• Published 11th Aug 2013
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Ace's Spell Shop - Aceofgods

A foreign master of magic, Ace conducts a dangerous experiment that leads him to meet Twilight Sparkle. Ace's foreign mastery of the arts wins him her trust, and the two develop a deep bond as she uncovers his mysterious past.

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The Royal Ruse

Chapter Sixteen: The Royal Ruse

Ace stood outside of the royal audience chambers, Twilight having already gone inside to speak to Celestia. Ace stood upon the opulent red and gold carpet that lined the halls, a royal Canterlot Guard standing to either side of the door, Pegasi who wore special armor that was enchanted to make them all look alike.

Throughout the halls, there were paintings of beautiful landscapes and various portraits of important and powerful ponies. Ace viewed each of the paintings, but the lack of creativity in the each of the works made them feel less like artwork, and more like fact… Like comparing a fictional story to a textbook.

How very like Celestia to even take the wonder out of paintings, he thought as he reviewed the colored, framed canvases that passed for art.

Aside from the art, the elaborate stone corridors played host to various golden sconces and candelabras, though they were not lit now in the daylight, as the tall mosaic windows provided the light for the castle. The mosaic paintings each depicted a different story of either history or mystery.

Ace was admiring the mosaics, until he looked upon one that bore the scene of Celestia locking Princess Luna within the moon. A shallow wave of anger passed over Ace as he beheld the work, anger at the idea that Celestia would have such a thing that celebrated what Ace viewed as the biggest mistake in all of Equestrian history.

With a sigh as he shook his head, he allowed the emotion to pass before he, too, made a mistake he would regret.

This is going to be nice, right? I’ll get to talk to my sisters again, and maybe even move my shop to Canterlot. Surely there’s no end to the ponies who need help in such a vast settlement, he mused as he tried to remain hopeful.

After several long, nerve racking moments, the guards finally opened the large, two story double doors that led to the royal audience chamber. With a deep breath to calm his nerves and to readjust his posture, Ace swallowed hard and moved into the chamber, which played host to Celestia on her Sunlit Throne of gold and white, as well as Twilight, and several royal guards spread symmetrically through the room; all of which had their eyes locked on him when he came in.

Celestia, the ruling Princess of Equestria, sat in her throne, adorned at the top with her emblem, a golden and radiant sun, stylized in an archaic fashion. Her coat was a splendid white tinted with the lightest touch of cerise, and her mane flowed with pastel colors of blue, green, purple and pink.

Upon her head, resting against her long pointed horn, was a golden crown that was beset with an amethyst. Upon her chest and around her neck was a golden peytral plate that rested over her wings. Being an immortal Alicorn, specifically one of great power, her body was larger than most as she occupied the otherwise massive throne.

Ace, his head just high enough to be proud, but low enough to show he still respected the Ruler of Equestria who sat before him, he strode through the room until he stood alongside Twilight.

Now standing beside his student, his sole fortification, his only confidence, in his battle against his nerves as everypony else gazed upon him as though he were an intruder, Ace took a deep bow as he introduced himself in the hopes that Celestia did indeed believe his appearance a coincidence. “Greetings, your highness. I am –“

Celestia gazed upon him as though he were a court jester who had uttered an offensive joke at her expense. “I know who you are, Ace Deus Fenrir,” she said in a calm, though perhaps louder than needed voice as she used the archaic ‘Ah-chay’ to announce his name in an accent that Ace has not heard in more years than he would like to admit. “Do you think me so shallow as to forget one who I once called my brother?”

Twilight and Ace both winced, followed by Ace ending his bow in a flourish, though it made him appear more confident than he felt. He then removed his glasses and teleported them away before he continued.

Celestia narrowed her gaze at the gesture, no doubt noting that Ace was not afraid to reveal his Al Bhed eye. “Good, for I truly loathe formality amongst family. Surely you had something to say if you have personally requested an audience, sister. I shall let you speak first, as is the custom.”

Celestia nodded as she looked to Twilight, as if appraising her to see how much she was worth. It made Twilight feel awkward, being looked upon so by her teacher. She wanted to cover herself, to make herself appear smaller so as not to be noticed, but she withheld the motion. Whether out of respect or trust for the Princess, or just utter fear, she was unsure. “How much does she know?”

Ace shook his head at the gross misconduct before he spoke. “Well she is well-versed in proper etiquette, so I daresay more than you, sister. She knows of my Al Bhed heritage, and quite a bit of my past, but she knows not our age. However, I could ask you the same question, Queen Celestia.”

Ace knowingly called her Queen, as he knew that the title infuriated her when he used it, for it was with the utmost disdain. For Celestia to be Queen, it would mean that Princess Luna would have to have no power in Equestria. “How much have you told Twilight? As far as I can tell, very little.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed as she stared at him. “What I do or do not teach my student is of my own business and none of yours. Which brings to mind another fact that has come to my attention: I believe Twilight mentioned that you were to become her tutor. Why is that?”

Ace mirrored the gaze he was given as he spoke. “Because Twilight has asked me to assist her in her teachings, and I was recently indebted to her. Originally, that was the reason, but now the reason is much deeper than that. In regards to your actions, I have reason to believe you know why that is. Does Twilight know?”

Twilight was confused and Celestia was shocked. The princess retreated her offensive stance in the conversation to shy away from Ace’s gaze. “Well… It’s not that I’ve been hiding it from her, per se, but… No. Twilight does not know. I must admit, that I had hoped that you would not, either.”

Ace sighed as he relaxed his tense muscles so that he could speak calmly, rather than harshly. “I do not know what magic you have used to learn such truths, but I do not know them myself. However, I have spent much time with her, and I know the truth more than if I were to use such a spell.”

Celestia nodded, recovering her regal posture as she began to relax a little. “Well, I do not know how much you know, Twilight, but you are…”

Ace shook his head lightly. “She knows about the Ritual of New Life.” Celestia’s eyes went wide as she looked as though she had just been struck from behind.

Celestia froze for a moment, before she resumed staring at Ace angrily. When she spoke, her voice was thunderous and nearly shook the room with its volume, “She knows WHAT?! Guards! Leave us!”

The guards all looked at her in confusion, until she moved her angered glare to them before they hastily retreated from the room and closed the door tight. “By what authority have you told her such a thing? I could have you sent to the dungeons on account of treason for less than this!”

Ace was totally unphased by the roar of the larger-than-most pony, simply sitting with a blasé expression as she threatened him. “As she is my student as well, it is my decision what is and is not pertinent to her lessons. I believe we have a larger issue to discuss, dear sister, as Twilight would like to hear this secret of yours.”

Celestia shrank away slightly, likely hoping that she had managed to change the subject. Recovering with a sigh, she nodded. “Twilight, your soul is one that is very personal to Ace,” Celestia said, using the archaic ‘ah-chay’ with the appropriate accent to always pronounce the name.

“That soul, as I believe Ace may have told you, was one that I had to use to sustain my sister, Luna, during her imprisonment.” Celestia looked with a gaze of sorrow and remorse at the two ponies. “The soul of Little Raven, his long-dead wife.”

Twilight was stunned beyond words, glancing between the two as they stared at each other. Ace broke the stare down to look kindly to her with a solemn nod to attest that it was true. Twilight was speechless for several long moments as was forced to sit down against the regal carpet by the recoil of the knowledge. “How… How long have you known?”

Ace and Twilight both turned their gaze to Celestia as she looked uncomfortable. “Well, I… I’ve known since you enrolled in my school. I had been trying to look out for the soul of Little Raven for quite some time, but I had never thought that you would walk right into my hooves so easily.”

Ace looked as though he wanted nothing more than to tear Celestia’s horn off and assault her with it the way he glared daggers at the princess. Fortunately, he decided silence would sound better than anger, as it was Twilight who spoke her frustrations. “So, what does that mean, exactly? You were just trying to keep me around because I was an asset to you that you could use to try and manipulate Ace?”

Celestia looked offended as she recoiled before speaking in a shaky voice. “N-no, Twilight, I would never! Well, yes that was originally the idea, but-“

Twilight growled in frustration, interrupting the sorry excuse Celestia was attempting. “You intended to use me! I was just something that you needed to regain Ace’s trust! Is that all anypony is to you, Celestia? An object, something to be used and then discarded? Is that what happened to all the ponies in Canterlot who cannot even feed themselves? Just tools to be used, then discarded?” Twilight was hyperventilating with her anger at the breach of trust for the princess.

Celestia shook her head, reaching out with a hoof pleadingly. “Please, Twilight, this isn’t what I wanted. I was going to present you to Ace when you had mastered your studies, and I was going to allow him to further your education. That’s the truth!”

Ace nodded to Twilight at the explanation. “Yes, Twilight, can you not see? The dear princess has just admitted to the very thing you accused her of, and yet she believes she is innocent,” Ace said pointedly as he turned back to Celestia with a glare.

“This is the Celestia that I have known, the pony I called sister out of respect for her ability to remain calm and to plan out every detail in a plot that could span decades. This is the Celestia who would involve even her brother in such a plot, rather than telling him immediately about such joyous news as his wife’s soul rejoining the physical world.”

Celestia was furious, but Twilight fared no better while Ace simply sat beside his student with a blasé look upon his face, having expected that the event would turn out as well it had. “I’ve had enough of your lies, Celestia! When you feel like telling me the truth, come and find me in Ponyville!”

Celestia lost her anger as she reached out further with her hoof, nearly falling off the throne as Twilight’s horn lit up in the teleportation spell that flashed throughout the room before she disappeared in its violent light.

Ace shook his head at the pitiable ruler. “Well sister, when you buck up, you sure buck up big, don’t you?” Celestia’s face was scathing in anger as she regained her posture before addressing him.

“This is all by your design! You have driven my student from me with your words and your actions!” Ace could only shake his head as he rested himself upon the carpet.

“No, my dear sister, you have. You would not tell her the truth, so I took it upon myself, for she has a right to know. You brought us here to attempt to humiliate me, and it backfired. Were you to speak to me privately, we could have settled this like true brother and sister, but you had to involve Twilight from the start.”

Ace looked upon the ruler as though she was a child who had just learned the way of the world. “You never think of others, and this is your fault. You draw up plans and strategies, but you always forget the greatest, most powerful elements in all of existence: Life, and Free-will. Twilight and I are not things, we have emotions, and we can see and think for ourselves while you try to think for us.

"You believe that everypony is simply an asset for you to control, and this is why you could never be the true ruler of this country. Princess Luna is somepony who cares for each of her subjects.” Celestia softened slightly at the mention of her dear sister, but was still visibly furious.

“Princess Luna does not seek power, she seeks friendship. That is why I respect Sister Luna, whereas I had once respected you for your cunning mind. However, you have turned that blessing into a curse as you attempt to involve everypony who would love you in a scheme of some sort or another. That reminds me, what is your goal with Discord?”

Celestia was shocked that Ace had knew about Discord’s rehabilitation lessons. “That is none of your concern! The spirit of Chaos is being reformed, and he will become a contributing member of Equestria.”

Ace paid careful attention to Celestia’s word choice, and learned all that he needed to piece together what was going on. With a shake of his head, he pointed out more of her mistakes. “You believe that Discord will submit to order? You are sadly mistaken, sister, and I pity you.

"The Draconequus are a race that cannot physically submit to order, or they would be destroyed from within, like a slug who wanders into a line of salt. Whatever power, whatever spells, you hope to learn from Discord, will only lead Equestria to ruin. This is my only warning to you. I will not help you further your own ends.”

Celestia narrowed her gaze as she shouted, once more shaking the whole form of the room. “You think that I am without the means to carry out my own plans? You are mistaken! DISCORD!” She smiled a grim, sinister smile as a dimensional tear appeared next to her throne, and a rather darker version of her throne floated into the room.

The throne featured an all-seeing-eye emblem at the top, and was comprised of various elements of wood, stone, liquids and jewels. Upon the throne sat the Draconequus, Discord.

The Draconequus bore the long neck of a gray Giraffe, with a black mane and white eyebrows and beard. His head featured the horns of both a goat and a deer. His eyes were yellow instead of white, and his pupils were two differently sized red dots. He had the ears of a bat and a single wing to match, while the other was similar to a blue Pegasus wing. His body was primarily a brown coat of fur while his left arm was that of a bird of prey, and the right that of a lion. His legs were mismatched as well, one being that of a green dragon that complimented his red dragon tail, and the other a Minotaur’s hoof.

Discord floated to the other side of Celestia before he spoke. “What is it, my sweet little princess? Do we have company? Is it somepony I know? Oh, I do so love guests!” Celestia held a hoof aloft as though she were showing off a prized possession.

She nodded with a smirk. “Why yes, Discord, we do have a guest. Perhaps you remember him?” Discord looked shocked. The Draconequus leapt out of the throne, throwing it into the wall, where it shattered to pieces, and each of the pieces became a butterfly that flew to a nearby wall and merged with it.

The Draconequus floated upside down around Ace as he remained stoic in his stance. Still upside down, the Draconequus posed with his legs crossed and his claw against his chin as he thought. “Perhaps if I had a closer look, maybe?” Discord reached into his eye sockets and plucked the spheres out and turned around, looking at the pony with his back turned as he made another pass around him.

Then he replaced his eyes with a sound of realization. “That’s right, I remember now. You’re the pony who aided the princesses when they beat me and turned me into stone. If I recall, you were the one who cast the reflect barrier on the statue in a way that it couldn’t be detected, thus assuring my demise as Moonlit Embrace mimicked the skill to cast an undetectable reversal barrier as well.”

He planted the lion paw to his face as he righted himself, making the sound of a hollow space as it impacted. “How could I have ever forgotten? Why, were it not for you, I would not be in this position right now.”

Celestia smiled triumphantly, as though she had just bested Ace in a game of chess with a brilliant finishing move. “Discord dear, why don’t you make sure our guest is comfortable. We wouldn’t want him to get up and leave now, would we?”

Discord turned and bowed to the princess, his nose reaching his feet as he floated between the two. “But of course, my sweet, it would be my pleasure.” Discord snapped his fingers as he returned to an upright floating position, and a tea kettle appeared to pour an upside-down bowl of cereal that he offered to Ace.

Ace shook his head and held out a hoof to politely decline as he continued to watch the spirit of chaos with a mask that revealed nothing. “Oh my, how rude! Perhaps this will better accommodate you, then?”

Discord snapped his fingers, and when he did so, a number of objects appeared on all sides of Ace. Not waiting to see what they were, Ace leapt into the air and then used his magic to bolt backwards to the ground. The objects shot past his face as he did, before he slid backwards on the carpet. Looking upon the objects now, he noted they appeared to be shackles and other bindings.

Ace dodged to the right, the objects brushing past him again, then he flashed himself directly behind Celestia, who froze in terror as the restraints flew towards her. Discord, however, snapped his fingers and Celestia became immaterial, along with her throne. Ace started to leap out of the way, but was unable to avoid one of the chains as they wrapped around his right hoof.

Ace looked at the chain for a moment, and realized it was made of a heavy metal, and the metal was laced with Anti Magic Stone at the molten stage of the production of the bonds. The weight of the chain threw off his balance, and he was unable to focus his magic properly. He dodged the flying restraints another two times, but was unable to keep up the effort without his magic.

Ace sat before Discord and Celestia as she came back to the physical plane. “Well, that took longer than I expected, but now that you are properly entertained, allow me to show you to your room.” Celestia’s horn begun to glow, then Ace was engulfed in its golden light as he was teleported to the Canterlot Dungeons.

I wish Twilight was here, I would bet she doesn’t hear the phrase ‘I told you so’ very often, he thought as he examined the situation.

The cell he was in was a solitary cell, with only a single window slightly thinner than a pony’s hoof. The walls were stone on five sides, counting the ceiling and floor, and the entrance was constructed of metal bars. Even without his magic senses, he could tell the bars were enchanted with powerful magic to prevent physical force from breaking them open, which would have been easy otherwise with the rusted, aged metal.

Resigning himself to his fate, he set upon the floor, against a wall, uncomfortable in the anti-magic restraints that would prevent him from using his magic, though it would still accumulate, though slowly… Which was going to hurt like hell when it overloaded, but at least he would be free then. The restraints were held together in chaos magic, though it was rather loosely. Loose though it was, there was nothing he could do about it without magic of his own.

With the analysis of his dismal situation complete, Ace decided that it would be best to just sleep while he could, and wait for his magic to overload. While the overload would hurt like being chewed up and spat out, it would destroy any magic in the area. Once that happened, his restraints would be easy to break, and he could buck the door open to make his escape. Until then, he rested.

I sure hope that Twilight is okay…

Twilight appeared in a flash of light just beyond the walls of the castle, near the marketplace. If I had enough magical power, I could be in Ponyville right now… she thought harshly to herself, still upset that Celestia was not forthcoming with information about Twilight’s entire life. Is this really all I was? Just something for her to use to get Ace to trust her again? Well, that sure worked wonders.

Twilight sighed as she walked amongst the ponies of the marketplace absently, focusing on her thoughts as she used her magic senses to avoid colliding with anypony, her eyes closed. Was I only accepted to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns because I have Little Raven’s soul? Is she the only reason I am as good with magic as I am? Is she the only reason Ace wants to be around me so much?

Twilight’s cheeks flushed when another thought came to her mind, Is she the reason I feel this way when I’m around him? Twilight wandered around town aimlessly, using her magic to feel her way around town as her physical senses were all but shut down.

Or at least, they were, until Twilight had been wandered around for almost an hour when her stomach grumbled to remind her that she still needed to eat. Embarrassed, she looked around to catch her bearings, as well as make sure nopony heard her stomach.

She saw a number of food stalls and restaurants, but she looked over her back and hooves before remembering that she had been in such a hurry, she had left her money at home.

Okay, options… I could return to the castle and apologize to the Princess… Twilight shook her head. Nope, still too mad. Okay… I could get on the train back to Ponyville…

Twilight looked over herself again before deflating with a frown. Except that Ace had the tickets in his coin pouch, which he teleported back home... Helpful. Twilight started to turn back to the main thoroughfare with a shake of her head.

Okay then, time for every mare’s ultimate backup plan… Go and visit the parents. I suppose it has been quite some time since I’ve talked to them…

Twilight proceeded to think out her thoughts about Ace and Celestia as she made her way back to her beloved home where her parents lived, fortunately only about fifteen minutes away from where had wandered to.

I guess it’s natural to wander back to our parents when something is bothering us…