• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 21,081 Views, 1,607 Comments

Lazarus: The Rise of Man - Immortan Joe

When the Cataclysm struck, Earth was plunged into an eternal darkness and Mankind was assumed to be extinct, left in the forgotten books of history. But what if they never truly died out? What if they're asleep? And what if they woke up?

  • ...

Chapter 1: Horizon


“Skyscrapers are literally being lifted off the ground…

Thousands are attempting to flee the City of London and… Jesus Christ! Something just struck the brid–

Large pink clouds… Yes I’ll say that again large pink clouds have been seen over the state of New Mexico…

Yes, Bob, I said it’s actually raining fire in Paris. Thousands are running indoors and the city is being prepped for evacuation…

We have just received word that Air Force One has been taken down…

British Prime Minister Cameron has been reported deceased on his trip home from Sweden…

It has been reported that the United Nations gathered last night and enacted a new plan code named: Project Icarus…

Sightings of a strange creature were reported over Seattle this morning…

U.S. Armed Forces have been deployed all over the nation in search of the monster, code named Archangel details at eleven…

We’ve received Intel, commander, that Fort Knox has been wiped out by Archangel.

Goddammit! Get Central online and inform him that we need Project Icarus finished by the end of this month.

But commander, we’re not even–

You heard me Private.

Yes, sir…

Locals are calling it judgment day…

Families across the globe are gathering in prayer…

Over one million people gather in Vatican City to hear Pope Francis…

Japanese hospitals are being flooded with strange, comatose victims…

So you’re saying that your brother attacked you?

Yes. Last night he was fine, but this morning he was extremely pale and nasty… I locked him in my room and fled. I dialed 999 but the line was busy. When I looked outside there were hundreds of people rioting…


The Police are calling them Sleepers…

Please, you’ve gotta help me.

Please calm down Ma’am. We’re sending a peace keeper to your ar–

NO! Get your hands off me!

Hello? Miss, are you there?

Time to wake up…

The United Nations has established large fallout shelters across the planet…

The Sleepers are overwhelming us sir! What do we do!

Hold the line Soldier! Whatever you do hold that line…

Archangel has been spotted over Jerusalem! I repeat, Archangel has been spotted...

Officials are calling the Star Ship, Horizon…

NATO agents have been scattered across the globe in search of selected individuals for the boarding process…


Sarah, no! You can’t take her away from me!

Sir, I’m sorry but there isn’t enough room.

What are you talking about? You can hold at least another hundred!

We do not have enough Cryo-chambers, Mister Conway…

Oi, Johnny…

All units focus fire on Archangel! I repeat, all units focus fire on–ARGH!


Yes, I know it’s hard to believe Dr. Hassel.

Vat do you sink blowing up zee planet’s surface vould achieve?!

Please, Doctor, there is no need to blow a fuse we have everything under control.

Vat do you mean you have eversing under control!?

In less than twenty four hours we’ll be launching our first ever star ship into space, carrying exactly three hundred human beings as a back up plan in case the Lazarus Project fails.

And vat, you vant me to tag along?

Yes, Doctor.

Vat if I say no?

I’m sorry Doctor, but you do not have a choice in this…

Oi, Johnny, wake up… I said wake up!”


Johnny Conway, a tall slender man with a short brown buzz cut, a military central command officer picked to organize and watch over any military operations that were taking place on the field, woke to the sound of a man hammering away on the outside glass that made up eighty percent of the machine he was in.

“Oi, John! Wake up, mate it’s time for our shift,” said Nelson Grimes, a smaller and younger man, with bright blonde wavy hair and a small chin beard, who was picked specifically for the mission because of his expertise with computers.

Johnny’s eyes slowly opened, the temperature in the pod rising slowly as his body reawakened. As his muscles thawed and the chillness began to evaporate, his stomach began to churn and groan. Johnny cringed at the awkward feeling as the pod hissed, which was then followed by a metallic thump, two mechanical arms on each side of the machine detached the glass door that kept him concealed and then slid upwards in a swift easy motion. Once the ice inside the now open pod made contact with the warm outside air, a large cloud of steam was instantly created, within seconds half of the room was filled entirely with steam.

Slowly, Johnny lifted his hand upwards and took hold of the handle above him. Despite the lack of strength, he used his sore arms to pull himself up into a sitting position. Once he got himself situated he saw Nelson watching him with a smug grin.“Sleep well?” he asked in his thick English accent.

John cleared his throat, the phlegm in his mouth was nearly freezing cold, and the taste was atrocious. His stomach lurched as he spat the nasty five year old glob onto the floor, he felt like he was going to vomit. “I feel like shit,” he muttered, his voice drawn out.

As Nelson eyed the nasty bits that were now on the metal floor, he shivered. “Yeah I felt the same way too when Caroline woke me,” He said as he took his eyes off the floor. “Well, come on now.” He leaned over and patted Johnny on the shoulder. Nelson jammed his right thumb towards the small metal railing that followed the three steps up to the door. “I left ya some trousers over there on the railing. I couldn’t find you a shirt, though that shouldn’t be a problem seeing that it’s just the two of us.” He snickered at the last bit.

John smirked and pushed himself off the bed. “Thanks. There should be one in the bedrooms though,” he said, but quickly yelped in surprise as his feet made contact with the nearly freezing floor. “Gah! Cold!” He shrieked, hopping from foot to foot.

Nelson laughed. “Again, mate, you’re not the only one.” He waved for John to follow as he began walking towards the metal door. “Let’s go, Caroline made us some meals before she and DeSilva went off to sleep.”

“Really now?” John yawned, his feet slowly growing use to the cold ground as he followed behind Nelson, his arms wrapped around his chilled chest . “What is she serving this time?”

“Oh, the same old delicacy as usual, hash.” He chuckled.

Johnny snorted and came to stop in front of the railing to retrieve his new pair of freshly washed jeans. In the middle of checking if the jeans would fit John asked, “So... don’t I get any shoes with these?”

Nelson, who was standing by the door, looked back at him his mouth making an O as he thought. “Oh, yes,” He snapped his fingers and pointed over to the right. “I forgot, they’re just to your right.”

Like Nelson said, to his right beside the small three step staircase, were pair of black size eleven Nikes. Not really military oriented, but they kept the troops and the lab coats comfortable. Don’t want your men wearing heavy boots and tank tops in the middle of space for over six thousand years. “You know,” John said, sliding his legs into the jeans, “This would’ve been easier if you would have just dropped them by the stasis chamber.”

Nelson chuckled and leaned over the railing, looking down at the commanding officer. “Yeah... that may be true.” He smirked. “But we can’t just have everything handed over to us, ya know?”

Johnny looked at him out of the corner of his eyes, and raised an eyebrow. “Yeah... sure...” He fell silent for a moment and bent to down to retrieve his new shoes. “Say,” He began, “I don’t think I ever gotten your name.”

“My apologies, sir.” Nelson cleared his throat. “My name is Nelson Grimes.”

“Nice to meet you, Nelson,” John said, sliding on his last shoe. Placing his foot on the ground, he shifted his weight from foot to foot, trying to break down his new footwear. “I am Central Command Officer John Conway.”

“I know that,” Nelson’s smirk grew into a smile.

John frowned and looked over at him. “How is that? I’ve never had any shifts with you yet... have I?” Johnny couldn’t recall, he had been on so many shifts thus far he could hardly even remember the first man he had ever worked with.

“No, we haven’t,” Nelson’s smile grew even wider.

“Then how do you know who I am?” Johnny crossed his arms once again across his bare freezing chest.

“Well, I looked into everyone's personal data files, Horizon’s firewall isn’t that hard to crack.” Nelson’s smile grew to the point that he was now flashing his nasty yellow teeth, the lad looked as if he hasn’t brushed in weeks.

Johnny’s jaw nearly struck the floor. “You do know that’s against protocol and that I can have you locked away for that?” He scolded.

Nelson snorted. “You won’t.”

Johnny’s teeth clenched. “You do know you’re speaking to a superior, right?”

Nelson flashed him a smug look. “Of course I do, I did say I read nearly everyone’s file. But you can’t lock me away, because if you do who will reprogram the ship if something fails? Not DeSilva, and don’t even bother with Hedrick. Honestly I can’t see why the U.N. even bothered bringing Hedrick along. The bloke can hardly hack into a high school's security network.”

Johnny sighed and rolled his eyes, the kid does have him there. “Just...” He flung his right hand to the side. “Don’t fuck anything up okay.”

“Even if I did, I’d fix it in a jiffy.” Nelson pushed himself off the railing and turned to the door, placing his hand on the scanner. The door groaned as it slid open. Taking a quick peek back he said: “What are you waiting for? The hash isn’t going to eat itself.”


“–And when the crazy bastard got on top of me,” Nelson said as he swallowed his mouthful of dried jerky, “he began wailing on me. Bam! Bam! Bam! Right into the side of my skull.” He tapped the side of his head while he took another strip jerky from off the plate in the center of the table. The two men sat in the middle of the overseer’s lounge, which was more or less a smaller cafeteria for the two selected individuals who had to watch over the sleeping passengers and maintain the ship while it slowly drifted through deep space. The lounge was a small room, about eight yards in width and ten in length. Just enough space to keep the two comfortable. In the far left corner from the door was a small kitchen with a counter, a fridge, and a sink; while the other side was occupied by a shelf with a handful of old movies and books that were beside a T.V. Across from that was a small couch, beyond which was the table both men were sitting at exchanging pleasantries.

“For a minute there,” Nelson said, taking a bite he spoke with his mouthful, which bothered Johnny, but he said nothing. “I thought I was going to die, and I was close, too. But before I blacked out, in came the Commander with his rifle, bam!–” Nelson slammed his palm on the table which sent the plate rattling, and Johnny reaching for his glass of water so it wouldn’t spill. “He rammed his rifle into its head, and the crazy bastard just slumped to the floor.”

Keeping the glass still, John looked at Nelson with an unconvinced look. “How come you weren’t infected?” Johnny asked leaning in, he grabbed himself a plate and scooped a small pile of hash onto it.

“Excuse me?” Nelson gulped down the last of his breakfast.

“Well, you said he was punching you. Upon first contact you should have caught the virus.” Johnny said. Scooping a spoonful of hash into his mouth, he chewed quietly.

“He was wearing gloves, and thank God for that! I nearly crapped myself because at that very second, that same thought crossed my mind,” Nelson said as he got up from his spot. His plate in his hand, he walked over to the sink and rinsed it off before placing it in the washer.

“So, did you listen to Caroline’s and DeSilva’s logs yet?” Johnny asked as he reached for his glass of water.

“Yeah, and not much really happened.” Nelson dried his hands on a dish towel and made his way over to the couch. “They fixed the small leak in the hydroponic farm, bad thing is half the crops died and they had to replant them. So you and I aren’t going to be having any fresh vegetables any time soon. I hope you like canned and hash.” He chuckled quietly. “Also, we should be receiving information from the drones back at Earth in a couple of...” Nelson glanced over at the digital clock mounted above the door, “Minutes... maybe ten. Besides those minor inconveniences, we have a few pipes that need tightening... and some computers that need monitoring... shit man, we don’t have that much to do.” Nelson waved his arms in the air, only to have them fall back down and smack his knees.

“This isn’t the first shift I’ve been on where I had nothing to do,” Johnny said as he swallowed the last bit of hash. Getting up, he did the same as Nelson, rinse off the plate and stick it in the washer; drying his hands on the dish towel, he tossed it onto the counter. “Well, might as well tighten those pipes. Don’t want any leaks sprouting up, we’ve already lost enough water as it is.”


“Oi, how much do you got left down there?” Nelson shouted over the loud rumbling of Horizon’s mighty engines and running water.

“Three more, how about you?” Johnny yelled back. He was on his knees right in front of a wall of pipes that occasionally fired a jet of steam through the small creases. He wiped the sweat off his brow; the intense heat felt as if it was killing him. The blue polo he had found in his room clung to his chest. Clamping the monkey wrench around the first of the three remaining bolts, he began to tighten it as if he was in some sort of competition, trying to get his work done as quickly as possible so he could get out of the belly of this beast.

“Only two more!” Nelson replied. Raising his arms he did his best to dry the sweat off his face. “Goddamn I wish them engineers would install air conditioning down here!”

Johnny chuckled. “Same here,” he agreed so quietly that Nelson didn’t hear him. Finishing the first of the three, bolts he moved onto the second.

“Say, sir... did you have any loved ones?” Nelson unexpectedly called over a loud hiss of steam.

Johnny eyes fell for a second, the question catching him completely off guard. A few moments passed of just sitting there staring at the floor. Finally, he sighed and got back to work. “Yes,” he called back, not really wanting to discuss this at the very moment. Not wanting to waste a conversation, he decided to humor the boy, “I have a daughter back in the vaults.”

“How old is she?” Nelson asked as he tightened his last bolt. He stepped back away from the wall of pipes and turned to face Johnny.

Johnny, who was just now finishing his last bolt. replied, “Ten years old... She turned ten only a few days before the collapse,” With one last twist, he released the wrench and let it hang there on the pipe. “Well... now I’d say she’s about... six thousand some years old.” He chuckled sadly.

Nelson approached him. “A shame you couldn’t bring her long, I’m sorry to hear that,” he said honestly.

Johnny stood up and cracked his back. “Even if they said she was healthy, I wouldn’t have been able to bring her any way.”

“Why is that?” Nelson asked, curious.

“She was al–”

Johnny was cut off by the loud booming echo of the ship’s A.I. “Lifeforms detected repeat, life forms detected on planetary surface. All overseers please report to the central control room. Repeat, life forms detected...” The A.I. continued to repeat the same message another three times before finally falling silent.

The two overseers sat there staring dumbly at the ceiling, as if they were waiting for a sign. “Wai... What?” Nelson mumbled slowly as the message sank into his head. His eyes widened, and he sprung into a full on sprint towards the elevator at the far end of the corridor.

Seconds later, Johnny was following shortly behind. “It has to be the data from Caroline's drones!” Nelson shouted back, as if Johnny didn’t already know this. “They must have picked up traces of some lifeforms years ago! Whoo!” Nelson cheered happily like a young kid who had just beaten his brother’s high score.


The large spherical central control room came to life as the doors slid open and the duo ran in. Both of them nearly stumbled over the loose wires that were strung across the floor, linking up the many machines to the center prototype hologlobe now materializing in front of them. “Computer,” Nelson shouted as he leapt over a chair that was left in the center of the room by its previous occupants, “Status report.”

A large monitor that hung from the ceiling behind the hologlobe flickered to life. Vast amounts of numbers and letters littered the screen like something out of the Matrix movie. At least, that’s what Johnny thought as he examined the screen. To him it didn’t make a lick of sense. Looking over at Nelson, he saw that the boy had the largest shit eating grin he’d ever seen. “What’s it saying?” he asked.

Nelson turned his head over to Johnny before snapping back towards the screen. “They’re life signatures! They’re bloody life signatures!” Nelson’s excitement bursted like a balloon.

Johnny glanced back at the screen, now overflowing with numbers and letters. “It’s like they’re all sprouting up simultaneously...” he said in wonderment, as he approached the machine.

“Now that you mention it, they are...” Nelson turned away from the screen and made his way towards the nearest computer. Pulling up a chair he sat down and began observing the data first hand. “The scan for life began thirty years prior and finished ten years after...” he mumbled to himself while reading over the information.

“So you’re saying over the span of four decades, life just... popped up?” Johnny looked over his shoulder.

“Judging by what this says... yeah...” He trailed off.

“Is that even possible?” Johnny walked over, and leaned over Nelson’s shoulder to observe the information himself. “Hassel and the Lab coats said that the Earth was destined to be a frozen wasteland for thousands of years... maybe even longer.”

“I-I don’t know,” Nelson shrugged. “I only work with computers and numbers, so I got nothing...”

“Could it be a bug?” Johnny asked.

“Why would there be a...” Nelson stopped, his eyes focusing on the monitor that stopped producing information. Leaning in, he got a closer look.

Johnny shifted his weight from foot to foot, confused as to why Nelson stopped so abruptly. “Is something wrong?”

“Yeah... b-but don’t worry, it’s fine.” He quickly added at the end. “For some reason, drone forty six stopped transmitting information... along with forty seven, and eight.” He said as he worked. Johnny didn’t speak, but instead he continued to let Nelson workout the situation. “Oh shit...” He cursed under his breath.

“What happened?” John asked, hiding his nervousness deep inside.

“Forty seven and forty six must’ve collided and gotten pulled into the planet’s atmosphere...” Nelson said, and, as if on cue, two messages appeared on the monitor. “Right here,” he said tapping the screen. “At exactly October 12th, 8002 at oh eight hundred, drones forty seven and forty six signaled their distress calls only hours apart from each other.”

“Are you still able to access their data banks now?” Johnny asked.

Nelson looked back at him dumbly. “Well, not now, they're both probably eroded away.”

Johnny rolled his eyes. “Well, the information that the drone transmitted, are you able to receive anything else from it after it crash landed.”

“I doubt it... at the velocity they were going at, I doubt on collision let alone the impact on the planet’s surface, they’d be blown to dust...” Nelson said.

“Those drones are made of the strongest alloys on Earth, they could survive a nuclear shock wave and only make it out with a few scratches. I doubt one collision and a crash landing would even dent these suckers.” He said gazing at the screen. “See if you can get any visuals from the ground with the camera.”

Nelson looked at Johnny and shrugged. “I’ll see what I can do.” Leaning forward in his seat, he began to type, and in the matter of a few short seconds, a flickering window appeared on the screen. Static, along with the occasional sound of a crackling fire, poured through the speakers. The image on the monitor flickered on and off, distorting the picture it tried to present, but the sound came through cleanly, despite the static

“Wha–everypo–ack–” Words. The two men were hearing actual words coming through the speakers!

“My God...” Johnny whispered, his eyes wide in shock. People... other living, breathing people, human beings that were on Earth. “We actually made it.”

Author's Note:

Well here it is, the officially first rewrite of the entire story. I decide to take down the old chapters and rewrite them, seeing that I am now taking a slightly different direction with this story. I would like to thank Wulf, Nuclear Grenade, Terminal and... that one guy I forgot his name.... shiiiit... well you know who you are guy!