• Published 6th Aug 2013
  • 7,783 Views, 300 Comments

Aged Scales - XineLegacy

Spike is returning from a long trip to Canterlot and the gang is planning a welcome back party for him. But what happens when his maturity is brought up? The Mane Six are about to discover a darker part of Spike no-one knew existed.

  • ...

Professor Spike

Spike groaned at the sunlight that now shined on his closed eyes. "Yeah, yeah, Celestia, I'm up." He could still feel Twilight's fur on his back. He propped himself up on the pillow with his elbows and and placed a hand on Twilight's belly. "All-righty then, let's get a move on, Spike." He heard a light flapping coming from one corner of the room. A brown owl had perched himself on the windowsill. "What do you say, Owliscious? Want to cook Twilight a nice breakfast?"


"Who? Twilight, that's who."


"I said-oh, never mind, I'm not having this conversation again. Just make sure Twilight doesn't wake up. I'm going downstairs." Upon standing up, Spike almost fell over again as the headache hit him. "Ack! Okay, pills first, then breakfast."


A monster. A monster with his flame. There it was, tearing apart creature after creature, the flames inches from her face and licking her mane every time they surged from his mouth. She looked into his eyes, but they weren't the eyes she knew, they weren't the eyes she loved. They were the eyes of a killer.


The beast turned to her and she felt the heat increase around them. He opened his mouth unleashed his fiery breath once more. Right at her. She could see the flame, her vision instantly consumed in yellow light-

Twilight jerked off of her pillow, breathing heavily. "That was...Spike," she said out loud between pants. "No...that was a dream. It was just a dream..." She looked up and out the window, squinting at the sunlight. "It was just a dream." She rubbed her face with her hooves and inhaled deeply. There was a heavy aroma in the air. Something's cooking. she thought to herself, getting off of the bed. She pushed her dream to the back of her mind and began to follow the scent, making her way down the stairs while yawning.

"Good morning, sleepyhead!" said Spike as he flipped a pancake in the air. He was wearing his chef's hat and had flour on his fingers.

"Good morning, Spike! What smells so good?"

"Cinnamon pancakes. You hungry?" He turned off the stove and put the pancake on a plate before bringing it over to the table. "Breakfast is served."

Twilight started towards the table, but then felt a sudden jolt of pain course through her leg. "Eeek!"

Spike turned around quickly and ran over to her. "Twilight! What happened?"

"-my leg..."

"You still haven't healed completely!" He helped her stand properly again. "You have to be a bit more careful."

"Oh, what would I do without you Spike?" She said, exaggerating slightly.

"Huh. I am the best assistant anypony could ask for, aren't I?" He assumed a heroic stance.

"Oh, of course you are. That's why you wouldn't mind dusting the library after breakfast, right?"

"Exac-Hey!" He shut one eye and pointed an accusing finger at the mare.

Twilight giggled and took her seat at the dining table. Two plates were placed near the ends of the table, one empty and the other being the one Spike had just brought. A tower of steaming pancakes sat atop a third plate at the centre of the simple yet mouth-watering display.

Spike slapped a pancake onto his plate. "Dig in!"

Twilight wasted no time in devouring her meal and reaching for more. "When was the last time we ate?"

"At Pinkie's party, I guess. Or at least you did." Spike still remembered the feeling of flesh in his mouth. Soft, juicy...delicious.. Spike choked on his pancake. "Wait, what?"


"Oh, uh, nothing. Never mind." He looked down quickly. Spike was very hungry, but he ate at a slower pace than he normally would. His thoughts were much less on his food than it they were on a certain white unicorn, or what that white unicorn had done to be precise. He had barely thought about anything else for the entire morning. He still remembered how she felt pressed up against him, how it felt when she was close. And her soft lips... But he couldn't get over the feeling that there had been strange about the kiss. Something that didn't feel quite right... It was your first kiss, you idiot, he thought to himself. How would you know how it's supposed to feel like? You liked it didn't you? That should be enough.

"Uh, Spike?" started Twilight.


"You're poking around an empty plate."

"Oh. Oops." He sheepishly grabbed another pancake.

"You seem...strangely happy."

"Well, uh, why wouldn't I be happy?"

"No I mean more than usual."

"What makes you think that?" He tried to suppress a blush.

"Well, you've been staring off into space with a half-smile on your face for about five minutes now."

"Yeah, alright, I'm happy. Is that wrong?"

"No, but why are you happy?"

"Uh, no reason." His spine straightened and he sat upright.

"Come on, Spike. You're not telling me something."

"Like what?"

"I dunno, but I can tell when you're hiding something."

"It's none of your business."

"Aha, so something did happen!"

"No. Nothing happened."

"If nothing happened, then what's this business that's 'none of mine?"

Spike stayed quiet and stared down at his pancake.

"Come on, Spike. If it made you happy I'm sure there's no need to hide it."

He sighed. "After Rarity found me in the forest we kinda...kissed." He was blushing furiously by the time he finished his sentence.

"You kissed Rarity?" she asked in surprise.

"Well, I....uh...ahem-yeah-I...guess?"

"Is that a yes or a no?" A sly smile began to appear on her face.

Spike's cheeks got even hotter. "Yes...Is there something wrong with that?"

"No, no, nothing." she replied quickly. "I'm just not entirely sure it was a...mutual thing?"

"Hey, she kissed me, alright?"

"And you kissed back?"

"Yeah...I mean, why wouldn't I?"


"Well what?"

"What was it like?" she asked, the giddiness in her tone rising to a point where Spike started feeling uncomfortable.

"It was...nice." he replied quietly.

"What did it feel like?" Twilight pushed, practically spueeing.

"Hey Twilight, look over there, I think it's a sign that says GET YOUR MUZZLE OUT OF MY BUSINESS."

Twilght held her hooves up in surrender. "Just curious." A smirk played on the corners of her mouth.

Spike slumped into his chair and resumed his eating. Twilight grabbed another pancake, still smiling. They ate in silence for a few minutes.

"So uh, what's been going on around here?"

"Nothing really. It's been quiet around here. I really missed you actually..."

"Of course you did, I'm, Spike! Let's face it, your life would be pretty boring without me." Spike bit his pancake at that moment, and it just so happened that his fingers had gripped it a little too high. "EYOWW!"

Twilight chuckled smugly. "Yeah, it definitely would be."

He would have given her an angry look, but he was to busy running over his bitten finger with his tongue. "Haw, haw, real funny," he said after taking his hand out of his mouth.

They finished their meals and Spike cleaned up quickly. Just as he finished putting the last plate into the cupboard, he felt his headache return again.

"Ugh. Stupid headache." He opened the bag of pills, which he had brought down and placed on the counter earlier, then grabbed one and popped it into his mouth.

"Hey, what time is it?"

"It's ten-ish."

"We should have opened the library by now...but seeing as neither of us is in any condition to work...Let's keep it closed 'till we've both recovered."

"Whopee!" Spike did a fist pump in the air. "Hey, I just remembered, aren't your brother and your parents coming over tonight?"

"Oh, yeah." She blinked. "My PARENTS!?" she exclaimed, looking around frantically. "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! We have to clean up and dust and cook-"

"Seriously Twilight? The library's clean, the books are arranged and I can take care of dinner no problem."

"But-but everything has to be perfect! I haven't seen my parents in almost a year! So much has changed!"

"You're right Twilight. So much has changed. You've changed. For the better. Remember a year ago you didn't know anything about friendship? You didn't know Rarity or Fluttershy or Applejack or any of the close friends you have now."

"...That seems like it was so long ago."

"Your parents would be proud. You've learned so much and we've had so many adventures together. Everypony you're friends with is lucky to know you." Spike chuckled. "And that's not just because that means they get to know me too."


"You might be a little on the crazy side-"

Twilight gave him a disapproving glare.

"-But you're a smart, beautiful and talented young mare. I'm sure you've got absolutely nothing to worry about."

"You really think so?"

"I know so, Twilight."

Twilight sighed. "You're right. I just have to stay calm. It'll be fun. Exciting in fact!"

"That's the spirit." Spike smiled.

Twilight turned around and started walking to the bathroom. "I'm just going to go wash up," she said. "Then we have a few things to do." She entered the bathroom and grabbed her toothbrush, immediately realising yet another problem. "I have to do this without magic? Okay, Twilight, you can do this..."

Spike waited a few minutes before she emerged again.

"Spike? I think I have a little problem!"

"What is-oh! I, uh-mmph!" He stifled a laugh upon seeing the pony's mane. It was finely brushed, except for one peculiarity, which came in the form of a hairbrush.

In her mane.


"I had to brush my mane without magic, and I, uh...Could you help me out?"

He swallowed his chuckle and walked over. "Alright, ready?" he asked, clutching the embedded brush with his hands.

"Wait, I-OW!"

"Got it." said Spike, holding up the freed ornament.

"I've got to ask Fluttershy how she does that without magic."

Spike placed the brush aside. "Okay, so what do you wanna do for the rest of the day?"

"Well, I was thinking on doing a study on dragons today!"

"Huh?" Spike looked down and covered his belly with his hands. "Oh, nonono. My organs are staying where they are!"

"Not an autopsy, silly! Besides, you're still alive."

Spike blinked. "Well that's an extremely disturbing thing to say."

"What I meant was, I was thinking you could teach me about dragons? You know, Spellbreathing and fire and spells and how they work and-"

"Woah, woah, woah. You're asking me to give you a lecture on something?"

"Yes please!"

He thought for a moment. "Alright..." He cleared his throat. "Now go fetch your quill and ink, pupil, the lesson shall begin in a minute."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Of course, sir." They both walked to Twilight's study desk and Twilight grabbed a quill and a scroll along the way.

"So, you wanted to know about spell and firebreathing, right?"

"Yeah. Let's get started!" Twilight took a seat on a nearby chair.

"Alright. First of all, spellbreathing is done through a special chamber in a dragon known as the magus vesicle. That's where magical energy is stored and summoned. It is located beneath the ribs and above the stomach. It's similar to the magical chamber in a unicorn's brain. Firebreathing is done through another chamber known as the gas vesicle and is located directly above the magus vesicle. Fire is literally formed inside the gas vesicle."

"Wait," said Twilight, holding up a hoof. "What's the difference between firebreathing and spellbreathing?"

"Firebreathing is just creating fire. It's regular fire, and doesn't do anything special. It has no magical capabilities of any kind."

"Uh, Spike?"


"I can't exactly take notes without my magic."

"What do you-oh, yeah. Well, just use your mouth."

"I'm not really good at that..."

"Then just listen. Come on Twilight, I'm sure the smartest pony I know can learn a few things without writing them down."

"Fine." she grumbled.

"Now, back to firebreathing. Simply put, when a dragon firebreathes, he converts his life energy into heat and fuel within the gas vesicle which becomes fire if he desires. The gas vesicle can also be used to create heat itself; It doesn't have to be fire. Spellbreathing is more complicated. Unlike unicorn magic, which is fueled by thoughts and brainpower alone, spellbreathing is fueled by life energy, just like firebreathing. This special life energy, called Stigni, is present in every part of a dragon's body and is drawn to and converted into magical energy by the magus vesicle. While unicorn life energy is light-based, Stigni is heat and light-based. That's why it comes out as fire and as pure light like unicorn magic. Spells are distinguished by two main properties, their class and their focus area. Classes of dragon spells are similar to unicorn ones like enhancement, healing and attack. Focus areas are the areas of the body where most of the Stigni is meant to be summoned from for that particular spell. A focus area could be any part of the body, even the magus vesicle itself. There are certain regions of the body where the focus areas of a class are generally associated with, for example divination spells which generally have their focus areas in the head. But these are very general guidelines, and there are many exceptions."

"I see. So no two spells have the same class and the same focus areas, but they could have one of the two properties being the same."

"Actually, there are some spells that have the same class and focus areas, which brings me to the next and most important part of spellbreathing: The intention. The key part of spellbreathing is knowing what you're going to do, which spell you're performing. So you could sort of say that being itself is a spell's third property."

"Alright, but how come you can perform really advanced spells from the beginning? Like teleportation?"

"Those spells are easier with Stigni. But some spells are harder. Because of the fiery nature of Stigni, spells like levitation are really hard to do. And some of those are really basic for unicorns."

"I remember that I learned levitation in literally a day when I was just six years old. By the way, are all dragon spellbreathers?"

"No, only some species. Those species that can spellbreathe usually have short lifespans and weaker firebreathing."

"Yeah, about the lifespan thing, I was gonna ask: How'd you get so tall in a month?!"

"Most dragons, me included, grow through a series of short and fast spurts. We grow by large amounts in small periods of time, and then don't grow at all until the next spurt. I'm going through my second one now, the first one having taken place just a few months after I was born."

"But you haven't stopped growing yet. In fact, I think you've actually grown a few centimetres since you first arrived!"

"The average growth spurt lasts four to nine weeks. This one is supposed to last five. By the time it's over, I'll be a up to your forehead. There's only a few days left."

"How many growth spurts will you have?"

"One every twenty years, until I'm forty."

"You won't be fully grown until you're forty!? How long do dragons live exactly?"

"Some can live for centuries. As for me, I'd say around a hundred and thirty to a hundred and fifty years. But I really can't beside because Princess Luna and I never actually identified my species."

"A hundred and thirty years! I..."

"Long time, huh? Way too long if you ask me."

"Yeah...That's almost double the average pony lifespan."

"I was mad when I first found out. But I guess I'm actually pretty lucky. Green-tailed Lurkas live for one thousand years." He stared blankly at the ground. "It's just...with such a long life, I'll live to see everyone I love...pass away, except for Princess Celestia. You, Rarity, and everypony else. I-I don't know if I can live that way, Twi." A tear slipped down his cheek.

"Spike, come on! That's nothing to worry about now! I'm not going anywhere." She muzzled his cheek lightly. "I'm your family, remember? I'll make a promise to you right now that I'll be there for you whenever you need me."

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Twilight. Sooner or later, you're gonna settle down with your own family. Your own stallion and your own kids. That's something I want you to do. I'd be really happy for you. But I'll never belong here. I'll never belong with ponies."

"Spike, you do belong here. You have such great friends who are all ponies. They love and accept you just as much as I do. And no matter what anypony else says or does, I'll always love you, and that's a promise I can keep."

"Thanks, Twilight." Spike said, smiling weakly.

"Tell you what, let's go pay Rarity a visit. That ought to cheer you up."


"Yeah. Besides, I wanna see my horn."

"I don't know, Twilight. I'm not really in the mood..."

"Not in the mood? Since when have you ever not been in the mood to see Rarity."

"Hey, it's not like I'm obsessed with her!" he snapped.

"Really? What about the time you cut her phone lines and barricaded her door?"

"What? Who told you about that?"

"Rarity did. She said you did it because you were afraid of stallions asking her out. If that's not obsessive, I don't know what is."

"Hey, to be fair, I was half-drunk when that happened."

"You where WHAT?!" she screeched.

"It wasn't my fault, I swear. Long story short, I had asked Applebloom for six bottles of apple juice that day because Thunderlane and I were supposed to have a chugging contest. She mixed up the apple juice with the alcoholic cider."

"A chugging contest?" she asked, slightly less alarmed.

"It's a guy thing. You wouldn't get it."

"Riiight. Anyway, that still doesn't explain why you don't want to visit Rarity."

Spike sighed. "I guess I'm just a little nervous."

Twilight raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, never mind. Let's go. You're right, it would cheer me up."


They boarded their carriage swiftly, Spike helping Twilight onto her seat. She couldn't walk very far, so they needed a ride.

"Take us to the Carousel Boutique!" he said as he placed Twilight's saddlebag beside him. The stallions began galloping.

"So," said Twilight, resisting the urge to smirk. "You ready to see your marefriend?"

"My WHAT now?"

"Your marefriend. Now don't tell me you don't know the name of your little white angel."

"Rarity is NOT my marefriend! I mean I wish she was, but she's not!"

"What about your little lip-hugging in the forest?"

"That was just one kiss. And it was under the weirdest circumstances. It doesn't mean she's my marefriend now...does it?"

Twilight responded with kissy noises.

"Twilight! Didn't I tell you I was nervous? You're not helping at all."

"Alright, well, maybe you should ask someone about your confusion."


"Think. Who would you ask about something like this?"

"I'd ask, Rarity, but I can't do that since it's about her!"

"Is there anypony else you could ask?"

"I don't know, Fluttershy, I guess?"

"Well, Fluttershy would certainly know more than me."

"Yeah." Fluttershy... "Hey, Twilight?" he asked after a few moments of silence. "Do you think Fluttershy was acting kind of weird yesterday?"

"Spike, I was unconscious the whole time."

"Oh, yeah."

The two sat in silence for a couple minutes before the carriage jerked to a halt. One of the stallions pulling the carriage turned his head to face them.

"We're here," he said.

"Let's go, Spike." Twilight said to the dragon as she got off the carriage.

"Actually, I think I'll go see Fluttershy first. I'll catch up with you and Rarity later, okay?"

"Uh, okay. Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"If you say so."

Spike turned to the stallions. "Here's your money," he said, taking a handful of bits out of the saddlebag. "I'll take another ride, to the cottage near the forest."

The stallions took the money and the carriage started moving again in a few seconds.

"See you later, Spike!" Twilight called after them.



Fluttershy awoke to soft thumping sound. She opened her eyes and sat up groggily. Angel was angrily tapping his foot on the floor in front of her bed. "Good morning Angel." She yawned. "What time is it?" Her gaze floated to the clock on her wall. "Ten-thirty? Goodness, I slept past your breakfast time!"

He nodded.

"Alright, just give me a moment to wash up and then we'll all eat breakfast together."

She went inside her washroom to brush her mane and wash her face before heading downstairs to the kitchen. She took a bowl of salad out of the fridge for Angel and placed it beside the waiting rabbit.

"There you go my hungry little bunny." She took out a cold banana-and-honey sandwich for herself and sat down at the table. "I'm sure the rest of the animals already found something to eat. Did any of them come by, Angel?"

He shook his half-lettuce-stuffed head.

"Then I'm sure there's nothing to worry about." Fluttershy ate her sandwich quickly and took her plate to the sink. She turned to Angel.

"You done with that, buddy?"

He nodded happily, patting his belly.

Fluttershy took his bowl and washed both dishes, placing them in the cupboard. "Well, that's that."

Angel pointed at her, then moved his hands apart in a poof motion before spreading his arms wide and shrugging.

"Why was I gone so long?"

He nodded.

"Oh, it's a long long story, Angel." Fluttershy pondered over the events of the last few days. Lots of things had happened, but to her at that moment, one thought was prevalent. Spike and the diamond dogs. She suddenly found herself recalling the horrifying scene she had witnessed only two days ago. The bright flames...the smell of their burning flesh...their terrified whimpers...And the blood. She gasped loudly.

Angel looked up at her worriedly.

"No, Angel, nothing's wrong, it's just..." She looked down and a small tear made its way down her face. "Spike is one of them! He's a dragon!"

Angel raised eyebrow in cautious curiosity.

"I saw him do something terrible, something to scary to describe!" She pictured his hissing tongue, his teeth and his fiery eyes. His eyes... She remembered the bloodthirsty look in his eye...The eyes of a monster. A monster...is Spike a monster? Was that even him? Could he see himself doing what he was doing? "N-no! It wasn't him...It couldn't have been him. Spike's my friend! He never hurt anyone! He's kind and compassionate...He's one of us!" She raised her head andput her hoof down firmly. "Yes! Spike's my friend!" she said confidently. "I won't let my own fears get in the way of that! And I'll talk to him about it if I have to."

Angel nodded approvingly.

"Thanks for your help Angel."

He was about to give her a quetioning look, but then shrugged it off.

"And I guess...Things have worked out between him and Rarity." Her thoughts once again took her back to the forest, where she had seen Rarity and Spike...And the same strange feeling of sadness overcame her. "It was strange what happened in the forest, Angel. I saw Rarity and Spike t-together in the forest..."

Angel puckered his lips then raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, um, they were kissing." A faint blush appeared on her cheeks from the thought. "And I felt...strange. Like I was sad."

Angel shrugged in a questioning manner.

"I'm not sure why. I mean...I wouldn't feel that way unless..."

Angel puckered his lips again, then pointed at her, then out the window.

"W-what? No, I don't like him! I mean he's a great friend and all, but nothing more."

He raised both eyebrows and looked at her bluntly.

"Sure, he's smart, funny, kind..."

He slapped his paw to his forehead.

"And he's the nicest guy I know..."

He rubbed his face on his paws.

"But that doesn't mean I like him!"

He made an are-you-kidding-me face and raised an eyebrow.

"Besides, it doesn't matter. He likes Rarity." she said firmly. "I'll find somepony someday, Angel. And I'll know it when I do. That's what Rarity said to me once, remember? When I find the right stallion, I'll just know it."


"A visitor?" She walked up to the door and opened it slowly.