• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 21,081 Views, 1,607 Comments

Lazarus: The Rise of Man - Immortan Joe

When the Cataclysm struck, Earth was plunged into an eternal darkness and Mankind was assumed to be extinct, left in the forgotten books of history. But what if they never truly died out? What if they're asleep? And what if they woke up?

  • ...

Chapter 14: Diplomacy

Canterlot Castle, October 15th, 12:34

“Are you sure this is going to work?” Angela Greene asked Bryan Hunsinger for confirmation.

Bryan capped the dry erase marker. “Not sure. For all I know, I could have just spelled something entirely inappropriate... or said nothing at all,” He remarked as he examined his work. “I think all we can do now is cross our fingers and pray.” Bryan looked towards the horned and winged equines. “Come on,” He said as he took one last deep breath before turning the front end of the board towards them. “We come in peace.” Right away Bryan and Angela noticed a reaction from the equines. Upon seeing the board their jaws fell open and their eyes widened.

Moments passed and the equines stood there, one of them, the shorter purple one, cocked its head to one side. Bryan’s fingers clenched onto the board tightly, Dr. Miller sighed.“I really wish I knew what they were thinking right now.”

“It almost seems as if they’re shocked,” Ms. Weaver, the council's figurehead pointed out. “Mr. Hunsinger, are you sure you didn’t write anything profane?”

Still holding the board in front of him, Bryan fired a glare at her from over his shoulder. “Of course I didn’t! I checked this at least five times before revealing it.”

Weaver shrugged. “Just making sure.”

“Shut it you two!” Angela hissed. “Something’s happening.”

From up above, a third and much darker winged equine dropped from the sky. An equine that Angela immediately recognized as the one she met from outside the ship. Its dark blue mane flowed in a non-existent breeze, similar to the white horse next to it. The familiar being descended gently, its wings flapping heavily before landing onto the soft grass, and folding them neatly back onto its sides.

Its head looked from the smaller lavender one to the taller regal looking equine. The blue equine leaned towards the other two and they began to whisper to each other. Filling the once silence atmosphere with their hushed voices.


“Yes, Bryan?” she replied not taking her eyes off of the three.

“What are we going to do if they can’t respond?”

Angela sighed. This wasn’t the first time that she’d gone over this. The entire time on their trip here she, Bryan, and Ms. Weaver had been discussing how the meeting might turn out. The plan was to introduce themselves, request they go inside, discuss why they had came, answer any of the natives’ questions, and finally make a proposition. A proposition which would hopefully allow them to stay and construct a small temporary colony until further plans could progress.

However, that plan didn’t stand a chance if the equine hierarchy was unable to respond. Angela had a strong feeling that two days wasn’t enough time for them to fully examine the book she had given them and learn from it. Hell, even Bryan barely scratched the surface of that book Dr. Miller found in the cottage.

Angela bit her tongue. Even if the equines couldn’t reply. It would be better to proceed than give up. “We continue on with the plan. Even if they can’t, they sure as hell can read.” She gave him a small smile. “I guess it’s time we introduce ourselves.”

Bryan smiled in reply and nodded he flipped the board back towards himself. A thought then came to his mind and his smile widened even more. Quickly, yet precisely he uncapped the marker and began to write, occasionally referring to a well used notebook that Weaver had retrieved for him.

As Bryan worked he made a few mistakes here and there, but they were quickly resolved by a glance at the notebook and a flick of the eraser. Every now and again he’d stop when he couldn’t quite think of the correct noun or verb that needed to go into the sentence. It was quite trying to write in an entirely different language he literally just learned. Even if he was the best, learning an entirely new language was still difficult. Especially one as uncommon as this, to human culture that is.

“Are you finished?” Angela asked.

Bryan glanced down at his work, examining it carefully before he finally nodded and capped the marker. “I think so... yeah, I really think so.” Gaining confidence he grinned and twisted the board around to face the ponies. “Hope this works.”

The three ponies each raised an eyebrow at the words on the board.

Hallo. My name Breean.

Leffft es Anglla an Weafer

Beide meh es Dr. Mihler.

For a moment they just looked confused, eyeing the board and tilting their heads as if doing so could help them decipher their apparently poorly written message. Bryan gulped and held the board loosely. Suddenly a purple shimmer enveloped the board followed by a slight tug. He quirked an eyebrow at the ponies and the white one gently nodded at him. Taking that as a cue he let go of the board and watched with wide eyes as it gently drifted towards the ponies so that they could examine it further.

Miller immediately whipped out his notepad and began to jot down notes, Ms. Weaver followed suit. “Truly astounding I must say,” he muttered, “These things really do possess psionics.”

“They also possess our only form of communication.” Angela quipped as she flashed Bryan a sarcastic smile. “Way to go, Hunsinger.”

Bryan frowned and shot a look back at her before looking at the three ponies. “We could always use your back to write on.”

“Or Dr. Miller’s notepad,” Angela suggested.

“Negative, I won’t allow that,” Doug commented as he closed his notepad. “This here”–he shook the pad lightly–“will only be used for scientific advancement–look!” He suddenly pointed forward.

The ponies had apparently finished looking over the board. As the middle purple pony lowered the board into the grass, it gave the humans a perplexed look. Comparatively, the midnight blue equine wore an expression of piqued interest; while the white equine’s expression remained fairly static in the face of this revelation. Eventually, after a few moments of the two groups throwing increasingly odd looks at each other, the purple equine took action, hesitantly it raised one of its front hooves and began to wave it back and forth, almost like a person waving ‘hello’.

The four humans watched this gesture with great interest, and when it was done waving, Angela was the first to wave back, the other three humans followed right behind her. Their actions were rewarded them three soft smiles coming from the ponies.

“Oh my God.” Doug gawked. “This is beyond astounding. This is absolutely remarkable! No. Splendid, this is absolutely splendid!” The other three looked at him with raised eyebrows. “Don’t you all understand how great this is! This is literally history in the making!”

“Dr. Miller,” Ms. Weaver said, “right now is not the time for you to geek out.”

“I.. oh,.. yes. My apologies, Weaver,” Doug said with a slightly pained expression as he reigned in his composure..

Angela leaned over and tapped Bryan on the shoulder. “We got incoming.” She pointed at the levitating board floating gently towards them.

For some reason, Bryan hesitated before reaching out and plucking it from the air. An odd tingle ran up his arm as he did so. A shiver forced its way down his spine giving him goosebumps. “Th-that was odd,” He whispered to himself. Shaking his head he wiped off the board and uncapped the marker, and went to write again.


Central Control, October 15th, 12:37

Central Officer Jonathan Conway stood beside the hologlobe, his thoughts having drifted away momentarily while awaiting feedback. He shook his head and brought himself back to reality. He brought a hand up to the small bluetooth mic, “Delta squad, this is Central. I need a sitrep, over.”

“This is Kong, we’ve touched down just minutes ago. Everything seems clear, over.”

“Copy that, maintain a loose perimeter and make sure that none of the native population gets too close. Remember, this is a first impression so refrain from any violence unless authorized. Over.”

“I hear you, sir. Over and out.”

John took a deep breath before going back to the mic. “Baghdad, this is Central. Give me a sitrep. Over.”

“Commander Keshiner here.” William’s voice came through with a small wave of static. “VIPs are safely offboard and are communicating with the equine hierarchy. Over.”

Though William couldn’t see, John nodded. “Roger that, Commander, is everything going alright between both parties? Over.”

“This is Angela Greene.” John raised an eyebrow towards the unexpected voice. “And yes things are going absolutely perfect,” She said.

John waited for her to end her statement off, then sighed when he realized that most of the council members weren’t trained properly when it came to radio chatter. “I hear you Angela,” he replied, “Lets try and keep it that way. Any news on when you’ll be pressing the meeting further?” He pushed himself away from the globe and went towards a small set of stairs made up of three steps. He stepped down the steps and walked over to a man sitting behind a set of monitors displaying each of the soldier’s shoulder cams.

“Negative, Central, that’s what we’re working on now,” Angela said. “As of now we’ve ran into an expected obstacle.”

Again John waited a few seconds, just in case she wasn’t finished. “And what would that be?” he asked.

“So far we’ve been able to communicate via writing, however the equines appear to have no way of responding,” she explained, “Which obviously makes things much more difficult for us.”

John sighed before replying, “All I can say for now, Baghdad, is that you better find something that’ll make this meeting work. If not, we’re going to have a series of problems ahead of us.” John glanced over each of the screens, a few of them showed the meeting underway while the rest either showed a castle wall or a crowd of equine civilians watching from the sidelines.

“Copy that. Over and out.”

John rolled his eyes, now she ends it properly.

“Wow is this really all you do?” John heard Arin ask behind him.

“Yep,” John said as he leaned forward and tapped the shoulder of the man who sat behind the computer screens. “Focus in on six,” he said pointing to one of the screens. The man nodded and clicked a few keys, causing the rest of the images to disperse except for the one John requested. There it showed a clear view of the three equine leaders, or what he assumed to be the leaders.

The three of them turned to one another, forming a small triangle, and they began to speak to each other privately. John briefly looked at the desk jockey. “Magnify it,” he ordered. The man nodded his head and did as he was told, the image zoomed in closer onto the equines. John squinted his eyes and leaned in a little closer, trying his best to make out their expressions. They almost looked like they were arguing, he wasn’t quite sure.

“You know, I’ve never actually got to see this room in action–”

“Arin, ” John snapped from over his shoulder, “shut it!” He tapped the jockey and asked doubtfully, “Do these have enhanced audio?”

“I’m afraid not sir.”

John sighed. “Of course it doesn’t.” Looking back at the image he saw the three ponies break apart from one another. One of them, the tall blue one, appeared to be nervous, while the other two looked to be rather... dissatisfied with something.

“Central to Baghdad, how copy over?”

“We read you,” William said.

“What happened down there? Over,” John asked. He saw that the blue equine had closed its eyes the horn on top of its head began to glow.

“Nothing as of yet, sir,” William said, “I was just heading up to see what the hell is going-” William fell silent as static filled the comms.

“Baghdad, I’m losing you over,” John said, “What’s going on–”

Suddenly, a bloodcurdling cry flooded John’s ears, so much so that he nearly ripped the bluetooth out of his ear.

John’s eyes shot to the screen; the blue equine’s eyes were still closed, while the other two seemed horribly frightened by what was going on. He shouted, “Jesus Christ, what the hell is happening!? Who’s screaming?!” Eyes all across central control turned towards John.

“Central, this is Delta team!” Kong said, “The Commander just went down! I repeat Keshiner is down! Permission to engage!

"What the hell is going on down there?!" John shouted again.

“Michael here, it’s that goddamn blue thing! Whatever the fuck it’s doing it’s harming Keshiner! I say we light the fucker up!”

“Bring the image back to default,” John ordered the jockey, “I need to see what’s going on!” John pressed the mic closer to his mouth. “Squads this is Central, do not engage I repeat: do not engage until I have clear visual on what is happening!”

“Sir, with all due respect–” Kong started but was immediately cut off.

“That is an order, Delta!” John exclaimed. The jockey quickly pulled the image back, allowing the rest of the other screens to appear. William was on the ground with his hands firmly planted over his ears. Lt. Michael ran over and lifted him off the ground and began to drag him towards the VTOL. All the other accompanying soldiers’ had their arms pointed at the blue equine, whose horn continued to glow.

“John, if I were–” Arin started but was stopped by John glaring at him.

“Hold that thought,” John growled and turned to the screen. “I don’t think it’s trying to kill him–”

“The fuck it is–!”

“Shut up and let me finish!” John nearly shouted, “If they really wanted to kill everyone down there they would have gone for more than one guard.”

“That’s beside the point–!” John silenced Arin with a glare.

“Not only that,” he continued, “I doubt they’d only have one of their kind take those men on.”

Arin looked at him confused and scratched the back of his head. “I don’t think I understand your logic here.”

“Trust me, Arin. I think I know what he’s going through.”

“And how could you possibly know?”

John took a deep breath, his thoughts recalling his encounter with the equine in the interrogation room. “There’s no time to explain,” He stated as he met his brother’s eyes, "I might be wrong here. but I think they're trying to communicate with us.”


An ear piercing screech brought William down to his knees, a flaring pain made his brain feel as if something was jabbing at it with a hot metal rod. His vision flashed a ghostly red and he forced his eyes shut. The pain quickly began to work its way down his body, soon it reached the back of his head and he cried out in agony

Through his wails, William felt someone’s hands wrap around him as they tried to drag him away. Tears welled up around the corner of his eyes, the stabbing pain had reached his throat and he began to have trouble breathing. Then he couldn’t. Why couldn’t he breathe?!

As William panicked, his screams started to become louder and nearly psychotic. His lungs had started to burn, and for some reason he felt the urge to tear his mask off. As if that was the only way to save himself from whatever was tearing itself through his skull, carving through his brain and ravaging his mind. William began to dig his fingers further below the mask, he could feel his tips nearing the edge; his gloved fingers slipping beneath the rubber on his chin. He was so fucking close, just a few more and... and then it was gone.

The piercing screech; that ear-bleeding ring had vanished. The pain that stretched down to his throat and lungs was gone and he could taste the air again. He could hear the shouts and arguments coming from his radio, his own panting. His face was drenched in pained tears. William opened his eyes and was greeted by a bright blue sky, along with a bit of shaded metal to his left. It was a piece of the VTOL rotor.

William gulped and rose up from his spot. Still confused on where he was, one moment he was going to check up on the VIPs and next thing he knew he was here. Under the dropship rotors. “How the... how did I get here?” He pushed himself up onto his feet.

“I’m telling you they’re trying to fucking kill him!” Kong’s voice echoed out of the radio.

“And I’m telling you sergeant that until we have confirmation you are to keep a close eye out!” Central’s voice echoed back.

William placed a hand over his radio. “Guys, what the fuck just happened?” He spoke nervously as he glanced around at his surroundings. Every single soldier, including the ones with the concealed firearms, had their weapons trained on the three equine leaders.

“Commander!” Michael shouted from his right. “You’re alright!”

William looked over, his mind still racing a hundred miles per hour. Why was everyone on such high alert? William didn’t respond to the lieutenant, he instead went up to the front. Clearly he was attacked or something, and he needed answers. William went over to the VIPs. “Angela, what the fuck happened?”

The woman in the grey tyvek suit looked at him worriedly, her arms were holding onto each other and she was practically shaking in her suit. “I-I don’t k-know,” She stuttered, her eyes flickered towards the equines. “Just a minute ago I saw you walking towards us, and the next you're screaming like a banshee.”

William shook his head, he was even more confused now then he was before. “I was out for a minute? What are you talk–”

“Excuse me Commander,” Bryan said, “but she’s talking about when that thing over there.” He pointed at the blue equine who seemed to be smiling sheepishly at them. “Made it’s horn glow bright and you started freaking the fuck out.”

William looked at the tall equine and raised an eyebrow, he then reached over and tapped Bryan’s arm. “Come with me.” He started walking towards the equine, Bryan glanced about nervously before falling shortly behind.

“<Your friend won’t be necessary.>” William froze in his tracks and stared at the equine. Did it just talk to him? “<Please.>” Its lips moved when it spoke to him. “<Tell your colleagues that what happened before was all a misunderstanding.>” William took a step back away from the equine; it was actually speaking to him. He could understand everything it was saying to him, but how could this be? Just minutes ago these things were speaking nothing but gibberish, but now... It was still gibberish.

Gibberish he could understand. William opened his mouth to reply, however, instead of English– “<How come I know what you’re saying?>” His own gibberish fueled language slipped out of his lips.

The equine smiled. “<Now things are just starting to get interesting.>”

William stumbled back into Bryan, shocked by what he had just said/heard. While William had seen some fucked up shit in his life, this here was immediately shot to the top of his: “Shit I had seen list”.

“Commander, what’s wrong?!” Bryan asked as he tried to step out of William’s way.

William looked at him with wide eyes. “<What do you mean what’s wrong?>” He said using the equines’ gibberish.

“Wait what?” Bryan stepped back and cocked an eyebrow upwards.

William heard the horse upfront giggle. He tried again, this time clearing his throat and thinking before speaking. “I...” He started but stopped, how was he going to explain this to them. Hey guys uh... I can talk to them now? It just doesn’t sound right, quite frankly it just doesn’t make sense. Now he’s just suddenly able to speak with them?! Despite ten minutes ago not understanding a single fucking thing that was being uttered.

“For some reason I can understand them now,” He said trying to sound as professional as possible. Which was probably one of the hardest things he’d ever done since waking up out of cryosleep.

Bryan frowned. “You’re saying you can speak to them?” He then tilted his head. “Since when?”

“Since five seconds ago,” He said having added more sarcasm than he meant to. “Y’know after I got done screaming and shit–I don’t fucking know! I can just talk to them now!”

Bryan looked back at the other VIPs like he expected them to step in and help or something. Angela scratched the back of her head, behind her the soldiers slightly lowered their weapons. However, their alerted postures remained the same, ready in case something else happened.

“Commander,” Angela piped up, “Are you sure you’re alright?”

William felt offended by this, of course he was alright why would he be lying to them? That is unless they thought he’d gone fucking nuts or something now. “Of course I’m fine!” He unintentionally snapped at her. “Trust me, please, I’m not lying. But that fucking thing just spoke to me and I understood it!”

Bryan took a few steps back and raised both of his palms. “Whoa now, Commander, just chill out.”

“William.” Angela started walking towards them. “Bryan’s right, just calm down and go take a few minutes off–”

William whirled around and glared at her. “When the fuck did you start giving me orders? I told you guys I ain’t going nuts–”

Bryan tossed his arms into the air. “We never said you were going nuts–”

“I’ll prove it then!” William turned to the blue equine, “I’ll make her greet us!”

William opened an arm out to horse and cleared his throat. “<Hello there, let me introduce myself!>” He completely changed his voice in order to sound more welcoming. “<I am Commander Keshiner of the Baghdad team.>” Oh now he was never going to get used to talking like this. William couldn’t even begin to understand how he knew what he was saying, quite frankly he didn’t know how he was making the necessary sounds, as well. The way he spoke it felt like chef making a stew, throw in a pinch of English, add a grain of Russian, finally to top it off lets add a gallon of mixed Asian languages!

It was literally a jumbled up mesh of languages that rolled off his tongue and floated off into the air. When did he learn this? He doubted even God knew. The tall blue equine smiled at him and replied, “<It is a pleasure to meet you, Commander Keshiner.>” She bowed her head to them.

William glanced back at the others. “<See what I–>” He pounded his chest and coughed into his fist. “See? I’m not crazy.” Angela and Bryan stood side by side, completely flabbergasted by what they just saw.

“You can actually speak to them?” Angela mumbled.

“Well that’s fucking fantastic!” Bryan pushed past Angela. “This is absolutely astounding–”

Angela snatched Bryan by the shoulder. “Whoa, calm down there tiger. We’re on a mission remember?” She looked at William. “Commander, if this is true–and seeing by what just happened, it is–then that means you’re going to have to take the reigns from me and Bryan here.”

William went to protest but quickly stopped himself, she was right. The only way they could communicate with them beforehand was via writing, and because of that the equines had no way of replying. And thinking on it now, a one sided conversation didn’t really seem like the smartest idea. So with that out of the way it begged the question... how the fuck was he going to play a round of diplomacy with an alien race?

William wasn’t the best conversationalist, the only person he could ever talk to cohesively with was his wife. Everyone else he was either barking orders, making fun of or having a very brief discussion. He looked nervously at the equines. Right then and there in just under a few minutes possibly the entire fate of the human race rests on his shoulders.

Well that’s just fucking great now is it?

William licked his lips and took hold of his radio. “Central, this is Commander Keshiner. Over.”

“I’m reading you, Commander, glad to hear you’re okay. Over.”

“Yeah whatever. Anyways, I guess I’ll be the one taking control of the meeting from here on out. Over.”

A brief silence past. “Negative, Commander I cannot al–”

“Now boy, you listen here,” William silenced John, “how else are you expecting us to get a response from these things?”

Another moment of silence. “Commander, I don’t quite understand what you’re saying here. Say that again over.”

William rolled his eyes. “I’ll tell you once I get back.” He switched the radio off and looked back at the others. “Well Angela, I guess you’re right. I will be taking control of things here on out, however, I need you to be my advisor for this. Bryan... you can just tag along I guess,” he said to the poor translator who was practically useless now. Bryan hung his head low and sighed.

“Well alright then.” Angela walked up alongside William the two of them were facing the blue equine, who stood next to its two compatriots waiting patiently. “First off if you haven’t introduced us, I think that’s what we should do. Secondly if we’re able to take matters indoors away from the public eye and discuss privately that’ll be better. Next off we should probably answer any questions that they have to offer, we don’t want to come off brash with our terms of agreements. We need to move in slow, kinda like a casual conversation. We don’t want to seem rude. However, if one of them brings up the reason on why we’re here that’ll be the perfect opportunity to strike them with what we want and or need.”

William looked at her and blinked. “What?”

Angela groaned and shoved Will forward. “I hate to say this, but we don’t got time. So we’re going to wing it. Have you introduced us yet?”

“Well myself,” William said pushing her hand to the side.

“That’s not good enough.” Angela rolled her eyes. “Introduce us and tell me how they respond.”

Will nodded and faced the equines. Again, he cleared his throat before hopping languages. “<My colleagues and I.>” Oh man how was he going to go about this? “<Would like to... thank you for your kind escort on our way here.>” Yep he could already feel the ship taking in water now.

“<You are quite certainly welcome, Commander Keshiner.>” The blue horse smiled at him.

“<Eh... th-thank you.>” Will bowed his head, they were certainly fucked.

“What did they say?” Angela asked.

“N-nothing as of yet.” William straightened himself out. Looking forward he saw the three leaders were negotiating with one another, speaking in a low tone so that he couldn’t hear them.

“<Eh... Commander.>” William glanced over his shoulder and saw the purple equine who stood between the two larger ones step forward. “<Would you and your colleagues be so kind as to follow us inside?>”

William gulped and nodded before turning back to Angela. She was looking at him anxiously. “What is it?” she asked.

William licked his lips. “They want us all to follow them inside.”

William was surprised to see how fast Angela’s mood flipped, a large smile came to her face and she looked back at everyone else. “Alright guys, looks like we’re off to a good start!” She looked back at William and gestured towards the equines who were already making their way to the door. “After you.”


“I must say, Commander,” Luna said looking back at the elongated alien that walked alongside her. “It is refreshing being able to speak to you and your kind without any boundaries.”

William chuckled lightly. “I must agree, yet... I have a question.” The two groups stopped outside the castle door and waited for the guards to open it. “How were you able to make it so that I can speak your language?”

Luna smirked and looked over at Celestia, as if she was waiting for her confirmation to continue. Celestia just nodded and allowed her sister to do so. “What I did, has a rather complicated explanation.” The large door swung open quietly and the two groups began to drift inside. “I initially intended to make it so that the creature with the board would be the one doing the talking, however, when I noticed you were approaching I had a hunch that you would be the better choice.”

William frowned. “What do you mean you had a hunch?” He asked Luna as she guided them into the central hall. William and the rest of the human’s eyes widened at the massive and unique architectural design of the castle’s interior. Large sets of pillars ran down the center of the hall alongside a red carpet which led to a large staircase that broke off into two separate stairs going off in opposing directions. The walls were decorated with stained glass windows possibly depicting separate points in history, one of those stainglass windows showed off a rather disturbingly familiar creature regarding humanity's dark past. William diverted his eyes away from said window. They continued their way down the hall before banking left and towards another corridor.

“Well I don’t want to sound rude, but from what I’ve seen of your translator’s body language, it didn’t seem like it had all its bearings together.” Luna explained. William had to do his best from trying to correct the pony on the fact that Bryan wasn’t an “it” rather than a “he”.

“So he wasn’t mentally prepared, that’s what you’re saying?” They rounded another corner and down the end of the hall William saw a large wooden door guarded by two white equine guards. “Okay I understand that, but that still doesn’t answer my question. How were you able to make it so that you and I can talk like the way we are now?”

Luna’s previous smirk grew into a smile which she flashed towards William. “Well it’s all because of magic, Commander.” William raised an eyebrow and frowned, he looked at Luna but decided to not press further on the subject. He’ll just have to come back to it later.

The two pony guards standing beside the door bowed before the three alicorns as they neared the door. They then stepped off to the side allowing a wider entrance, Luna’s horn flashed briefly and she could hear the large deadbolt coming loose before the door swung widely open, revealing a beautifully constructed throne room.

William’s jaw nearly smacked the base of his mask, and he wasn’t the only one. Behind him he could hear Angela and the others awing at the room’s beauty. To William this was the largest room he had seen in his entire life, the ceiling stretched so high and the room itself was so wide he figured that King Kong himself could use it as a bedroom. Like the main entrance hall the walls were decorated with stained glass, possibly depicting points in pony history. In the center of the room were a set of pillars along with a purple carpet that led all the way to the very end of the room. And at said end was a masterfully crafted throne that not only served as a seat, but was also a fountain. The throne looked to have been made of limestone, and etched into the seat were dozens of ornamental flourishes that danced along its edges.

Connected to both sides of the throne were two pedestals. Behind it were two blue banners, the one on the right depicted an image that almost looked like it was expressing the sea (or the ocean), whereas the left side banner showed a growing tree reaching out to the sky. (The tree of life perhaps?) And above it all was were three circles that overlayed one another, each ring bearing its own image. Day, night, and twilight. William and his party stopped in the very center of the room whilst the three pony leaders and a handful of their guards continued towards the throne.

Celestia perched herself on her throne, Twilight hopped up onto the pedestal on her left, while Luna took the one to her right. She took a deep breath and stared down at the human. “Commander William,” she said in a loud voice that echoed off the walls, “I am Princess Celestia, and this here is Princess Twilight Sparkle,” she motioned towards the purple pony with one hoof, “and my dearest sister Princess Luna.” She motioned towards Luna with the other. “The three of us rule over these lands known as Equestria, and as much as it pleases me greatly to meet you and your kind personally, I must ask you this: what brings you into my domain?”

Wow, straight to the point. William shifted from foot to foot, he was having trouble trying formulate his next sentence. Before he came up with an answer he turned towards his allies, after a brief few moments he faced her again. “We came here for your assistance.” This seemed to raise a few eyebrows. “And not only that,” he continued, “we also came to ask you all for permission.”

Celestia curled her bottom lip back and nodded her head in thought. “And what would you need assistance with?”

William took a deep breath and straightened himself out, he got this far. No need to hold back now. “You see...” He trailed off as he tried to think of a way to continue. “My species is on the verge of extinction.” This immediately garnered all three of the ruler’s attention.

Celestia’s mood changed on the snap of a finger and she looked to William with pity in her eyes. “Oh my...” Was all she said.

“However.” William looked up at her with determination. “We figured out a solution to our problem. But we require two things from all of you.”

“And what would that be?” Luna asked in Celestia’s place.

William looked at her. “We need enough land to set up a small colony, and your cooperation.”

Celestia’s mood flipped once again, she looked at William doubtfully. “I do not mean to sound rude, but how much land are we talking here?”

William gulped and hoped he played his cards correctly. “Enough to support three hundred human beings.”

Celestia nodded and leaned back in her chair. “And where do you plan to set up this colony of yours?”

“In the area in which we’ve landed,” he looked at Luna, “you know exactly where I’m talking about.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow towards Luna. “He’s talking about Bramblewood, sister. Just at the base of Mt. Neighson.”

“On which side?”

“South end.”

Celestia’s eyes widened a bit before settling. “That’s right next to Saddleston,” she mumbled. “Is there anyway you could possibly move the location in which you tend to establish this colony?”

William frowned and turned towards his colleagues. The two spoke quietly to one another for at least a minute before William turned back to Celestia. “I’m afraid not. Our ship is at least a couple thousand tons, there’s no way we can move it.”

Princess Twilight’s eyes widened when she heard how much the ship weighed. “A couple thousand tons?” She whispered.

William nodded. One of his comrades reached up from behind him and tapped him on the shoulder, he looked over at them and leaned in while the other spoke to him. William nodded his head and looked back at Celestia. “Please your”– He paused for a second– “Your highnesses, if you could find it in your deepest interests to assist my species, we can assure you it could benefit us both.”

Celestia couldn’t help herself but look at him skeptically. “Benefit us how?”

William once again glanced back at his allies. He cleared his throat and nodded his head. “We could offer you technology unlike anything you’ve ever seen!”

Both Twilight and Luna leaned in with interest. Celestia looked at Luna for confirmation. “Do you believe what he says is true, Luna? You have seen them for yourself.”

Luna pursed her lips as she tried to think back a couple days ago. “I have not seen much, sister, however, I believe I can vouch for the Commander.”

“Do you have an example you would like to share?” Twilight Sparkle suddenly asked.

William flinched at the unexpected voice and looked over at the small princess. Before he answered her William quickly spun around and began to ask his companions questions. The three Princesses leaned in further when they noticed one of the human’s in the grey suits pull out a small black object from the bag it carried on its side.

“Matter of fact, Princess...”


“Princess Twilight, thank you, I do have an example.” William raised the small black object in his hand into the air, his thumb then flexed and a blue light appeared on what they assumed to be the front end of the device.

“Is it a flashlight?” Twilight asked.

William shook his head. “No. But it could be used as one.” He started to walk towards them so that he could demonstrate how the object worked. “What I have here is a cellphone, more formally known as an iPhone. Back then almost everyone had one of these puppies.” William stopped just a couple feet from the throne and held the cellphone out towards them.

Celestia took the cellphone in her magic and levitated towards herself. “And what does this ‘cellphone’ do exactly?” She held it a few inches away from her face and tilted it around, eyeballing each and every side.

“It’s a device we use for communication, entertainment, marketing, you name it it can do it.” William smiled happily at his response.

“Can you cook with it?” Luna asked.

William bit his lip. “Well... I wouldn’t recommend it. But probably yes, you could find a way to cook with it. Better yet, with this device you could call someone... let's say uh... your local restaurant and order a pizza with it.”

Celestia grinned. “This thing is quite interesting, Commander, I could see this benefitting our society. However, I myself will stick to writing letters.” She levitated the phone back to William. “Is there anything else you would like to show us?”

William stopped momentarily in thought. “Well we do have a Condor outside if you’d like to inspect it further.”

Celestia frowned. “Condor?” She looked at Luna questioningly.

“I think he’s referring to that flying ship they flew in on.”

Celestia smiled and nodded. “Of course, now I know what you mean.” She looked at William. “Now how do you purpose this ‘Condor’ will benefit us?”

William smiled, now this was something he could answer without any help. “Well for starters I noticed that not all of you can fly because some of you don’t have wings. However, with something such as the Condor, or even something similar to it. You guys won’t even need wings anymore, think of it as a chariot that flies. It can take you and your friends anywhere.”

“Fascinating.” Twilight shifted from hoof to hoof. “How fast does it go?”

“A little over five hundred kilometers an hour.”

“Most pegasi can fly faster than that,” Twilight said.

William raised an eyebrow at this, he guessed she wasn’t lying. He did recall seeing their escorts, no living thing could go as fast as that. “But you aren’t seeing my point, Princess–”

“Oh my apologies, I do understand what you’re saying,” Twilight cut him off. “With a contraption such as your ‘Condor’ we could easily replace the pedal-copter with it. Let alone increasing the efficiency of our infrastructure by miles. Is that what you were going for?”

William stepped back, he didn’t even want to ask what the hell a “pedal-copter” was. It was probably exactly what it was called anyways. “Yes, Princess, that is exactly what I was going to say.”

Celestia repositioned herself. “Your offers are very tempting, Commander William. I’m beginning to see both our kinds working together in the future. However, is there anything else you’d like to mention, anything we should know about before proceeding?”

William looked back at his companions, their heads nodding to one another while they spoke. Beside William one of the human’s in a grey suit pulled something out of its bag, it was what appeared to be a thin, black rectangle of some sort. To Celestia’s surprise it was folded into two halves which the human in grey opened up. Like the “phone” William had shown them a thin piece of glass lit up in a bright blue light which the human began to swipe its finger across. For almost three minutes this continued on.

“Luna.” Celestia looked at her sister. “What are they discussing?”

Luna shook her head. “I don’t know, sister, I cannot speak their tongue. After my little mishap I do not wish to tamper with anypony’s mind for a long time.”

Celestia nodded. “I agree, I don’t even want to know how close we came to ruining these chances.”

Twilight poked her head out from behind Celestia and looked at Luna. “Princess Luna, I don’t ever recall you being able to manipulate one’s thoughts.”

Luna sighed and looked at the purple alicorn. “I am the Goddess of Dreams after all. I have always been able to enter the domain of one’s mind. However, this was the first time in centuries I have altered a mind. It is such a horrific spell, I do not wish to do it again. It can be highly dangerous and could severely harm someone.”

“Why did you do it then?”

“I did it in an attempt to speed things along and I nearly killed the poor stallion in the process. Now can we please get off this subject?! They are about to speak!” Luna hissed causing Twilight to flinch a little before sliding back behind Celestia.

“Your highnesses.” William turned back around to face them, his voice sounded strained. “I and my colleagues do have something we’d like to–” William turned his head and coughed, no. Gagged heavily into his arm, his companions immediately reached forward to aid him. William shot an arm out in attempt to shoo them away, he gagged harder into his arm.

“Commander, are you alright?” Celestia leaned forward in her seat.

“I-I’m fine, just something–” He heaved once more into his arm “–g-got caught in my throat that’s all...” He leaned over and fell silent for a few moments. “O-okay, I think I’m okay now.” He straightened himself. “I do apologise.”

“Oh do not apologise, you did nothing wrong.” Celestia leaned back in her throne. “We cannot fully control everything our bodies do. Would you like something to drink–”

“N-no thank you.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m positive. You see... we cannot take these masks off.” He tapped his own respirator.

“I was wondering what that was,” Twilight mumbled.

“How come?” Celestia asked.

“It’d kill me if I did,” He said, “The air in this environment is toxic to us; only within our ship or any air-tight sealed structures, after we vented them of course, are safe.”

“What a pity.” Luna smiled. “I was hoping I could see your face.”

“Maybe later in the future if you come to visit us you just might.”

Both of them shared a chuckle. “Anyways,” Celestia said smiling, “what were you going to say, Commander?”

William stood almost at attention. “Princess, there is something my kind and I wish to inform you of. Something very important.”

“And what is that?”

“Across this planet, spanning four continents are a series of underground vaults.”

“Vaults? Like a safe?”

William tilted his head. “Sort of but not quite. They’re fallout shelters containing more of us humans.”

Celestia’s smile vanished and she leaned forward. “What are you saying? You said there were only three hundred of you left.”

“And I thought you weren’t from this planet.” Twilight took a step forward. “How could there be underground shelters containing more of your species?”

William took a deep breath. “I mentioned that the ship that crash landed on this planet only contained three hundred of us. But as of now, right as we speak there are a total of twenty one vaults all across the globe.”

“It all makes sense now,” Luna whispered, “the maps, why everything looked exactly like our planet.” She looked at Celestia. “Sister.”

“How many humans are in these vaults?” Celestia asked.

“Each vault varies. However, most of them range up to over two hundred thousand. In total that’d make roughly over four point two million people,” William explained.

Celestia’s eyes widened and she fell back in her seat. “Oh mother...”

“Celestia.” Luna nudged her.

“And right now, your highness, while we’re speaking.” William pointed a finger down at the floor. “Just right below our feet in this very mountain, we’re standing on two hundred thousand souls.”

Luna nudged her sister again, Celestia looked at her with a shocked expression. Luna gulped. “I believe they are our forerunners.”

Author's Note:

Okay this is going to cause a bit of confusion. The spell Luna casted on William was not so that she can understand him (translation) but she literally rewrote how his brain works so that she could "upload" Equestrian into him so that he can speak it–*takes a deep breath due to lack of pauses*.

I hope some of you were able to figure that out via reading the actual chapter and not this. Overall I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hey, lets hope this diplomacy went a lot better than the original fic.