cestus had practically confessed his crime. Twilight Sparkle had finally won the trial.

Author's Note:

Bad news: There's only one chapter left of Twilight Sparkle. Ace Attorney: The Royal Turnabout
Good News: I will be getting started on the sequel: Turnabout Smiles. (May come up with a much better name later.)
More Bad news: I plan on writing the last chapter of this story together with the first chapter of the next, so it'll take me some time to get everything prepared.
More good news: Ask, and I might be able to tell you some of the basic questions regarding the next story.

Twilight's notes

Spike: My baby dragon assistant. Sometimes thinks with his stomach more than with head.
Rarity: One of my best friends. She is accused of trying to murder Prince Blueblood.
Prince Blueblood: The victim who almost died from a hit to the head. He is part of Canterlot's Council, a group of Canterlot's leaders.
Discord: The lord and master of chaos. Apparently the lord of prosecutors as well.
Star Cestus: The commissioner of Canterlot's police force. I finally got him to like me.
The Doctor: A mysterious resident from Ponyville who seems to know Princess Celestia. He's the acting judge of the case.
Giant Hand: Captain of the royal guard. Was Blueblood's personal guard on the day of the crime.
Fancy Pants: A famous Canterlot pony who is secretly part of the Canterlot Council. He and Rarity shared a hotel room on the day of the attack.
Princess Celestia: The Ruler of Equestria and my mentor. She wants to talk to me about the crime.
Diamond Tiara: A filly from Ponyville. I never knew she was such a brat.
Pinkie Pie: One of my best friends. I owe her big now.


Attorney's Badge: Proof that I'm acting as an attorney. It's surprisingly pretty.
Hotel Key: Used to open and close a door. Obviously.
Broken Glass: Found near a broken window. Better be careful.
White Hat: A white hat. Simple as that. Found in some bushes.
Gold Bar: A solid gold bar the police found at the crime scene. Believed to of been the weapon used at the crime.
Forensic report: States that Rarity's hoof print and magic was found on the gold bar. UPDATE: Fancy Pant's magic was found on the gold
Ladder: Found at the crime scene. Somepony used it to get into the hotel room from the outside. UPDATE: No hoof marks or magic residue is found on it.
List of names: Contains the names of ponies who checked in at he the Gilded Horseshoe.
Punching Bag: Star Cestus's punching bag designed after Princess Celestia, something I don't think he should have. Has Princess Luna's seal of approval on it.
Proposition G3: A tax hike that only rich ponies benefit from. Prince Blueblood was the one who got the whole thing started.
Scrying Crystal: Found in Rarity's room, which shows she was with Fancy Pants at 2:12.
Half-eaten Crystal: The scrying crystal, which should have recorded the attack, which would've occurred at or before 2:15. Found in the basket of gems Star Cestus gave Spike.
Declaration of Equality: States that royalty is to be treated equally among non-royalty, except with a few specific exceptions. Trying to kill royalty is thus still as bad as actually killing a pony.
Spike's crude sketch: A very bad picture of the hotel building.
Cestus's tip: Stated that Prince Blueblood would die at around 2:00.