• Published 14th Aug 2013
  • 1,940 Views, 58 Comments

The Nightmare - Cirrus Sky

Even locked away, Nightmares remain and exert influence. What if they were to be released?

  • ...

Chapter 17

It was chaotic in the formerly deserted tomb and chaos sounded from outside. “Cultists!” One of the Guarding Ones shouted from his station. “Many of them.”

Still defending Cadence from bolts of shadow Luna cringed, she did not want to leave her daughter or the tomb. “Warriors! Defend this building from those who seek to venerate the Nightmare!” She used her royal voice to be heard over the noise. At once the stalwart fighters poured up the steps, leaving two princesses and a mage.

“We’ll keep these things off you until we work out a away to get you down.” Shining said as calmly as possible, chancing a brief look at the woman pinned by a dark force.

“No problem...” She whispered out to them.

Looking across at the impressive shield bubble, Shining issued a short hope. “Come on Twily, you can do something.”


Rarity was given a clean bill of health by the tribeswoman, she blushed as she sat out of Jack’s grasp, aware of the attention from the others. “I’m glad you’re ok Rarity.” Twilight smiled, it swiftly fell as more black magic impacted on her conjured barrier. “I think I have a plan to go with my idea.”

“It better be a good one Twily, we have some pretty serious stuff going down.” Rainbow clicked some rounds into the barrels of her shotgun and snapped it back.

“It was in the book I read earlier.” Twilight said, maintaining her barrier against further assault. “It said there was something here we could use.” She faltered as the shadow monsters moved to physically attack her barrier.

“What can we use Twi’?” Pinkie asked, preparing to take on the creatures.

“The Elements of Harmony.” Twilight said, “Artefacts of power that were used to seal the Nightmare long ago.”

“Where do we find them?” Rarity was standing with Jack’s help, the colour had mostly returned to her complexion.

“They, they should be here. The book said that they were sealed up at the same time.” Twilight felt big magic then, everyone halted as the earth bound and the sky born felt the tingle of power. “It’s midday.” The librarian gasped.


The sun was at its apex, exactly above the former palace. In her prison the ancient princess could feel the rejuvenating power descend towards her for the first time in centuries. She allowed herself some small hope; a tiny smile graced her features for a moment. Her hope was shattered brutally as the energy poured in. It had been corrupted, defiled by some scheme of the Nightmare. Not the golden glow of the daystar but a tainted inferno of a supernova. The Nightmare had prepared things for this return of power, arranged it so that the creature and only the creature would have access to it. Celestia broke down as the familiar malevolence raised its head in her body.

She was too tired to fight as the monster stalked towards the door, her magic glowing in her hands. The cell door was of little consequence now.


The huge stone door that was thrown across the underground room was entirely unexpected. While all the humans had the good sense to hit the sand under varied shields the shadow creatures were swept away. It impacted with the stairway to the surface, mercifully not hitting the trapped Cadence or those working to free her.

“We have to hurry and find the Elements.” Twilight whispered to the others before they rose. “I think I saw something on the lock script.”

“The what?” Jack was thumbing bullets into a revolver, keeping an eye out for anything that might approach. She was close to Rarity who was prepping her own gun, still drained from the possession by their foe.

“The markings across the ground.” Rarity pointed to the space cleared of sand. “The focal points have something lying on them.”

“So those should be the Elements of Harmony. We need those to push that freak back into her cage and lock it?” Rainbow had an arm across Twilight’s back, the mage realised when she spoke, close to her ear.

“Yes, she must have had them placed to unlock everything.” Twilight tactfully left out that is was probably Rarity who had done so.

“I know talking is a free action, but shouldn’t we get moving?” Pinkie said, risking a peek out at the dark, still tomb.

“Everyone go grab an Element. There are six of them and six of us.” Twilight whispered hurriedly. Jack signalled a countdown.

“All clear!” She called at zero, jumping and running out towards one of the artefacts. Rainbow rushed off to a further one, Pinkie had disappeared with her usual speed. Mēi and Rarity headed for the closest while Twilight made for the centre.

“Got it!” Pinkie chirped.

“Found one.” Rainbow was aloft with a stone sphere in her hand.

“Ah’ve got something too.” Jack shouted from her corner.

“One Element of Harmony.” Rarity waved.

“Here’s one, at least I think it is...” Mēi held out the sphere she had discovered.

“What about the sixth?” Twilight said, the last crux was missing a sphere, the carved character was empty. “There isn’t a sixth, but the book said there should be a sixth when the other five were in place.

“How sad.” A dark voice chuckled from the gloom. “Your little plan has failed.” A flickering light approached.

“No...” Twilight took a step back.

“Oh yes...” The Nightmare purred. A figure walked out of the newly opened cell. She was pale skinned but ashen at the edges, her eyes glowed red. The leylines of a princess were lit with an unearthly glow but most captivating and startling of all was her hair. Hair that blazed like an inferno, oranges and yellows raging in a corona about her head. “Well, won’t you bow?” The woman said, revelling in their shock and fear. “I am Queen Nightmare Flare after all.”


Outside the warriors fought with the red and gold clad cultists, cries of obeisance to the Nightmare sounded amongst shouts of rage and battle. “Shade, to your left!” A’triet shouted to one of his men, a brutal blow was shielded by the warrior. The leader nodded acknowledgment for the thanks and moved on to further skirmishing groups.

Things were reaching fever pitch when almost as one every red clad figure fell to the floor in prostration. An ululation of prayer was shouted by the madmen. It was midday, the sun sat precisely above the flare prison.

“By the stars and moon...” A’triet shuddered, the moment had come. Nothing within their power could stop the Nightmare now. With swift movements the Guarding ones disarmed the cultists; it was all they could do to prevent a worse fight for their princess.

They were about to return to the buried tomb when an almighty crash filled the air, a massive stone door blocked their entrance. “Mēi... my princess.”


The stone door had crashed far too close for comfort for both princesses and the mage. “We need to get her down.” Shining used the lull as a chance to send magic at the arcane bonds. It crackled across the shadow bindings, purple light tracing the fractures. He was very surprised when his attempt worked and Cadence dropped from the wall.

“Got you.” Luna’s magic halted the unexpected fall. “We must hurry... She is free.” Shining picked up a fallen sword and Luna grasped her spear. Cadence searched around to find something, anything to use. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed the girls moving across the room.”

“What are they doing?” She pointed to them, Shining and Luna left watching the door a moment. Each of the girls was heading for a sphere upon the floor. The sight gave the princess some small hope.

“The Elements... Twilight must know of them.” She did not risk a smile though, there was still too much at stake.

“Probably read it in a book.” Shining said with pride, “always reading...”

He trailed off when a light shone out within the darkened depth of the prison. He barely noticed Cadence’s gasp of shock and sudden grasp of his sleeve as she drew close to him.

“No... No, please... She cannot be free.” Luna sank to the sandy floor, she seemed almost broken. Cadence led Shining as she joined her mother.

“She can’t be, not the monster... There was no sixth element, the lock.” She tried in vain to argue against what they were seeing.

“With enough power, she had all she needed in the five...” Luna whispered. The light in the passageway grew brighter, more brutal. A figure wreathed in flames and harsh white stepped out of the gloom.

“Well, won’t you bow?” The woman said, revelling in their shock and fear. “I am Queen Nightmare Flare after all.” She ignored the six young women stood arrayed against her, she sensed a familiar presence. “Oh sister mine. How wonderful to see you again.” The thing wore Celestia’s face but Luna knew it was not her.

“Silence foul creature. You well know I have experienced your nature.” Luna spat.

“No matter little jealous second, Celly says hello.” Flare smirked one last time at the distraught princess before facing the mortals who stood in her way.

“We won’t be letting you out of here.” Twilight said, mustering up as much courage as she could. The heavy click of four firearms backed her up. For a brief moment Twilight was very glad to have the others with her.

Then the Queen began to laugh.

“What’s so funny, Queen Meanie?” Pinkie shouted, she held the stone sphere in one hand and a revolver in the other.

“Such pathetic mortals.” The Queen preened, splaying her wings in a show of might, her magic creating a swirling aura of flames. “You think to defy me?” She stalked forwards, Mēi shrunk back a little but remained resolute, four hands kept firearms trained on the monstrous Queen. “Me, Queen Nightmare Flare!” A wall of fire shot around the room, cutting off Luna, Shining and Cadence from the six. “I will deal with you and your scion later Luna.” She said, darkness and burning in her voice.

“We’ll finish you first.” Rainbow shouted, letting a shot off which was soon followed by three others. The bullets clattered uselessly to the ground, halted in an instant by the magic of a god-queen.

“That ain’t good.” Jack muttered, holstering her proven useless revolver. She began to inch towards Rarity, she didn’t really notice she still had a stone sphere in her hand. Or that the others still held tight to theirs.

“Your paltry weapons will do nothing against me.” The queen smirked to Rainbow, sending a gout of flame the gunner’s way. A swift magical shield stopped the fire before it could harm her. The Nightmare finally paid heed to Twilight.

“Guns and other physical weapons won’t stop you, I know. The Elements of Harmony will!” Twilight held herself steadfast and looked the Queen in the eye, fighting back the urge to cower. “We have them now.”

“Yeah we do!” Pinkie grinned a challenge, lofting the stone sphere and catching it in her palm.

“Right here.” Jack held hers out.

“I can’t believe you had me collecting your undoing.” Rarity mused, examining the stone in her hand.

“We’ll be using these any moment Queenie.” Rainbow rubbed the stone on her shirt.

“So stop right now.... Please.” Mēi said, both her hands circling the stone in her hand.

The Nightmare was about to reply when everyone was silenced. The stone spheres were glowing lightly in everyone’s hand. “No... It is not possible...” Nightmare Flare took a step backwards, Twilight pressed towards her.

“Come on sixth... where are you...” The librarian cast her eyes to the ground a moment, searching the sandy floor for the final component. The last, unknown, element.

It was a bad move. The Nightmare noticed the missing element, the break in the chain. Cackling with manic glee she forced out more fire and a wave of crackling gold magic struck.

The stones crumbled into dust, the six’s faces fell. Grey powder trickled through their fingers.

“You’ve lost.” Nightmare Flare said darkly. “Now my little librarian... I need a new host.” She strode threateningly to the mage.
“No you don’t...” Rainbow began.

The burst of flames cut her off. When the fiery display was over there was no sign of the Librarian or the Nightmare.

“Twilight!” Rainbow kicked at the scorched to glass sand, there were no clues. Stopping only to pick up a discarded shotgun and to give her ammunition pouch a pat, Rainbow rushed into the shadowed area the Nightmare had entered from.

“Deeper in the tomb?” Jack shouted after the sky-woman.

The group ran further into the darkness and caught up with the flyer. Following the air currents Rainbow found a passageway that led deeper into the buried palace. They hurried downwards, not even thinking about the risk. One of their own was in danger.