• Published 25th Aug 2013
  • 660 Views, 31 Comments

Might Be just a day away - Fat1thatyoulove

The sequel to the MAybe series, part 44. Follow our main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the power he possess. And how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 7

Chapter 7 – Party pony style

You pace at the bottom of the stairs as you think over Twilight's words, i'll be right back? She said right back?

The start of the night rolls over the world as the sun barely just peaks over it, you've already eaten dinner and you should be about to leave for the Winter Wrap up thing...again should be. Violet still sits at the table looking over something she pulled from the shelves and the grey doll sits hunched over on the table beside her. Spike has already left for Rarity, which you're not really sure if she was expecting him or not but its not like you could have stopped him anyways.

You give a faint sigh as you shift your weight on your hooves, but you don't really have time for your mindless game for long as Twilight's voice comes back to the stairs above you.

To the voice you bring your eyes to look over the mare, she told you that the Winter Wrap up party is nothing really special and that there would be no need for a tux or anything...So you just put on your boots and a decently matching scarf that you had made after you burnt Twilight's...However your doubting Twilight's earlier comment as you look her over.

The lavender mare has on a yellow almost sun dress like thing on with a pink ribbon like bow that hangs in the front. Not the best thing she has in her closet but as you look her over you realize something that really catches your eyes, her mane style has changed to more of a flippy lay that brings out her mane's highlights but more importantly on her horn sits the bright white gold gem studded horn ban that almost has a shine of it's own to it.

You get an almost goofy smile as you look over the mare, "Thought you said we didn't have to dress up?"

A slight blush comes over her as she shakes her head, "We don't? I-I just put this on because it gets cold at night, ha, not like I want to be sick again right?"

You shrug to her comment as you hold your eyes to her as she descends the stairs, sadly your gaze of the mare is cut short as a hoof to the door turns you around. You open the door to the winter bundled yellow mare as you step aside.

Fluttershy nods to you as she steps inside and looks to her friend, "Whoa Twilight, you look really nice."

Twilight gives a little giggle as she thanks her friend, but there small talk only last for a moment as she turns her attention to the light purple filly, "Ok Violet, we'll be back in a little ok?"

The filly blinks to the comment for a few seconds before she nods her head with a simple smile.

"Thank you again Fluttershy..."

The yellow mare waves her hoof as she speaks up in a slightly less shy voice, "Oh no it's perfectly alright Twilight."

You stand by the door as the cool night air continues to poke at your body, but you're able to ignore it as Twilight and Fluttershy's small talk ends and the lavender mare starts to trot towards you. You say your goodbyes to Fluttershy as you close the door and take your first steps towards town with Twilight beside you.
- - -

Night's in Ponyville have always been strange to you, none of the normal bright colored ponies are usually out and most of the town is dark except for the few candle street lamps that dot the main street. Lucky, like most nights the sun's orangy red glow as it sets goes slow leaving enough light to make the trot easier.

Really though you don't care, right now your spirits are high and with each step you take your distance becomes a little bit closer.

As you round the last street corner the lights off the town hall, where the celebration is being held inside start to bring its own glow to the world as you watch a few other couples and ponies trotting towards it.

You do get a slight sigh of relief as you realize that the ratio of dressed and just normal ponies is pretty much equal...and the only ones really dressed nice are other mares so you're pretty sure your scarf and slightly matching boots makes you look like a superstar...at least they both match your coat's color well.

You and Twilight take your first steps into the rapidly approaching building's open doors as your ears and eyes become flooded with the sights and sounds inside.

There's really no guessing that Pinkie's hoof help create this place seeing as how most of the stuff is bright colors but you wouldn't be surprised if she had help seeing as how the colors actually match really well against the town hall's light wood insides.

Your ears bring a different thought that is completely void of Pinkie as the sound of high class slow but nice music rolls around the room, blending the normal conversations with a feel of relaxing.

You swing your eyes to the source of the music as you look to the stage on one side of the room, but you don't even attempt to guess the instruments the ponies on stage have in there hooves.

A smile crosses you as you and Twilight continue more into the open building, a few statues of ponies in various stances align the room but for the most part this is just an open social gathering.


The sound of a south like accent turns you and the lavender mare to the other side of the room where tables upon tables of hoof foods and drinks sit.

The familiar orange mare trots over towards you with her signature western hat as she speaks up, "Rarity said you two weren't coming'?"

Twilight gives a faint giggle as she shrugs, "Fluttershy offered to foal sit."

Applejack nods her head to the comment as she speaks up, "That pony really should enjoy meetin' ponies, but at least she's not sitting in her house tonight."

To the words Twilight swings her head around a little as she talks, "Um, did you come with somepony?"

The orange mare's answer comes quickly as she speaks up, "Nope, me and Big Macintosh are just here to help give out the cider." She gives a wink as she nudges Twilight, "Can't have any pony stealing apple family cider can we?" She taps her hoof to her mouth as she stops her laugh, "But uh, haven't seen Big mac since he went to show Cheerilee the-..."

"Oh there you are darling."

It doesn't take long for the white mare to be followed quickly by the small purple dragon to come to where you three stand as she starts to talk about something. But you slightly ignore her as you look over her lavish pink, red and gold layered and flowing dress that is WAY too fancy to be here. Of course the white mare doesn't notice it as she continues, "...Just like I said, this is much better than last years."

"HA! As if!" The tomboyish voice is followed by a snorting laugh as the cyan mare and the energetic ball of fluff trot over towards your now slightly formed circle. "The only reason you are saying last years sucked was because somepony spilled a drink on your dress."

Rarity's ear flicks a little as she ruffles her nose, "That was a HOOF crafted dress stitch by stitch, do you know how hard that is?"

Rainbow rolls her hoof to the comment as she continues, "Nope."

Your smile that you've held through the conversation turns to a chuckle as you listen to Rainbow's comments.

"...Hey Aj, whens the cider? This punch is lame."

"Lame huh?" Pinkie taps her hoof to her mouth as she squints one eye, really you're surprised she hasn't rushed you into a death hug...but you kind of figure she's tired from all the ponies around the building that she most likely knows.

Applejack rolls her eyes to the cyan mare's comment as she trots towards one of the tables with a few large wooden barrels stacked next to it, "Dagnabbit Rainbow, you know I said we have to wait until more ponies show up..." The mare quickly darts her eyes around the room as she sighs, "Oh well, might as well start early this year."

Rainbow grins as she nods her head, the first cup of frothy cider is snatched by the cyan mare as Applejack tries to pour the next few quickly for her friends. You float yours to your hoof as you realize magic when you're not a unicorn should not be really shown in public...unless you want a group of confused ponies talking you to death.

Twilight waves her hoof to the cup as she talks, "Sorry, I did a cold spell and I don't want to mess my magic up with a loose mind, i'll just stick with punch."

Aj shrugs the comment as she passes it to the next pony.

You take your first sip of the strangely bitter tasting cider as you make a mental note to self as to what not to drink, nothing blue and nothing new.

End of chapter 7