• Published 3rd Sep 2013
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The Cassandra Chronicles - CassandraMyOCisBestpony

These are the various-genre adventures of my OC Cassandra, the seventh Element of Harmony

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Chapter 20: When Twilight Met Cassandra, Part 1

“But Princess” whined Twilight for the millionth time, “why do I have to leave Canterlot and go to this Ponyville?

“Because there is some learning that can’t be done with a book,” replied the Princess

Twilight snorted, “That I’d like to see.”

“My student, you have much knowledge, but you are a lonely caterpillar. To complete your studies, you must emerge as a social butterfly.”

“That was beautiful” remarked Twilight glowingly

“I got it from Cassandra” replied Celestia

“Who’s Cassandra?”

“You’ll see” said Celestia.


After a brief journey, the chariot carrying Twilight Sparkle and her assistant dragon Spike arrived in Ponyville. Twilight had a list of ponies that she was supposed to go and meet in preparation for the Summer Sun Celebration.

As Twilight walked along, reading the list, she suddenly came upon a light so bright, it was as if she was staring into the sun itself. As her eyes adjusted, it became clear that it was no ordinary light, but a mystical aura emanating from the pony standing before her. The clouds above parted, shining a sunbeam around her glorious figure. Twilight could see her clearly now, a pegasus with turquoise fur, only a thousand times more pure than the stone itself, and a windswept auburn mane that draped off of her like a veil of mystery. Twilight had read the thesaurus from cover to cover, but not even she could come up with enough adjectives to describe the pony that stood before her... beautiful, mysterious, impeccable, athletic, radiant, it was too much to take in.

“You must be Twilight Sparkle” said the pegasus in a melodic voice of liquid brass that sent shivers down Twilight’s spine.

“I.. yes” said Twilight, struggling to get her bearings back. Finally she extended her hoof for a shake. For a pegasus so trim, this one had a remarkably strong grip, Twilight observed.

“You may call me Cassandra. I am the guardian of Equestria, and long-lost sister to the crown. When I was just a filly, I learned that my destiny was to save the world in the even that the Elements failed. My past is checkered with darkness and sorrow, but my struggles hardened me. I learned magic despite being a pegasus, and became the most powerful spellcaster on the planet. But my enemies were jealous of me, so I resigned from my helm at the throne, and took to living a quiet, modest life.”

“That’s incredible!” exclaimed Twilight, “b-but if I may…” a combination of fear and admiration made Twilight apprehensive to challenge Cassandra even a little, “how does somepony with so much life experience not yet have a cutie mark?”

“Ah, but I do,” replied Cassandra, “It is starburst mounted on a shield, sat on top of crossed sabers, encircled by a laurel wreath, which is surrounded by the six glowing Elements of Harmony. But only the most enlightened ponies can see it.”

Twilight looked dejected.

“Don’t be sorrowful, Twilight Sparkle” reassured Cassandra, “it just means you have a long path of learning ahead of you.”

Twilight smiled, “Thanks Cassandra. I’ve only known you for a few minutes, but already you’ve given me so much great knowledge. But I really have to get down to business. How are your preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration coming?”

“There’s going to be a meteor shower tonight” said Cassandra.

“Ooh, how pretty” gushed Twilight

“It won’t be too pretty when the meteors collide with Ponyville”

“Oh no!”

“Not to worry, I’ve got it under control. With my magic, I can redirect it to anywhere within a thousand mile radius. I’ve chosen the only non-essential piece of land I could find, namely Applejack’s house.”

“Surely that can’t be right” said Twilight.

“I think you’ll change your tune after you meet her. She’s one of the ponies on your list.”

“Alright then” replied Twilight skeptically, and she headed off towards the meadow, where the list said she’d find a pony called Fluttershy.


Fluttershy was rehearsing with her birds when Twilight approached and startled her. After failing to get the timid pegasus to speak with her, Twilight gave up and walked away

“Ugh, this is hopeless” she groaned to Spike, “why can’t they all be as outgoing as Cassandra?”

Fluttershy’s ears perked up, and quick as a lightning strike, she was all over Twilight

“Did you say Cassandra?” she asked, suddenly wide-eyed full of enthusiasm, “oh my she’s just so... cool! But I’ve been too nervous to approach her, I styled my mane to look like hers, did she say if she liked it? Did she talk about me? Oh, but what if she said something mean?” she squeaked in terror.

“Breathe Fluttershy” said Twilight, “Cassandra is a kind and gentle pony who would never talk behind your back like that.”

“That’s such a relief, thank you!” said Fluttershy.

Twilight and Spike departed.

“You know, maybe I was wrong” said Twilight to Spike, “If all the ponies are like the two I’ve met so far, this town might not be so bad after all. Who’s next on the list?”

“Let’s see...” said Spike, glancing over the parchment, “It’s the caterer, that pony called Applejack.”


“I hate the fucking town!” screamed Twilight. She was back at her house, where Pinkie had surprised her with a party and a huge herd of unwelcome guests. Twilight had locked herself in her room with the one guest that was always welcome.

“I don’t know what to do, Cassandra,” she whined

“I take it you visited Applejack’s?”

“She was supposed to be in charge of the food, and she made nothing apple treats! I said to myself ‘keep an open mind, Twilight’ as she forced every single variation of the same dessert on me. But they all tasted like apples and cinnamon wrapped in pastry, and let me tell you, you can only pretend to like that for so long. Seriously, it’s like Deliverance with apples over there! How about using some other fruit once in a while? Maybe one that you don’t have to add a bunch of sugar to to make it semi-palatable!”

“Twilight, you should commend yourself for being so naturally gifted at pretending to like Applejack’s food.”

She continued ranting, “But I haven’t got to the best part yet, oh no! As I was making my way through this gauntlet of slimy apples and syrupy sweetness, I asked Applejack what she was having for dessert. And she went all goo-goo eyed, and muttered ‘Braeburn.” Twilight buried her face in her pillow and screamed.

“Well if it’s any consolation, your hot sauce cocktail must’ve burned the taste of apples right out of your mouth.”

“Hey that’s true” said Twilight, finally cracking a smile.

The two were interrupted by Spike, who told them that the celebration in town hall was beginning

They went to town hall, only to discover that Princess Celestia was missing! In her stead was the evil Nightmare Moon, who had just escaped from the moon. She declared,

“AH! After one thousand years I’m free! It’s time to conquer Earth!”

Author's Note:

Comments poll: Take a look at the cover art; how many of you can see Cassandra's cutie mark? Leave your answer below. No cheating, she'll know.

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