• Published 14th Aug 2013
  • 1,940 Views, 58 Comments

The Nightmare - Cirrus Sky

Even locked away, Nightmares remain and exert influence. What if they were to be released?

  • ...

Chapter 10

Pinkie was sleeping soundly, a small mercy for the now somewhat harassed group. She had been moved without incident with the rest of the makeshift camp. Rather shook up, Shining had taken to drinking the brandy and not to be left behind Rainbow had joined in. It hadn’t taken long for Twilight to succumb to the pleading and take a few swigs.

Now the historian was flat drunk and snoring in sync with Pinkie. Twilight was no longer reading her books or taking notes. She had decided to get some lessons in defending herself.

“Ok, fists up, stance loose.” Rainbow chuckled as the librarian, a little off kilter from the drink, stood across from her and trying to look menacing. “Ok, ok. Take a swing.” The flier held up a palm and Twilight punched at it. Missing and slipping into Rainbow’s arms.

“Ooops.” The librarian giggled and let herself be led to the blankets. They sat and Rainbow offered the brandy bottle. “Nooo, noo. Unlike my brother Miss Dash, I know when to say no.” She giggled a little more.

“Suit yourself.” She took another swig, capped the bottle and leant over to drop it by Shining. “Though, unlike your brother Miss, I don’t get you.” She cocked her head to one side to catch Twilight’s eyes. They were amethyst and glowing in the firelight she mused, looking at the librarian for a little longer than she intended.

Twilight giggled again. “I know...” She held up a hand, “I know what you are wondering...” She hiccupped lightly. “What’s a place like me doing in a girl, a girl like this?” She stared up at Rainbow.

The gunner tried her best not to get flustered, focusing on the amusing mix-up. “Yeah, something like that.” She smirked and daringly dropped a hand onto the sweater vest clad shoulder.

“This whole land, it’s in my blood.” Twilight said seriously, “Father was a famous explorer; he loved to delve deep into mystery.” She smiled fondly, the light from the fire giving her something soft to her features. “He was from Trotham, moved out to Canter for more great adventure. Mother is native to the area.” For a moment the firelight seemed to shine from within her eyes instead of just reflected. “She was a great explorer too you know and an excellent scholar and historian.”

Rainbow looked puzzled a moment. Twilight still hadn’t really answered her question. “Ok, right. I get your brother. I get your father and I get your mother. But I still don’t get you.”

Twilight crinkled her nose in distaste and stood. “I, Ms Dash, I may not be a gunfighter!” She pointed to the parcel of weapons beside Rainbow’s bed of blankets. “I’m not a treasure hunter or an adventurer!” She waved her arms about for effect, only slightly nearly losing balance. “But I am proud of what I am!” She pointed at Rainbow. Almost daring her.

“And what is that?” Rainbow tried to stifle a laugh at the sight of the irate woman. She had her work cut out when her navy haired companion plopped to the ground with a triumphant look on her face.

“I! Am a Librarian!” She exclaimed, her smile only growing wider. Twilight leaned forward, closer and closer to Rainbow. “I’m going to kiss you Ms Dash.” She stated. Her nose nearly touching the gunner’s.

“No, you’re not.” Rainbow countered.

“I’m not?” Twilight’s head tilted a little and her smile wilted.

“Not unless you call me Rainbow. It is my name after all.” She lowered her head a little, to reach Twilight.

“Ok... Rainbo...” The gunner closed the gap, sealing her lips over Twilight’s. She tasted like brandy and hard work in the desert. She felt the librarian’s lips turn to a smile. When she drew back the navy haired woman was still smiling, her eyes closed in sleep.

“Sleep well Twilight.” Rainbow gently laid the woman’s head onto her rolled up coat as a pillow and turned around to take first watch, still sat close to the group.


Sleep was fitful in the camp that night. As the moon rose higher into the sky most quite literally experienced a shift in their sleep, from comfortable relaxed repose to tense and frightened. Even Rainbow, determined to sit the night out watching for intruders had succumbed to sleep.

Everyone present suffered nightmares.


Twilight looked about her, she was asleep she knew. It looked to be one of her familiar lucid dreams. She was in her best dress and hat, sat in the warm leather seats of her father’s car. Today the driver was sitting in; they were to take mum and dad to the train station. She looked to her left and smiled up at her mother, to her right to see Shining, fresher faced and smiling, naturally. Dad was in the front seat, chatting and joking with the family.

It wasn’t long until they reached the station. That was when she saw the date upon the great big board. It was the day her parents left, never to return. Her mother and her father took a hand each and led her into the vast building, Shining helping the driver with the bags. Twilight was pulled along, helpless to resist the path of her memories.

They walked through the marble halls with their polished wood fittings. Past smart brass ticket gates and reached a well maintained platform. Her mum gave her a hug and a kiss and told her to be a good girl for the babysitter. Her dad tweaked her chin and kissed her forehead. He promised to bring back some more books and Twilight heard herself giggle with delight.

She wanted to scream, to shout. She wanted to make a scene, force them to stay with her, not to leave. She was powerless. It is futile to change a dream that is a memory. She watched them leave her and Shining with the Driver. They waved and smiled and blew kisses. They climbed into a carriage and took seats by the window. They waved some more and laughed along with their children as the pair chased after the departing train. She felt Shining grab her shoulder at the limits of the platform as they carried on waving away their parents and the train.

They were gone and there was nothing she could ever do to get them back.

Twilight woke up with damp eyes.


Pinkie Pie was upset, she had no friends and her sisters were sick. Too sick to play. It was only chickenpox but they were her little sisters and she was worried and sad. Papa had sent her to the barn to play so Mama and he could work and care for Inkie and Blinkie knowing she was safe.

There were few toys on the farm, little time for real play even if they made games of the chores. Pinkie had made do; there was a flour sack and a pail full of turnips. She had found some interesting rocks and stacked them up. Now she was sat at a table beside her “toys” wondering what to do next.

That was when another little girl walked into the barn. She was dressed like Pinkie and her hair was around the same colour as Pinkie’s, she was looking down at the floor. “Hello there Dianne.” The girl said, her voice wasn’t very nice. It was even the opposite of nice. “Want to play?” She looked up at Pinkie and raised a knife, grinning with evil intent.

“Ha ha! That’s a good one!” Pinkie giggled and sprang from her seat. As she jumped she grew tall and curved, an adult again, her pinafore turned into her favourite uniform with the epaulets and the gold trimmed fez. “I love a good scare.” She looked down on the mean little doppelganger. “But you don’t belong in my head.”

“What?! How dare you!” The little girl hissed “You shouldn’t be able to do this! I...”Pinkie cut her off with a firm finger placed over the petulant lips.

“Nuh uh, my head my rules.” She clicked her fingers and the girl was tied up in a ribbon, a comical tag hanging off with an address and stamps. In mere moments the scene had changed from the barn to a post office. “Toodles!”

The girl squirmed and grumbled but was powerless.

Pinkie woke up; she was certain she had to say something important but sat up too fast, got dizzy and ended up lying back down to sleep.


The fresh high altitude breezes buffeted the clouds a little; Rainbow smiled peacefully and lay back into the soft substance. Made material only to her hands as a sky-born, it was an experience no one of the other tribes could have unless they used complicated spells. She nestled up some more and zipped closed her jacket against any chill; she was in prime nap conditions after all. Just as her eyes settled closed, the cloud dissipated beneath her.

“No biggie.” She muttered, only slightly cross at the lost opportunity, she made to manoeuvre upright and back to the cloud city of the sky-born.

Her wings wouldn’t work.

She attempted again and then again. Rainbow met with increasingly worrying failure each try. She was rushing through the sky with no control and no rescue in sight.

Rainbow screamed.

She woke up with a thump and a racing heart. Too embarrassed at having a nightmare to tell anyone she pulled the blanket up over her shivering form and tried to sleep once more.


Jack was home again, her family was there too. They were sat around the kitchen table, her older brother and her younger sister, granny, ma and pa. The only one missing was Rarity, her absence was a little strange.

“So, what next stupid little excursion are you going on with your fancy woman?” Her Ma sneered.

“What?” Jack sat back in her seat.

“Abandoning your duties to home an’ hearth for some city floosy.” Her Pa said, sitting in his chair, glaring at the blonde woman.

“Takin’ off an’ leaving me.” Little Bloom said, tearing up.

“Fer shame.” Mac added.

Granny sat over them all, glowering down and not speaking a word.

Jack was taken aback. The last time she had seen her family they had been full of pride and praise. So happy that the middle child had found love and a life of adventure. This was unreal, untrue...

“No! This is a lie.” She stared down her family, the false representation of her family. “My family loves and supports me.” She sat back, arms folded and deaf to their words. Their faces went from angry expressions that had upset her to almost comical caricatures of resentment. Soon the false family faded from her mind.

The room faded slowly as Jack woke, beside her Rarity slept, her pretty face crinkled into a frown.


Over and over, the laughs the stares. The belittling words and dismissive conversations. They kept on coming from every corner and everyone. Wherever she turned there was no support and no welcome. Her family dismissed her, her tutors and colleagues rubbished her work.

Rarity despaired, when even her lover turned away. Ashamed of a woman made from falsehoods, vanity and weak bravado.
Rarity woke up subdued and upset, all her worst fears had been played out like a cheap pulp novel and she felt dreadful.

She hesitantly rolled into Jack’s embrace and tried to go back to sleep.


Awake and still a little buzzed from the brandy, Twilight left her bed. She smiled softly at the sight of Rainbow sleeping, but it worried her that their watcher was asleep. “I’ll just take a quick look around.” She said to herself.

The camp was quiet. Shining and Pinkie were fast asleep still, the other guides were snoring loudly, Twilight was glad they were further away from where she slept. Passing the other shelter she noticed Jack and Rarity curled together, the stab of envy at their closeness surprised the librarian. So did the warm thought of her sleeping like that beside Rainbow. She shook her head to clear it, blushing for the umpteenth time.

Walking a little further she noticed Rarity’s workstation, curious as to their finds she took a look. There were the copied scrolls and a few examples of coins and shards of stone with carvings on. She was tempted to take the scrolls to read but as she stepped forward she kicked something.

On the floor was a brown scroll case with shining steel caps. It was bound in silken string or hair. It was close to the archaeologist’s desk but not amongst her things... Too tempted, Twilight picked it up and hurried back to her seat amongst her notebooks.

She settled down to read. “That’s called stealing you know.” Rainbow commented, making Twilight jump.

“According to you and my brother, it is borrowing.” Twilight retorted.

“Are you sure it is safe to read, that thing looks creepy.” Rainbow sat up from her lounging position to look at the case.

“No harm ever came from reading a book.” The librarian said, untying the bonds and pulling free the cap. She gently removed the rolled paper sheet and opened it to read.

“She is the darkness of mankind. The shadow we fear who hides in the corners of our mind. The hatred in our heart and the envy in our soul. She takes her form from us and feeds on the dark things that birthed her. She will come if you call her and even if you do not. When sealed she merely waits for the path to open once more.”

The wind rushed around the camp, dousing the lanterns and rattling anything hanging or loose.

Deep in the room of statues, the scarred sun glowed bright.


In the mountaintop watch point of the Guarding Ones their princess faltered once more. “A way has been made... She will break free.” She breathed in shakily, “Muster my warriors! We must ride to prevent the nightmare’s escape!”

As night moved towards day the cadre of black clad warriors swept towards the ancient ruins.