• Published 3rd Sep 2013
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The Cassandra Chronicles - CassandraMyOCisBestpony

These are the various-genre adventures of my OC Cassandra, the seventh Element of Harmony

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Chapter 67: Griffonstone

The Cutie Map called Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash to Griffonstone. They were both feeling shy, so Cassandra offered to go with them. Cassandra was part griffon, specifically inheriting their strength and entrepreneurial skills, but keeping all the attractiveness of a pony. Cassandra had level 99 narration skills so they didn’t have to waste time on exposition and rush the episode’s plot as consequence.

Immediately they got into trouble on the train when Pinkie wanted to spend all their money on sweets. Rainbow spaced out and almost let it happen, but luckily the responsible Cassandra moticed, and talked her down to spending only half of it, and buying healthy snacks instead.

“That being said,” said Cassandra, “I predict that this friendship problem will involve teaching the griffons that there are more important things than money, and we can’t do that by throwing money at every problem we encounter. So I’m going to make use of my Level 99 accounting skills, and put the other half of the money into 401(k) accounts for you two. It’s still your money, but it’ll be untouchable for now, and it’ll grow into your retirement fund.” The others had level 3 accounting skills, so it went way over their heads, but Cassandra was the Element of Trust so they knew they could trust her to make the best financial decisions.

They arrived at Griffonstone and met Gilda. She introduced them to the village elder, Grandpa Gruff. Gilda did the introductions.

“Gramps, these are my friends, Pinkie Pie...”

“Yes yes, I know who they are - Pinkie Pie, Painbow Dash, and Passandra.”

“It’s Rainbow Dash and Cassandra, you old buzzard!” exclaimed Dash.

“I know you’re pulling my leg - all Griffons have names that start with G, so don’t all ponies have names that start with P?”

“Hashtag NotAllPonies, you ignorant fillyboomer!” said Dash indignantly

“Easy Dash,” said Cassandra. “Please excuse my friend here, she has level 0 diplomacy skills. Now, we’re here on a friendship assignment and need to guess what problem we're here to solve, so why don’t you tell us some backstory?”

“You want it? It’s yours my friend, as long as you have enough bits.”

“Tell you what - given the state of your kingdom, the backstory obviously involves some kind of problem or gross Griffon incompetence. So in exchange for the backstory, I’ll solve the problem.”

“Very well. Griffonstone was once a rich and prosperous kingdom, until the Idol of Boreas was lost. The kingdom plunged into ruin despite the best efforts of King Grover.”

“I know who that is!” said Rainbow. “It’s the guy who teaches foals about the difference between near and far! It’s no wonder this place is such a mess, you can’t build an economy on that!” Cassandra looked at the camera incredulously like Jim from The Office.

“Do you know where the idol might be?” asked Cassandra.

“Better - I know where it is,” said Gruff, “but there’s no money to be made from retrieving it, so nogriffon’s interested in getting it back. It is on a ledge inside of a gorge that is extremely windy.”

“Luckily for you, I have a Level 99 resistance to wind,” said Cassandra, “I’ll have that idol back before dinnertime!”

“Oh we don’t have dinner anymore,” said Gruff, “on account of no food.”

“I’ll change that,” said Cassandra, “in the meantime, Pinkie, I need you to show Gilda’s friend how to make scones properly- the key is baking powder.”

“Aye-Aye” said Pinkie with a salute.

“And Rainbow, go make up with Gilda, you’re both being childish.” As Celestia’s long-lost sister, Cassandra could have just ordered them to be friends again, and lesser ponies in her position would have absolutely done so. But thanks to her skill, Cassandra knew she could get them to make up willingly. “Gilda, Dash is too shy to approach you, but she’s very sorry for her part in the feud, and wants to be friends again, isn’t that right Dash?”

“Mm-hmm,” agreed Dash, who was too shy to say any more.

“It’s true, we are being childish,” said Gilda, “Dash, if Cassandra vouches for you, I guess you’re not so lame after all.”

“And if Cassandra says you’re ok, then I trust her because she’s the Element of Trust, now bring it in!” the two of them embraced, and then turned to thank Cassandra, but she was already gone.

As a slender pegasus, Cassandra found it easy to navigate the caverns. For most ponies, the downside to that would be the strong winds, but Cassandra was stronger than most ponies and was barely phased. Just as she approached the idol, the rock shelf collapsed, sending it hurtling down to the dark abyss. This would have caused lesser ponies and griffons to give up and go home, but Cassandra was determined. Being part batpony, Cassandra had sonar abilities that allowed her a rough idea of where the idol had landed in the darkness. Combining that with the detection magic she could do despite being a pegasus, Cassandra pinpointed the idol, and retrieved it. She emerged from the gorge triumphantly carrying the idol, the sun on her back, and every griffon in Griffonstone cheering for her.

“Griffons of Griffonstone,” announced Cassandra, “this lump of gold you worship will not make Griffonstone great again.” There was a shocked murmur throughout the crowd, but since Cassandra was the Element of Trust, they gave her the courtesy of waiting for the “but” before jumping to conclusions. “But I did find something in the canyon that will help. There is an unexplained source of infinite wind. Just now, I installed wind turbines to catch the wind and convert it to power. This will bring in money from all over Equestria, and allow Griffonstone to rebuild itself and thrive once again!”

The griffons started cheering again, and they cheered for so long that the story required a line break to accurately portray the passage of time.

Once the cheering had died down, Cassandra continued,

“Now griffons, we sadly have to return to Ponyville.” said Cassandra. There was a clamor of objection as the griffons experienced various stages of grief besides acceptance. “But I know you can get by without me, and here’s how: Anytime you’re faced with the choice between self-serving and helping out a griffon in need, I want you to think of me and my boundless generosity, that the even Element of Generosity herself looks up to.” Griffonstone became a prosperous nation, and a hundred-thousand years of peace followed between the griffons and ponies. Griffons and ponies alike truly were lucky to have Cassandra as a friend.

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