• Published 14th Aug 2013
  • 1,940 Views, 58 Comments

The Nightmare - Cirrus Sky

Even locked away, Nightmares remain and exert influence. What if they were to be released?

  • ...

Chapter 6

There were at least a hundred cultists, armed and mounted. They were a single mass across the top of the sand dune, above the wrecked land train.

Twilight was sat in the sand, her back against the solid iron sides of the Bay Ardeth’s engine car. Most of the small parts had been stripped from the motor but the engine block was still in place. It was an added layer of protection for her while she concentrated on shielding the armed members of the group. She could hear the shouts of the gathered cultists on the dune. They were close to fever pitch, soon they would charge.

Rarity was stood close by, her impressive bow gleaming in the sun and thrumming with magical power. She was focused on the threat, ready to begin firing as soon as they moved. Twilight couldn’t see Pinkie, Jack or Shining. They were positioned further away, defending the iron hulk’s length. Rainbow though, Rainbow was a sight to behold.

The sky-born woman was flying in wide low circles, encompassing a large area of loose sand but hidden from view by glaring sunlight. She was using her innate weather skills to whip up a dust storm. The frightening sand storm the night before had certainly sent the travellers all fleeing to shelter. The hope was that a whirlwind full of dust would shift the cultists from the attack.

From above a shout called out. Then the air filled with yelling charging cultists, their gunshots ringing out but only hitting Twilight’s shield uselessly. She could hear the pop of Jack and Shining’s rifles, the shouts from injured attackers. From beside her the tearing flame sound of a lit match sounded every time Rarity let off a shot, her magical bolts pinning charging cultists.

Twilight tried to keep the sounds of battle out of her mind, eyes screwed shut and pouring all her effort into maintaining her magenta shield that was protecting the defenders. She could feel the breezes from Rainbow’s efforts; the flier was close to executing her plan.

Cracking open an eye she watched as a great cloud of dust was lifted above the height of the train. Rainbow was corralling the mass of whirling dust, leading it to the hundred or so red-clad horsemen. Twilight allowed herself a small smile; it looked like the plan would work. “That’s giving them pause.” Rarity commented, letting off another magical projectile.

The shooting by the cultists had ceased, their leader had noticed their ineffectiveness against the shield and the localised dust storm gathering above. Rainbow was working hard, flying around the cloud with powerful sweeps of her wings. She was too focused to notice she had left the protection of the shield. The leader of the cultists barked an order.

Then, a crack of gunfire, a single shot. Pain blossomed along her arm.

Rainbow shouted out. Twilight saw her falling from the sky, left hand clutched over her right arm and her magical cyan wing flickering from sustained damage. She landed with a thump on the sand, luckily behind the protective bulk of the land train.
A trickle of blood ran from her arm. Twilight saw only red.

To anyone watching it was a terrifying and fascinating transformation. The prim, slightly shy librarian became enraged. Her indigo hair began flicking in non-existent wind and her eyes started to glow. The leylines all magical beings had were showing, clear and bright under her skin. As her hair moved like it was subject to a tempest, it ignited with orange flame.
“You hurt her!” She yelled at the cultists, an otherworldly tone under her voice. “That was a cheap shot!” The woman was now floating, propelled by her power. She emerged from behind the wrecked train. Her effect on the cultists was immediate.
Those who did not flee bowed low to the ground. Muttering words of obeisance to her they moved backwards, away from her but not turning their backs. “Maleka!” the leader shouted, keeping himself low to the ground. Twilight was too caught up in her anger to notice their actions. She was simply glad they were retreating.

When the last of the cultists left she was still feeling angry. Ready to chase, to destroy them. She landed on the sand, Shining watched fascinated as her footsteps fused the sand into glass. “Twily! They’ve gone now! You can calm down!” He shouted after her as she moved to tackle the dune.

“Twilight?” Rainbow called. She was sat up in the sand; Rarity was running a healing spell over her injured arm and feeding some magic into the mildly damaged wing. At her call, the librarian turned.

“You’re ok?” Her hair extinguished, the leylines ceased their glow and her expression changed from anger to confusion. “I think I need to take a little nap...” Shining caught her in a levitation spell before she hit the floor.

“What was that?” Jack walked up from her guarding position. She had watched as the last of the cultists run away in a mix of awe and fear.

“Magical rage-shift... Mom used to do it; I guess Twily inherited the ability.” Shining held his sister, carrying her like he had when she was a lot smaller.

“I guess she got worried when I shouted out.” Rainbow winced and scrubbed at her hair. “It only winged me.”

“Indeed, a long shallow cut on her forearm.” Rarity tied a piece of fabric around the mostly healed cut. “It’ll heal up a little faster from my spell.”

“We should get moving.” Pinkie said, having appeared with her uncanny quietness. She looked antsy, a little like the moments before the sand storm. “We can’t stick around here...” She lightly patted Twilight’s head. “We can carry her and lead the camel? It would just be a really bad idea to stay.”

“Ain’t got to tell me twice.” Jack began leading the pack animals from their temporary stable. In moments the whole group were moving once again. Shining held Twilight in front of him, keeping her steady as they made tracks across the desert.


Word travelled fast amongst the cultist cells. They had found an aspect of Her, living as a mortal it seemed. She had hair that blazed like fire and leylines that lit bright white as the noonday sun. Her voice was one of command and her sight was unlimited, glowing eyes full of power.

Like any whispered story the other facts fell by the wayside. She had dark hair when travelling in a mortal guise. Her companions were a scholar, one who wore the colours of the sky and an Appleoosan.

The cultists told that they group were working to free the full power of Her. To take it into the walking aspect. They left the travellers to their journey in peace. The time for the return of their Queen would be soon.


“Where we goin’ Shiny?” Twilight murmured as she woke. She shifted a little until she realised she was on a camel.

“Still going to that Flare Prison you were rather focused on Twily.”

“Oh, yeah...” She looked ahead to see Rainbow leading and remembered what had happened earlier. She blushed again. “Can I ride on my own camel now?”

“Sure thing Twily.” Shining waved to Pinkie who was leading the spare camel. The Corporal had grown up on a farm, she had explained, and was used to handling animals almost as well as the cowgirl Jack.

“Thanks guys.” Twilight smiled lightly and jumped onto the camel. “We still have to reach the ruins today though, sorry for being a bit of dead weight.”

“Nonsense darling! That trick of yours got those cultists running away and we’ve not been bothered since. Nary a sign of their dreadful red robes.” Rarity was riding her horse close by, Jack had rear guard and Rainbow was leading. “Though I agree, I will feel much safer with some good stone walls around us in those ruins.”

“We aren’t too far away from it.” Rainbow said from the lead. “You slept a while there Twilight. We thought you used up too much magic.” She sounded light and cheerful.

“No, just used a lot all at once. It uses energy.” Twilight drew away from her brother and the Corporal and reached Rainbow. “Are you ok?” She pointed out the bandage around the flier’s arm.

“I’m alright, had worse.” Rainbow sat up a little. “You pretty much burst into flames back there.”

Twilight brushed, “Uh, yeah. It, it’s called a rage-shift. Mom did it once, when myself and Shining were kids. Some robbers tried to take hostages when we were in a bank. They wanted kids as a shield. They got close and she lit like a struck match... The crooks all but gave themselves up to the authorities in the end.”

“Cool. My mom was a stunt flier, could fly rings around anyone. She’s retired back in Cloudsdale now.” Rainbow grinned.
“What’s your mom up to now?”

Twilight’s face fell, “Uh, she died, a while ago. A long while.” She ran her fingers through her hair briefly.

“Sorry.” Rainbow looked stricken and unsure on how to proceed.

“They were archaeologists and historians; there is a wing of the museum dedicated to them.” Twilight smiled wistfully. “They were travelling to a dig when they were killed... I was nine and Shining was fifteen.” She looked over at Rainbow. “I’m comfortable talking about them Rainbow, so don’t worry. I kind of like to think that being out here riding camel-back to a site we will dig at is something like what they used to do.”

“Still, sorry.” She looked ahead, “Hey.” Rainbow pointed. “Ruins in sight!”

“Really?” Twilight looked to the horizon and spotted an array of sun-blurred structures. They weren’t much to look at but they were within sight. “How much longer?” Excitement was high in her voice, driving it up an octave.

“Three hours trek still, but only three.” Rainbow waved to the others and shouted. “Nearly there!” A cheer came up from the two others she had set out to lead and the pair whose guides had abandoned them.

“So, onwards then?” Twilight laughed happily and indicated Rainbow take the lead again. The travellers continued onwards to their goal.


Luna was sat in her tent painting when the shout came across the camp. She recognised the voice of one of the scouts sent out to tail the troublesome group. “I’m sure A’triet will inform me if it is important.” She mused aloud, drawing another brush stroke across the stretched paper in front of her. Within moments there was a respectful cough outside her home. “Enter, my faithful warrior.”

A’triet lifted the door flap and ducked into the tall dome structure. The interior of his princess’s home was richly decorated in comparison to the other members of the tribe. A long built up collection of well cared for items from throughout history put the place equal to some of the great museums of the “settled” society. “My lady, a report came in.” He paused a moment, drawing her attention from the artwork she was creating. “The group weathered the storm and moved onwards. Réo saw them but four hours travel from the prison.”

Luna sighed and laid down her brush and paints. “Then I must halt them at their destination.” She took up her armour, a light shoulder piece and a hauberk. Then the spear she had carried for so long.

“There is more to his report, my lady. It is best you hear it.” A’triet inclined his head in respect to the princess.

“So be it.” She followed the leader from her tent to the low benches gathered around the communal cooking area. A sky-born man was taking a drink, a bowl of broth in his hand.

“My lady.” He greeted, a slight nervousness in his voice.

“Scout Réo, well met. You have a report for me?” Luna took a seat opposite, dropping her armour to a rug on the floor.

“Yes my lady. I found them on the route suggested. They had made shelter from the storm before it hit, they lost no tools or supplies to the sand.” He made a gesture of wild hair about his head. “Their law officer has some uncanny sense of the matters, I heard them speak gladly of her warning.”

“An earth-born yes?” Luna asked, A’triet confirmed it, “She must be adept, many lost the gift after the Nightmare.”

“There is more, my lady.” Réo said, draining his drink. “They were faced with a cadre of the red robes. I thought I would need to intervene or call for help... They took shelter behind the Bay Ardeth for defence.” He motioned a shield. “The mage girl made a shield while the gunners took arms, the other mage practices archery.” He took a breath, “Then when one was hurt... The mage, Twilight Sparkle... She used the form. The form of Her.”

Luna’s spear fell to the floor. The first time in a thousand years that it had touched the ground. “Hair of flames and glowing eyes? I... She did not warn me of this, did not tell me...” She hardened her eyes. “We are at risk. This girl may be under an enchantment, a compulsion or hex to reach the prison and release the Nightmare. She may even be an agent of Her.” Luna shook her head in sadness. “I will have a great deal of work if this task must end in death... But we cannot leave things to chance.” The princess stood, her magic made quick work of putting her armour in place and once more she took up a spear. “A’triet.”

“My lady?”

“Gather a force. We must halt them swiftly else lose all we know.”