• Published 22nd Aug 2013
  • 990 Views, 6 Comments

A Love Interest - Chris-Cross13

A new student at Christian's high school might make Christian spill everything about his new secret life...

  • ...

The Secret is out...Sort of

At lunchtime, Christian, Tristan, and Nick are casually strolling to the cafeteria. Already, they could hear the sounds of high school students talking and yelling over their lunches. The three of them walk into the heavily populated room and glanced around for an empty table. The room was too packed however, they couldn't see anything. Nick squints off to the distance and spots a table over by the windows, he nudges the two of them.

"Found a table. Let's go!" Christian and Tristan nod and follow Nick to the table he found. On his stroll their, Christian slows down and spots Dee-Dee, all by herself at a circular table in the center of the room. Christian was a bit confused at why a pretty thing like herself was doing alone, but then realized that most of the guys were probably pestering her, and she just wanted to eat her PB & J in peace. He understood her right to privacy, but this was also another opportunity to make a good impression. He looks at his two friends.

"Uhh...You guys go ahead, i'll...catch up later." Nick and Tristan look at each and shrug.

"Cool with us dude, peace." Nick says as he and Tristan continue toward the table. Christian looks at Dee-Dee from a far, and takes a deep breath as he starts his approach. He manages to walk right up to her without her even noticing. Dee-Dee glances toward Christian in the middle of chewing. Christian goes to say something before she puts a finger up, signaling him to shut up and wait. Dee-Dee swallows and speaks.

"If you're going to comment on how big my chest is, i'll knock you out cold." She says harshly. Christian immediately reacts with disapproval.

"No! No! No! I wasn't going to! I mean sure, you're a cute girl and all, but it's not because of the size of your...umm." He was starting to get a bit nervous. He didn't want to offend her in any way. Dee-Dee is taken by surprise and laughs a little bit.

"Melons?" She says giggling. Christian nods.

"Sure, let's go with that."

"So, you think i'm cute?" She asks with a smirk.

"Yea, I mean, I judge a girl on personality, not physically appearance and..." Dee-Dee puts her hand up. Christian's words stutter to a stop.

"Whoa dude, don't be getting all descriptive and whatnot. I get it, you're not like the rest of the guys at this school." Christian rubs his neck in embarrassment. She eyes him. "I like ya kid, sit down." Christian obeys and takes the seat across from her. She starts eating again, making Christian reach into his backpack behind him and pull out a red apple. He starts eating as Dee-Dee starts talking again.

"So, you're Christian Average correct?" Christian nods as he takes another bit of apple. " Cool, i'm in Chemistry class with your sister. She told me about you and your other sis, Lily." She thinks for a moment. The name Average sounded familiar to her. "Hmm...Odd. I could have sworn my mother mentioned something about an Average..." Christian's eyes sudden widen with fear as she started to think. He was praying she didn't know about his secret. Luckily, Dee-Dee shakes off the memory. "Ah well, must've been about something else." Christian sighs quietly, he was in the clear. Quickly he swallows to change the subject real quick.

"So, you're the Secretary of State's daughter? That's pretty cool!" Dee-Dee sighs in annoyance. Christian wanted to kick himself. Bad move.

"Don't remind me, my mother is always so busy with work. We have to act so well and everything to look good in front of the public. It's soooo annoying! That's way I chose to be in public school, unlike my half-brother and sister. Christian thought about this for a second.

"Wait, you're..."

"Adopted? Yup! Pretty crazy right!" Christian nodded. What kind of luck do you need to be adopted by the woman who would become secretary of Virginia?!

"That's pretty cool!" Christian says happily. Dee-Dee looks at him funny.

"Really? Wow, you are different!" Christian laughs at the comment and in his mind, he high-fives himself. Now that was a smart move.

"Oh!" Dee-Dee suddenly remembers something her mother did tell her this morning. "Christian, didn't you hear?" Christian stops his thinking about how smooth he was and focuses back onto Dee-Dee. He shakes his head. "My mother kept telling me to tell everyone I know that Area 15 was released. She never said why though." Christian thinks back to what Celestia told him and smiles. Nice distraction, he thinks.

"Oh really? Hmm...weird."

"Why is it weird? Did you already know?" Dee-Dee gives him a queer look before it hits her. "Oh! I bet you're uncle told you! That's why your name sounds familiar!" She gets close to his ear. "My mom said you're uncle was part of the FBI! He couldn't stop mentioning you when they were chatting!" Christian gulped. Great, she knew about his uncle being in the FBI, that's only a few steps away from finding out that HE was also part of the same thing! "You know, I think that the release of Area 15 is a decoy." Christian's brain clicks right onto what she just said.

"W-What?" He murmurs softly. Dee-Dee keeps whispering into his ear.

"I overheard my mom say something about a 'Top secret government project' about something that happened recently. Did your uncle tell you anything?" Christian shakes his head rapidly.

"What? Please! Do you really think my uncle would release top secret info on aliens?! That's crazy!" Christian needed to act fast, he didn't want her to get suspicious, but he also didn't want to blow his chance with her. Quickly, he got up. "Thanks for the talk Dee-Dee, but i've gotta go! Bye!" He flings his backpack up into the air to get the strap back onto his shoulder. Unfortunately, he forgot it was open. Instantly, the contents of his pack are spilled onto the floor. Christian cringes at the sound hidden against the crowd and loud lunch students. Smooth he thought. Real smooth. Dee-Dee immediately gets up to pick up his things. Christian scrambles right down with her to pick his things as well.

"Here! Let me help!" Dee-Dee persists. Christian puts his hand out.

"No! I got it! Really!" As he starts cramming items into his backpack, Dee-Dee ignores the response and starts helping as well. In a few seconds, her hands pick up a leather booklet of some kind. She picks it up, and accidentally opens it.

"Here! You dropped your wal..." Christian freezes the moment she utters the sentence. Slowly, he looks up to see Dee-Dee frozen as well. She was staring at the insides of the leather case, her mouth hanging wide in disbelief. Christian stops picking up the rest of the items and gets back up onto his feet with Dee-Dee. She looks away from the contents inside and looks back. Christian quickly breaks the silence.


"You're uncle isn't the only one..." She points to the gleaming golden badge in the middle of his wallet. Christian gulps. He was so screwed. Christian nods in defeat.

"Yea...Kind of a..."

"Special Agent to the CIA?"

"Actually, it's the FBI. CIA are my initials. I'm still too young to use my full name."


"Yea..." Things then got pretty awkward. Dee-Dee was staring at Christian in astonishment, as Christian tried to play it off as nothing. The rest of the lunch room went on as nothing was happening, lucky for Christian. He looked around to see the other students having a good time. He sighed and knelt back down to gather the rest of his things. Dee-Dee was still standing, holding the badge out. Christian looked up and quickly nabs it out of her hand. "Can you not wave this thing around?!" He whispered. "I don't need the rest of the school to know!" Dee-Dee snaps out of her shocked trance.

"Oops! Sorry!" She keels back down and meets the somewhat distressed Christian eye to eye as Christian continues to pick the rest of his stuff up. "Sooo...Do you know what the 'top secret government project' is?" Christian sighs in annoyance. She already knew he was in the FBI, was there really any harm of her knowing the rest?

"Yes." He whispers. "It has to do with aliens. But not the stereotypical 'green head, black eyes, take me to your leader' thing." Dee-Dee gasps in astonishment again.

"What kinds of aliens are they then?!" She whispers loudly. Christian quickly scans the room to see if anyone heard her.

"SHH! Be quiet and I'll tell you!" Christian whispers back. Dee-Dee nods and Christian proceeds with explaining everything. "Alright, i'm assuming since you've been in this school you know what the huge fad going on?" Dee-Dee nods.

"Of course! My Little Pony duh! I happen to be a pegasister myself." She says proudly. Christian smirks, maybe this won't be so hard! she might even enjoy it! Which would give him a few points in her book.

"Then you'll flip when I tell you this:" Christian leans in close to Dee-Dee, who would be on the edge of her seat if she was sitting down. "The world of My Little Pony, Equestria, actually exists." Dee-Dee gasps silently at the words he muttered to her. She couldn't believe what he was saying! No seriously, she looked at him like he was out of his mind.

"Excuse me?" She asks.

"You heard me." Christian says with a serious look on his face. Even though Dee-Dee was a huge fan, the entire thing still sounded ridiculous. " I can prove it too. If you want to come to my house after school, I can take you there." Dee-Dee still had a blank expression on her face. It quickly turned sour as Christian finished his explanation.

"This is just a ploy to get into my pants isn't it?" Dee-Dee says annoyed. This sounded way too good to be true. Christian shakes his head rapidly.

"Heck no! Just, listen..." He takes a breather for a second. "I know this all sounds...crazy, but you just have to trust me." He lends out a hand to her. "Please. I swear i'm not making any of this up." Dee-Dee looks at his hand and then back to Christian's pleading face. She just met this boy and he wants her to trust him about some story of how Equestria actually exists? She wasn't really buying it, but he did have an honest look...and a badge.

"Fine." She said sternly, as she shook his hand. "But I swear, if you try to pull a move on me..."

"I won't!" Christian persists. Dee-Dee rolls her eyes.

"Whatever. I'll meet you after school."The bell rings just as Dee-Dee finishes her sentence. Christian goes to thank her, but she is already out the door and down the hallway. Christia remains standing there, looking a bit worried as she runs off. He was praying he did the right thing, but he knew that this was going to take a lot of explaining. He suddenly feels a hand on his right shoulder.

"Hey man! so how did it go?" Tristan asks excited.

"How did what go?" He asks. Nick quickly comes up behind Tristan.

"We saw you flirting with Dee-Dee." Nick says, raising his hand up. "Nice job man! Can't believe you got her!" Christian smiles nervously and gives his friend a very awkward high five. Nick then runs off to his next period, with Christian and Tristan trailing behind.

"So, what did you two talk about?" Tristan asks curiously. Christian bits his lip. He needed to tell Tristan, if he didn't, it would be really awkward after school.

"Umm...well, you see...I kinda told her about...everything." Christian says worried. Tristan's eyes grow bigger than oranges.


Author's Note:

Nice going Christian. Real nice.