• Published 25th Aug 2013
  • 660 Views, 31 Comments

Might Be just a day away - Fat1thatyoulove

The sequel to the MAybe series, part 44. Follow our main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the power he possess. And how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 8

Chapter 8 – Two Barnz would be proud

Surprisingly the music in the dome like building picked up from it's earlier classy tone, and you're now able to see why Twilight called it mostly a dance. It's kind of funny that most of the ponies here are a little younger looking than you and Twilight's friends but you've seen a few familiar faces that you've passed sometime through town.

But the dancing ponies, music change and free drinks are not what has kept everypony in your small group. Instead tonight has become a collection of stories, adventures Twilight and her friends have gone on, things you and Twilight have done and things that everypony has done...You never really considered your impression on Twilight's friends to really be so big, but tonight you have finally seen how tight nit the ponies really are.

Your group did lose Rarity a little earlier and the small purple dragon sought to follow after her. But you still have Aj, Pinkie, Rainbow and Twilight around you...And the stories haven't stopped coming, although you do give a questioning stare to Twilight as she shifts a little off balance as her words run through her, "...And that's why I don't want Violet going anywhere near the *hic* l-lake."

Twilight's horn holds its faint purple glow as she tilts her fourth punch cup to her mouth, as she goes silent for a moment Rainbow breaks in with a wide smile as she eggs on the mare's story, "But don't you think Violet would like it?"

The lavender mare's eyes widen to the comment as she lifts her hoof up to tap to her mouth, as she does this her balance slightly is lost and she quickly slams her hoof back to the ground, a giggle comes from her as she does it again, trying her best to match it to the beat of the song.

You look over the lavender mare's overjoyed filled face to her simple motion as you talk, "Twilight, are you okay?"

"Never *hic* better." She shoots you a smile as she continues her hoof clap to the music.

Rainbow on the other hoof burst out into a laugh with Pinkie as the two mares lean to each other.

Aj doesn't share in the enjoyment as she speaks up, "Uh, Twi, you sure you're okay?"

Twilight blows to the comment as she shakes her head, "Yes, I-I think that i'm ok." She lifts her hoof up as she speaks up again, "I also think-..." She stumbles a little as her hoof comes past her chest, but you place your hoof to her side as you balance her out.

To your touch of her low dress she turns her attention to you as she smiles with a very suggestive tone, "...I think that we want to go home and *hic*..." Rainbow and Pinkie both slightly stop there laugh as Twilight's comment ends for a second, "...And try a spell on Star Swirl's journal." A giggle comes from Twilight as her words come to an end.

You give your own chuckle to the giggly mare as you breathe a sigh of relief to the fact she didn't say something that might have embarrassed her later.

But despite her words Rainbow and Pinkie's laugh comes back up, "T-that egghead is fried!"

You reach your hoof to Twilight's punch cup as you try to take it from her magical hold, but she just giggles as she floats it a little higher.

Aj taps her hoof to her mouth as she shakes her head, "I don't get it, all she had was four things of regular punch?"

Pinkie rolls her hoof to the comment as she talks, "No silly, I spiked the punch."

You and Aj both blink to the words as the orange mare speaks up, "Pinkie! Why would you do that?"

"Duh! Dashy said it was lame." The pink mare holds a wide and innocent smile as Rainbow shifts her eyes a little nervously, "Oh come on, it's not like I knew she would do that."

"*hic* What about Spike?" Twilight's half closed and relaxed gaze comes open a little more as she turns around the room, "Where is he?"

You hold your hoof to Twilight's side as you talk slowly, "Spike is fine, I think we should-..."

The music in the building goes to a soft tone ass Twilight comes up in a gasp, "We should dance!"

You blink to her words as you study the smiling mare, "Uh maybe-..." You hold your sentence as you look over Twilight's slightly faded smile, but you soften your gaze as you nod, "Alright...But then we need to go home."

Rainbow speaks up as your words end, "Don't worry about Spike, I can get him home."

Twilight's new found confidence sparks her hooves fast as she hoovers the cup to Rainbow and pulls you along behind her as you two push through the slight crowd of ponies. You're able to take control of your almost drag as you lead the giggly mare to one side of the designated dance area where she can't really embarrass herself....And where you can't really embarrass your sober self.

Luckily the song Twilight has picked is fairly slow and you're able to reassure yourself as you glance to the other ponies around you, neither you or Twilight could dance at the wedding, but you two made up for it by laughing and just combining the small amount you both knew.

Twilight's confidence slightly falters as she realizes where you two are, "Uh..."

Before she has a chance to really speak up you follow through what you know, a pony slow dance is pretty much nothing more then using your other partner as your legs, from what Twilight said to you its supposed to be simple...Both ponies wrap their front hooves around each other at least until they have a ok balance and then you just walk trying to match your partner's speed.

This thought brings no help as you look to the shifty mare's stance, but you follow through your word to her as you place your first front hoof to her upper body right where her neck meets it.

Twilight's smile comes back to her as she follows your motion, the next hoof is the hard part...But with a little bit of luck neither of you fall over.

A giggle rolls from the mare as you two just stand there for a moment neither one of you knowing how to move on from there. You copy her laugh as you hold your smile, but you slowly start to move your back legs as she starts to follow you.

The slow song continues to roll on as you two finally start to get the hang of it, you both still wear the oh crap why are we doing this smile proudly but at least you're not standing in one spot anymore.

You don't really care at this point who's watching, because as you and Twilight stare to each others smiles you both simply ignore the rest of the world as the sound of the music coming from the stage continues to move you two.

The song feels like the longest thing in your whole life, besides from the wedding's song...But as the sound continues on Twilight moves her head to lay up against your neck. You follow her action as you use your slight high difference to bring your head to her mane.

- - -

With your enjoyment to actually moving and her drunken boldness you both make it through your first day, and even attempt a few more over the course of the next hour. But as Twilight's stare starts to become a little lapsed you finally are able to peel the lavender mare from the dance area and the party as you two take your first steps out into the world.

The moon hangs high up in the sky, its not full but the light of the white orb brings it's own warmth to the world...Not really but it still makes the town around you look calm.

However you try to keep the pace of you and Twilight to a decent speed as the nip in the air runs to you. The lavender mare slightly leans to you as you stay close to each other both for warmth and for Twilight's own well being.

"That was fun..." Twilight's voice brings a smile over her face as she trots beside you with her head to you.

You nod your head as you continue your pace.

A giggle comes over the mare as she leans her head a little to you from her close trot, "I want to have sex."

You burst out in a loud laugh as you think over her bold and drunken confident words.

But your laugh causes the slightly sobering mare to blush hard as she talks, "*hic*, I-I never had a colt friend when I was growing up..."

Your ear holds to the mare's voice as her tone changes a little from her relaxed words to a more real and deep through sound, "...I always thought it was because no pony found me attractive..." A slight giggle comes from her as she takes her head from you and continues to talk, "But...I guess it doesn't matter, I mean look at me...I'm married and have a foal."

You cock your eye to her voice as you hold your gaze to her stare that has now pinned to the road in front of you two. Despite her gaze and her shifted head her words still come directed to you, "Am I rushing Violet? A-am I pushing our foal to fast?"

The words come over you as you slow your trot almost to a stop as you notice Twilight's pace starting to end. Twilight holds her gaze to your pause as you think her words over, sure about four months is a short time but you can't believe that she would need to be drunk to hear her real thoughts...You swallow your personal thoughts back as you talk, "Well...Violet needs to get her test done before she's one right."

Your words turn the mare's head into a nod as you continue, "...Then no...we're not pushing her to fast."

Twilight takes her own moment as she turns her gaze to the ground, "I spent so much time on my studies for Celestia's school when I was a filly..."

You shrug to the comment as you talk through a slight chuckle, "But you didn't have somepony like you to help..." You smile as you look her over, "You didn't have a beautiful, smart and passionate pony to turn to, Violet does."

The mare gives a little giggle as she turns her gaze to the ground, but her slightly shy stare from your loving gaze doesn't stay quiet as she hiccups.

From the noise you let out a faint laugh as you start your trot back up, "Now come on, no sense in getting frost bite."

Twilight follows your trot as she brings herself back to trot close to you.

Your breath rolls in heat wisp from your nose and mouth as the library starts to come into view from your path.

As you near the red wood door your magic wraps to it as you bring it to open, you wait for the mare to trot inside as you follow in behind her.

But there's no moment of silence or a warm welcome as the sound of a low chiming magic pops from beside you and you turn to Fluttershy...or at least who you think is Fluttershy.

The yellow mare with bright green mane gives a faint smile as she talks, "Oh you're back early?"

You blink to her new mane color as you speak up, "Um...Are you ok?"

Fluttershy nods her head as she talks, "Yes, Violet didn't want to go to sleep and I guess she wanted to practice a spell."

You nod your head as you wiggle your hoof to your mane, "Uh, regular water can change your mane back."

Twilight speaks up with a little giggle as she looks over her friend, "Oh Fluttershy, *hic* thank you for stopping by."

The yellow mare blinks to her friend's tone but her sight of her is lost as the sound of little hooves comes back to the room as Violet happily gallops to where you and Twilight stand.

"Hello Swe*hic*etie, you should be in bed."

Violet doesn't pick up on the different tone as she nods her head with a smile.

Fluttershy turns back to you as she talks, "Um, well goodnight."

You nod to her as you move to open the door for her, "Goodnight, and thank you."

As the mare leaves the house you close the door and turn your attention back to the two other ponies in the room, "Alright, both of you should be in bed."

You move to trot up the stairs as you call back to the little filly, "Come on Violet."

The filly follows you up the stairs as her hooves come back to her.

- - -

It only takes a few minutes to tuck the light purple filly in, its a little past her bedtime so as her head hit the pillow she pretty much went right to sleep.

You hold your trot to your room as you float the scarf from your neck and start to fold it up, but as you turn to the room your eyes set to the lavender mare in the bed.

It's really no surprise that she's asleep, but you are kind of impressed she at least got the dress put away. You lose your magical chime as you just toss the scarf to a nearby dresser and move to kicking off your boots.

You move towards the bed as you look over the mare, you figured her earlier comment was nothing more than her own slight loss of thinking but it is kind of a let down your not getting lucky tonight. A faint chuckle comes over you as you push the thought from your head.

As you move into the bed Twilight gives a faint groan as your side comes down to your weight. You give a relaxed sigh as you hold a thought to yourself, Twilight better hope she doesn't have too much to do for Winter Wrap Up. You hold a smile to the thought as you just shift your eyes over

the mare's closed eyed face.

End of chapter 8

Comments ( 14 )

*sight + usual stuff* sorry ^^"


:pinkiesad2: Yep, still no lonnnngggg comments. Oh well, at least you'll have about 30 stories to read in a months.

(you) :rainbowlaugh: ...(moments later) realization to who's writing the stories....:rainbowderp:


Shhh, I just got here :pinkiesick:

3104361 *bites the fu*king table...* GRRRR WORK AND TRAININGS!!!...


lol, I feel you :ajsleepy: that's why this one was long.


secretly drugged Twilight is best Twilight :trollestia:


oh you started the Might Be series, you're in luck tomorrow there will be a new part up. :pinkiehappy:

Nice work,
Especial the last three chapters, quite lively. ^^

OWWW... ok, ^^"
That "ruffles up the mane" wasn't to clear to see, so to say~~~
Or to be more precise: I didn't know that magic ruffles up manes.
Did you said that somewhere? At least I can't remember about that. ^^""" :twilightblush:

Ya, although some hoof over mane probably is a drastic idea. lol I don't think it would look that bad :derpyderp1:

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