• Published 3rd Sep 2013
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The Cassandra Chronicles - CassandraMyOCisBestpony

These are the various-genre adventures of my OC Cassandra, the seventh Element of Harmony

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Chapter 24: The Braggart

"Fillies and Gentlecolts, I am the grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat and powerful Trixie!"

The Mane 7 and most of the town were watching Trixie perform a magic show.

"You know, those sparklers and fireworks are pretty impressive, considering she's not a unicorn" said Cassandra. Trixie levitated her hat off her head, revealing that Cassandra was mistaken, she was in fact a unicorn.

"Wait what?" said Cassandra confused, "are we supposed to be impressed by this? I mean I thought your gimmick was that you could do all this in spite of being an earthpony, but this is like first-grade magic for a unicorn." But the townspeople seemed to be enjoying themselves so she let it go.

"Ah can't take anymore of her boastin'" declared Applejack, "Somepony's gotta put her in her place! Are ya with me? Ah can't hear ya, are ya with me?"

"Um, Applejack" said Cassandra, "it sounds like you think there's a big crowd of ponies cheering in assent for you. There's not."

"But how can they put up with her boastin'?" demanded Applejack, "I'm gonna go up there and teach her a lesson." She jumped onto the stage,

"Trixie, ah challenge you to a fiddle contest."

"Wouldn't do that AJ" called Cassandra, "she probably got her powers by winning a fiddle contest."

"Hey!" objected Trixie.

"Alright then, ah challenge you to a lasso contest!"

"You won't win that either but all right" commented Cassandra.

Applejack got out her rope, and did surprisingly good tricks for someone with no fingers. But as predicted, Trixie used her magic to take control of the rope and tied her up. Rainbow Dash shifted uncomfortably in the crowd; she couldn't help but think about Cassandra doing that her.

"Hahahaha! Can anypony besides Cassandra challenge the Great and Powerful Trixie?"

Twilight could, but she was afraid of being a braggart.

"Twilight" said Cassandra, "does it occur to you that nopony except your friends are actually booing Trixie?"

"That doesn't bode well for their intelligence" remarked Twilight

"Nope," agreed Cassandra "no it does not. But they're cute."

Rarity took her turn on stage next using magic to make clothes for herself. But Trixie turned her hair green, besting the alabaster unicorn.

"Not green hair!" she wailed. Carrot Top got upset about that, because she had green hair.

"Rarity, I'm shocked at you!" scolded Cassandra, "I thought I explained to you that being a bigot was a bad thing. Practice kissing. Two sessions"

"I'm sorry. Thank you for teaching me this lesson." said Rarity with a regretful look on her face.

Dash tried to upstage Trixie with some flying tricks. They were actually pretty impressive, but Trixie got the last laugh when she used her magic to whisk Dash off stage with a rainbow tornado. Snips and Snails declared her to be the most powerful unicorn in Equestria

"That tears it!" exclaimed Applejack, "she's got too much influence an' she must be stopped!"


Twilight and Cassandra were hanging out at Twilight's house discussing intellectual matters that were beyond the other five's mental capacity. Spike interrupted them.

"Twilight, why won't you do something about Trixie?" he whined

"Because I don't want ponies to think I'm a showoff." replied Twilight

"Because she's a travelling performer and she'll move on in a couple of days no matter what we do." said Cassandra.

Their conversation was interrupted by a load ROAR outside. An Ursa was charging through town, laying waste to everything in its path.

"What do I do?" cried Twilight

"Use your magic to stop it" said Cassandra

"But then everypony will think I'm a braggart!"

"They can't think about much if they're all dead"

"Good point." Twilight used her magic and made the Ursa go to sleep. then she sent it back to its cave. The town cheered for Twilight and no longer liked Trixie, who had lied. To add insult to injury, that wasn't even an Ursa Major like Trixie had bragged about, but an Ursa Minor. It looked like the day was saved, but then an even bigger bear came in, an Ursa Mega!

"See what Trixie's done?" said Applejack, emerging from the crowd, carrying a pitchfork. Her sister and brother were carrying torches.

"Let me guess," said Cassandra, "you were trying to form an angry mob, and those two were the only ponies you could convince to join you.

"Eeyup" said Big Mac.

"Applejack that tool you're carrying is very sharp. Why don't you put it away before you hurt yourself?" advised Cassandra.

"Death to braggarts!" exclaimed Applejack. She charged at Trixie, but tripped because she's a clumsy pony, and impaled herself on the pitchfork.

"Alright, enough of this." Cassandra leapt into action, deftly dodging the Ursa Mega's swipes and slashes, before using her magic to levitate it back to its cave too. The crowd cheered for Twilight and Cassandra.

"I guess it's not bragging to use your powers for good. Thanks for teaching me, Cassandra."

In the background, Trixie was trying to escape.

"Not so fast!" said Cassandra, tripping her, "we have to figure out what to do with you."

"The Great and Powerful Trixie surrenders" she replied, but was secretly hovering a heavy toolbox behind Cassandra's back, preparing to club her with it. Cassandra was too smart and quick for that. She flicked Trixie's horn, which caused the toolbox and all the tools teleport off in random directions.

"I think one of them teleported inside me" said Trixie ruefully.

"Yeah I'd see a doctor about that. Anyways, are you good at practice kissing?"

"The Great and Powerful Trixie is the best in all of Equestria."

"Then I have good news, I just figured out how you can make amends."

Author's Note:

Some people say my stories have no continuity. Frankly I don't know what they're talking about, I gave this episode a cursory mention in the Iron Will chapter, and followed through on it.

This isn't my best, I admit, ran out of material. But I think you'll really like the next chapter, I had a very novel idea that I think ended up working really well. It's nothing to do with Halloween/Nightmare Night, I don't have any specials this year.

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