• Published 22nd Aug 2013
  • 990 Views, 6 Comments

A Love Interest - Chris-Cross13

A new student at Christian's high school might make Christian spill everything about his new secret life...

  • ...

A Date to Never Forget

Christian and Double E are the first to enter Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie quickly bounces in behind both of them in her typical hyper happy-go-lucky attitude. Double starts taking in the interior of the bakery by first taking a long whiff of the succulent air around her. Which was quickly followed by her stomach growling like twenty tigers. She groans out loud. Thanks to Christian's little surprise, she barely got to eat her lunch back on Earth.

"Hungry?" Christian points out. Double glares at him while holding her stomach with a hoof.

"Yea, no thanks to you!" She snarls back.

"Alright, chill. I can fix that." He looks over to Pinkie, who was still jumping around all over the place. "Pink, shall we?" Pinkie stops to look at him as he points toward the kitchen. Pinkie quickly starts nodding her head.

"Okie dokie lokie! Let's go!" She rushes into the kitchen at breakneck speed, with Christian following her soon after. Double was about to ask 'What the heck is going on?', but she got interrupted by Twilight and the rest of her friends as they walk through the door. Twilight looks around the room only to find Double E standing there looking at them dumbfoundedly. Realizing the awkward moment, Twilight takes no time to ask something.

"Uhh, where's Christian and Pinkie?" Double takes a moment before pointing toward the kitchen, where humming and baking appliances of all sorts could be heard with the occasional bang from a pan falling. Twilight sighs at the obvious answer. "I should have figured."

"I don't get it. All I said was that I was hungry, and then he goes to the trouble of baking something for me." Applejack nudges her.

"Sounds like Christian has takin' quite the liking to ya!" Double gives her a shocked look.

"What? No way! I mean...he doesn't even show it!"

"Oh doesn't he?" Vague butts in. "Think about this for a second Dee-Dee: Where are you right now huh?" Double doesn't even get to answer before Vague answers for her. "Equestria. Land of talking ponies; unicorns, pegasi, heck, most mythological creatures. You are in the government's most heavily guarded secret since Roswell and you haven't even noticed that the guy who brought you here is in love with you? Seriously?!"

"Well it's just different! Most of the guys who love me only do because of my chest! Do you know what that's like?! I can never have a decent relationship with a guy because they all just want to cop a feel!" Vague goes to something, but can't find the words to make out an answer. He looks down to the floor.

"You're right, I don't know what that's like. Fact is, I could never get a human girlfriend because I didn't know how to act in front of them or what to ask them in fear of getting rejected. It wasn't until I met Dashie that I could finally muscle up and try for once."

"Probably because i'm your dream mare." Dash adds. Vague glares at her.

"Not the time Dash. Anyway, I want you to look at the situation you're in right now. This guy is risking his new job as ambassador just to be with you! You would have to be blind to see that he wants to be with you!"

"Then why hasn't he told me?!" Double yells. Vague approaches her through her outburst with a grim look on his face. He hesitates again before answering with a sigh.

"You asked before about becoming your OC and if it was permanent correct?" Double nods curiously at the fiery pegasi. Twilight, quickly realizing what Vague was about to do, jumps in between both of them to make the conversation halt.

"Oh I wonder when Christian and Pinkie will be done?" She gives her friends a look screaming: 'Help me out here I have no idea what to do!' Double frowns and throws the purple unicorn aside in a swift movement.

"Don't change the subject Twilight!" She looks back to Vague's serious face. "Yea I did. Why is this relevant to anything? Christian said he didn't make an OC yet!" Vague glares at her.

"Yea, he didn't. But you don't have to have an OC to be a pony."Double gives him a quizzical look .

"That makes no sense! How can you not have an OC but be a pony?"

"Because Christian is..." Dash quickly and forcefully shuts Vague's muzzle with her hooves before he could finish.

"Excuse us!" She starts dragging the orange pegasus to the door. Vague stops himself with the little leverage that he had on his hind legs. AJ quickly starts helping Dash by trying to thrust Vague out the door. Rarity takes Vague's place in front of the confused gray pony.

"Darling, please ignore Vague. He hasn't the slightest clue of what he is talking about." Double looks past Rarity to see Vague struggling to get out of the ponies' grip.

"Then where are they taking him?" Suddenly, Twilight overtakes her field of vision.

"Yea, he probably crashed and hit his head again. Dash and Applejack are taking him to the hospital to get checked out." As the three of them talk, AJ and Dash continue trying to force Vague outside before he did anything stupid. Vague struggled against the two strong ponies. He needed to tell her about Christian. If he didn't and Christian told her, he knew it wouldn't end well. With all of his might, he braces himself against the door frame to prevent any more advancement toward outside. AJ continues to try push his abdomen outside while Dash holds his mouth tight. Vague knew that he would eventually collapse in the next few seconds, he had only one more option. Vague starts to take a deep breath through his nose and holds it for a few seconds. He starts feeling his forehooves slip from the doorway and just as Applejack pushes him through, Vague exhales to make his mane expand and light up a vibrant orange. Dash twitches as a sharp burning sensation overtakes her forehooves. She violently lets go of Vague's mouth and zips outside, screaming in pain as her hooves catch fire. AJ gets blown back from the small eruption and lands upside-down on the other side of the bakery. Vague exhales again, showing steam billowing from his nostrils.

"Move." He says sternly. Twilight and Rarity comply and quickly sidestep out of the way. Double E couldn't believe what just happened.

"What the hay?!" She exclaims. Vague takes no notice and continues his explanation.

"Christian is a pony!" Double E's jaw drops at Vague's conclusion. Vague himself starts taking a few deep breaths after his little stunt. As he does, he glances to the only other two ponies standing, as Fluttershy hid under a table when Vague exploded. Twilight and Rarity were fixed onto the entrance of the kitchen. Confused, Vague looks up to see Christian standing in the doorway with Pinkie behind him, holding a chocolate peanut butter cake. Double E turns around to notice Christian and immediately dashes over to him. Christian wasn't mad or taken by shock or anything, he knew that she had to know eventually. The only thing on his face was a semi-depressed frown.

"Is...is it true?" Double asks with a squeak. Christian slowly puts both hands behind his neck and undoes his necklace. A bright light envelops his body as the necklace falls to the wooden floor. Double's mouth overtakes her face as she sees the human turn into a tan pony before her.

"Yea, it's true." He sighs. "I was going to tell you Dee-Dee, I mean Double." The gray pony remains motionless to his transformation. "Listen, I don't care what your opinion is. If you don't want to hang out anymore, then that's fi-"

"I don't mind." Christian's words freeze in his mouth. Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie gasp at her sudden answer.

"Come again?" Christian asks. The gray pony laughs at his cluelessness. She approaches him and starts caressing his muzzle. Christian starts becoming very distraught by her mixed feelings.

"I mean, how did this even happen? Magic backfire? Potion accident?"

"Chrysalis's curse and a DNA-camouflage charm on my necklace thing. It's complicated." Christian says while rolling his eyes. Double laughs again as she started to stroke his mane gently.

"And it can't be reversed?" Christian shakes his head.

"Unless by reversed you mean camouflaged, then no." Double frowns at this. When she came here, she fussed about being stuck like a pony permanently, but she didn't see this coming from a mile away. She now felt like...well, she felt like a dick honestly.

"Wow, so if I acted badly when I first saw myself as a pony, I can't imagine your reaction." Christian shrugged.

"Mine was like yours but with a lot more anger and changelings." Double giggled. Christian may look different, but he was still his human still inside. Double E didn't really know what to say at this point, she just found out that the first guy she meets who doesn't like her for her headlights, was actually part pony! She started showing a very uneasy look, making Christian frown. "I know you said you wanted to be normal, guess that's kinda hard now huh?" Double nods. "If you want Double, I could have the FBI erase your mind so you could live a nor-" He was cut off by Double E, who took his mouth into her's for a very passionate kiss. Christian slightly jumped at the move from her, but quickly closed his eyes to embrace her warm lips against hers. Twilight and Rarity gawked at what they were witnessing. Vague, who cooled down a bit, watched with complete astonishment.

"Well, that escalated quickly." He said simply. Double broke the sudden kiss and put her gray muzzle against Christian's, who was still in a bit of shock from what just happened. She seems completely fine with the fact that he was part animal!

"That's Dee-Dee to you." Christian gives a small smile. Cheeky little mare.

"I thought you said no making moves." He says in a cocky manner. Dee-Dee flashes a smile.

"I said you couldn't make a move." Christian smiles right back. He glances over to Vague to see him nod. He knew he had to thank him later. He figured this entire fiasco would end in disaster, but yet, in ended better than anypony ever thought! He couldn't wait to tell John...

"Aw buck!" Christian says full of worry. Dee-Dee grows concerned. Did I do something wrong? She thinks to herself. "We haven't told my uncle or your mother that you're here! What are they going to think?!" He looks over to the other five, AJ just getting up from Vague's fiery blast and punching him in the side. Twilight bits her lip in worry, Christian might lose his job because of this!

"Well Christian, I think..."

"We're just fine about it! Thrilled even!" Christian and Dee-Dee both look at each other like they heard a ghost. Christian glares at Twilight, who shakes her head and mouths 'I didn't do anything!' Christian suddenly glances over to his crossbow to see his wrist tablet lit up. On the screen, he sees his uncle and a middle-aged blonde haired woman wearing a formal light blue suit dress. Christian and Dee-Dee look at each other and quickly back down to the tablet.



"Hey kids! How's Equestria?" Christian and Dee-Dee continue to stare at the two adults on the other side of the screen. They were more confused then they have ever been in their lives!

"How did you? But I...Wha?!" Christian stutters to his uncle. John goes to say something, but a voice in the background cut him off.

"Did I miss it?!" The voice booms louder as Celestia steps into view next to the two adults. She was out of breath and painting.

"Yes, you just missed it." Mrs. Evermore says.

"You're recording right?"

"Of course! We always monitor our agents!"

"Whew! Good!" The appearance of Celestia just made everything even more confusing. Then Christian remembers what she said this morning.

"You used magic to know that I would bring Dee-Dee here didn't you?" Christian asks a little bit annoyed. Celestia shakes her head happily.

"No Christian, I did nothing of the sort."

"Then how did you find out that we were here?" John raises a hand.

"Christian, we're the FBI. Do you really think that we wouldn't have eyes all over the place?" John presses a button on his wrist pad to make a bunch of videos pop up. One of the black and white surveillance video showed three teenagers entering Christian's house and petting a dog. Another showed them opening the closet to find the elevator that lead under the house. The last video showed the three of them jumping through the portal in the labs below. Christian's eye twitches at the amount of video cameras in his house.

"Ok. First off, that's just creepy. Second, you guys don't care?" Mrs. Evermore laughs at his question.

"Of course not dear! I would love to have my daughter accompany you here!" Her face turns grim. "But if you don't report on what your doing again, serious restrictions shall apply to you."

"No problem Mrs. Evermore!"

"I was talking to my daughter, Christian. We all know you can't get fired unless you do something REALLY bad!"

"Wait, WHAT?!" Dee-Dee screams astonished.

"You heard me young lady! I'll see you at dinner." She turns to Christian. "It was nice to meet you Agent CIA. You be good to my daughter now!"

"MOM!" Dee-Dee aggravatedly moans.

"Don't worry about that Mrs. Evermore! I think we have a bit of a connection going."

"We know, we saw the whole thing." Christian and Dee-Dee give annoyed poker faces to the three of them before the screen flashes back to black.

"Well, that happened." Christian says blatantly.

"Does the FBI always do that?" Dee-Dee asks.

"Heck if I know. I just joined a month ago."

"Good point." The bakery quickly becomes full of an awkward silence. Everypony looks at each other quietly, waiting for somepony to break the silence. Christian suddenly coughs, making the others jump for a second.

"Well if that's all that's going to happen Dee-Dee, we might as well get going." He looks down at his necklace, realizing that he once again, doesn't have fingers. "Uhh, Twilight. A little help here?" Twilight gasps and quickly makes Christian's pick float back up and around his neck. Christian quickly reverts back to his human shape and sighs. "Thanks." He looks toward his new mare/girlfriend who was smiling happily.

"I better get used to that! I'll have to start wearing shades or something."

"Like mine?" Dee-Dee stares at the shades on top of his head.

"Nah, mine would have way more gray." Christian rolls his eyes.

"Of course." Dee-Dee laughs again, making Christian's smile return. The gray pony walks over to the exit, with Christian following her side by side. The others quickly scramble outside just in time to see them head toward town. Pinkie quickly runs in front of the group.

"Does this mean no cake then?!" She screams to the two love birds. The scream simply falls on deaf ears as it echos around the area. Just then, Rainbow Dash returns floating down softly from some clouds overhead. She eyes the group looking outward toward the setting sun.

"So, what did I miss?" She asks curiously. Twilight points off into the distance. Dash lifts a slightly darkened hoof squints to see a human and a gray pony jumping into the portal gate. She smiles and elbows Vague harshly into his side.

"Guess we're not the only couple here anymore!" Vague ignores her remark and rubs the painful jab mark. Dash smirks. "Also, that's for SETTING ME ON FIRE! I had to fly to the North just to cool off my hooves!" Vague's cheeks turn bright red.

"Sorry about that Dashie. But she had to know." Dash's face becomes disgruntled.

"You're lucky you're cute and that it worked, otherwise I'd throw you into the ocean." Vague immediately hugs the rainbow pegasus. She smiles and starts petting his fiery mane. Twilight approaches both of them during this moment of love.

"I'm still trying to comprehend what just happened." AJ snickers a little bit.

"It looks like Christian's got himself a marefriend of his own! Or whatever you humans call it." She says happily. Christian's plan may have completely turned upside-down, but the end result was still just as he predicted! She was surprised Double didn't care one bit about all of this!

"Do you think it will work? I mean, not to be rude, but Christian is like us." Fluttershy squeaks from behind everypony. Vague looks at Dash and they both nod, confident in their answer.

"If we work out Flutters, I'm sure they'll be fine!" Dash says happily. The others nod at her response as they continued to stare where their two friends left only moments ago. The sun was now halfway below the horizon, showing a dazzling orange glow throughout the town. Vague's head met with Dash's neck for a nice place to relax. Dash cuddled his head with a small nudge with her light blue muzzle. The two of them snuggled in the warm light as the day came to an end. The others still watching the town behind them. But Pinkie was still really confused.

"You're telling me! This is one hay of a love story, and I still don't know what to do with this cake!"

Author's Note:

This chapter is actually partially based off of the time I tried to go out with a girl in my high school, and I told her I like MLP. The results were her saying, and I quote: "You know I could care less right?"

We stayed together for five months.

Comments ( 2 )

I have to ask, how is this related to the Ponyearthverse (where in this universe bronies and people are suddenly waking up as ponies and Lauren Faust has turned into Princess Celestia and asked any of the people who turned into one of the mane 6 to come to New York so they could save the world while dealing with another problem that the people who turned into ponies are sharing the body with the pony themselves)?

3539659 Nothing whatsoever.

Why? Is it added to that group?

I don't see it marked on the side.

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