• Published 30th Aug 2013
  • 4,996 Views, 219 Comments

Twilight Sparkle, Ace Attorney: The Royal Turnabout - Animegx43

After Rarity is accused of attempted murder, Twilight does everything she can to clear her name.

  • ...

Day 3: Trial: The Verdict

It all happened only a few days before the trial began.

At the Gilded Horseshoe, a certain red stallion was on his ladder, cleaning the windows of all of the rooms from the outside. He had been busy and was minding his business for the most part, that his until he found himself scrubbing the window of a certain room. Through the window, he noticed that Prince Blueblood had been staying at the hotel.

He finished his cleaning and left afterwards. Later, Cestus decided to pay the prince a visit, as he had wanted to discuss something with the royal pain. Cestus wanted to keep the visit secret, so he used his ladder to get to the room rather than just go through the front door.

He knocked on the window, but Blueblood closed the curtains on him. Angered, Cestus decided to simply break the window and entered, as he was determined to speak with the prince. Blueblood decided to humor the intruder before, ironically, calling the cops.

"You're an idiot for wanting to get Proposition G3 to go through, pal." Cestus said. "You'll make a few bits at first, sure, but with taxes like that, none of my boys will want to work in this city. I certainly won't."

"Oh please. You and I both know that you and the rest will not be leaving Canterlot. With so little money, you simply can't afford to move somewhere as decent as our city." Blueblood answered.

"Are you even listening to yourself? Ponies like me will starve if we can't make ends...I barely making ends meet myself, and I have two jobs!"

"Well, that's what you get for not being born into royalty. Now leave, please. I'm very busy."

"Please, I'm speaking on behalf of everypony in Canterlot. You're just taking money you don't need from those who do. You really have nothing to gain. Why do this?"

The prince started to get annoyed at Cestus. After rolling his eyes, he decided to put it more bluntly.

"Alright. Just as you said, I'm making you pay more for your taxes so I don't need to." Blueblood said. "But here's the thing. I don't actually care. You're just a dirty little peasant who's not treating the superiors with the proper respect."

"Give me one reason why I should give you any respect for what you're doing!"

"Easy. As a prince and member of the Canterlot Council, I'm an, in every single aspect, superior to you. There's no room for debate. Wealth should only go to those who deserve it, such as myself."

Cestus became confused about how a pony like Blueblood could even exist, especially one who was the nephew of Princess Celestia herself. As Cestus was getting frustrated over the prince, Blueblood used his magic to take off a ring, which he had wrapped around his horn, and presented it to Cestus.

"Now than. Feel free to kiss my royal ring." Blueblood said. "If you do, then I promise I won't have you fired, both as an officer of the law, and a lowly window cleaner."

"Oh, that's it. Kiss this!"

Fed up with the prince's attitude, Cestus finally decided to give the prince a real piece of his mind. He jumped up on the back of his legs, wounded up his front hoof, and threw a punch directly into the prince's face, knocking him down into the ground.

"There, you like that? Because I'm pretty sure others will want to do it too!" Cestus said after punching out the prince. He waited for the prince to get back up to talk back at him, but he noticed that the prince didn't move. "Uh...Blueblood?"

It turned out that Cestus didn't know his own strength very well. He didn't know just how hard he had actually hit the prince, Cestus after he punched the prince, he didn't get back up. The angry look on Cestus's face, which caused him to do what he done in the first place, slowly turned into a fearful one.

"Did I...I..." Cestus said as he had finally realized what happened. "I...I JUST KILLED A PRINCE!"


"And that's how it all happened."

After Twilight had cornered him, Cestus confessed his crime to the court. He described everything that happened as clearly as he could to clear up everything. The lying had come to an end and the truth was finally coming out.

"So you really were the one who broke in." The Doctor said. "But how did the defendant get into the room?"

"Star Cestus would've tried to escape after punching out the prince." Twilight said. "I believe he opened the locked door to escape."

"She's right." Cestus said. "In a panic, I opened the door from the inside to run away, but I realized that I would've been caught if I escaped that way, so I turned around and jumped back out the window."

"I see." The Doctor said, believing everything that the others said. "If that's the case, then Miss Rarity was simply an unfortunate victim of circumstances."

"I quickly came up with a plan to come back with a fake anonymous tip to make it look like somepony else did it." Cestus said. "But I never actually intended on pinning it on anyone."

"Then why didn't you say anything?" Twilight asked.

"I didn't have any choice. As a member of the police force, I had to arrest her, but if I confessed, then I'd practically be committing suicide. Even attempted murder on royalty gives you the death penalty!"

Yet he didn't actually mean any real harm in the first place. It doesn't seem right to of been so scared because he punched someone a little too hard.

Satisfied with the confession, the Doctor banged his gavel. "It appears you will be the new one to be facing these charges, but for now, I'm just going to hand down my verdict."

"I understand." Cestus said as he was left defeated.

The trial was about to end and the Doctor was going to give Rarity the not guilty verdict, but Twilight didn't feel right about it, even though her friend was getting off of the hook. Helping her old friend wasn't enough anymore. She wanted to help her new friend as well. Discord was even staring at her, expecting her to do something for Cestus.

No. Cestus may not be innocent, but he doesn't deserve this. Twilight thought. She then slammed her hooves on the table. "Your honor, one moment."

"What is it, Miss Sparkle? You've already won this trial." The Doctor said.

"I know, but I'd like to make a final statement for the record. One regarding Star Cestus's confession."

"What do you want from me now, pal?" Cestus asked angrily.

"I agree that Cestus should be punished for attacking the prince and his other crimes, but not to the same degree as we think."
"I'm sorry, but you lost me." The Doctor said.

"The reason we've had this trial at all is because Rarity was charged with attempted murder of Prince Blueblood. However, while it's proven that she didn't do it, what Cestus did wasn't attempted murder either."

The Doctor shook his head, still confused by Twilight. "I still don't quite follow.

"Cestus, you based off of your confession, is it safe to assume that your crime wasn't premeditated and that you never meant to hurt the prince as badly as you did?"

"Yeah, but so what? It was still attempted regicide." Cestus said.

"Wrong." Twilight said in disagreement. "It was assault. You punched the prince, knocked him out cold, and he's still alive and well. Anyone will agree that what you did was simply assault."

Cestus was surprised by how Twilight was helping him all of a sudden. He thought it was a trick of some kind, but after thinking about it, everything she said made sense.

"Your honor, this piece of evidence states that his crime is not a serious one!"


Using her magic, Twilight handed a document over for the Doctor to read.

"The Declaration of Equality? Miss Sparkle, what is this?" The Doctor asked.

"A document made by than Princess Celestia herself." Twilight answered. "This was made to make clear just what kind of special privileges royalty have compared to common pony folk. For the most part, they're equal to anypony else for fairness sake."

"But what does this have to do with the crime?"

"It says right here in black and white that attempted assassination on royalty will call for the same punishment that would be used for a successful murder." Twilight said. "However, if you read this document carefully, there is no law that makes assaulting royalty any different from assaulting anypony else."

"WHAT!?" Cestus asked in shock.

"Well I'll be!" The Doctor said.

"Finding loop holes in the system?" Discord asked. "You really are a lawyer after all."

The Doctor took a much closer look at the official document to make sure Twilight's claim was true. He was careful not to over look anything, but in the end, he couldn't find anything that contradicted Twilight. "Why, if Cestus's attack on the prince really wasn't done with murderous intent, then at most, he'll be facing rather small charges."

The audience grew restless from Twilight's sudden claim, but they calmed down as soon as the Doctor banged his gavel.

"Very well. He may not of committed attempted murder, but this witness did commit perjury, forgery, and frame-up, which are much more serious crimes then assault. I'll allow the police to take him away for further questioning, but I'm certain that it will be nothing compared to what the alternative would've been.

Cestus was still surprised by everything that had happened. He was ready to accept his fate, but Twilight of all ponies went in and saved him, despite everything he had done to her friend.

"Hey...Twilight Sparkle...?" Cestus asked.

"Yes, Cestus?" Twilight said.

Then, with a genuinely happy smile on his face, Cestus looked at Twilight and said... "You ain't so bad for a fat cat after all. You're a true, true pal."

Star Cestus had a lot of crimes he had to take responsibility for, but thanks to Twilight, he avoided having to suffer for the one crime he was actually afraid of. He was genuinely sorry for all of the trouble he had caused and it was clear to everypony in the court.


A few minutes later...

"Where is Commissioner Cestus at this moment?" The Doctor asked.

"I believe he is just outside." Discord said. "I gave him to the local police, but none of them have arrested him yet."

I'd imagine they're having trouble wanting to arrest their beloved boss.] Twilight thought.

"Twilight, are you sure it was a good idea to let Cestus off the hook?" Spike asked. "He did almost got Rarity sent to the sun."

"He didn't get off the hook. He's still in trouble, but the least we could've done was make him only pay for crimes he purposely committed. He isn't that bad of a guy."

"Yeah, I'm sure Red learned his lesson." Discord said. "Never try to overpower those with more power than you."

"That's not true, Discord! The lesson here, if there is one, is that even in an unfair world, you should still treat everypony the same and try and be their friend, because if you do, things can move in your favor, even if it's not your way. All you need to do is treat everypony with respect."

As Twilight made her speech, Discord crossed his arms and stared at Twilight, showing that he had a hard tome to believe her words. After thinking about why Discord was acting like that, she realized something.

"Oh...I guess...I guess I wasn't doing that for you yesterday."

"Twilight, I'm a bit more selfish than you. I always try to watch out for number one. Take it from one who knows about himself. Sometimes, a pony can't get well earned respect, like red, and all they can do is live with it and defend their self-respect."

"I suppose it is a luxury I have and others don't, but unlike gold, fame, or power, it's a luxury that anypony can afford and one they should all have. And you're right. Even you deserve it."

Discord, finally happy with what Twilight said, shared a smile with her happy to of gained a little more respect from the princess. The Doctor, who was satisfied with the defense and prosecution's agreement, banged his gavel.

"Very touching. If no one else has any objections, I believe it's time to wrap up this case. Will the defendant please come to where the witness stand used to be."

As requested, Rarity took the destroyed stand to await for her verdict.

"While you are free from your charged of attempted murder of Prince Blueblood, if it's true that you were attempting bribery, that shouldn't be ignored."

"I understand. I suppose that I should take some kind of punishment." Rarity admitted.

"No worries, your honor. I got this." Discord said. "Rarity, for doing Fancy Pant's dirty work, the prosecution moves that you be punished by...a boot to the head!"

"A what?" Rarity asked, right as Discord tossed a boot at her with his magic. "OW!"

At least it wasn't me this time. Twilight thought.

"Oh. And one for Twilight and the wimp." Discord said.

"AHH!!!" Twilight screamed as boot landed on her horn for a third time as Spike ducked from his boot attack. "Not again."

"Ahem. I suppose I should say this quick before I get a boot to the head as well." The Doctor said. "I hereby find the defendant, Miss Rarity St. Germane....."


With the verdict finally handed down, the ponies in the audience cheered for Rarity's freedom as pieces of pink confetti began to fall down from the above, just as Pinkie Pie had promised before. Naturally, Rarity was over thrilled by her freedom.

"That is all. Court is adjourned." The Doctor said as he slammed his gavel down for a final time.


October 11, 1:20 PM
Canterlot District Court
Defendant Lobby

"I don't believe it! I'm a free mare!" Rarity said. "Twilight, darling, I don't think I can ever repay you for doing such a thing."

"Well if you can't repay her, maybe you can show some appreciation for your lawyer's assistant?" Spike asked.

"Yes, you've definitely had a hand in all of this." Rarity said as she bended down to give Spike a little kiss on the cheek, knocking the love-strucked dragon out cold.

Come on, Rarity. I just saved your butt from an attempted murder trial already. Twilight thought.

Twilight, Spike, and Rarity weren't the only ones happy with the trial's end. Seemingly falling out of the sky, despite being a roof above their heads, Pinkie Pie came in and landed right on top of Twilight and Rarity.


"Pinkie Pie!" Twilight and Rarity said together.

"Oh, sorry. I'm just really, REALLY happy that we can all still be the bestest of friends!" Pinkie said as she hugged her two friends. "At least until the next time one of us get put on trial." Pinkie then darted her eyes at Spike, deeming him suspicious.

"Wait, where's the others?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, you mean Rainbow Dash and the others? I had them hull my party cannon out of here. I want to get back to Ponyville as soon as we can so that we can have a HUGE party to celebrate your victory today!"

"I'm already making arrangements to go there myself."

To everypony's surprise and delight, Princess Celestia, who was walking with Fancy Pants to meet up with the group. She looked almost as happy as Pinkie Pie herself.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight said.

"You went through an ordeal that even I thought you wouldn't be able to handle. A grand celebration is in order." Celestia said. "Not just for proving Rarity's innocence, but for a big change that will happen from this point on."

"A Big change?"

"I feel partly responsible for everything that's happened. I thought I could assign leaders for Canterlot and it's come to my attention that the Canterlot Council is a failure. After today, the council will be demolished, and this city will elect its leader instead."

"I guess an election will be in order." Twilight said.

"Very much so." Fancy Pants said, who found the chance to speak up. "And the princess here has asked me to enter the run. I just hope I can get the votes!"

"You're running for mayor now?" Rarity asked. "I'm sorry, Twilight, but I may have to bail out on my own party. This stallion MUST win this election, and I'm sure he could use one heck of a suit!"

"Aww, come on!" Pinkie Pie said. "I already got the cake made. It says "Not Guilty" on it any everything."

How the heck did she bake a cake like that so fast? Twilight asked. "Maybe you should just postpone the party, Pinkie. I plan on staying in Canterlot a little while longer too."

"Whatever for?" Rarity asked.

"Star Cestus is a good pony, even if he did do a few bad things. I think I'll put this defense attorney's badge to good use a little while longer."

Celestia giggled as Twilight announced her plans. "You're almost too kind to be a princess, Twilight. I've heard Cestus's rants many times, about how the mighty will only help themselves, and he's right to a degree. But with ponies like you, who are mature and selfless, perhaps a trend will start."

"I guess there's a lot to do." Fancy Pants. "Here's to a better Canterlot, and maybe someday, a better Equestria!"

"Hear, hear!" Everypony all said in unison.

While the group were all happy with their goals, Pinkie Pie was still upset about having to hold off the party. She then made up a plan of her own.

"I got it! Since we're all here, let's just party here!" Pinkie said. "I'll just have the others bring my party cannon to the castle. By the time I'm done, the castle will be half destroyed! Meet you guys all there!"

"Pinkie, wait!" Twilight said.

But Pinkie was undeterred. She intended on throwing a very huge party to celebrate everything that had happened. The group were all looking forward to the party, with the obvious exception of Twilight, who was worried about the castle's possible destruction.

Twilight tried to call and chase after Pinkie Pie, much to the amusement of Celestia, Rarity, and Fancy Pants, but she wasn't able to stop the crazy party pony. As she grew more and more desperate to stop the insane pony, Twilight shouted the first word that came to her mind.


Author's Note:

And here we have it. The final chapter of The Royal Turnabout. I worked really hard on it, I had a lot of fun writing it, and I think it paid off really well. That said, I see no reason to stop from here.

I have ideas for two and a half sequels that I'm actually much more excited about. I was actually planning on posting this chapter together with the first chapter of the next story, but I figured it's been long enough since I last updated. If you're interested in reading another story like this, be sure to follow me so you'll know when it's up, because I'm hoping to up the humor, the drama, and the intensity.

As for this story, I'd like to thank you readers who made me want to keep finishing this story, the makers of Turnabout Storm, who inspired me to write this in the first place and introduced me to the Ace Attorney series, and naturally, our Hasbro overlords, who gave us MLP: FIM

Keep in touch, and you'll be able to enjoy my next story, Twilight Sparkle, Ace Attorney: Turnabout Smiles. I hope to keep your attention throughout that story as well.

(PS: Sorry that I couldn't make the chapter longer like I hoped to do. I hope it doesn't look too rushed.)

Comments ( 64 )

Huzzah! The case has been won!

Well, Star is still going to go to prison but hopefully it all comes down to just a boot to the head in the end.
Can't wait to read the next one! :pinkiehappy:

Your next two stories should have someone like Edgeworth in it. A prosecutor who has never lost a case in his life. That would be interesting.

And no pony was given the death penalty, such is the trend of a true Phoenix Wright crossover.

3946795 I sorta meant to have Discord act like that, but then I decided to just have Discord be Discord.

that ending was pretty awesome. What will you be working on next exactly? Cause you have like 3 other stories waiting for updates in addition to the 2 ideas you have for sequels.

3946818 Wait til the next story. Sh*t will get real then.

This was a good case. Characterization was spot on, the mystery was good, and this story was well paced in both writing and release. My biggest problem of it though it just the Revitalization feels too random. I didn't feel like it was connecting along the same path the whole way through. But that was only one tenth of a chapter out of 17. So other than that, I do not give this story a boot to the head, but a Tasmanian devil to be placed in the writer's trousers.

P.S. Is your next story going to be the obligatory Pinkamina case?

3947071 A Tasmanian devil in my trousers!?


Whew...damn devil.

We shall see then. I cannot wait, though I must ask, for the whole justice system to change so quickly, does this foreshadow a possible Phoenix Wright entrance? Yes or no, The story will be interesting.

3947374 No, the justice system wasn't changing. The way Canterlot is being run is getting changed.

Okay... But really, I really seeing Phoenix in this will be an awesome upside.

3947556 I'd rather not. If I through Phoenix in, it really would be a turnabout storm rip-off.

Okay, then, not forcing you to go against your principles.

This felt very much like the ending of a case in the Pheonix Wright games, but, just like in the games another tragity is sure to follow.:fluttershyouch:

Well, why don't you do something like the original Ace Attorney game, except, make up your own OC that's like Phoenix, and have it set about 50 years after this story. Then you would have Twilight be your Phoenix OC's mentor, only for her to be killed, like in the Turnabout Sisters chapter of the original Ace Attorney game.

3948262 Now that would just be ripping off the game itself. :P


He isn't that bad of a guy

He was just willing to let somepony else die instead^^

Sorry, I'm not letting him off the hook so easily. Even if you've taken so much care to make Blueblood as hateful and petty as possible, I still don't like Cestus one bit.

3975385 In his defense, he did try to help Twilight get Rarity off the hook. He just couldn't put himself in Rarity's shoes.

I also thought I did a good job keeping Blueblood in character.

3977813 These are the hardest comments to give a reply to. There's so much to say, but I can't actually say anything without spoiling the story. :P

too bad I predicted who the culprit was on chapter 9.... other than that, this definitely felt like a true Ace Attorney

3978586 Yeah, well even the ace attorney games have sometimes held a giant, flashing sign saying who said it, so I suppose it would take more than that to ruin a story for a person.

Glad you liked it.:twilightsmile:


*flashing sign*
You mean like the cases where the bad guy appeared in the Prologue? or like 5-3's culprit (where first number is the numerical title in the series and second number is the case)

but then... most of the games Cases 5 had a culprit that was so hard to discover that just finding out who it was would make you go: OMG

and... I think that's what I was expecting here... but it already sounds like the sequel will be harder

Great ending! Masterfully done, dear fellow!

This is my second favorite Phoenix wright mlp crossover story. Next to turnabout storm.

4053715 I agree. Turnabout Storm was boss.

Though, this is probably not a comment an author should be admitting on his own story.

4257195 Have you noticed the room number he's usually in?

4259324 WHy yes, yes I did... so... are the other five you-know-whos gonna make an appearance in the sequels?

4264819 Theres one in Turnabout Smiles, and when I get to the third one (which will take god only knows how long), three.

4265646 Fixed the mistakes. I know I've made mistakes in the earlier chapters, but if I remember, I eventually got myself a good proofreading system, but I will admit that it is one of my weaker story making qualities. I still guarantee you a good to read though.

Hope the mistakes didn't bother you too much.

4265646 Thanks for pointing out the mistakes btw.

4265387 Yes, I noticed who you chose for the squel... BUT WHY IN BLAZES DID IT HAVE TO BE HIM?!?!:flutterrage:

4266184 Fixed the grey color thing for this chapter and the next three chaps. No idea why no one else (or me for that matter) noticed it.

As for the money bags bit, I meant to say "I'm "not" a fan of these money bags either." My bad.

Thanks again for the point outs.

4346859 I was always proud of that joke.

4392224 Damn it, I swear the grammar mistakes enter stealth mode or something when I look for them.

But I can look past that since people like you still enjoy it.:pinkiehappy:

I really loved this story. It felt just like an Ace Attorney case. The one thing that bothered me to no end though was...

couldn't of

would of

and so on. ARGH. It's "couldn't have" and "would have". Every time you should have used "have", you used "of" and this made me sad. :applecry:

4874098 Yes, your not the first person to point that out. I need electroshock therapy or something to fix the habit.

I have to admit the ending surprised me. Since the ace attorney games always feature a helpful yet somewhat quirky detective like gumshoe and fullbright, I completely ruled star cestus out as a culprit. But it's nice to see someone breaking with the traditions here and there. All in all, a good story

4918268 It worked for Foolbright, it can work here too. :pinkiehappy:

5630024 There's a tardis joke in there too, but I've long forgotten which chapter it was in. Pretty sure you would've seen it by now.

5630177 I saw it! Discord should know better though. . . also. . . port o john?

5630410 They're those portable bathrooms. With any luck, Discord didn't find a way inside first.

5641444 I aim to please.

5641781 Well technically, no one died. Still, if someone was able to call it and still be on the edge of their seat, I must've done something right.

I don't read much fanfiction as of late, but I read this beginning to end. Very good. I really enjoyed it.

5866576 Thanks. That means a lot.

6071633 BLUE TROUT!

Actually, that sounds likes a real thing.

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