• Published 25th Aug 2013
  • 660 Views, 31 Comments

Might Be just a day away - Fat1thatyoulove

The sequel to the MAybe series, part 44. Follow our main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the power he possess. And how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2 – After all

Your trot down the stairs comes and ends fast as you swing your head towards the room, but as you do you get your answer to the noise with a slight bit of surprise.

"Sorry, sorry."

Twilight comes next to you as she floats her mane brush towards the table as she cocks her head to the small purple dragon cleaning up the broken plate, "Spike?"

The little dragon waves his claws to the name as he continues to sweep the plate up, "Ya I know, but it wasn't my fault."

You turn to the light purple filly that sits at the table with a giggle smile to the dragon that stands from the table cleaning the mess of food and plate he's made, "Violet?"

To the words the bowless tailed filly shakes her head as her hooves comes to talk, but you have no idea what she's saying as you repeat the hoove's motion, "What weird chicken?"

Violet's right hoof comes to a point as she holds a giggly smile to something else in the room, it takes you a moment for you to follow what she wants but you quickly pick up on her hoof as you turn around.

But there's no pony that comes to sight as you stare to a brown owl that has perched itself on one of the few bookshelves in the room, your first reaction is a slight bit of confusion with a hint of worry as to how a bird got into the house.

"Owlicious!" Twilight's calm and slightly excited voice breaks through your confusion as you watch the owl turning its head towards the lavender mare's stuffy nosed tone as she trots towards the bookshelves, "...You came by a little late this winter."

"Who?" The owl's tone comes back with no real sense or meaning but the typical word holds its own unique tone.

You squint your eyes to the bird as you think to yourself, did I meet this thing before? You don't get the chance to ask a question as the room comes filled with a wheezing giggle as Violet wiggles her front hooves happily towards the strange creature.

To the laugh Spike turns his head back to Violet as he points his claw to her, "Ya ya, just laugh that things not funny when it's banging on your window in the morning."

"Who?" Owlicious's word comes back to the room precisely as Spike's voice comes to an end. The noise brings an annoyed groan from the small dragon as he turns back to you and Twilight, "That dumb bird woke me up too early, and then I had to let him in!"

Spike's voice comes with a slight whine but you ignore it as you think to yourself, how does he know it's a guy? A faint giggle comes from Twilight as she waves her hoof to Spike, "You know Owlicious is more than a bird, he's a nice help around the library...and he's smart too." A smile comes over Twilight's face as she turns back to the owl.

"Come on down Owlicious, I think I still have your perch from last year." Twilight taps her hoof to her mouth as the owl's wings open and it starts it slow descent towards Twilight's back where it lands.
Violet's childlike glee to the bird holds as she again wiggles her hoofs to it as her horn sparks up in a faint blue glow that slightly comes over Owlicious.

You quickly notice her magic as you rush over to her and distract her, "No Violet, lets not turn the owl into a snowball."

Spike walks past you with his eyes half closed as his usual cold morning complaining like tone, expressed from his voice, "Pff, I already got my hello from her...That’s what I get from making good pancakes?"

Violet holds a smile to the words as she tries to give you an innocent stare, you give her a faint glare but you can't hold it for long as the sound of Twilight's hooves comes back to the room. The mare turns her gaze to the mostly empty plate in front of Violet as she speaks up in a faint baby like tone through her stuffy nose, "Did some pony brush her teeth before breakfast?"

The light purple filly proudly shakes her head as Twilight's horn sparks back up in a purple glow as the plate comes from the table. Twilight stuffy one comes back as she moves a little closer towards the filly, "And how has your big filly teeth been coming along?"

You give a slight smirk to the comment as you watch Violet's mouth open, the teeth she lost a week ago have came back with in a few days and any new teeth she's lost have come back pretty much in the next one or two days. You and Twilight were a little surprised to see that a few teeth had a slight point to them, but there too faint to really notice and it really just looks like her teeth have just come back in the same order with no problems. Strangely though the slight points didn't come to a surprise for you.

Twilight gets a smile to the filly as she nods her head, "Looks like Doctor Stable was right about magic helping them come in."

From the words Violet closes her mouth as she starts up her hooves, Twilight's smile grows a little more as she nods her head, "Yep, but Daddy will be helping you with your magic today."

You don't really hold the same smile to the filly's request as you think it over, ya Violet more magic training...You turn your head to Twilight as you speak up, "She doesn't have to do anything with books today right?"

Twilight cocks her head to your comment a little confused but she shakes her head as she walks towards the kitchen, "No, she already did all her bounding and teleporting item spells." Twilight's stance takes up a slightly more comfortable stance as her stuffy nosed voice starts to take on a longer paced style.

As her voice starts to ring around the room Spike comes back to the threshold of the room as he takes the plate from Twilight's floating magic. She doesn't take notice to the lapse of an item in her magic as her horn holds its purple while her voice continues, "...I still don't think you should be around too much magic, but Violet has to take Celestia's test before her first birthday..." She taps her hoof to her mouth as she looks aimlessly towards the ceiling, "...The next few weeks we can go over enchanting spells, I put a few enchantments on some brooms in the basement that way I didn't have to worry about cleaning or having Spike falling down the stairs to clean it..."

You laugh to her comment as you stop her words, "Whoa, enchanted brooms, Disney would be proud."

"Whose Disney?" Twilight blinks to your comment as she cocks her head. From her intuitive stare your mind goes blank to the faint mainly mindless thought, "Uh...s-so what are we doing today?"

Twilight shakes the comment off as her know it all tone comes back, "Well, I don't want her to start breaking enchantments yet so I thought we could start on egg warming spells first."

"Egg warming!" Spike comes out from the kitchen with a wide smile as he talks, "Me, do the spell on me!"

You blink to his comment as you speak up, "Won't that hurt?"

Spike rolls his hand to you as he crosses his arms, "I jumped into a lava pool once, nothing is too hot for me."

Lava? Your speechless as you look to Twilight just hoping that she heard Spike's nonsense to, but she's unfazed by the comment as she nods her head, "Well Spike I wanted to try that spell when i'm home, just in case something happens."

"Like what?" You give a little laugh as you continue, "Heck, I could warm an egg." You puff your chest out a little proud as Twilight's expression turns a bit sheepish.

"Well...Violet is able to easily pick up on spells after she sees them, just like me...so I just want to make sure she doesn't accidentally mess up that spell like I did."

You look over her expression as you talk, "What did you do?"

A laugh comes from Spike as he nods his head towards Twilight, "when she heated my egg, and then did a growth spell on my."

Twilight cuts the little dragon off as she rolls her hoof, "But that's why i'll be here for that spell, any hooves, you will just be going over a few simple levitation spells." Twilight's voice picks up as she continues, "Ooooh, Violet could practice her hoof writing again."

To the words the little filly sticks her tongue out a little, you notice her reaction as Twilight continues, "Ya she ca-AhChowwo!" Her sentence comes to an end as her horn sparks a little from her sneeze. "Ugh...First things first, I need to look over that cold spell again."

End of chapter 2