• Published 11th Aug 2013
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Ace's Spell Shop - Aceofgods

A foreign master of magic, Ace conducts a dangerous experiment that leads him to meet Twilight Sparkle. Ace's foreign mastery of the arts wins him her trust, and the two develop a deep bond as she uncovers his mysterious past.

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Landfall in Ponyville

Chapter Twenty-six: Landfall in Ponyville

Ace awoke with a terrible assortment of symptoms and feelings. The first, was that his magical senses were shut down, causing him a terrible headache – though it was likely not the sole cause, only one that made it worse. Secondly, his entire body was sore, as though he had just fallen down the wrong side of a cliff. Next, he could feel his neck was wet; given the condition of the rest of his body, it was likely blood. As for his stomach, it was tormented with a mixture of hunger and nausea. Finally, there was a weight on his chest that kept him from moving properly.

Ace ignited his magical senses without lighting his horn or opening his eyes, ever wary of the worst possible outcomes. His consciousness spread throughout the room, which he could now identify as his workshop. Finding that the weight on his chest was Twilight, whose flank his head now rested upon, a tender smile spread across his face. Wrapped around her was Princess Luna, who managed to look as though she was reprimanding him even in her sleep.

Not sensing he was in any immediate danger, Ace relaxed as he assessed the damage to his body, recalling his fight with Discord. His entire body suffered muscular distress; a result of both fighting and overloading against the foe. After the exertion that was fueled by only the light breakfast, his stomach was both drained and upset for the effort. As for his neck, it was only a small injury that bled profusely due to its location.

Judging by the amount of blood he had lost from the injury, he could tell it had been a number of hours since the battle. Ace opened his eyes slowly, his horn lighting in a spell to mend his neck as he admired his precious Starlight. Looking around the workshop, marred with the damaged remains of equipment, he was glad that he used luminescent crystals rather than spells to keep the space lit. The workshop was empty, save for his small family that laid together in their slumber. Ace noted the pool of blood that had likely been Discord’s bleeding form, and noted that Luna had likely delivered a final blow to the spirit before taking her rest.

Ace stroked Twilight’s mane with a hoof as he rested against her, making her eyes open slowly. Once they had opened half way, they shot through the other half as her head came away from his chest and a scowl fitted upon her features.

“What were you thinking?! You could have been hurt, or even killed!” Ace shrunk back as best he could, a sheepish smile on his features as he retreated. The yelling had also roused Princess Luna from her slumber as she raised her head, looking around the battle-worn squalor of the room, but not speaking just yet as she admired the two.

“You need to rely on others! I know you’re strong, Ace… And I know you’re used to being alone for more years than I can imagine…” Twilight’s features softened as she shook her head sadly. “But you’re not alone anymore. You have me, and my friends. You have your dear sister Luna,” she said as she draped a hoof over the princess’s neck, “who loves you and only wants what’s best for you.”

Luna nodded that it was true as she wrapped a wing around the pair, drawing all three of them closer together. “Your actions are often foolish, dear brother, and they make me worry for you so. I know I do not always show mine affections as I should, but you need not be the only pony in harm’s way any longer.”

Ace nodded solemnly, admitting his mistakes. “This is why I do what I can alone, dearest Twilight. I fear that somepony other than I will be hurt or even killed by my own inaction or by my own failures.” Ace’s gaze fell away from the two as his features became downcast. “It was in no small part my own fault Discord came into possession of the elements, and as such it was my duty to stop him. I could never forgive myself if somepony else died for my mistakes.”

Twilight put a hoof around him, turning him to face her once more. “This is what friends are for, Ace. When somepony has a problem, they rely not only on their own strength, but the strength of their friends as well. I know you never had a real family, but we are your new family now,” she said, Ace’s features brightening at the foreign word. “Whenever you are in any sort of trouble, we will be there to help you out. Okay?”

Ace nodded with a soft smile before Twilight pulled the three of them together in a warm embrace. When the embrace had ended, Ace couldn’t help but have attention pulled to the pool of Discord’s blood that remained near the center of the room. Twilight noted a separate collection of blood, which happened to be upon her flank and down her hind leg, though Ace’s side, back and neck fared no better.

“Sister, what have you done with Discord? I assume it was you who finished the bastard of a spirit off before we rested.” Twilight looked to Luna, their expressions nearly mirroring one another’s as they looked upon the blood with a look of apprehension.

“I have done no such thing, my brother. I had thought you disposed of the body when you awoke,” she said as Twilight nodded, having thought the same. “I had left the doomed creature to bleed to death,” she said, looking about the room. “I was unable to find the Amulet of Tears after his defeat, what has happened to the relic?”

Ace’s face was apprehensive now as well as his horn lit up in its blackened glow. “So focused was I on the battle, I only managed to teleport it to Twilight’s home. Discord could easily have determined the destination of the spell!” he said before igniting the teleportation spell and bringing the trio to the main room of the library. Ace, a new pair of glasses that matched his old ones, ran upstairs before the mares’ senses had recovered.

Twilight looked around the room, which had been turned upside down as Discord searched for his precious neckwear. The shelves of books were thrown to the floor, some of them losing a few pages in the endeavor. The table and writing desk were overturned as well. From the upstairs room, somepony yelled out in fear and surprise.

“Calm yourself, Spike! ‘Tis only I, Ace Deus Fenrir. Did you see where Discord went?” she heard Ace saying as she and Luna ran up the stairs.

Spike was cowering inside of a wardrobe, wielding an umbrella in his defense against the Unicorn who had stumbled upon his hiding place. Spike shook his head, pointing back down the stairs. “D-D-D-Discord c-c-came in h-here and h-he took s-something. W-when he c-came he w-was a-all b-b-b-bloodied up, b-but when he p-put on t-the necklace h-he started t-to get b-better,” he managed as he shook from the excitement. “H-he ran d-d-own the s-stairs and I h-heard the d-door slam shut.”

Ace nodded as he turned, leaping over the banister of the second story down to the first so as not to need to pass the two that were in front of the stairs. Luna cursed under her breath as her form started to shift back to Night Scroll. Twilight took no time to admire the sight as she bolted down the stairs after the stallion, chasing him through the door into town.

When Twilight left the building, she was expecting the town to be in chaotic disarray, with buildings floating in midair and unusual creatures doing the same. However, she was greeted by the same town it had always been as Ace stood not far in front of the house looking around frantically.

“He wishes to remain hidden, for now,” he said as Night Scroll came through the door as well. “He is still a mortal, weakened by the draining effect of the Amulet of the Alicorn. He has recovered the use of his magic, but not his chaotic powers. He can teleport, but cannot open a dimensional tear,” he said as he locked onto something in his magical senses, running towards it. “You’re right, Twilight; I cannot do everything alone. Fortunately, we have no shortage of friends who can help us.”

Twilight smiled to herself as she and Night Scroll followed along behind Ace. “The foul creature will assume the form of a pony,” Night scroll called from behind them. “However are we to find one who can blend in as he pleases? I know a scant few of the ponies in Canterlot Castle, fewer still in Ponyville.”

Ace nodded with a smile as he looked back at the two. “Likewise, I am afraid. However, there is one pony who can aid us; a pony who never forgets a face and remembers every small detail about anypony she meets.”

Night Scroll and Twilight shared a look as they both exclaimed, “Pinkie Pie!” as their expressions brightened. Ace nodded again, his smile turning wider as he turned forward, their pace quickening towards Sugarcube Corner.

Ace slowed to a casual walk as he neared the door, opening it in his magic as he walked in, not wanting to breed panic in the other ponies until Discord was found. He was greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Cake, who owned the store.

The Cakes were both earth ponies, doing all their confectionary work by hoof. Mr. Carrot Cake had a yellow coat with an orange mane that was covered by his white-and-orange paper hat. Mrs. Cup Cake had a baby blue coat with a two-tone pink-and-lighter-pink mane. She wore a feathered apron, whereas Mr. Cake wore a plain white apron with a peppermint-striped bow-tie.

“Well if it isn’t Ace,” Mrs. Cake said as her husband waved his greeting as he worked on frosting a large cake himself. “Pinkie Pie said you would be in town for quite some time. Have you come to place an order?” she asked before noticing the blood that clung to the ponies’ coats.

Ace shook his head, keeping a courteous smile on his lips as he politely declined. “Actually, Mrs. Cake, my friends and I were hoping you would know where Pinkie Pie was, if you would be so kind as to tell us.” Mrs. Cake pointed up the stairs behind the counter.

“S-she’s taking care of Pumpkin and Pound Cake, our f-foal twins, upstairs. Y-you’re all welcome to go and see her, i-if you’d like.” The trio nodded their thanks as they proceeded up the stairs. Ace opened a door on the left, knowing where to go through his magical senses.

What they found inside the room was Pumpkin and Pound Cake sitting in their individual cribs. Pound Cake, the male, had a very light-tannish coat and a dark brown mane, while his sister Pumpkin Cake had a very light-yellow coat and an orange mane. Pound Cake was a Pegasus, while Pumpkin Cake was a Unicorn. Both of them, however were laughing and pointing at a strange solid-white earth pony who was dancing around the room.

When the ghost of a pony noticed the three of them, she ran up and bounced in front of Ace. “Did you guys come to play with the foals, too? I love foals! They always smile the widest and laugh the loudest of anypony!”

Ace only shook his head with a solemn look. “I’m afraid not, Pinkie. We need your help; everypony’s help.” As he spoke, the ghost pony shook out her coat like a dog, sending white powder to coat the rest of the room, including the foals who only smiled and laughed louder for it. “Can you come and help us?”

Pinkie nodded swiftly as Ace’s horn lit up, cleaning the room and the ponies the powder and landed on, taking the chance to take the blood out of his and Twilight’s coats as well. “What kind of help do you need? Is it a party? Is that why you need everypony’s help?” Pinkie gasped. “It’s a party for everypony in Ponyville, isn’t it? This is going to be soooo exciting!” The pink pony started bouncing again as her thoughts spiraled out of control.

Ace put both of his hooves on her shoulders, locking his gaze with hers. “Pinkie, this is important. We need your help to find Discord. He’s hiding in the form of another pony, and we need your eidetic memory of everypony in Ponyville to point out anypony unusual. Understand.”

Pinkie nodded swiftly again. “So the first party game is Hide and Seek, and we’re all it; got it!” she said as she rushed past the trio and out into town, bringing the others to follow her, Ace quietly closing the door behind them.

Once the party had made it to the entrance of Sugarcube Corner, they all started looking around, as if Discord would be in the first place they looked. “We should get the others as well, just in case we need to use the Elements to stop him,” Ace said as they all nodded.

The closest home where they were likely to find Twilight’s friends was the Carousel Boutique, so the group turned and headed down the road. Night Scroll watched Pinkie, unsure of why the earth pony had not yet made some sort of motion to welcome her to Ponyville, as the two had technically never met before.

“Tell me, Pinkie Pie, do you know who I am? Thou did not seem unfamiliar though I do not believe we have met.” Pinkie looked offended as she eyes the Unicorn. “Of course we’ve met before, Princess Luna! I was there when you first came back to Equestria! Don’t you remember?”

Night Scroll wore a mask of shock upon her features as the pink pony so easily disassembled her carefully formulated disguise. Ace was laughing while Twilight only shook her head with a smile. “That’s Pinkie Pie for you,” they both said in unison. Night Scroll could only nod her head with a sigh as she agreed.

Once they neared Rarity’s home, Pinkie was the first to bounce through the door. “Come out, come out, wherever you are!” she called as she bounced through the shop. Soon after, there was a rustling sound, followed by a scream and what sounded like bottles and objects being thrown.

Shortly after the noise had ended, Pinkie backed up into the view of the others as Rarity was dragged into the room, her back hoof being pulled by Pinkie’s mouth like a dog with a toy. Rarity was completely drenched, her mane pulled up in a towel as she crossed her arms over her chest, resigning herself to whatever Pinkie had wanted her for.

When she saw Ace and Night Scroll, she immediately let out another screech before retreating back into the backroom. “Pinkie, what were you thinking pulling a mare out of the bath in the presence of not only a stallion, but another stranger as well! ‘Tis not very mare-like behavior to meet company in only a towel!”

Ace and Night Scroll nodded their heads in agreement as Twilight rolled her eyes at what she could only view as a waste of time. As they did, Pinkie disappeared into the room after Rarity with a short growl of frustration.

“Pinkie, what are you- Ah!” Rarity screamed as the roaring sound of a powerful mane-dryer kicked on. “No, stop it! Stop it this instant! Eek!” she exclaimed as the towel she previously wore was cast through the doorway.

“Hold still! You’re going to make me miss a spot!” Pinkie shouted. Ace and Night Scroll exchanged a look of amused confusion before the loud noise of the mane-dryer finally ended.

Rarity was the first to enter the room, being pushed by Pinkie, a rather unhappy look on her features as her mane was a tangled mess and her coat was puffed out like a cotton ball. A number of items drifted into the room as Rarity’s horn lit in her magic.

Rarity was still being pushed by Pinkie as she sent the instruments to work on her dryer-scarred form. A pair of brushes worked at her coat, while several others worked at detangling her mane and tail. As the tangles were dealt with, Rarity’s features could be seen contorting with the effort.

Once her mane and tail were tangle-free, she sat for a moment staring at Pinkie Pie. The long, flat purple mane hung over a portion of her face, but it was no question that the glare was a scathing one. With a calming sigh, she set to work applying an amount of styling product to herself as more brushes flew into the room to handle the task.

Pinkie came alongside the others, watching as Rarity tended to her appearance until she finally sighed and examined herself. Once she was certain the party pony had not caused any persisting harm, she sent her brushes and other things back to their respective places.

“Let us pretend this never occurred, shall we?” The four of them nodded, followed by Rarity sighing. “Now, what exactly was so important as to disrupt a mare’s personal alone time?”

Ace took a step forward as he spoke for the group. “Discord is loose, and we have a very brief window of time to find him before he recovers his strength.” A panicked expression danced onto Rarity’s face. There was a moment of silence as the others nodded.

“Okay, that does cut it pretty close,” she said. “What can we do to stop him?” she asked, looking between the ponies until her gaze settled on Night Scroll. “Also, who is this elegant looking pony? Your sister, perhaps?”

Night Scroll spoke as Ace nodded. She placed a hoof to her chest as she bowed her head lightly, “I am Ace’s sister, Princess Luna. However, I would rather call me Night Scroll in this form.”

Rarity’s jaw dropped, looking between the two. “You… you’re Princess Luna’s… brother?” A fine red couch appeared seemingly out of nowhere, which she immediately swooned onto. Ace and Night Scroll both rose an eyebrow as Twilight rolled her eyes again.

“Yes, well, we are in a bit of a hurry, Rarity. My sister and I can explain such details as our relation after we put a stop to Discord,” Ace said as he started for the door. The four of them left the building, leaving Rarity’s performance to fall on deaf ears as she harrumphed at the lack of interest before following after them.

The four of them trotted while Pinkie Pie bounced alongside them, easily keeping pace. “Next stop is Fluttershy’s cottage. We’ll ask her to go and fetch Rainbow Dash while we go and see Applejack at Sweet Apple Acres,” Ace said as they ran.

Pinkie bounced in front of Ace, still keeping pace as she bounced backwards to face him. “But Acey, today’s Saturday! Applejack sells apples in town every weekend,” she said with a laugh as though he was being silly. “She’ll probably still be in the market.”

Ace nodded, a smile on his face. “That’s perfect; Pinkie, could you go and get Applejack while we go and get Fluttershy? Please tell her to meet us in the library.” Pinkie saluted with a hoof, still bouncing backwards before giving a stronger bounce straight up as the group ran beneath her. The rest of them continued to run towards the edge of town, where they would find Fluttershy’s cottage.

When they neared the small home, Ace allowed Twilight to be the one to knock on the door, fearful that he would frighten the timid pony with his urgency. After several agonizingly slow moments, Angel answered the door with a glare in Fluttershy’s place. He pointed into the room to Fluttershy who was being pestered by a number of little critters as she carried heavy bags of food.

She was clearly in the process of delivering dinner to each of the small animals while constantly apologizing to each of them, pleading they wait their turn. Without warning, the bags of food lifted from the Pegasus without any magical glow around them, and carried their contents to each of the bowls of food, promptly filling them all evenly.

Twilight noted the look on Ace’s face that denoted he was in no mood to delay the task further, likely being the cause of the flying bags. Fluttershy looked around worriedly as all of the animals scurried to each of their individual food bowls as quickly as they were filled. Once all of the food was given out, Ace laid the remainder of the bags on a shelf out of reach for many of the animals.

Around this time, Fluttershy realized she was no longer the only pony in her home and blushed lightly with a sheepish smile at her friends having seen her with her hooves full. The four ponies walked into the room; Ace and Twilight kept their gaze on Fluttershy, Rarity eyes the animals warily while Night Scroll admired the furnishings of the home, as well as the behavior of the furry creatures with a large smile.

Twilight cleared her throat as Ace started to speak, being sure to remind him that Fluttershy would scare easily, and that it would be best if she spoke for them. “Fluttershy, we need your help,” she started as Fluttershy eyed Ace and Night Scroll worriedly. “Discord is back, and we need to stop him immediately. Can you go and get Rainbow Dash and meet us at the library?”

Fluttershy nodded hesitantly. “I-I guess I could, b-but do we really have to fight Discord?” she asked as her eyes turned to the floor. “He was doing s-so well in his remedial lessons… I just think we should give him a c-chance.” Her eyes turned back to Twilight, hopefully pleading, “Maybe he’s not really being bad this time?”

Twilight started to speak, but Ace rest a hoof on her shoulder as he spoke instead. “Fluttershy, I’m not sure what you think you know about the Draconequus, but Discord is not one to see reason. He has already attempted to end my life today. Twice, technically.”

Fluttershy’s wings expanded as she covered her gasp with a hoof. “B-But Discord was doing so well! He wouldn’t hurt anypony without reason; he’s… he’s my friend.” Night Scroll stepped forward, resting a comforting hoof to Fluttershy’s back as she spoke, eliciting a quiver from Fluttershy at the unexpected contact with the stranger.

“I know you find it difficult to grasp, my little pony, but Discord is a being of chaos. It is in his nature to deceive and destroy. He has tainted mine sister’s mind with his foul magic,” she said before lowering her head in sympathetic sorrow. “And ‘tis as mine brother has said; Discord has tried to kill him twice today, and will not falter in making it thrice should we not resist him.”

Ace retreated sheepishly as Night Scroll glared at him pointedly. “Yes, well, the matter at hoof now is bringing together the ponies who wield the Elements of Harmony and hope that we are able to stop him while he is still weak. Would you be so kind as to help us, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy looked like she was seriously debating the idea, but finally nodded. “I’ll go and find Rainbow Dash and bring her to the library. I can’t promise I’ll be of much use for anything else though…”

Ace shook his head softly. “Everypony has a part to play, Fluttershy. If even a single pony didn’t do their part, things can only get worse.” Fluttershy’s expression brightened, if only slightly, at hearing the kind words before she nodded and left the house.

Rarity, Twilight, Ace and Night Scroll watch the yellow Pegasus as she flew to fetch Rainbow Dash. When she had flown out of sight, they started to proceed through the town back to the library.

Applejack and Pinkie Pie were sitting at the table in the main room of the library as Spike brought out a tray of drinks for everypony. Twilight, Ace, and Rarity took a seat at the table while Night Scroll looked around the room as she always did when she entered a pony’s home.

Applejack cleared her throat, “So what’re we all doing here, exactly? Pinkie says we’re playing hide an’ seek, but I get the feelin’ that ain’t right,” she said as she shot a look to the party pony who was fighting just to remain still as she nodded.

Ace nodded as well, preparing to speak, but never got the chance. Upstairs there was a loud crashing sound as somepony came through the – luckily open – window. Ace shook his head with a sigh as a blue Pegasus came to the stairs.

“Hi g-“ was all she managed to say before Ace’s horn lit up, teleporting her elsewhere. The others looked at him, an annoyed look on his face before there was a knock at the door.

After another knock, Spike was kind enough to open it. As he did so, a blue Pegasus with a rainbow-colored mane stood at the door, looking in with a sheepish smile. “Uh... Hi guys. Sorry about the landing…” Ace just motioned for her to come in without looking.

No sooner than she had sat down and Spike had closed the door, another – much more timid – knocking came almost silently into the room. Ace opened the door slowly with his magic, turning to it with a smile as he motioned much more kindly for Fluttershy to come in.

Rainbow Dash grumbled something under her breath as Fluttershy sat at the table. “So, what’s the big deal, anyways? Fluttershy just said to wait until everyone got here before she would tell me anything.”

Ace stood to address the group with a nod. “Discord has obtained the Elements of Harmony, and has instead changed them into the Elements of Disharmony.” A round of gasps went through everypony, save for Ace, Twilight and Nigh Scroll.

Night Scroll came to stand as she spoke as well, “My brother tried to fight Discord alone, and had nearly succeeded and is well spent for the effort,” she said as she planted a hoof firmly against his side, bringing a sharp gasp of pain that sent Ace nearly reeling into Twilight. “He managed to disarm five of the six elements, though the Amulet of Tears is still in Discord’s control.”

Everypony exchanged looks with one another as Ace and Night Scroll glared at one another. Twilight wrapped her hooves around Ace instinctually, hoping to shoulder some of his burden and comfort his pains. Ace relaxed with a sigh as he broke the gaze with Night Scroll.

“Now just hold on a second,” Applejack said. “You mean ta tell us that you went blow-for-blow with Discord, wit’ him all juiced up with tha’ elements? How in tarnation did ya’ll manage that?” The others looked at him as well, begging for an answer.

Ace sighed as he turned to face the group. “I suppose that, as my friends, you should be privy to a few of my secrets as well,” he said as he pulled off his glasses, standing as Twilight relinquished her hold of him. “Contrary to Pinkie’s belief, I am not a normal heterochromatic pony; I’m an Al Bhed. On top of that, I’m nearly as old as the Princesses of Equestria, and have been more than friends with them since before Equestria was known as such.”

Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Spike and Fluttershy all stared in awe, mouths agape, while Pinkie just bounced in place while laughing giddily. “How are we supposed to believe that, exactly?” Rainbow questioned. “You can’t expect us to just take your word for it, can ya?”

Night Scroll brought a hoof to rest loudly upon the table. “Then take my word for it, as I shall vouch that ‘tis true.” Everypony just looked at her as if to say, ‘And who are you supposed to be?’

Twilight stifled a laugh as Ace shook his head with a sigh. “You know, sister Night Scroll, that’s not really all that convincing when they don’t know who you are.” Night Scroll looked down at herself before smiling sheepishly at the group.

Night Scroll’s form was alight in the magical glow that matched Ace’s as she grew in size, her coat and emblem changing to that of the lunar princess, gaining the wings that befit the title as the tiara and peytral plate formed from the magic. Once she had fully transformed, she stretched herself as everypony stared in awe once more.

Ace stole their attention once more as he cleared his throat. “As I was saying… By the method that elongates my life, my magic has become unstable. Perhaps you have heard of the magical event that befell Canterlot Castle in recent days?” Everypony nodded, the event likely making all the local newspapers the next day.

“Such is a sample of my power,” Ace said as he cast his gaze downwards, shameful of the mishap. “Discord used that imbalance to steal the elements while also bring Celestia to believe me the culprit. I had used that same malfunction of my magic to drain the elements, and the Amulet of the Alicorn to drain Discord’s magic. This has made him weak, though he still possesses the amulet, as well as one of the elements. And, all of the drained elements and amulet as well.”

At the last part, it was Princess Luna’s turn to look shameful, having neglected the opportunity to deal out the ultimate judgment upon the chaos spirit. Rainbow Dash spread her wings, hovering over seat seemingly without noticing it.

“Well if you’re so awesome, why can’t you just fight Discord again and kick his plot all the way back to the Canterlot Dungeons?” she asked. “It’s gotta be like, a hundred times easier now that he doesn’t have all the elements.”

Twilight, Ace and Luna all shook their heads at the question. “While I have no doubt in my mind that Ace is strong,” Twilight said, “what he did was foolish and nearly got him killed.” She fixed him with a glare as he retreated sheepishly. “He’s exhausted from the battle, and though he won’t show it, I know he’s in a lot of pain as well. We’ll have to finish what he started ourselves. Now, while Discord is too weak to stop us.”

Applejack was still staring between Ace and Luna, her features set in a mask of shock and awe. “Ace is the princesses’ brother?!” she asked, still in disbelief. Ace shook his head as he attempted to clear the misunderstanding.

“As I said, I have known the princesses for a long time – back when they were known as Moonlit Embrace and Sol Light. Back then, we were adventurers and brothers/sisters in arms.” Luna nodded each time somepony looked to her, as if to ask if the words sang true. “We traveled together for quite some time, developing a brotherly/sisterly bond that, while it doesn’t run nearly as deep as blood, is still quite deep indeed.”

Twilight rolled her eyes as Applejack continued to look awed and incredulous. “Right, well, at any rate… Discord is currently hiding somewhere in town in the form of somepony we may or may not know,” she said before pointing to Pinkie, who was still bouncing excitedly. “We’ll need Pinkie to use her memory and knowledge of everypony in Ponyville to help us find him.”

Applejack finally returned to her senses, shaking her head to clear the last of her foggy thoughts. “Well that sounds all well and good, sugarcube, but what are we s’posed to do once we find him? Ask him kindly to stop his tomfoolery? There ain’t much to reason wit’ Discord.”

Ace looked among the group as Twilight and her friends all looked to him as though he were the only pony who could make a plan. Ace just shook his head with a shrug. “Honestly, I say kill him,” Twilight sighed as the others gasped at the idea. “However, since I know none of you like that idea, just use the Inner Elements of Harmony that reside in all of you to try and turn him to stone again. Short of that, I have not a single clue how to handle the situation; my plan already failed, remember?”

Twilight sighed as everypony nodded, still looking a bit grim at the mention of killing the spirit. “Well, I guess it’s a start. We don’t have much time, so it’ll have to do for now.”