• Published 6th Aug 2013
  • 7,779 Views, 300 Comments

Aged Scales - XineLegacy

Spike is returning from a long trip to Canterlot and the gang is planning a welcome back party for him. But what happens when his maturity is brought up? The Mane Six are about to discover a darker part of Spike no-one knew existed.

  • ...

Crash Landing

"Well, that's done," said Fluttershy, patting Angel dry with a yellow towel.

Angel stared at her with narrowed eyes.

"Now was it really that bad?"

He looked away.

"Don't do this Angel. You know it had been four days since your last bath."

Angel grunted.

Fluttershy glanced at the kitchen. "Would...a taffy cheer you up?" she asked, her eyes trailing back to him.

He didn't move.

"Aw, come on, you wittle wabbit you," she said playfully, nudging him with her cheek.

He rolled his eyes and turned back around, albeit not with a smile.

"It's one of Pinkie's special recipes," she teased.

His face instantly lit up and he shook his head vigorously.

"Alright, let's go," she chuckled.

Angel hopped out of the bathroom sink and followed Fluttershy into the kitchen. She pulled out a paper bag from a cupboard beside the fridge and tossed one of the brown goodies inside to the eager rabbit behind her. He put the whole thing in his mouth, his jaw moving in awkward rotations as he chewed.

"I got them a few days ag-"


"Oh my, what was that?" she exclaimed, quickly running out of the cottage to the front garden.

"Ooooowww," groaned Rainbow Dash, brushing the flowers of off her coat.

"Oh gosh, are you okay Rainbow Dash?" she asked, helping her up quickly.

"Ugh, yeah I'm fine." she said, regaining her balance. "I'm sorry, Fluttershy. My flying's been off all day."

"Is there something wrong?"

"Nah, I guess I'm just-" She yawned. "Kinda tired." She paused and met Fluttershy's gaze briefly before looking away. "So, um, what's up?" she asked, shifting uneasily.

"Not much. I woke up late today. If it hadn't been for Angel, I might have slept straight into the afternoon."

Rainbow's eyes seemed to dart around the yellow pony's face as she finished speaking.

"So....um...did you need something?" asked Fluttershy, breaking the awkward silence.

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head with her hoof. "Um, yeah, I, uh, actually wanted to check up on you."

"Check on me?" Fluttershy tilted her head "Why?"

"Well, you know, to see if you were okay." Rainbow swallowed.

"I'm fine..." she said slowly, rasing an eyebrow.

"No, I mean," She suddenly looked directly into her eyes. "If you were...okay." she finished slowly, still looking straight at her.

"O-oh," She found herself unable to meet Rainbow's eyes.

Rainbow saw her hesitate as the meaning of the question dawned on her. She could almost see the images going through Fluttershy's mind; they were the same as those disturbing her own. The same ones she had woke up screaming to that very morning...

"Well, I-I..." She stopped, unsure of what to say. She had been attempting to stop herself from reliving the grief and dread which she had experienced in the past couple days. Come on, Fluttershy, said a voice in her head. You even talked to Spike, he's still your friend. It's over. It's not happening again. She found herself trembling. Then why do I still feel this way?

"Look, I just...wanted to let you know I'm here for you, okay?" said Rainbow. "I know we're all really shaken up over what happened and-" she sighed and placed a hoof on Flutterhy's shoulder. "You're my best friend Fluttershy. And if I know anything about you from knowing you all these years, it's that you're not okay right now."

As soon as she finished her sentence, she was surprised by a sudden warmth that gripped her body. She quickly returned the hug, squeezing Fluttershy tightly.

"I-I was so scared!" she exclaimed, tears beginning to stream down her face.

"I was, too." Her voice was cracking and she could feel her own eyes watering.

The two embraced tightly, each finding comfort within each other's forelegs. The yellow pony's trembling eventually slowed and she loosened her grip.



"I really didn't know what I'd do without them." she said, sniffing before letting go.

"You and me both." Rainbow took a deep breath. "Feel better?"

Fluttershy smiled. "Very."

Rainbow scrunched up her nose. "Um, would you mind not mentioning any of this to the weather team?"

"Sure," she replied with a chuckle.

"So how's your day been?"

"Kinda slow really. But I'll have to deal with some really hungry animals this afternoon."

Angel puckered and smacked his lips loudly from the porch.

"What's up with Angel?" asked Rainbow, moving her head to get a view of the bunny.

Fluttershy quickly stepped back onto the porch and shoved a hoof in his mouth as her cheeks turned a light tint of red. "Ahem, um, nothing. Just too much sugar. Angel, why don't you go check on the dandelions in the back, hm?" She pushed him to the door and shut it abruptly before he could respond.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow at her but didn't question any further. "So anyway, you were saying?"

"Nothing much." she replied bluntly. "But I guess I've been trying to run away from yesterday in my head."

"Yeah, same here," she said, looking down.

"I'm really glad you came by."

Rainbow smiled. "Hey, what are friends for? Besides, I needed a break."

"A break? From what?"

"Wind-making. Long story." She yawned.

"Wanna go for a walk?" She asked gesturing to the path leading into the trees behind her cottage. "You can tell me about it on the way."

"Sure, sounds like a good idea." The two ponies turned and started to follow the long path to the Library.

"So, lemme start from the beginning. I slept in, like really slept in."

"I'm sure all of us did. Even Twilight."

"Yeah. I guess staying up for two days straight really does a number on ya. It was already ten-thirty by the time I woke up. Add that to the fact that the dunderheads on the weather team couldn't do anything on their own for the past couple days, and I have cloud-oriented crisis on my hooves." She grunted.

"Sounds like you're going to be busy all day." said Fluttershy, looking at her.

"By the looks of it, yeah. "The clouds that should have been gone this morning are still here, the wind is all off, and Sweet Apple Acres should be dry!" She stopped for a moment and rubbed her head. "Not to mention that the Captain of the Royal Guard is going to be here this afternoon. As if I didn't have enough to worry about."

"Shining Armour?” asked Fluttershy. "Why is he coming to Ponyville?"

"To make sure everything's alright I guess? And probably to check on Twilight 'cause...you know."

She nodded slightly. “Any good news?”

"Well, I managed to get a team over AJ's farm and most of the white clouds are gone. I sent in two more teams to get the clouds we need up and to give the carrot farm the rain it should have had yesterday. But that meant I had to stop the cold front from the Everfree forest all by myself because the rest of the weather team is busy with getting rid of the humidity that built up in town for the past few days."

Fluttershy shuddered. "I don't think I could even bring myself to go near that place. And you did all this while tired?"

"Yeah, I had to work faster than ever while I felt like I needed a nap. I would have come to visit you sooner if I wasn't so caught up. Even now I'm not completely finished. I've dealt with the forest problem but there's gonna be a wind coming in from the southern end which I'm going to have to direct through the outskirts of the town, again by myself."

"It really seems like you're in over your head, Rainbow Dash. Is there anything I could do to help?"

"Nah. You just make sure those animals get their lunch. The last thing any of us needs is a hoard of angry bears stampeding into town."

Fluttershy chuckled. "Bears don't stampede, Rainbow."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. You get the idea. Anyway, have you had a chance to check on Applejack?"

"No I haven't." Fluttershy blinked. Amidst all the other things that had been occupying her mind, she had nearly forgotten that Applejack was still in the hospital. "They said that we wouldn't be allowed to check on her until after two days."

"Still, it might be worth going down to the hospital." Rainbow's eyes quickly darted from left to right. "Actually, I'm pretty worried about her."

"The doctors said that she'd be alright, Rainbow. They said that she might even make a full recovery."

Rainbow lowered her voice. "Yeah, that's the thing. Might. What if she doesn't make a full recovery? What's she gonna do?"

Fluttershy furrowed her brow. "What do you mean?"

"Well, she works on a farm, right?"

"Oh." She stopped walking. "I see what you mean. Is her family back from their camping trip yet?"

"Yeah. They got in just this morning." she said, turning to face her.

"Do they, um, know what happened?"

"Cloudchaser told me a Royal Mailpony arrived to deliver them a message from Princess Celestia."

Fluttersh's eyes widened. "W-wait, does everypony already know what happened?"

"They know that there was some sort of accident in the forest and that Twilight and Applejack were hurt badly. I don't think anyone really knows the details."

Fluttershy stared off into the distance for a moment before her eyes trailed back onto Rainbow. "Maybe it's best if we keep it that way."

"I have a feeling that's going to be easier said than done. Cloudchaser kept throwing questions at me after she told me about the letter."

"Well, what did you tell her?"

"I just kinda said that it was about Applejack being in the hospital and got out as fast as I could."

"Well, have Applebloom, Big Mac, or Granny Smith been able to go see her yet?"

"Yeah they did, but I heard that they wouldn't let them in AJ's room."

"They wouldn't let her own family in?"

"I'm sure they'll get to soon enough." She shook her head. "I just can't believe everything that's happened. I mean, it seems surreal. Almost like a dream."

"Yeah. But look at the bright side." She smiled. "We're all fine now."

"Yeah...I guess you're right." She let Fluttershy walk ahead slightly. "I just hope it stays that way."

Comments ( 6 )

A little filler here. Glad to know they haven't completely forgotten about my mare Applejack. She might not have had it as bad as Twilight, but as long as she is okay, I'm happy.

Hope to see some interaction with her soon. Gotta see how she reacts when she comes to.:ajsmug:

Great chapter. I just hopes everypony doesn't overreact about what Spike did in the forest.:fluttershyouch: But something tells me Spike's gonna be having a hard time.:ajsleepy:

His face instantly lit up and he shook his head vigorously.

I think you mean nodded his head.

A little odd Spike wasn't mentioned at all in this chapter.

Where are you dude more chapters please:fluttershysad:

I hate to say it but this maybe be dead, shame was a good story, was hoping for a SpikexRarity

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