• Published 22nd Aug 2013
  • 990 Views, 6 Comments

A Love Interest - Chris-Cross13

A new student at Christian's high school might make Christian spill everything about his new secret life...

  • ...

To Equestria!

"I can't believe you told her! We could lose our jobs!"

"Tristan, you need to chill out. I don't think we'll get in trouble if her mother is the Secretary of State!"

"You never know! You can't just tell strangers about what we do!"

"That's just it though, she isn't a stranger! She's with the government too!"

"I just don't think it's right! I honestly don't think she can be trusted with this kind of information."

"You know I can here both of you, right?" Dee-Dee says from behind both of them. Tristan and Christian were still arguing about Dee-Dee knowing. The rest of the school day went the same for Christian; every class he was in with Tristan, he always got an menacing glare from across the room. Christian couldn't believe he was still freaking out over it. He stated at least a dozen times that Dee-Dee's mother has been notified of the project. Well, at least part of it. Her mother still had no idea the project involved aliens, but with Tristan already flipping out over this, the less he knew the better.

"Yea, we know!" Christian shouts from as they keep walking toward his house.

"I'm telling you, this won't end well." Tristan says for the millionth time. Christian rolls his eyes.

"And i'm telling you to chill the heck out." Christian says as the three of them walk up to the front door. "Listen, she's gonna like Equestria. And if she doesn't, then we should start panicing. But until then, take a chill pill, and just go visit your girlfriend."

"Marefriend." Vague corrects.

"Whatever." Christian opens the front door and is once again instantly greeted by a noisy husky. Dee-Dee sneaks in behind the two boys as the energetic dog starts jumping on her.

"Awwwww! He he! He's so cute!" Dee-Dee exclaims as she kneels to pet Apollo on his head. Apollo licks her hand.

"Well, it's a good thing you like dogs!" Christian says, relieved. "Apollo! Off!" He shouts. The husky compiles and runs to the hallway and sits down to scratch his ear. Dee-Dee tilts her head, astounded at the response of the small dog.

"Wow! You must've trained him well to have him respond to you like that. He must be real obedient!" Christian and Apollo give each other a look.

"Yup, it's almost like i'm talking to him." He winks at Apollo, who barks and runs into the kitchen. He motions the others toward the basement door. "C'mon, this way." He opens the door and leads the way for the two of them. The start descending the carpeted staircase and into the well lit basement. The lower area was completely decorated like the family room up top. As Dee-Dee turns the corner, she eyes the luxurious bar and living room area. It looked really classy; a few leather couches, pure white carpeting, and a giant flat screen TV. Christian's family is subtile. The group walk over to the far side of the room to the plain white closet. Dee-Dee sighs.

"I knew it! You just wanted to play "Seven Minutes in Heaven", didn't you?!" Christian doesn't even know what she's talking about.

"What?! No! Here, watch this:" He leans up against the wall next to a normal looking light switch. Christian pulls out his watch and presses a few buttons, instantly making the light switch flip around to a keypad. Dee-Dee gawks at the switch-around while Vague stands there with his arms crossed, annoyed that some stranger was about to see top secret government tech. He sighs, making his hair flip over his eye. Christian pushed a few numbers on the keypad and after a few moments of silence, a woosh sound followed by a few dings is heard. Christian pulls open the closet to reveal a metal elevator. Dee-Dee is shocked.

"How is that even possible?!" She asks. Christian shrugs.

"It's the FBI. They can do pretty much everything except raise the dead. Now, are you two coming?" Christian steps into the elevator with Dee-Dee eagerly following after him. Tristan sighs again and joins them inside. With the push of a silver button, the elevator doors slam shut and the whole thing flies downward. Tristan starts screaming his lungs out while Christian is bracing himself against a silver banister. Dee-Dee meanwhile, is busy checking her nails to see if any of the gray polish came off today. The elevator suddenly comes to a halt, sending both boys to the ground. Dee-Dee remains standing and walks out of the elevator. Christian gets up, rubbing his head in pain.

"Wow, can't believe she handled it that well." Christian says astounded. Tristan manages to balance himself onto his feet, as the fall made him completely disoriented.

"Hate that thing. How the hell is she still standing?!" Vague complaints. Christian ignores his annoyed friend and dashes toward Dee-Dee who was looking around the spacious white lab area. All around her scientists were taking notes, relaying information, and fixing equipment. The entire underground annex was alive and bright with electronics and devices of scientific importance, but the main centerpiece of it all was a huge circular metal gate in the center of the room. It was already lit up with a red and green lights for flare, and the energy conduits were already powered up and ready to go.

"What's this for?" Dee-Dee asks curiously. Christian smiles nonchalantly.

"Prepare to be amazed!" He shouts to her as he walks over to the main transformer and hits a big red button. The center of the portal starts to spark brightly and the lights around the edge start to flash wildly. Dee-Dee starts to be awed by what was going on before her. Tristan comes up behind both of them, still a bit wobbly.

"You doing the portal thing now?" He asks. Christian rolls his eyes.

"Oh, I don't know Tristan. Maybe you should look at the glowing portal in front of you!" He says snarkily. Vague frowns.

"I was just asking!" He shouts annoyed.

"Isn't it obvious?!" Christian shouts back. "The portal is glo..." A loud whoosh sound is heard followed by the portal opening. Christian points to the lit up portal "Or, you know, that." The trio step up to the portal. Tristan is already leaping into the gateway before Christian can even offer Dee-Dee to go first. He growls. "Hasn't he ever heard of ladies first?" Dee-Dee glares at him.

"Seriously?" She asks. Christian shrugs.

"What? I'm just saying! I don't care if you're the Secretary of State's daughter, manners go for anyone!" Dee-Dee rolls her eyes and looks onward into the vortex. She goes to put a hand in before retreating a bit out of fright.

"Will it hurt?" She asks concerned. Christian shakes his head.

"Nah, it might make you dizzy though. You'll just have to get used to it." He steps up and offers to take her hand. "Shall we?" Dee-Dee looks behind Christian toward the gateway and then back at him. She still couldn't believe what was going on, or where she was. It all just seemed way too odd of her.

"So, you're telling me that through this portal is a magical land full of ponies from a fictional cartoon show on TV?" Christian blinks.

"Yea, why?"

"Just making sure. Let's go." In one movement, Dee-Dee grabs hold of Christian and both of them fall into the vortex. Light starts to surround her as she gets sucked into the spinning colors. She quickly realizes that Christian wasn't kidding about getting dizzy, and in a matter of seconds she slides right out of Christian's grip. Christian doesn't take notice as he gets propelled further ahead toward the sunlight on the other side.

"Wait for it...Wait for it...Wait for it..." Pinkie repeats in front of the glowing portal. She couldn't wait to see her human friend again! Twilight taps her on the shoulder.

"Uhh Pinkie, you can stop now. I'm sure Christian will be here in a matter of seconds." She says reassuringly. Pinkie takes no notice to her unicorn friend and continues her obnoxious jabber.

"Wait for it...Wait for it...Wait for it..." Twilight sighs hopelessly and trots back to the rest of her friends. Applejack and Rarity were waiting nearby, the two of them started watching Pinkie after the twenty third minute of her sitting there and waiting for their human companion.

"I honestly didn't think she had this good of an attention span!" Rarity exclaimed surprised. Twilight looks back at her with a smile.

"Christian and Pinkie just have really good chemistry. Unlike me and him." She says annoyed.

"Oh, cheer up Twi! I betcha Christian will warm up to ya eventually!" Applejack says happily. Twilight denies her friend.

"Doubt it highly. This week alone he has already shot me with five darts!" Applejack shrugs.

"So you two have a connection issue, that's not stopping Vague and Dash." She points a hoof up high into the sky to see the two of them cuddling on a nearby cloud. Vague was pointing out clouds to Dash, who was laughing every few seconds at his assumption of what each one looked like. Twilight laughed loudly.

"C'mon Applejack! Me and Christian aren't in love or anything! I'm just saying he should..." She gets cut off by a scream in the distance.

"HI CHRISTIAN!" Twilight turns to see Pinkie tackling something on the ground. The four ponies quickly rush over to see the pink pony suffocating the human teenager in a hug. Twilight started to laugh at him. Christian glared at Twilight before Pinkie released her grip. Before he could say a word, Pinkie started bombarding him with questions. "How was school Christian? What did you learn about? Do you have a cooking class? Oh! If you do, did you make those cupcakes that you made for the changelings? You know, I still have..." Christian grabbed her muzzle.

"Hi Pink! Please shut up!" He let go of her mouth and Pinkie put a hoof on her head.

"Okie dokie lokie!" She lower her hoof to her mouth and a zipper appeared. She zipped up her mouth and then continued to ask questions. Christian smiled.

"Never get tired of that." He looked around the four ponies. "Hey, did you girls see anyone else come out of the portal?" Twilight points up.

"Vague did a minute or so ago. He's up there with Dash." Christian shook his head as he looked behind the portal.

"No, I meant did you see another..."

"Whoa!" Something flies out of the portal and into a nearby oak tree. Christian gasps in horror.

"Shoot! Dee-Dee!" He races over to the trunk of the tree. Twilight and the others look at each other.

"Who's Dee-Dee?" They all ask out loud except for Pinkie which was more of a muffle of a bunch of words. The join him over at the truck as Christian scopes out the top branches. He tries looking for anything gray, but to no avail. He looks toward Fluttershy, who Christian just noticed was also here.

"Hey Flutters, can you fly into that tree and see if you can find someone for me?" Fluttershy quietly nods and slowly flies up the tree. Applejack gives him a quizzical look.

"You could have climbed up it ya know." Christian glances at her.

"Oh yea. Hmm, oh well. Fluttershy is quicker anyway." Dash and Vague drop him from there little snuggle session. The moment they saw all of the commotion below, they decided to check it out.

"The buck was that?! I saw something fly outta that portal into the tree! Did you guys see it?!" Vague exclaims. Christian rolls his eyes. Did he seriously just ask that? Christian thinks to himself.

"No Vague, we didn't see it. We all just decided: 'Hey! Let's all become panicked and rush over to this tree for no reason! It'll be fun!' You're an idiot Vague!" Dash growls at him.

"Hey! Don't you call my stallionfriend an idiot!"

"Look i'm just saying..."

"Found something!" Fluttershy shouts from some high branches. Christian and the look up at the yellow pegasus who was struggling to carry a gray blob in her hooves. She tried as hard as she could to gain more altitude, but she ended up crashing to the ground right in the middle of the group. She quickly sat up. "Oops, I hope I didn't hurt her." she said with a squeak. The group surrounded the crash victim. It's a pure gray earth pony, her mane, tail, and hooves offsetting to an even darker shade of gray. She's about the same size as Pinkie. Her long mane was catching the soft breeze, making it flow a bit. He cutie mark really caught Christian's eye though, as it's a negative theatre mask. Christian started scratching his head in confusion before realizing what just happened.

"Shoot! I forgot that you become your OC here! Dee-Dee is gonna flip when she wakes up!" Sure enough, just as he said that, moaning is heard from the gray pony. Her eye flit open to the shade underneath the tree and the seven ponies surrounding her, plus a human.

"Christian? What's going on? Why do I feel...funny?" Christian quickly tries to think of an excuse but unfortunately, Dee-Dee answers her own question after looking down at her body. She quickly looks up toward Twilight and her friends, speechless at the moment. The group blink at her before Twilight speaks up.

"Umm...Hi." Dee-Dee starts yelling at the top of her lungs, making everyone cringe at the high pitch sound. Christian looks at Twilight.

"Yea...Probably should have planned this better."