• Published 11th Aug 2013
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Ace's Spell Shop - Aceofgods

A foreign master of magic, Ace conducts a dangerous experiment that leads him to meet Twilight Sparkle. Ace's foreign mastery of the arts wins him her trust, and the two develop a deep bond as she uncovers his mysterious past.

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Calm Before the Storm

Chapter Twenty-four: Calm Before the Storm

Twilight awoke to the feeling of something rubbing against her torso and stomach. The warm, caressing touch put a smile and a light blush over her features without her even needing to open her eyes. She rolled onto her side to face the pony that laid with her in the spacious bed. When she did, he kissed her forehead with a smile as his hoof came to rest on her flank, near her cutie mark.

“Good morning, my Starlight,” he said as she stroked his mane. “I trust you slept well?” She nodded. “I am glad to hear it, but I am afraid we have much to do today, and we will be hard pressed to do so from our bedchamber.”

Twilight knew this was her cue to get out of the bed, but her body felt heavy beneath the blankets with the comfort the bed offered as she gazed into his heterochromatic eyes. With a soft laugh, Ace raised his hoof and landed it playfully on her flank, eliciting a sharp gasp as her blush intensified.

“Come on lazy haunch, we have work to do!” he called, still laughing as he threw the covers off of the pair and leapt from the bed. Twilight, a playfully sour expression on her face, bounced from the bed to her hooves as she prepared to pounce on him. Seeing the intention in her eyes, however, he started to run through to the library with a playful smile on his face.

Twilight gave chase, following him through the library. Once they made the foyer, Ace turned with a smile and a wave. Just as Twilight was coming through the doors, he leapt backwards over the banister. Worried, Twilight pressed herself against the banister in time to see Ace land gracefully on all fours, looking up and sticking his tongue out at her before running into the ballroom.

Twilight raced down the stairs while also being careful not to fall. As soon as she could, she turned into the ballroom and looked around to try and find where her prey may be hiding. Seeing no sign of him, she closed her eyes to focus upon her magical senses.

As soon as she did, however, she heard him call out “Now the hunter becomes the hunted!” just as he leapt from the wall above the door and landed softly onto her back, wrapping his hooves around her as he playfully nibbled at the side of her neck while snarling and growling like a rabid dog.

Despite her playfully dire situation, Twilight couldn’t help but giggle as his mouth played at the side of her neck, tickling her. After a moment of feasting on her flesh, Ace stopped and just rested on her back. Twilight thought that he would feel heavy or that his weight would put her uncomfortably off balance, but it didn’t.

“How are you doing that?” she asked, making him reposition his head to the side of hers. Ace smiled the goofy grin that denoted he was about to play another one of his tricks as he came into Twilight’s view.

“It’s a special technique used to control one’s weight. All of my muscles are loose and relaxed right now, making my body lighter. However…” Ace’s weight suddenly intensified, making Twilight buckle her knees at the unexpected shift before he slid off of her. “If I stop, my weight returns to normal. If I were to tense myself, I could increase my weight as well.”

Twilight nodded as Ace started to move towards one of the side doors of the ballroom. Following along, she thought she’d ask about the other feat Ace had performed, “Is that how you jumped ten meters without getting hurt?” Ace shook his head.

“That’s a similar trick, but not the same. For that, I shifted the weight of my body, and when the first hoof hits the ground, I move all of the weight to that hoof as the others alight. It’s pretty difficult to do by itself, but since my perception of time is askewed by my magical senses, it is considerably easier.”

As he spoke, he opened the door to what looked like the kitchen. As Twilight entered the polished room, she couldn’t help but remember Proper’s comment about the room being a tribute to Princess Luna. The countertops were a glistening black marble that somehow featured not only white specks that resembled twinkling stars, but also a swirling undertone of cobalt blue, even resembling nebulae in a few places.

The stove was fashioned to look the same as the countertops, the only difference being the absence of the stars on it, and the four suns that embodied the heating elements. In the center of the room was a marble countertop island, upon which ingredients were beginning to gather as Ace tended to the coffeepot, which was a standout white compared to the starlit night décor the rest of the room represented.

Twilight shook her head with a soft smile as she examined the ingredients as they gathered on the island, “Pancakes again?” she asked before he nodded with a smile. Twilight wasn’t sure why she had expected anything different. Nevertheless, Twilight took the ingredients in her magic to prepare the batter, wanting to contribute in their breakfast as well. Ace prepared two skillets on the stove, awaiting the batter.

Twilight decided to try and eat her pancakes the same way he always does, not putting any syrup on them as she ate them from her magic without a plate. She tried, however she couldn’t get past the dryness of the first one before surrendering and putting a small amount of syrup on it.

When Ace saw this, he stifled a laugh. “Here, try this next one,” he said as he pulled a small slice from a stick of butter and melted it in her skillet before adding the batter. Once the pancake was fully cooked, he offered it to her as she tried it without syrup.

The butter melted into the morsel made it much moister, making it easier to swallow without the syrup and giving the food a better texture as she chewed it. Before she realized it, she had eaten the whole thing as Ace offered her another one.

“I eat them without syrup out of habit from my adventuring days, but it helps to add some extra butter if you intend to get used to it as well,” he said as he offered it to her.

After they ate their breakfast, Ace teleported the duo to Ponyville, this time remembering to take his glasses with him as he did so. Twilight looked around a bit to regain her bearings.

“So what errands do we have on our agenda for today? I know we need to speak with Rarity, but the way you mentioned it, it sounded as though there were any number of additional tasks,” she asked as they made their way towards the Carousel Boutique.

Ace nodded. “We have no shortage of things we can be doing to prepare ourselves, my student. After we affirm Rarity’s progress, we may need to check on your other friends as well.” Twilight nodded, a short moment passing before Ace spoke again, as though the next task had skipped his mind completely. “Oh, and we also need to meet with Princess Luna later today.”

Twilight nearly froze at the mention of the princess, being almost entirely unprepared for a royal encounter. Twilight glanced back in the direction of her home nervously, but Ace just stifled a laugh. “You need not be ‘prepared’ to meet the princess, Twilight; she is our friend and we shall greet her as such.”

Twilight nodded, supposing he was right. Twilight nodded with a sigh as the pair made it to Rarity’s store, allowing themselves inside before they found the mare hard at work in the backroom. So enraptured was she in her work, she hadn’t heard Ace come to stand directly behind her, leaning his head over her shoulder as she worked the loom in a fevered pitch with a few jars of anti-magic powder mixed with water soaking some of the threads at her side.

Twilight came alongside him, both of them watching over the mare’s shoulders. After a time, Rarity paused to run a hoof across her forehead, and in doing so struck Ace lightly under the chin. Ace only smiled as Rarity turned to look at him, screaming as she fell backwards into Twilight, eliciting an immediate second scream as the pair laughed.

Rarity held a hoof to her chest, breathing heavily at the excitement before they both offered a hoof to help her up. When she had calmed down enough, she took each of their hooves as they pulled her upright again. Ace and Twilight shared a laugh before he spoke.

“Sorry about that, Rarity. You were just really zoned out as you were working. We came by to see how the nets were going, and it looks like you are doing a splendid job so far.” Twilight nodded that she agreed as Rarity sighed, righting her stool that had fallen with her.

“I’ll have the nets ready by tonight. If I get them done before then, I’ll let you know.” Rarity looked as though she was troubled by something, her head tilted downward with a pout as she returned to face the loom.

Twilight and Ace shared a look and a nod before they both hovered over her shoulders again. Not being so focused on her work, she noticed almost immediately, but worked for a few moments before spinning on the stool to face them with a sigh.

“Are you sure you two don’t need any help? I mean, I could make a lasso for Applejack, and Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash could drop the nets on him…” Twilight looked to Ace, who held his hooves in an ‘X’ formation as he shook his head.

“While I do appreciate the offer Rarity – I truly do, - but I can’t risk Discord catching scent of our plan too swiftly. With the Elements of Chaos back in his control, he would actually have enough magical power to withstand the nets, if he had charged the magic beforehoof.” Ace sat back, his arms crossed and his head lowered as he thought.

“This plan is very much reliant on Discord not knowing a thing about it. He’ll be suspicious of the Elements of Harmony standing around waiting for him,” Ace said as he shrugged. “It’s actually possible that you still retain a part of the Elements of Harmony inside of each of you, making it possible to use a portion of their power.” Ace shook his head as he stood back up. “However, since he has the Elements of Chaos, it may only feed him more than hurt him.”

Rarity turned back to her work with a solemn nod, Twilight resting a hoof against her back to show her sympathy. “I’m sorry Rarity, but this is our best chance to stop Discord before anypony gets hurt. I’m not saying that it’ll be easy, just this is our best chance.”

Ace nodded with a smile. “Besides, we’re not saying you can’t help, just that you aren’t part of the plan. If Discord comes, and he’s not taken care of before you can make it there, then by all means, come and do what you can.” Twilight smiled as well at the news, and Rarity’s expression brightened as well. “I’m not saying you should make a lasso, per se, but if there’s a few leftover materials, it wouldn’t hurt to make something somepony could make use of. Oh, but I want to keep one of the boxes of anti-magic stones, if you’d be so kind – just in case.”

Rarity nodded with a smile, now much happier about her role in things. She would likely spread the news that they would possibly get to help out to the others, as well. Twilight decided it would be a good idea to leave the mare so that she could finish her work in peace. Ace motioned for her to go on ahead. Twilight raised an eyebrow, but didn’t openly question him as she left.

Twilight went outside and waited under a tree on a hill a short distance from the shop. She took the short reprieve to reflect on recent events…

’I’ve only known Ace for a few days… He just showed up out of nowhere at my home, asking for help that I could hardly provide; in truth, it was really Rarity who helped him more than I, and yet he felt that he owed me. After I helped him, he insisted that he pay me back by teaching me…

Actually, thinking back, that wasn’t what had happened… I had actually asked him to help me, though in context I was talking to Spike about what I should say, and he just happened to hear me… Such an unlikely coincidence; though he actually seems to always be in the right place at the right time…

At first, Ace wasn’t really willing to part with much information, but after we spent some time together, it’s like he would trust me with his life; he always had some story from his past that was relevant to the situation… I suppose that would make sense, considering his true age is almost that of the Princesses.

When I became Ace’s student, I thought he would just be teaching me powerful spells, but in the end he was teaching me much more valuable skills and techniques I likely would never have learned elsewhere…

If it wasn’t for Ace being there, Discord would never have gotten the Elements of Harmony, but I think that was really more Princess Celestia’s fault… Then again, perhaps Ace is right that Discord’s Chaos magic is doing something strange to Princess Celestia’s mind, and she’s not really acting herself… If that’s true, then it’s a good thing that Ace came when he did.

If it wasn’t for Ace, we wouldn’t have a plan to combat Discord, either… I may have come up with the plan, but Ace has more anti-magic stone than I have ever seen… Then again, he also wrote the book that describes the unusual element’s properties.'

Twilight felt Ace’s familiar magic wash over her, and she smiled warmly as she refocused her attention. Doing so brought her to realize she was in her magical form, unsure of when she had done so. Ace’s magical form smiled warmly back at her as he sat at a close distance in front of her.

“Were you practicing your magical senses, my Starlight?” he asked, his voice pulsing through her magical form as his lips remained still.

Twilight shook her head as she replied in the same way. “I was just thinking. I believe I went into my magical form instinctually, since I wasn’t paying attention anyways.” Ace’s smile widened slightly.

“That’s a good thing, then. It means that your body is beginning to trust your magical senses more. Before long you will-“ Ace’s lesson was cut off as both his magical and physical bodies turned his head to the side as a goofy grin graced both of his features.

Twilight and Ace both returned their magic to their bodies, Twilight recovering her physical senses just in time to see a pink blur leap past her and pounce on Ace. Twilight moved a hoof to hide her laugh as Pinkie triumphed over the powerful Unicorn who was caught off guard, pinning him to the ground.

The two laughed at their playful roughhousing before Ace started laughing, looking at Twilight sideways. Twilight’s expression changed to playful panic as he spoke, “Hey Pinkie, I think Twilight might need a hug.” The pink earth pony’s face changed to surprise as she leapt off of Ace and pursued Twilight, who circled around the tree.

When Pinkie finally caught her, she pulled her into a large hug that threatened to break her ribs, were it any tighter. As soon as Twilight’s hooves were taken off of the ground, Ace ran up from behind, pouncing on the pair and yelling, “Pony Pile!”

The three tumbled to the ground laughing as Ace triumphed, landing on top until Pinkie bucked him off and leapt over him again. This left Twilight free to jump onto the pile, finally on top as the trio laughed. Ace grasped Twilight’s front hooves and braced her against the pony between her.

When Pinkie tried to buck her off, she realized that Twilight and Ace were working together against her. As soon as she had, Ace turned and rolled the pile over, placing himself on top again as they laughed.

“Wow, when did you two start working together?” the overturned Pinkie said as she laughed. “I don’t think I can win like this!” Ace climbed down from the pile with a smile, offering a hoof to help each of the mares to their hooves.

He pulled them both up, both he and Twilight looking to Pinkie as though she had something to say. She looked around at the two, her hoof meeting her chin as she thought for a moment. Eventually, she just shook her head and shrugged.

“I was just walking past, and I felt my eye getting all itchy, so I thought to myself, ‘Oh my goodness, it’s Acey and Twilight!’” she said as she pressed her hooves against her cheeks in shock. “So I came running up here as quick as I could, and here you were!”

Ace nodded with a smile as he removed his glasses and laid them to the side beneath the tree. Twilight and Pinkie both smiled at the subtle gesture that showed Ace was truly comfortable around the mares as they all sat in the shade of the tall tree.

“So where have you two been up until now? Nopony has seen you since the day before the day before yesterday!” Pinkie said before placing a hoof against her chin. “Well, that’s not entirely true, because Rarity saw you, and Rarity is a pony…” she said with a shake of her head. “But very few ponies have seen you in Ponyville over the last few days! Were you two on a date?”

Twilight’s cheeks started to turn rosy as Ace put a hoof to his chin, thinking as he spoke. “Not really, no, not a date. However, that is a terrific idea,” he said as he turned to Twilight with a warm smile. “Perhaps my Starlight and I should go on a date soon. With her consent, of course.”

Twilight cheeks turned a full shade of pink as she nodded, Pinkie’s jaw dropping before turning up in a smile as she looked between the two. “Oh my light, I knew you two were perfect for each other!” she said as she started to bounce around the pair as Ace’s cheeks turned a lighter shade as well. “’Pinkie,’ I said to myself, ‘Acey and Twilight are so much alike! They would be perfect for each other!’ That’s exactly what I said!”

Ace laughed as his head turned to keep track of the prancing pony. “Yes, Pinkie, we believe you. Nopony here doubts your judgment.” Pinkie was reduced to giggles as she bounced around the pair.

“You even have a nickname, Twilight! And it’s soooo cute!” Pinkie stopped in mid bounce and turned her head to look somewhere into town. “Awww, I really would like to stay and talk about how cute of a couple you guys are, but I gotta go,” she said as she started to bounce down the hill. “See you soon!” she called as the two waved and said their farewells as well.

Once she was out of earshot, Ace turned back to Twilight as he nodded. “It really would help to have Pinkie’s assistance with the Discord problem as well,” he said with a shake of his head. “I used to teach Pinkie self-defense lessons, most specifically the use of defensive weapons such as the Rapier.”

Twilight stifled a laugh as she listened. “I can’t imagine that the lessons went too well; Pinkie was probably bouncing around more than she was listening.” Ace shook his head with a reminiscent look on his face.

“Actually, she is the single most capable duelist I have ever had the good pleasure to meet.” Twilight’s jaw dropped a bit as she stared at him in disbelief. He just nodded as he replied. “You see, Pinkie has an unimaginable control over her body that I can only attribute to her magic-touched lineage. In addition to this, her Pinkie Sense gives her a three-sixty view of the battle akin to my magic senses, though much more passively.”

Twilight placed a hoof to her chin as she thought about the implications. “You see, Pinkie can actually throw her weight in the same way that a ventriloquist would throw their voice. In addition to this unheard of skill, she is able to predict the motions of the enemy, easily countering their attempts to avoid her, while also making minimal motions to avoid her opponent’s weapon within the nearest millimeter of the blow. It is quite the beautiful sight to behold, Pinkie fighting an opponent. Personally, I have never bested her in combat.”

Twilight, recalling the events that were retold to her about his escape from Canterlot Castle, found such an idea astonishing. Ace nodded that it was true. “I would attempt to strike her during our sparring matches, and she would easily outmaneuver me, her laugh never faltering. When she struck, even as I blocked the attack with my own weapon, the weapon would either break under the force of her entire weight slamming into it, or I would be brought to my knees by the sudden force.”

Twilight looked after where Pinkie had bounced off into the distance, her face the picture of awe as her mouth hung loosely open. “You mean to say that Pinkie is better with a sword than you are?” Ace nodded.

“She excels in the use of defense weapons, such as staves and rapiers. When it comes to deadlier weapons, however, I would still outperform her, but against her she would still win given a weapon of her choice. She is unable to use bladed or other lethal weapons, as she cannot stand the thought of harming another pony. Also, were I to use Loki’s Key against her, I would prevail only due to the properties of the artifact.” Twilight nodded, still amazed that her friend was so skilled in single combat.

Ace looked distant for a moment, his features set in a look of concentration. Before long, he smiled his goofy friend-or-prank smile and started to trot down the hill, pausing only for a moment to look and be certain she was following. She followed him down, and they headed for the market.

“What’s going on, Ace? You look like one of your friends just came to town.” Ace looked back at her as they ran, the smile still in place as he nodded.

“That’s because she has just come to town; we’re going to go and meet her,” Ace said as he turned back forward as they neared the market.

Twilight kept pace behind him, until Ace found who he was looking for and immediately jumped up to pounce onto their back. This was his intention, at least, until the Unicorn - with a coat that matched Ace’s, though she bore a cobalt mane and tail, - lit up her horn and blasted him backwards through the market as he came behind her.

The mare and Twilight both turned and watched as Ace was sent flying through the market. Just before he would have hit one of the stalls, he pulled his hooves to himself in a protective gesture, and a sphere of his magic encompassed his form and held him in place as the pony behind the stall cowered on the ground. Twilight and the mystery mare both ran towards the sphere, calling his name in worry.

When the two neared the sphere, it started to come apart slowly, like an egg that was starting to hatch in midair. Ace fell out of the sphere, landing on his face as the mystery mare glared at him. Ace started to rise up, a hoof to the side of his head as his nose was bleeding, along with several places on his body.

“Po dra Vydac, E ryda secvenac...” he said as he started to rise to his feet, the mare’s horn lighting in a spell to heal his wounds. “Thanks. Could you look before you fire next time, maybe?”

She only glared at him before as she replied, “Uhmo ev oui fuimt dyga paddan lyna, so pnudran.” Twilight was beginning to get confused with all of the Al Bhed being spoken, and a few other ponies were starting to stare as well.

Ace stood more steadily, shaking his head to clear it as the last of his wounds were healing. “Sister, we should probably speak Equestrian; Twilight is here and we are in public besides.”

The mare looked around and planted a hoof to her mouth as she blushed. “’Twas by your design, my brother! You spoke in the olden tongue first and have caused me to do so as well!” Ace motioned for her to calm down, as well as lower her voice.

As she took a calming breath, Ace held a hoof out to her, turning to Twilight who stood beside her. “Twilight, this is Night Scroll,” he said as the mare bowed her head in greeting. “She is my sister and she has come to speak with us on a matter most grave. Do you understand?”

Twilight nodded as she looked to the mare in a new light, seeing that her emblem was a scroll that looked aged, the writing on it featuring Al Bhed script in a solid black color. Ace motioned toward Twilight’s home after the two had looked at each other for a sufficient amount of time.

“Come, let us go speak in private so that we can discuss what course of action we should follow.”