• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 21,074 Views, 1,607 Comments

Lazarus: The Rise of Man - Immortan Joe

When the Cataclysm struck, Earth was plunged into an eternal darkness and Mankind was assumed to be extinct, left in the forgotten books of history. But what if they never truly died out? What if they're asleep? And what if they woke up?

  • ...

Chapter 21: Arrival

“Alpha Papa to Hotel Quebec, we are thirty klicks from the AO, how copy over?”

John leaned over from his chair and placed a hand to to his ear transceiver. “Roger that, Alpha Papa, continue on route to the AO. The road appears clear ahead, proceed to the LZ and await instructions. Over.”

“Roger that. Out.”

John took a breath and let off a small sigh. “Give me a sitrep on the drones,” John said as he looked at one of the analysts.

The man John spoke to turned his head before nodding. “Nothing to report on Predator forty; forty two, however, is having connection issues. We assume it may have encountered some kind of bad weather on its way to survey the anomaly that was sixty-two.” John nodded his head.

“Leave that on the back burner for now, focus on the mission, I want another sweep of the Equine Capital!” John ordered, the few drone pilots in the room nodded and activated their links with Predator Forty. The image feed on the main monitor came to life, showing off the vast city that covered most of the the mountain’s side and summit. At first the feed showed nothing but the calm and rather surreal scenery that was the city, the drone buzzing lightly around the mountain at a brisk two hundred kilometers an hour while flying fifteen thousand meters in the air.

The drone completed a circuit around the mountain after a few minutes. Squinting at a point on the feed, John pointed to the man remotely piloting the Predator. “Focus on that station towards the end of those railroad tracks,” he said while gesturing towards what he wanted. The man nodded his head and trained the drone’s camera upon said station before zooming in on it. The feed blurred slightly as the camera focused, within a few seconds the feed displayed dozens of Capitol citizens running out of the station, the faces slightly blurred but the expressions were clearly obvious. They looked terrified.

Though it could’ve been anything these things were afraid of. Yet, if it was something that proved a threat to the VIPs and their accompanying retinue of soldiers , he had to alert them. John took a breath and brought a hand up to his ear piece. “Alpha Papa, be advised we have detected civil unrest within the Equine Capital, as of now it is unclear what the direct cause is. Continue to proceed with extreme caution and keep your ears open. Over.”

“Roger that. Out.”

“Any idea what that could be?” A voice came from behind John, turning around he saw Caroline, the second central commanding officer, approaching him. John smiled and straightened himself out.

“Could be anything for all we know. Terror attack, a mugging, etcetera,” John said as he turned back to the live footage. The station was now being surrounded by what looked to be Equine soldiers, the golden armored knights. “Whatever it is it seems to have stirred up quite the hornet’s nest.”

“Sir!” A shout came from their left, both John and Caroline turned to a man standing up at his computer. “The submarines,” The cadet turned to look at them, “they’re moving for the coast line!”


Manehattan, October 16th 14:00

“Alright c’mon this way!” Winter Dawn hissed as she poked her head out of a nearby alley, hoof waving for Twilight and her crew to follow. Twilight sighed softly as Rainbow Dash landed beside the four other ponies and the five of them ducked into the alleyway. “I know a secret pathway that’ll help us get out of the city unseen.”

“Y’know, Twilight, can just teleport us out of here,” Pinkie suggested and Winter stopped and looked at her, she then turned her head to look at Twilight.

“Really?” The mare asked dumbfounded before shaking her head.

Twilight nodded and shrugged. “I could but...I might have a migraine for the next day or so.” Twilight looked at the others, she could do it, but the thought of having to suffer through another headache like she had done before wouldn’t be fun.

“N-never mind that, if Mistress Mare was smart enough she’d have unicorns all around here waiting for me to do something like that!” Winter dropped one of her few saddlebags and pulled out a small pony-made crowbar.

Both Pinkie and Rainbow Dash blinked, confused as to what the strange pony meant. Rainbow glanced at Twilight and opened her mouth to ask but Twilight already knew. “Magic tracers, they’re trackers that can detect the usage of magic in the air. If somepony is skilled enough, it is possible for them to figure out what the magic was used for and where it may have taken the one who used it.” Rainbow blinked once more and cocked her head before glancing at Pinkie Pie.

“That’s a thing?” Pinkie asked.

“Yes!” Winter Dawn pried open a sewer entrance with the crowbar along with the help of Rarity’s magic. “And there’s no time to explain the technicals!” She pointed with a hoof to the sewer. “We need to g––”

“Oh ho- no darling.” Rarity shook her head, cutting Winter short. “There’s no way I’m going in there.”

“Cannonball!” Pinkie cried out as she dove into the hole, startling Rarity in the process.

Winter glared at Rarity and shook her head. “To Tartarus with it, fine! You’re not being hunted...” Winter took a breath and looked at Twilight with a softer look. “Look, I’m sorry for being brash, but I need to get out of this city. I’m not trying to be mean to you guys just because I can, I’m just––”

“Scribe Dawn!” A shout came from the opposite end of the Alleyway, within seconds, without even glancing back, Winter Dawn dove into the sewer. Twilight’s eyes widened as she looked towards their pursuers. At the edge of the alley were two ponies, a stallion and mare dressed in reporter outfits gazing towards them. The unicorn mare lit her horn and growled when Twilight’s eyes met hers, it was the counterfeit guard.

“What are you lot doing!” Winter shouted up and out from the hole. “We need to get going!”

“Yeah c’mon!” Pinkie yelled up. “It’s amazing in here! It's dark, it smells... I also think i just found Gummy’s parents! Or is that his uncle..”

Twilight bit her lip and ignored Pinkie. “She’s right girls!” She looked to her friends. “We’ve been seen and there’s nothing we can do, hop in while I throw up a ba––” Twilight’s sentence was caught short by a blast of magical energy striking her chest, causing her to tumble back a few feet. All the girls gasped aloud as Twilight caught her footing at the last second and recovered, her chest burning and breathing ragged as she couldn’t help but be shocked and also utterly angry.

“How dare you!” Rainbow Dash roared as she turned and glared at the smiling unicorn mare, whose horn was still smoking. Her teeth clenched tightly together, her wings flaring as she dashed at the mare with full force.

“Don’t!” Twilight shouted out, stopping Dash in her tracks. “Stick to the plan! Go with Dawn, I’ll keep them back!” Rainbow hesitated and bit her lip, as she came to a decision. Shaking her head she growled and dove into the manhole along with Rarity who reluctantly dove in before Applejack.

“Who are you?!” Twilight stumbled a bit towards the ponies, the magical blast having struck her hard in her now singed chest. “What do you want with Winter Dawn?!”

The reporter pony Twilight recalled to be Pen Writer smirked. “Nothing that concerns you, False Princess.” Twilight recoiled slightly, False Princess? She then scowled and took a step forward towards the two ponies, her magic dispelling the soreness where she had been struck.

“When I’m the one getting attacked, I very well think it concerns me.” Twilight straightened herself out and glared at the two. “Why are you going after Winter Dawn?” She asked once more, the unicorn mare glared at Twilight and took a few steps towards her before face planting into a lavender barrier Twilight had constructed just mere seconds ago, she wasn’t in the mood for getting shot again.

The other mare stumbled and shook her head now frustrated. “Are you deaf? He said this doesn’t concern you or anyone else!” The mare growled and glared at Twilight with fiery eyes.

Twilight ignored the girl. “You questioned me on the train about the humans in Bramblewood.” Both ponies on the other end of the barrier scowled. “How much do you know about them?” The stallion turned away from this.

“Forget it. She’s just wasting our time!” The stallion went to trot away from Twilight but ended up smashing into another barrier behind him, keeping them from getting away. “What the?”

Twilight snorted as she found this quite humorous. “Why is it that everypony forgets that I’m one of the most magically advanced ponies in all of Equestria?” Her magic box that had formed around the ponies lifted, picking the two pursuers off the ground. The two let out a yelp of shock, their eyes now wide. “Now. You will answer my questions, first I want to know your names.”

“Screw you!” The mare spat at Twilight. “You aren’t getting anything from us!”

Twilight took a breath and shook her head. “Talk like that and we’ll be here for a while,” Twilight said but then stopped when she noticed something odd.

The city had fallen strangely quiet.


Manehattan Harbor Restaurant, October 16th 14:10

Fluttershy giggled and sat back in her chair at an outside restaurant seating, her eyes following the tiny Discord on his train as he traveled around tooting his horn across the table. Suddenly his train’s brakes screeched as his eyes widened as the locomotive derailed and exploded into a colorful barrage. The yellow pegasus eeped as the draconequus reappeared beside her. “And then millions were hurt!”

The pegasus pouted and looks up at Discord, who now stood beside her. “Well...I guess you do have a point.” Discord chuckled and teleported back into his seat across from Fluttershy, taking his teacup in his claws he bit a chunk out of it and chewed before swallowing. Grabbing a napkin he dabbed his lips and chin gently.

“Well Fluttershy, that’s what friends are for. I’m just here to share my opinion, which is right by the way.” He chuckled and leaned back in his seat. “On another note I must say, this tea has been quite scrumptious.” Fluttershy nodded her head in agreement.

“But uh...Discord, I think you should drink it, not eat it,” The mare said as Discord ate the rest of his tea, cup and all. His eyes locked with her’s and he blinked before swallowing.

“Whatever do you mean? We’re here for lunch after all.” He placed his hands on the table, resting them as he looked at her rather confused.

Fluttershy sighed softly, going out with Discord was always interesting, but also very tiring. “Yes. But we’re waiting for them to make it first. That’s why they had us order.” Discord tilted his head like a confused dog, Fluttershy impatiently rolled her eyes before looking out at the busy street. Her eyes gazed over the passing carriages before noticing something rather odd, the sewer entrance on the sidewalk closest to the restaurant popped open. Her eyes raised slightly when she saw a snowy white unicorn climb out of the hole, followed by a dirty gasping and crying Rarity, a disgruntled Rainbow Dash, and a determined Apple Jack.

“Oh dear me...” Fluttershy hopped out of her chair, leaving Discord to steal the waiter’s moustache and place it on his own face.

“I wanna die!” Rarity cried, her hooves cradling her sludge covered mane, her white fur not really white in the slightest. Now it was a yellow and brown mix, Rainbow sighed and looked at the other white mare.

“We need to go back for Twilight,” She said sternly and the white mare shook her head.

“No. Going back is the stupidest thing to do right now,” The mare said before looking over the three ponies. “Wasn’t there four of you a minute ago?”

Rainbow Dash was too busy fuming over the thought of not going back. She opened her mouth, ready to rip this pony a new one but was stopped when Applejack cut in, “Yeah, where is Pinkie?” As if on cue, Pinkie Pie clambered out of the hole, her eyes narrow as she cursed and kicked at something roaring and snarling inside the sewer. She climbed out of the hole and slammed the cover back over it, and took a few deep breaths.

“That was definitely not Gummy’s parents!” The pink mare snapped and took in a breath before finally gaining control, turning her head she gasped and smiled widely. “Fluttershy!” The pink mare dashed with a blur and snagged the yellow pegasus from behind Applejack and smothered her.

Fluttershy’s face scrunched due to being squeezed, and the fact that Pinkie smelt like a sewer. Thankfully Discord’s presence caused the pink mare to release Fluttershy when he pushed the pony off of her.”Well color me orange,” he said as he literally turned orange. “To think I would see the four of you climbing out of a sewer with...” Discord looked at Winter Dawn who was gazing up at the creature with wide, glossy eyes. “A character I’ve never seen before.” Discord looked at the other four girls and sighed. “Say, where’s the purple one? Dusk was her name? No, Twilight!” Discord laughed. “Oh dear me, how could I forget her name.” He chuckled and fixed a tie he just had on.

Winter took a few steps back from Discord and shook her head before gazing out over at the harbor where ships and other boats were busy departing and leaving the bustling port. She then glanced back at the other ponies and Discord who were exchanging pleasantries, almost as if they had forgotten what was going on. Winter scowled and tapped the orange pony named Applejack on the back, Applejack glanced back and nodded her head.

“Where did y'all say you need to be?” AJ asked Winter who quickly realized she had never actually told them that she needed to be taken directly to Canterlot.

Winter nodded her head quickly, words spilling out, “I need to get to Canterlot, like right now. If we can sneak into the train station––”

“You need to get to Canterlot?” The pony stopped when she noticed Discord was speaking to her, she bit her lip and looked at the Draconequus, or what her father had told her, the God of Chaos.

“Y-Yeah...” She said softly.

“What do you mean get to Canterlot?” Rainbow Dash snapped “Twilight’s still with those crazy ponies!”

“She’s the Princess of Friendship and Magic!” Winter retorted. “I think she can easily manage two MONARCH Knights!” Dash opened her mouth to speak but found Discord snatching her mouth along with Winter’s, to which both mares would start to panic at the rather horrific action.

“Did both of you mention Monarch?” He asked softly, his voice sounding rather stern. “I haven’t heard that name in over three millennia.” Both of the freaked out ponies gazed up at Discord, Winter’s head nodding rapidly, after a few moments Discord returned their mouths.

“Yes I did!” Winter said in Rainbow Dash’s voice.

“Whoa! What the?!” Dash said in Winter’s voice before practically flying out of her skin.

Discord laughed out loud. “Whoops! I must’ve swapped your mouths by accident,” he chuckled and took each of their mouths and swapped them once again. Winter began panting, her heart racing as she was now officially freaked out, how could one of the elements of harmony be friends with such a terrifying being?

Discord chuckled. “So that pathetic group of ponies reappeared after all this time.” He shook his head. “I never expected Lulu would ever have needed to bring them back.”

“She didn’t though!” Winter looked up at Discord. “It was Mistress Heir’s father!”

“Who?” Discord blinked to which Winter sighed and shook her head.

“Nevermind that, we don’t have time,” Winter growled, her impatience getting the best of her. “I need to get to Canterlot right now and present this information to the Princesses!” Discord cocked an eyebrow and looked at Fluttershy and the other ponies who simply shrugged.

“Who cares what this pony has, we need to go back for Twilight!” Rainbow blurted out. “Is nopony else concerned?!”

“Darling,” Rarity looked at Rainbow who was shifting slightly. “I’m confident that Twilight is alright, but if you’d like to you can go and check on her.”

AJ nodded her head in agreement with Rarity. “Speakin’ of Twi, she seemed to think whatever Miss Winter has here was urgent as well.” Applejack thought for a moment before turning to look at Discord. “Eh, Discord, ya think you can just...tear a hole in the air that could, ya know, lead us to Canterlot?”

Discord snorted and laughed. “Of course I can! If you really wanted, I can teleport you to Celestia’s Royal bath where’s she’s bathing right now!” Before anyone could say anything, Discord swung his claws through the air, his sharp edges literally tearing a hole through the fabric of space and time. A portal appeared before the ponies, a swirling image coming into view and settling to reveal Celestia herself scrubbing her coat off in the bathroom, humming a song to herself. Turning around Celestia’s eyes widened and her body jolted in surprise.

“DISCORD!” She nearly shouted and Discord snickered before waving a paw.

“Hey, Celestia!” He continued waving. “I’m just stopping by to drop somepony important off for you!” Stretching his arm over, Discord grabbed Winter by the nape of her neck.

“Uhduhwh-what?! Wait!” Winter began to hyperventilate, but before the unicorn could blink out of Discord’s hand, the Draconequus tossed her through the portal, causing her to land just before the bathtub.

“Take good care of her Tia, she’s a good girl!” With that, Discord resealed the portal.

Winter laid on the floor of the Royal Bathroom, stammering and breathing heavily, her composure nearly shattered. Gazing up, she saw Celestia looking down at her from the water. Shuddering softly Winter’s face fell into the ceramic flooring. “What the hay just happened?” she asked herself.

The room was silent for quite some time, Celestia had shortly after climbed out of her tub and magically dried herself. “So Discord sent you here saying you had information?” Winter gazed back up and took a few deep breaths, she sat back on her haunches and nodded her head, her eyes averting the Princess’s gaze. She did not feel worthy to be in Celestia’s presence.

It took a few moments, but Winter finally answered, “Yes... one of the Elements asked him if he could transport me here....” Celestia looked down at the pony before her and nodded slightly.

“Fluttershy was it?” Winter shook her head and kept her gaze to the floor.

“No... it was the orange one.” Celestia nodded once more and stepped towards Winter. “Applejack, I think that was her name,” she added shortly after and flinched when she felt Celestia standing over her.

Celestia took a small breath and smiled warmly at the mare, she knelt down slightly. “Tell me, what is your name?” Celestia asked.

Winter shifted and kept her gaze locked downwards. “Winter Dawn,” she mumbled softly.

Celestia pursed her lips slightly, the name sounded familiar. Had Twilight referenced her at some point? She shook her head slightly and looked at Winter. “Why do you avert your gaze? You are not in trouble,” she assured her.

Winter bit her lip, and hesitantly looked up at Celestia. “I-it’s because, Princess, I-I have wronged you and everypony...” Celestia frowned and leaned back.

“How so?” She asked, her voice still soft.

Winter bit her lower lip. “I-it’s because I used...I used to uh...roll with the wrong crowd. I worked with a group called Monarch.” This seemed to garner Celestia’s full attention.

“Oh?” Celestia blinked, her eyes slightly widened. “I have not heard that name in quite some time. Does that explain the scar on your eye?” Celestia asked. “You left them, and they didn’t quite agree with that.” Winter bit her lip and nodded. “Such cruel ponies, to think my own subjects would resort to such practices.” Celestia pushed herself up onto her hooves, leaning down she helped push Winter up onto her hooves as well. Winter yelped at Celestia’s touch and jumped straight up, the Princess smelled like roses and other various flowers, her coat was also slightly damp as well.

“Yes. I agree, that’s why I left them!” Winter said feeling a little more confident. “They want you gone, Princess, a-and... after what I learned, I think they might just have a chance too! I gathered everything I could, and that’s why I came here! With your help we can stop them!” Celestia looked at the mare, her eyes narrowing as she nodded her head.

“Allow me to get dressed and I’ll hear everything you have to say, Miss Winter,” Celestia said and Winter smiled widely and nodded her head.

“Thank you, Princess! Believe me, you won’t––”

“Your Highness!” Came the shout of a male guard outside the door. “There’s an Emergency down in the castle yard!” Celestia quickly turned to the door and went over to it, with her magic she pulled it open.

“Inform me as to what is happening,” Celestia said before glancing back. “Come Winter, I want you beside me!” Winter nodded her head and quickly gathered her things before following behind Celestia.

The guard beside the Princess began to explain, “An iron creature appeared in the train station and has made its way to the Castle, it uses some kind of charade and images to communicate. As of now it’s docile and seems to just want to speak with you. However, the sky watchers have reported two flying, metal chariots approaching the city at high speeds. It seems to be same ones that was here the other day.”

Celestia took a breath. “Great. Three meetings at once.” She muttered softly as they quickly made their way to the main Castle entrance, it would appear she didn’t have time to get dressed.


Discord dusted his hands off and smiled at Applejack and the others. “I told you guys I could do it!” He said, his eyes hopping between the unimpressed ponies. “Oh c’mon! That was funny!”

Rainbow rolled her eyes as Discord crossed his arms and muttered something about a tough audience. “I’m going back for Twilight, if any of you want to come, you better keep up.” Pinkie giggled and nodded her head.

“Is that a race I’m hearing?” The mare giggled as she knew she was probably one of the only ponies who could beat Dash.

“Pinkie this is serious, now let's go!” Rainbow threw herself into the air and opened her wings and began to fly back towards the direction of Twilight, only to stop when she noticed something out of her peripheral vision. “What the... hay...?” Dash drifted off and slowly lowered herself to the ground. “Guys!” she shouted to the girls who looked over at her. “What’s that?” Rainbow asked as she pointed her hoof towards the harbor and the horizon– or what was left of the horizon.

All that was there now were three, massive ships sitting no further than seven miles from the shore. Stealing her eyes away, Dash quickly realized she wasn’t the only one who noticed these mysterious giant vessels, it seemed the whole coast line had fallen silent, their eyes glued on whatever those things were. Looking back to her friends, Dash noticed something else, Discord was nowhere to be seen.